Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Meet acquaintances

Liu Ji heard that Liu Pi said that he was going to live in this market town for one night, and immediately turned his head to the twin sisters Lin Xia and Lin Xiwen sitting in the carriage and said: “Xia, Xiwen, it seems that I can only live in this town tonight. It’s one night!”

Lin Xiya said softly: “It’s fine for the son to decide. Our sisters all listen to the son.”

Lin Xiwen also said with a grin: “Anyway, with the son, there are so many martial arts and powerful family generals to protect, there is no need to worry about safety anywhere.”

After leaving the bandit cottage, the time has passed 3 days. During these 3 days, Liu Ji’s relationship with the twin sisters became much closer. Liu Ji finally figured out through trial and error that Lin Xiya and Lin Xiwen said that they follow them. The meaning of, really is the same as what I thought, this pair of stunning women is really willing to be their own woman.

While Liu Ji was agitated, he did not make any other non-discriminatory actions towards Lin Xiya and Lin Xiwen, and he did not even touch the twin sisters’ little hands.

It’s not that the twin sisters didn’t let Liu Ji take advantage, but that Liu Ji was so speechless in his previous life. He had never talked about a girlfriend. In addition to solving his physical needs by himself, he had no experience with a woman and a real gun, theoretical knowledge. It has accumulated a lot from Japanese love action movies.

Although the twin sisters are willing to be their own women, Liu Ji is a little shy in this regard. He can’t wait to put Lin Xia and Lin Xiwen on the bed immediately, but the surface is still polite.

Lin Xiya and Lin Xiwen have found many advantages in Liu Ji these days, such as Liu Ji’s talent, Liu Ji’s conversation, Liu Ji’s wit, Liu Jiping’s peaceful personality, and attitude towards people, which made the two sisters think , Encountering Liu Ji is a gift from God to their sisters. The two sisters can’t wait to immediately agree to Liu Ji. Even the son of Zhao, whom Lin Xia secretly liked in Qinhuai City before, was gradually remembered by Lin Xia. Erased.

It’s a pity that Liu Ji has always been polite to them. They just have some thoughts about giving or giving, and they can only hide it. Girls can’t take the initiative in this kind of thing!

After listening to the two sisters, Liu Ji shouted to the outside of the carriage: “Liu Pi, let Huaxiong and the others find a place to live. We will rest in this town tonight.”

Liu Ji and the others now have 5 war horses. Except for the 2 war horses, which are still pulling the carriage, Hua Xiong, Le Yi and Gong are all riding the other 3 war horses, while Liu Pei and Youtong sit in front of the carriage, while Chen Hao Catching the ox cart behind.

After these 3 days of contact, Liu Ji found that although Chen Hao is not a fool, he must be a little lacking in mind. However, lack of mind and eyes have the advantages of lack of mind and eyes. After being tricked by Liu Ji into his subordinates, Liu Ji almost obeyed Liu Ji. There is no discount for what he is told to do.

And even though Chen Hao is very fierce, he is actually kind. He gets along well with the five generals summoned by Liu Ji. Hua Xiong, Le Yi and others also like this big man with no heart, even Liu Niuniu. Willing to stay with Chen Hao and let Chen Hao play with her.

Soon Huaxiong, Le Yi and Gong all found an empty courtyard on the side of the street, and not long after Liu Ji and others moved into the courtyard, the streets of this market town suddenly became noisy.

“Youtong, go to the street and see what’s going on? Who is it?” Liu Ji heard a lot of people popping up on the street, and immediately asked Youtong to check it out. After all, this market town is not safe, otherwise it’s not here. It may be empty.

“Yes, lord!” You Tong put down the wood he was preparing to make a fire, and walked out of the yard with his own weapon, and the other generals in the yard who were preparing to cook dinner also took their weapons in their hands.

After a while, Youtong returned to the yard, “Master, there are a group of people who have fled from Wanzhou. There are at least a few hundred people. It should also be planned to spend the night in this town. However, there are not many old, young, women and children inside. In addition, there are about 20 males wearing leather armor, but these armored males are not like victims of the disaster.”

Liu Ji didn’t care when he heard that it was a refugee who was fleeing. Even if there were 20 men in armor, he still ordered several generals: “As long as those people don’t enter our yard, we don’t need to care about it and stay overnight. Everyone, be careful, disaster victims can also become robbers this year.”

Liu Ji now has some food in his hands, but he himself has many people to support, so Liu Ji did not take the initiative to help the victims, and there are hundreds of victims outside. Liu Ji has a family background, at most Enough for this group of victims to eat a few meals.

After this group of victims entered this market town, except for a group of heavily armed young men, the other victims immediately roared in the market to search for everything useful to them, especially food, and Liu Ji lived in the yard, because Several military commanders stood outside the courtyard for a while, and the victims wittily bypassed the courtyard where Liu Ji and the others lived.

In the evening, Liu Ji, Liu Niuniu and the twin sisters were eating dinner in a room. At this time, Hua Xiong walked into the room and said to Liu Ji: “Master, the group of victims outside, some people want to ask to see the Lord.”

Liu Ji frowned The victims wanted to see themselves, could it be that they came to ask for alms, “Let them choose someone to come in and wait for me in the yard first.”

“Yes, lord!”

At this time, the twin sister Lin Xiwen asked: “My son, do the victims want to let us ask for some food?”

Liu Ji sighed and said, “It should be us who came to alms.”

Twin sister Lin Xiya said softly: “My son, please help if you can! There are so many people who starve to death along the way!”

Liu Ji nodded and said, “It’s okay to even out a few hundred catties of the grain in our hands. Let me see you first!”

Hua Xiong walked out of the house and came to the courtyard gate of the courtyard. At this moment, Youtong and Liu Pi were both standing outside the courtyard gate, and 5 people stood opposite them. They were really not dressed like the victims. 4 of them were wearing leather armor. , Carrying weapons, iron shields and bows and arrows, while the other middle-aged man is wearing a blue cotton robe without any weapons.

Huaxiong said in a deep voice to the five people: “My lord asked you to choose one person to go in!”

The middle-aged man in a cotton robe smiled and said, “Thanks to this strong man, then someone Chen will go in!”

Then the middle-aged man said to the four samurai around him: “You are waiting here!”

When Liu Ji walked out of the house, he saw the middle-aged man in the yard. He felt that the middle-aged man was a bit familiar. After seeing Liu Ji, the middle-aged man suddenly shouted in surprise: “Master Biao, why are you here? Liu? Where’s the master?”

said the young master, and Liu Ji immediately knew from his memory who the middle-aged man in front of him was.

This middle-aged man was a housekeeper in the family of his dead mother. Last year, his uncle Chen Yan sent a cart of grain to his father, and it was this housekeeper who brought it to him.

“Uncle Chen, why are you here?”

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