Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Level 2 (Part 2)

Youtong heard the screams from behind, his footsteps stopped immediately, and quickly looked back, just in time to see that the fallen soldier was shot to death by an arrow, and immediately shouted: “Make up! Keep going!”

One soldier was shot dead. Although the faces of the other soldiers were pale, but Youtong gave an order, and one soldier with a shield immediately filled the position of the wooden ladder, and carried the wooden ladder to continue rushing towards Weihu Village. The second hurdle, the previous consecutive victories, made the morale of these soldiers flourish, but there was no chaos caused by the death of one person, and after a few days of training, these soldiers have been very clear that there is no military order to escape without permission. End.

Soon Chen Hao and others rushed under the stone wall of the second level, “Quick! Put up the wooden ladder!”

Just as the soldiers erected the wooden ladder, the bandits on the stone wall of the checkpoint also began to throw stones and rolling logs under the stone wall. However, some bandits held the stones or carried the rolling logs before they were thrown down. Gong Du’s arrow hit, and fell on the level with a scream, and then there was no sound.

When Chen Hao and others charged just now, the arrows shot by Le Yi and Gong Du never stopped. Almost half of the bandit archers on the level were shot to death or wounded by both Le Yi and Gong.

A wooden ladder was quickly erected and placed on the stone wall of the level. Chen Hao held an iron rod in one hand and the wooden ladder with the other hand. He quickly climbed up to the stone wall of the level.

“Quick! Push the ladder away! Don’t let the officers and soldiers climb up!” Fan Chong, the head of Weihu Village, saw the wooden ladder erected, and immediately shouted loudly at the bandits on the stone wall of the checkpoint.

The two bandits took the iron fork and then faced the top of the wooden ladder that Chen Haozheng was climbing, preparing to push the wooden ladder to it, but the two pieces of wooden piles at the top of the wooden ladder happened to be stuck on the wall. The bandit with the iron fork tried to suckle, but did not push the wooden ladder away.

“Throw a stone! Throw a stone! Kill them!” Wenda, the second master of Weihu Village, saw the wooden ladder that could not be pushed open, and shouted loudly while pulling a bow, preparing to release an arrow at Chen Hao who was climbing.

But before Wenda’s arrow was shot out, Wenda screamed, the bow and arrow in his hand fell directly outside the stone wall of the level, and Wenda also took a step back, “Puff–” and fell on his back. On the stone wall of the level, there was an arrow deep in his forehead, Wenda’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe that he died like this.

“The second master! It’s over, the second master is dead!” A bandit leader next to Wenda suddenly exclaimed. At this time, the master Fan Chong saw that Wenda was shot to death by an arrow. “Second brother-here. I smash! Give me a smash!”

The arrow that hit Wenda was shot by Le Yi. When both Le Yi and Gong saw Chen Hao starting to climb up the wooden ladder to the stone wall of the checkpoint, they immediately aimed their bow and arrow at the top of Chen Hao, not only Wenda. He was shot to death by an arrow, and several bandits who lifted a rock to smash Chen Hao were also shot dead by the arrows of Le Yi and Gong Du.

However, there were many bandits on the stone wall of the level. Some bandits threw down a big rock and hit Chen Hao who was climbing into the air. However, Chen Hao had been guarding against the arrows and the rolling wood on the level and saw a piece of it. The big stone flew towards him, holding the iron rod in one hand, and flew the big stone aside, while Chen Hao continued to quickly climb up the level.

After that, Chen Hao swept a big rock with an iron rod and climbed to the upper end of the wooden ladder. Then Chen Hao rushed up to the stack of stone walls of the checkpoint, and at the same time, the iron rod in his hand swept the next one to stack the wall. The next two bandits flew up, and the two bandits who flew up and vomiting blood knocked down several bandits next to them.

“Kill—” Chen Hao yelled, jumped off the wall, and rushed into the bandit crowd on the stone wall of the checkpoint. A **** storm was immediately set off. There was no bandit on the stone wall of the checkpoint. It was able to block Chen Hao’s power of a stick, and the great master of Weihu Village, Fan Chong, saw Chen Hao ascend the wall, without any hesitation, immediately turned around and fled along the stone ladder of the stone wall of the checkpoint.

After Chen Hao, You Tong also boarded the stone wall of the checkpoint, and then soldiers boarded the stone wall one after another. Soon the second checkpoint of Weihuzhai completely fell into Liu Ji’s hands .

In the second checkpoint of Weihu Village, 79 bandits in Weihu Village were killed, including Wenda, the second master of Weihu Village, and 157 bandits who voluntarily kneeled and surrendered were captured. Only the bandits from Weihu Village were captured. Fan Chong led a few bandits and fled to the third checkpoint.

However, Liu Ji’s second level finally suffered losses in Weihuzhai. A total of 3 soldiers were killed and 2 soldiers were injured, but the injuries were not serious.

Liu Ji first checked the injuries of the two wounded soldiers, tried a few words to them, and then, in front of everyone , he praised the generals and soldiers who participated in the victory. After a while, a lot of words of encouragement and appreciation were said.

After Liu Ji gave a long compliment, Le Yi immediately suggested: “Master, we have taken two hurdles in Weihu Village, which caused the remaining bandits in Weihu Village to be hit hard. Now in the entire Weihu Village, the bandits The number of people may be less than a hundred. The subordinates suggested that we should take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory, conquer the last stage of Weihuzhai, and completely seize Weihuzhai.”

Huaxiong also nodded and said: “Master, Le Yi has a reason. Huaxiong is willing to help the lord win the last checkpoint of Weihu Village!”

Although there were some casualties in the second level of the capture of Weihu Village, Liu Ji was very excited. In addition to collecting 82 soul points all of a sudden, he saw the scene of the ancient city seizing the city with his own eyes. Let Liu Ji’s blood boil, wishing to rush up with his knife.

Of course, this level of Weihuzhai is still very different from the city, but I saw my generals and soldiers up close, rushing to the stone wall of the enemy’s level, and after another battle, occupying the entire level. It also made Liu Ji very excited.

Another 82 soul points were collected, including the 79 bandits killed and the 3 dead soldiers under Liu Ji’s command, bringing Liu Ji’s soul value to 295 points. As long as he collects 5 more soul points, Liu Ji can do it. There are 3 chances to summon third-rate generals.

Liu Ji very much agreed with Le Yi and Hua Xiong’s words, so he ordered Youtong to lead a few soldiers to temporarily guard the second pass of Weihu Village, and the other two wounded soldiers were also left in the second pass. , 157 bandits were also temporarily handed over to Youtong for custody. Liu Ji, Huaxiong, Chen Hao, Le Yi, Gong Du, and the remaining 75 soldiers continued to advance to the third-generation checkpoint of Weihuzhai.

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