Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Bandits of Weihuzhai

Liu Ji and his party walked for more than a day in Gongxian County, and then they entered the mountainous area at the junction of Yongzhou and Anhui. Liu Ji immediately sent Youtong and Gong both to explore the road ahead. After all, there are many bandits in this mountainous area. , They carried more than 20 carts of food, which is likely to be the target of the bandits.

As long as he is not a large group of bandits, with the power in his hands at this time, Liu Ji is not too worried, and just can take this opportunity to use small groups of bandits to practice soldiers, but Liu Ji does not want to go into the bandits’ ambush circle in a confused manner. In that case, even if all the bandits were finally wiped out by the eight generals under his command, his own losses would have been amazing. Now Liu Ji has only 150 soldiers who have trained for a few days, and he can’t afford too much loss.

You Tong and Gong Du each rode a war horse, and walked in front of the team. The distance was only less than 200 steps. The mountain road was surrounded by barren mountains with heavy ridges. Suddenly, You Tong frowned and urged the horse to get closer to Gong Du. , Said a few words in a low voice, Gong Du looked at the barren mountains on both sides of the distance, and then he dialed the horse back to the team behind, while Youtong controlled the horse, stopped in the middle of the mountain road, and took the double-headed knife. Put it in your hand.

“Three masters, have the two cavalry in front noticed, how did they stop?” On a mountain about a hundred steps away from Youtong, a bandit leader whispered to Zhang Xiong, the third master of Weihu Village. Asked, and just beside Zhang Xiong, the third master of Weihu Village, and the bandit leader, at least nearly 200 bandits from Weihu Village were lying in ambush here.

Zhang Xiong, the third master of Weihu Village, saw Gong Du riding his horse back to the rear convoy. The convoy immediately stopped, and the soldiers escorting the carriage began to gather in front. He immediately stood up and shouted to the bandits around him: Follow the village master to kill and go down the mountain, don’t let the fat sheep run away!”

As soon as Zhang Xiong’s voice fell, nearly 200 bandits “hull–” stood up from the wild grass, followed by the third master Zhang Xiong, shouting and rushing down the mountain, and suddenly appeared on the opposite barren mountain. Nearly 200 bandits came and rushed down the barren mountain with a bandit leader.

The bandits from the barren mountains on both sides gathered on the mountain road, and under the two bandit leaders, they quickly rushed in the direction of the convoy.

You Tong, who was exploring the road ahead, suddenly discovered that there were reflections on the barren hills ahead. It should have been reflected by the sunlight from weapons. He immediately knew that he might have encountered bandits, so he immediately asked Gong Du to go back to report Liu Ji, and wait until the bandits were exposed. Following the trail, Youtong also pulled his horse back to the convoy behind.

The 150 soldiers were divided into three teams, all led by Le Yi for the time being. Knowing that there might be bandits in ambush in front of him, Le Yi immediately ordered the two teams to form a phalanx in front of the convoy, with five rows in each row. 20 people, this is composed of two teams of small squares. If they are separated, each small square still has five rows, but the number of people in each row has become 10 people.

The soldiers in the front row wore leather armor, iron helmets, steel knives and round wooden shields wrapped in cowhide. The soldiers in the second row had only steel knives and leather wooden shields. Only equipped with a wooden spear.

The weapon equipment of the soldiers is completely because Liu Ji has only a small amount of possessions in his hand, and they are all collected by various families in Qixian County. It is barely enough to equip 150 soldiers with weapons, and the rest of the auxiliary soldiers. It can only be empty-handed. If most of the Qixian soldiers had not taken the initiative to leave, the situation would be even worse.

Le Yi let the other team spread out on both sides of the convoy to prevent bandits from raiding the convoy from both sides.

The five generals Huaxiong, Le Yi, Youtong, Liu Pi, and Gong Du, who had war horses, lined up in front of the phalanx, while Liu Ji, Chen Hao and Cheng Yi, stood behind the phalanx. , Han Tao was left in the convoy leading the other team and dozens of auxiliary soldiers.

When the two bandit leaders saw that the guards of the front convoy suddenly formed a square formation, they all showed surprised expressions. Then the two bandit leaders slowed down in unison. Then Zhang Xiong, the third master, confronted the nearly 400 bandits behind him. A gesture of stopping was made.

“Fourth old, it seems that we have encountered hard stubble!”

“Brother, there is not too much food in our cottage, and we have robbed all the Zhuangzi that we can grab nearby. We finally ran into a fat sheep, but we can’t let it go!”

Hearing what the fourth master Li Qing said, the third master Zhang Xiong hesitated, and turned around and said to a bandit leader: “Send a few people to pull out the battle between me and the fourth master. Today, it looks like we have to fight a tough battle!”

Then Zhang Xiong said to Li Qing, the fourth master: “Fourth, let the children form the team, and our brothers will go up and test first, are these people silver guns and wax guns? We can be scared by them in Weihu Village. Up!”

After a while, several bandits brought the two war horses. Zhang Xiong, the third boss, and Li Qing, the fourth boss, stepped on the horses one after another, with nearly 400 bandits still in order, slowly pressing on. Hua Xiong et al.

“Listen to the people in front, I am Chiyunhu Zhang Xiong, the master of the three villages of Weihu Village, and Li Qing, the master of the four villages of Weihu Village next to me, if you know you, leave the carriage and grain behind www. Otherwise, kill or bury it!” Zhang Xiong shouted loudly on his horse.

In fact, after getting closer, Zhang Xiong could see clearly that the five generals of Huaxiong, Le Yi, Youtong, Liu Pi and Gong Du were all dressed in finely crafted iron armors, and he couldn’t help but retreat in his heart. Such finely crafted iron armors are definitely not ordinary people. The iron armor that Zhang Xiong wore on his body was far worse than others.

However, at this time Zhang Xiong is already in trouble, and he can’t retreat in despair. That would be too detrimental to the reputation of Weihuzhai. In addition, Zhang Xiong still has some confidence in himself and the martial arts of the fourth master Li Qing. Occupy the advantage in numbers.

Le Yi urged the horse to take a few steps forward and shouted loudly: “We are soldiers and horses rushing to the border of Qianzhou in Qixian County, Changping County, Yongzhou. We also ask this village master to be ambitious and get out of the way!”

At this time, the four masters Li Qing shouted: “At this time, going to Qianzhou to defend the border is different from sending to death. This village master sees that you might as well vote for our Weihu Village. You must know that our Weihu Village is in a mountainous area with a radius of hundreds of miles. , It can be regarded as one of the best big cottages. After going up the mountain, wouldn’t it be a pleasure for everyone to drink and eat big pieces of meat together? Why go to Qianzhou frontier fortress to die!”

Le Yi shook his head and said loudly: “We understand the good intentions of this village master, but we have a reason to go to Qianzhou to defend the border. It would be a battle to meet each other. We also invite the two village masters to be accommodating and accommodating.”

Third Master Zhang Xiong shouted: “No matter who you are, as long as you leave the carriage and food, you can go wherever you want to be on the sidelines, and we will never stop at Weihu Village!”

Le Yi snorted coldly and shouted: “In this case, it is useless to say more, let’s see the truth under our hands!”

As soon as Leyi’s voice fell, Gong Du urged the horse to rush to the front of the two sides, and swung his double-edged sword. “Qixian Liu Ji’s subordinate Hou Gong is here, who dares to fight me!”

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