Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 602

Chapter 595 Guards doubled in strength

“Smack—” In a study room in the southeast governor’s mansion in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the Greater Jin Dynasty, the southeast governor Zhang Mingqi smashed the book case in front of him with his fist, “What did Zhou Jiling and Chen Hongxin do? Ten This guard’s army, even if it had lost a lot of people before, had more than 900,000 troops. In the first battle, almost the entire army was destroyed. In the end, even Moyu City was easily captured by the Raiders. Now the entire Hengzhou area, There are only three guards left in our Southeast Xiang Army, how can we stop the squadron?”

I can’t blame Zhang Mingqi for being so angry. He just planned to send six additional reinforcements to the Third and Sixth Army of the Southeast Army in Hengzhou. As a result, the situation in Hengzhou took a turn for the worse before the six guards were deployed. Of the 14 guards of the Third Army and the Sixth Army, there were only three guards left in an instant.

Tang Yan, the counsellor in the study, sighed at this moment and said: “The lord, General Zhou Jiling and General Chen Hongxin only brought more than 10,000 defeated soldiers and fled to Zheng’an City, the prefectural capital of Hengzhou, where there is currently the Sixth Army of the Southeast Xiang Army in Zheng’an City. One of the guards, two generals sent letters with carrier pigeons, saying that they are ready to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. They will lead hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Zheng’an City to defend Zheng’an City and coexist and die with Zheng’an City!”

Zhang Mingqi took a deep breath and eased his emotions, “Mr. Tang, do you think Zhou Jiling and Chen Hongxin can defend Zhengan City?”

The counselor Tang Yan shook his head and said, “Master, although Zheng’an City is a deep pool of Gaocheng, Zheng’an City has just been captured by our Southeast Army. The foundation of our Southeast Army in Zheng’an City is unstable. If we mobilize the strong men in the city to help defend the city, Maybe these strong men will fight against each other, but with the 130,000 to 40,000 troops in the hands of General Zhou Jiling and General Chen Hongxin, it would be very difficult for them to hold Zhengan City for ten days under the attack of the army.”

Zhang Mingqi said in a deep voice: “There are also a guard from the Third Army and a guard from the Sixth Army in Hengzhou. If these two guards are also transferred to Zheng’an City, Mr. Tang thinks whether our Southeast Xiang Army can hold this horizontal State capital?”

The counselor Tang Yan smiled bitterly, “Lord, the troops of the imposing army may soon arrive in Zheng’an City. The other two guards in Hengzhou have no chance to enter Zheng’an City. The subordinates think that they should not let these two guards. To support Zheng’an City, if these two guards are outside Zheng’an City and they are also eaten by the Broken Army, the Third Army and Sixth Army of our Southeast Xiang Army will really be destroyed.”

Zhang Mingqi pondered for a moment and asked, “Mr. Tang, if our Southeast Xiang Army abandons Hengzhou, will Zhou Jiling and Chen Hongxin still have a chance to evacuate Zhengan City?”

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of counselor Tang Yan, “Master, from Ningbo City to Zheng’an City, using carrier pigeons to transmit news requires several transfers, and it takes two days at the earliest to transmit the news to Zheng’an City. The Sundering Army may not give us so much time for the Southeast Xiang Army.”

After a pause, counselor Tang Yan couldn’t help asking: “Lord, are you really going to abandon Hengzhou?”

Zhang Mingqi sighed and said: “The chief governor still underestimated the Puppet Army. This time Liu Ji only brought one million Puppet Army to the south, causing such a huge loss to our Southeast Xiang Army. In such a short period of time, it seems that our Southeast Xiang Army must gather enough troops if we want to defeat the Breakthrough Army. The abandonment of Hengzhou now is to allow our Southeast Xiang Army to have time to gather forces.”

The counselor Tang Yan hesitated and said: “Lord, now the war between Leizhou and Qinzhou is not over. The Third Army and the Sixth Army have suffered unprecedented heavy losses. Our Southeast Xiang Army wants to gather a team that can defeat the Luke Army. Troops, unless a large number of troops are drawn from the First Army, Fourth Army and the Imperial Guard, but then, perhaps the State of Lu should take advantage of the fire and rob.”

Zhang Mingqi frowned and asked, “Mr. Tang, what do you think our Southeast Xiang Army should do next?”

“My lord, although this time the Marriage Breaking Army entered the southwest by the order of the court, Liu Ji, the commander of the Marriage Breaking Army, must have taken a fancy to the territory of the five southwestern states and led the army to join our Southeast Xiang Army. For the enemy, in order to prevent our Southeast Xiang Army from fighting with the Sundering Army, it is better to make peace with the Sundering Army!”

“Make peace? What Mr. Tang meant, is it to sit down with the Poli Army to discuss how to divide the five southwestern states?” Zhang Mingqi asked with a gloomy expression.

“My lord, in fact, among the five southwestern states, only Leizhou and Qinzhou are the most important to our Southeast Xiang Army. As long as our Southeast Xiang Army controls Leizhou and Qinzhou, we have the opportunity to expand into the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom. As for the Southwest Five States The remaining Hengzhou, Guizhou, and Yuzhou in the prefecture can be handed over to the Brokers.”

Zhang Mingqi was silent for a while before he nodded and said, “Mr. Tang will be responsible for making peace with the Puppet Army, and then give Zhou Jiling and Chen Hongxin the command of the governor to let them abandon Zhengan City. Retreat to the territory of Qinzhou, and at the same time order the other two guards in Hengzhou to evacuate to Qinzhou! By the way, the two guards drawn from the Second Army and the three guards drawn from the First Army, don’t go. We are now in Hengzhou, and we will directly enter Qinzhou. Once we can’t agree with the Squadron, our Southeast Xiang Army will fight the Squadron to the death in Qinzhou!”

After the Breakthrough Army easily defeated the main forces of the Third Army and the Sixth Army of the Southeast Xiang Army, because there were too many prisoners, they had to slow down their offensive to solve the problem of more than 800,000 prisoners of war. This gave Zhou Jiling and he Chen Hongxin had the opportunity to evacuate Zheng’an City. When the two received Zhang Mingqi’s order, there were only a few scouts from the Luftwaffe Army outside Zhengan City, and the large forces of the Luftwaffe Army had not arrived here.

Zhou Jiling and Chen Hongxin hurriedly evacuated Zheng’an City, the state capital of Hengzhou, with hundreds of thousands of Southeast Xiang troops. At the same time, the other two guards of the Southeast Xiang Army in Hengzhou quickly evacuated to Qinzhou. The powerful combat effectiveness of the captive army forced the entire Hengzhou to abandon.

After entering Hengzhou, the Puppet Army lost a total of about 80,000 people. Among them, the Modaomen lost more than 15,000 people. The brigades of the Guards lost almost 65,000 people in total. After capturing about 850,000 prisoners of war from the Southeast Xiang Army, Liu Ji immediately ordered the brigades of the Guards Corps. From these prisoners of war, 65,000 were selected to fill the vacancies.

In addition, Liu Ji also selected some officers and veterans of the Guards Corps. Based on these officers and veterans, plus the remaining 785,000 prisoners of war, 20 new infantry brigades were formed at once.

The prisoners of the Southeast Xiang Army were all from the Jin Kingdom. Many of them were forced to join the Southeast Xiang Army. Some of them were even soldiers of the Hengzhou Army. Therefore, there was no resistance to joining the Sniper Army, and they were treated as the Sniper Army. They are generous, and the treatment they receive from the Southeast Xiang Army is simply a huge difference. After these prisoners of war joined the Breakthrough Army, they even became much more active in their training.

When Liu Ji learned of the remaining troops of the Southeast Xiang Army in Hengzhou, he abandoned the state capital Zhengan City in Hengzhou and other cities in Hengzhou, and all evacuated to Qinzhou. He immediately dispatched some guards and Modao soldiers. The army quickly took over Zhengan City and various counties and counties in Hengzhou.

Next, Liu Ji was not eager to march towards Qinzhou, and he was relieved to reorganize the 20 newly formed infantry brigades of the Guards in Hengzhou.

Liu Ji currently reserves 326,700 soldiers from Wei State, 24,000 soldiers from Tang Dynasty swordsmen, 36,000 soldiers from trapped camps, and 86,400 soldiers from Ming Dynasty in the system. In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the 20 newly-built infantry brigades as quickly as possible with 6,000 Han dynasty tiger and cardinal forces, Liu Ji summoned 10,000 soldiers from the trapped camp and directly distributed them to the 20 infantry brigades as the backbone.

Except for these 10,000 soldiers in the trapped camp, Liu Ji did not call out other elite soldiers. There are many elite soldiers in the system, and Liu Ji is going to save them at a critical moment.

From the beginning of the attack on the Southeast Xiang Army barracks in the north of Moyu City, Liu Ji absorbed more than 470,000 soul points in total until the main force of the Third and Sixth Army of the Southeast Xiang Army was annihilated. The nearly 20,000 soul points left before Liu Ji made the soul value in Liu Ji’s hand become 490,000 points.

Afterwards, Liu Ji did not hesitate to purchase two Mushroom Hair Pills and gave them to Long Qi and Shi Wansui, the two top military commanders with a strength of 98 points.

Long Qi and Shi Wansui were promoted to peerless generals after taking Xisui Famao Pills, and their power value became 101 points. The system then rewarded Liu Ji with two top civil servants.

Tian Feng, 45 in strength, 93 in intelligence, 78 in command, in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao’s subordinate minister, and the official went to Jizhou to drive. He was upright, and he had repeatedly spoken to Yuan Shao and refused to be adopted. Cao Cao’s subordinate Xun Yu once commented on him. “Just committing a crime”, Yuan Shao was ordered to imprison him for admonishing Yuan Shao to conquer Cao Cao. After the Battle of Guandu, Tian Feng was killed by Yuan Shao.

Jushou, with a force value of 43, an intelligence value of 94, and a commander value of 79. Yuan Shao served as a counselor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He was recorded as a “little ambition and good at strategy”. Ling, and later when Han Fu stopped driving, he was named as the riding captain by Han Fu. After Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou, he appointed Jushou to work. He often made good suggestions to Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao did not follow him. Yuan Shao was defeated during the Battle of Guandu, and Ju was not. And escaped, was captured by Cao Cao, and executed by Cao Cao for refusing to surrender.

After Long Qi and Shi Wansui were promoted to peerless generals, Liu Ji looked at the more than 90,000 soul points left in his hand. He couldn’t help but consume 64,000 soul points under the itchy hand, and summoned a top class from the system. Military commander, fortunately, Liu Ji had good luck during this period, and he summoned a top military commander with a strength of up to 99 points.

Huang Zhong, with a strength of 99 points, an intelligence of 74, and a commander of 78, a famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, one of Liu Bei’s five tiger generals, was originally Liu Biao’s subordinate, and later belonged to Liu Bei, and assisted Liu Bei in attacking Yizhou Liu Zhang, Jian’an In the twenty-four years, Huang Zhong killed Cao Cao’s famous general Xia Houyuan in the Battle of Dingjunshan, and was promoted to the general of Zhengxi. Liu Bei said that the queen of Hanzhong was re-appointed general and gave Huang Zhong the post of Guannei Hou. The following year Huang Zhong died of illness.

After Huang Zhong was summoned, Liu Ji’s soul value was only 27,120 points left. This point was no longer enough for Liu Ji’s soul value, but Liu Ji believed that it won’t be long. The points of soul value can grow again.

On March 12, 432, Dajin, in a chamber of the Zhoumu Mansion in Zhengan City, Hengzhou City, Guo Jia told Liu Ji: “Lord, the Southeast Xiang Army has sent an envoy, hoping to break the captives with us. The army is equally divided among the five southwestern states, of which Leizhou and Qinzhou belong to the Southeast Xiang Army, while Hengzhou, Guizhou and Yuzhou belong to our Sundering Army.”

Liu Ji sneered and said: “The southeast governor has a good fortune. Hengzhou has fallen into the hands of our imperial army, but Guizhou and Yuzhou are still the court’s territory, as long as the Southeast Xiang Army controls it. Leizhou and Qinzhou can continue to expand to the Great Zhou Kingdom. Our smashing army is to take Leizhou and Qinzhou this time, and tell the Southeast Xiang army’s envoy that the Southeast Xiang army wants to split the five southwestern states equally with our smashing army. , But Leizhou, Qinzhou and Hengzhou must belong to our Puppet Army, and Guizhou and Yuzhou can belong to the Southeast Xiang Army!”

Guo Jia said with a smile: “Master, the Southeast Xiang Army will definitely not agree to this division. If Leizhou, Qinzhou, and Hengzhou are occupied by our Trapped Army, then even if the Southeast Xiang Army acquires Guizhou and Yuzhou, They cannot be bordered by their seven southeast states. The two states of Guangxi and Yu and the seven southeast states will be separated by Leizhou, Qinzhou and Hengzhou.”

Liu Ji said indifferently: “If the Southeast Xiang Army disagrees, then continue to fight. The governor does not want to equally divide the Southwestern Five States with the Southeast Xiang Army!”

At this time, Jushou in the Chamber said: “The Lord said that Leizhou and Qinzhou are both close to the Great Zhou Kingdom. Whoever gets Leizhou and Qinzhou will have the opportunity to intervene in the Great Zhou Kingdom. UU Read Our Trapped Army must not compromise with the Southeast Army on this issue.”

Cheng Yu, Dong Zhao, and Tian Feng, the three top civil servants, also nodded. Now the Lukewarming Army has captured Hengzhou and wiped out more than one million troops of the Southeast Xiang Army. Although in the borders of the five southwestern states, the Lukebreaking Army is in The army is still at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, but with its strong combat effectiveness, the Possession Army has taken the initiative.

Guo Jia nodded and said, “Don’t worry, the subordinates know how to talk to the envoy of the Southeast Xiang Army.”

Liu Ji then asked Wang Ben, the commander of the Guards Corps: “How about the newly formed 20 infantry brigades?”

Wang Ben said with a look of excitement: “Enjoy your lord, the formation of the twenty infantry brigades has gone very smoothly. The Southeast Xiang Army prisoners of war who have been recruited have worked very hard during the training, plus these twenty infantry brigades. There are more than 10,000 veterans of our army, even if we bring these 20 infantry brigades onto the battlefield now.”

Liu Ji’s army expansion suddenly doubled the strength of the Guards, making the Guards possess five cavalry brigades and 35 infantry brigades. This allowed Wang Ben, the commander of the Guards, to do so. Everyone who saw him looked cheerful.

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