Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 587

Chapter 580 Fierce battle against Dawan City

On the morning of May 25th, Dajin 431, Liu Ji took Zhang Shaohua, Liu Meng, Zhang Baofeng, Chen Hao, Chen Zhong, Zhang Yun, Wei Yan, Xu Huang, Jiang Wei, and 164 puppet bodyguards. , There are 80 second-rate military commanders and 200 third-rate military commanders, dressed as a caravan, quietly left Gaochang City.

Although a war broke out between the Pokémon Army and Dawan, both sides did not block the trade route in the warring area, and it was difficult to block the trade route. After all, neither of these two forces could connect the various oases. The desert is completely sealed off.

Only Zhang Liang and Jia Xu were the ones who saw Liu Ji and others off. Jia Xu looked at the team going away and said to Zhang Liang with a worried expression: “The lord doesn’t know why, he has to take the risk personally? Once something accident happens, We… alas—”

Zhang Liang smiled bitterly and said: “Now it’s useless to say anything. I just hope that the lord can safely return to the Western Regions Protectorate. Otherwise, let alone the war with Dawan, our entire army will face a huge crisis. !”

“Can the lord seize Dawan City?”

“I don’t know, I hope the lord can create another miracle!”

The number of Liu Ji’s team has reached 454, while the number of horses is even more, more than 2,000. On average, each person has five horses. These horses carry water, food and a batch of horses. In addition to the silk used as goods, the more important role is to allow Liu Ji and others to transfer.

Liu Ji took this team and tried to avoid the cities along the way. Even in the area where the squadrons were fighting with the Dawan army, Liu Ji directly chose to go around the desert, but because Liu Ji and others could Constantly changing horses, Liu Ji and the others were not slow on their way.

Of course, you will inevitably encounter some Dawan troops on the road. If there are a large number of Dawan troops, Liu Ji will take people to avoid them. If it is a small group of Dawan troops, then Liu Ji took people to eat directly, and then destroyed the corpse.

Thanks to the small number of this team led by Liu Ji, it has not attracted the attention of the Dawan army. It took only eight days for Liu Ji and others to enter the Karawan province where the capital of Dawan is located. And within the territory of Karawan Province, it took another two days to arrive at Dawan City unimpeded all the way.

The country of Dawan has not been affected by the outbreak of war with the Possession Army, and there is still a scene of singing and dancing. As the capital of Dawan, Dawan City, there is no trace of war. June 5 In the morning, the caravan dressed up by Liu Ji and others entered Dawan City almost without any disturbance. Then, with the help of some Jin country merchants in Dawan City, Liu Ji and others quickly rented it in Dawan City. They left a very large courtyard, and the real identities of these Jin Dynasty merchants were the spies sent by Heishuitai to Dawan City.

On the night of June 5th, Zhang Yun, Wei Yan, Xu Huang, and Jiang Wei who were arranged to live in a room were not sleepy. Xu Huang said with a worried expression: “I don’t know that the elite troops mentioned by the lord are here. Where? If we rely on hundreds of people alone, it is impossible to capture Dawan City!”

Jiang Wei immediately said: “In fact, we don’t need to worry. Since the lord said that a group of elite troops have secretly arrived in Dawan City, then there must be a large number of soldiers to join us, just like when the lord led people to capture the Qingyi People’s Pingliang City. Like a juggling, the lord suddenly turned out hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, and finally captured the city of Pingliang in one fell swoop, forcing the Qingyi people to cede the entire western province, giving us another Huazhou in the Northern Metropolitan Government.”

Zhang Xi frowned and said: “I just don’t know how many elite troops the lord has mobilized this time. According to the information of Heishuitai, there are two cavalry regiments and four infantry regiments stationed in and outside the city of Dawan. These six legions can be described as elite divisions in the army of Dawan, and the population of Dawan city exceeds 5 million. There are also 3 or 4 million people on the outskirts of Dawan city. If our forces are too strong Less, it will be difficult to control the entire Dawan city.”

Wei Yan said in a deep voice: “I feel that the lord will definitely mobilize a lot of elite troops this time. The four of us are brigade lieutenants. The lord brought us all four this time, and also transferred more than 280 Sima. The generals indicate that the number of soldiers secretly gathered in Dawan City is at least more than 100,000, maybe more than 200,000.”

Xu Huang sighed and said, “Ah-I hope that the more elite troops gathered in Dawan City this time, the better. If we fail to capture Dawan City, it doesn’t matter if we all die in battle, but the lord must not. Nothing went wrong!”

Zhang Yun, Wei Yan, and Jiang Wei all became serious after hearing Xu Huang’s words. At this moment, a puppet bodyguard’s voice suddenly came from outside the room, “General Zhang Yun, the lord told you to immediately wear armor and belts. Get up the weapon and go to the backyard!”

The large courtyard rented by Liu Ji and others has a backyard with a large area. When Zhang Yunpiao came to the backyard neatly, his face suddenly appeared shocked. At this time, the backyard was already densely packed with heavily armed soldiers. .

“Lord… lord, what are these… when did these soldiers come?” The sudden appearance of a large number of soldiers gave Zhang Yun too much shock, and Zhang Yun couldn’t help but stumble a little.

Liu Ji, who had already put on his armor, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, “These soldiers belong to the ninth elite unit of our army, named Beifu soldiers. There are 2,400 Beifu soldiers here, all from secret roads. You immediately take these 2,400 Beifu soldiers to the imperial palace in Dawan City, and then more Beifu soldiers will join your troops. At all costs, you must take down Dawan as soon as possible. The palace of the city!”

Hearing Liu Ji’s order, Zhang Xi immediately took a deep breath: “The last general will lead!”

After Zhang Yun left with 2,400 Beifu soldiers, Liu Ji immediately summoned three groups of Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers, and then asked a puppet bodyguard to find Wei Yan and ordered Wei Yan to take the 2,400 soldiers from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Beifu soldiers seized several city gates east of Dawan City.

Liu Ji asked Zhang Shaohua, Liu Meng, and Zhang Baofeng to lead three groups of Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers to seize the other three gates of Dawan City. Xu Huang and Chen Hao led three groups of soldiers from the camp to attack a Dawan city. The barracks of the Chinese army, let Jiang Wei and Chen Zhong lead three groups of Tang Dynasty Mo knife soldiers to attack another Dawan army barracks in the city. There are only two large-scale barracks in Dawan city, and each barracks is stationed. Half an infantry corps, that is, the army of 50,000 Dawan.

Next, Liu Ji kept summoning the elite soldiers from the system, and then asked the second-rate or third-rate generals who came to Dawan City with him to bring a group of elite soldiers to support various launches. Attacking troops.

The smashing army appeared too suddenly, the army in Dawan City was not prepared at all, and Liu Ji was able to summon the elite soldiers very fast, so that all attacking troops soon had tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and captured the great army. Less than an hour after the Battle of Wancheng broke out, the gates on all sides of Dawan City had been captured by the Captive Army. At this time, the Dawan State Army outside the city had not rushed to support it.

However, the attacking troops of the three-way captives attacking the two barracks in the city and the Imperial Palace of Dawan encountered a lot of trouble. Liu Ji then continued to send reinforcements to these three-way troops, and the entire Dawan city shouted and killed almost Resounded through the clouds.

“Bang—” Dawan King Yeman patted the book case in front of him fiercely, and shouted with a gloomy face: “Who can tell this king, how did the Puppet Army appear in the city of Dawan?”

The Prime Minister Shafiq and a dozen civil servants and generals looked at each other with a confused look. They did not know why a large number of troops of the army broke out in the city of Dawan. The Prime Minister Shafiq and a dozen Famous civil servants and generals rushed to the palace to **** them after the chaos in the city, with the guards and family members of their respective residences.

Thanks to these civil servants and generals who brought many guards and family members to their respective residences. Otherwise, relying on more than 5,000 guards and hundreds of imperial guards in the imperial palace would not be able to stop the tens of thousands of soldiers from the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Prime Minister Shafiq immediately said in a hurry: “Your Majesty, the situation in the city is critical now. The gates on all sides have now fallen into the hands of the Raiders. This also indicates that it will be difficult for our troops outside the city to enter the city quickly. The two barracks were also attacked by the squadron troops, unable to send troops to support the palace. It is better to **** His Majesty the King to evacuate the palace before the squadrons have completely surrounded the palace!”

King Yeman snorted coldly and said: “I want to see how capable the Trapped Army is. I will not leave the palace. You immediately mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized in the city to reinforce the palace. Order all the eunuchs and court ladies in the palace to immediately receive their weapons, and at the same time order the two cavalry regiments and three infantry regiments outside the city to enter Dawan City as soon as possible, and destroy all the prisoners in the city!”

Prime Minister Shafiq opened his mouth and did not persuade King Yeman to leave the palace. Shafiq knew very well about the character of King Yeman. He knew what King Yeman decided. It would be useless to persuade him, so he should quickly find a way to mobilize more. Come to guard the palace!

After Liu Ji summoned all the 216,000 Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers, one hundred and two thousand Tang Dynasty Sword soldiers and 150,000 soldiers from the trapped camp stored in the system, he learned that Zhang Yun led more than 60,000 Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers. Still hadn’t won the most important palace in Dawan City, Liu Ji took one hundred and sixty-four puppet bodyguards and killed directly outside the palace in Dawan City.

“Master, you… why did you come here? Give the end some more time, and he will definitely knock down the royal palace of Dawan!” Zhang Yun, who was covered in blood, said to Liu Ji breathlessly.

“How is your injury?” Liu Ji frowned and asked.

“The lord rest assured, there are some minor injuries on the end general. There are many masters in the imperial palace of Dawan, the lord should go back and wait for the end general’s victory!” Zhang Yun now has more than 60,000 elite Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers under his hands, but he is emboldened. Full.

Since Liu Ji is here, it is of course impossible to leave the imperial palace of Dawan. Liu Ji directly ordered many puppet bodyguards under his command to join the attack on the imperial palace, and Liu Ji was among eight puppet bodyguards with peerless generals. Under the protection, swept the array outside the palace.

However, as time passed, Liu Ji’s brows became more and more frowning, and the enemy was resisting here in the palace, exceedingly tenacious.

The fighting in Dawan City continued until dawn and did not disappear. Instead, it intensified. The three infantry regiments and two cavalry regiments of Dawan State stationed outside the city began to attack the city in four directions at the same time from the middle of the night. The gate and the city wall launched a fierce attack.

In Dawan City, the two barracks had been captured by the Brokers before dawn. The entire infantry regiment in these two barracks was almost wiped out. However, the most important palace in Dawan City, the battle is still going on, and the entire Dawan City Wancheng has almost become a battlefield.

Dawan’s spirit of admiring martial arts immediately broke out at the moment of crisis. The people in Dawan City, learning that a large number of troops of the army broke out in the city, spontaneously organized a team to fight against the city. The captives launched an exceptionally tragic street fighting.

The officials, generals, nobles, and wealthy merchants in Dawan City organized all the men in their homes to support the palace like crazy. By daybreak, the entire palace was full of corpses.

King Yeman of the Kingdom of Dawan in armor, standing on the stone steps outside a palace, UU reading www. listened to the shouts of killing from all around the palace, turned his head and asked Prime Minister Shafiq: “Has the first wall of the palace been lost?”

The palace behind King Yeman is located within the third wall of the palace. There are three fully enclosed walls in the entire palace.

Prime Minister Shafiq hesitated and said: “It cannot be said that the first wall of the palace has completely fallen into the hands of the Raiders. Our soldiers and civilians of Dawan are still competing with the Raiders for control of the first walls of the palace. Now we have at least eighty to ninety thousand people here in the palace, and if all of them retreat into the second city wall, there will be no more people than that.

King Yeman sighed and said: “Our Dawan city has experienced a catastrophe this time. Now that there is a large-scale resistance in the city, there should only be the palace here. I don’t know when troops outside the city will be able to invade. Inside the city? Once the palace falls, the troops outside the city will not help even if they enter the city!”

Prime Minister Shafiq said: “Your Majesty can rest assured that the three infantry regiments and two cavalry regiments currently stationed outside Dawan City are attacking the four walls and gates of Dawan City, and our strength in the palace is still Sure enough, the spontaneous formation of the people in the city is still gathering in the palace. We will definitely be able to hold the palace and ensure the safety of His Majesty the King!”

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