Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 608

Chapter 601 Rock-solid sword soldier

Seeing that the six red-clothed guardians sent by the Lamaism were either beheaded in front of the two armies, or captured by the violent generals of the smashing army, the sweats of all ethnic groups in the grassland suddenly stopped fighting with the smashing army. Will’s mind.

Immediately from the Huns, Xianbei, and Khitan tribes, each sent 20,000 cavalry to launch a tentative charge against the Lurking Army.

Instead of sending out cavalry units tit-for-tat, the Jaw-breaking Army sent an infantry battle formation composed of 100,000 Tang Dynasty Swordsmen, directly blocking the forefront of the various units of the Jaw-breaking Army.

Sixty thousand cavalry of the Huns, Xianbei, and Khitan tribes directly slammed into the infantry battle formation of the Mo Dao soldiers with an overwhelming momentum. The performance of the three tribes cavalry is not heroic, and they continue to charge their lives and forget their lives. However, the infantry battle formation formed by the Mo sword soldiers of the Tang Dynasty has always been as solid as a rock. The three tribe cavalrymen have paid quite heavy losses under the beheading of rows of Mo swordmen.

Luan Timao, who was in front of the grassland coalition army, saw the 60,000 cavalry of the three races. There was no way to defeat the Modao soldiers of the army. He couldn’t help but frown at the Xianbei Khan Murongke and the Khitan Khan Yelu enemy. Lie said, “These should be the Modao soldiers of the Sundering Army. The Modao they use is very powerful. With a single stab, they can even split the horse and the knight on the horse into two together, and the Swordmen in front of the Sundering Army. There are so many people. It seems that our coalition forces only use 60,000 cavalry. Don’t even think about breaking through this large array of at least 100,000 soldiers!”

The Xianbei Great Khan Murong Ke asked in a deep voice: “Sixty thousand cavalry can’t make a breakthrough. Then use 600,000 cavalry. If we want to defeat the smashed army, all of our races will have to pay very heavy casualties. Believe this, everyone. Khan knows it all in my heart.”

Yeludilie, a great Khitan khan, nodded and said: “The strength of the Khitan Army is obvious to all. Our coalition forces of all races want to defeat the main force of the Khitan Army in Xinning City without paying two or three million lives. Impossible!”

Luanti laughed bitterly, “If we can defeat the Marriage-breaking army in Xinning City at the cost of two or three million people, it’s already pretty good. Let’s discuss it with each other. How many cavalry should the clan send into battle!”

The grassland coalition army then sent more than 300,000 cavalry troops of various races to continue to fight against the Modao soldiers of the smashing army, launching continuous fierce attacks…

This battle lasted until the evening of June 1, when the two armies retreated to their camp because of the weather. At this time, on the vast grassland, there was already a scene of corpses spreading across the wild, densely covered. Corpses of soldiers from both sides.

The Tranquility Army and the Allied Grassland Forces each dispatched some troops in a tacit understanding to condense the corpses of their own fallen soldiers. The Tranquility Army was quickly over here, while the Allied Grassland Forces had been busy until late at night.

On the night of June 1st, in a giant felt bag in the grassland coalition camp, the seven heads of the grassland coalition forces, the Hun great Khan Luan Timao, the Xianbei Khan Murong Ke, the Khitan Khan Yeludilie, and the Xirong Khan Arishan, Donghu Khan Yishaq, Tiele Khan Jirimu, and Karasuma Khan Zhaonastu all gathered here.

According to the statistics of the seven of them, the total losses of the cavalry of various races participating in the war today exceeded 400,000, of which the Huns, Xianbei and Khitan tribes accounted for half, while the grassland coalition forces achieved negligible results.

Luanti said with a solemn expression: “According to the statistics of various races, our grassland coalition forces have already lost more than 400,000 losses in just one day, but they have not caused much damage to the Sundering Army. Today, only the Modao soldiers were dispatched, and the more than one million cavalry soldiers of our various races were helpless. The next war cannot go on like this.”

Arishan, a great khan of the Xirong tribe, then said: “This great khan believes that our coalition forces are not investing enough troops today. Tomorrow, it’s best to invest more cavalry in the offensive at one time. You can’t just stare at the Modao soldiers of the Raiders. !”

Xianbei Great Khan Murong agreed and said: “Arishan Great Khan is justified. Today’s attack on the Moshou Soldiers of the Broken Army has almost turned into a refueling tactic, and it can’t be the case tomorrow.”

The atmosphere on the grassland coalition side is equivalent to the atmosphere on the side of the army, but it is much more relaxed on the side of the army. In a chamber of the Mufu House of Chengzhou, Xinning, Liu Ji smiled and said to Dianwei, the commander of the Mo Dao soldiers: “Today you are strangers. The sword soldiers have done a great job for our captive-breaking army. In one day of fierce battle, the Mo sword soldiers wiped out almost 400,000 Hu cavalry with less than 20,000 casualties, which can be said to have made a big start for our captive-breaking army!”

Liu Ji absorbed more than 42 soul points today. Except for the nearly 20,000 lost by Mo Dao soldiers, the rest of the gains were contributed by the grassland coalition forces.

Dianwei said with a red face: “If there were no other brothers to oppose the Modaomen, our Modaomen would not be able to achieve such brilliant results today. We Modaomen will continue to face the offensive of the cavalry of all races in the grassland tomorrow!”

At this time, Zhang Liang said: “Master, the cavalry of all races in the steppe has suffered a big loss in the hands of Mo Dao soldiers today. Maybe the cavalry of all races in the steppe will not be so persistent tomorrow. The cavalry of all races in the steppe will probably bypass the Mo Dao soldiers tomorrow. Formation, launch an offensive against our original formation.”

Liu Ji said nonchalantly: “We are not the only soldiers who can fight tough battles with the Modao soldiers. The Prairie Army and Beiting Army have gathered 14 infantry brigades here in Xinning City. If the Huren cavalry fight tomorrow Our original attack by the captive army just made the Hu cavalry once again feel the power of our captive army commander’s large wooden spear.”

Liu Ji and the generals under the subordinates studied the tactics to deal with the grassland coalition forces, and let the civilians and generals go to rest.

Liu Ji came to the prison where three Lamaist red-clothed guardians were held in the prefectural animal husbandry, and then took out three puppet pills and forced them to swallow them. After a stick of incense, Liu Ji took out three puppet pills and forced them to swallow them. Newly received three puppet bodyguards with peerless generals, and the system also rewarded Liu Ji with twenty-four groups of Tang Dynasty sword soldiers and six puppet pills.

Liu Ji originally had only 19 puppet pills left in his hand. After conquering these three new puppet bodyguards, the number of puppet pills in Liu Ji’s hand rose instead of decreasing, becoming 22.

On the morning of June 2nd, the Luk-trapped Army and the allied troops of all ethnic groups in the grassland once again placed a posture on the prairie north of Xinning City, and immediately Liu Ji sent Zhang Shaohua to urge the horses to come to the two armies to make a call. On the side of the coalition forces of all ethnic groups in the grassland, there was no one at all to fight, but directly sent cavalry of all ethnic groups to charge against the main formation of the broken army.

Liu Ji saw the movement of the Allied Forces in the Grassland, and immediately let people ring the gong, and recalled Zhang Shaohua to the front of the Puppet Army, and then immediately let the Mo Daomen be at the forefront of the various troops of the Puppet Army to discharge the infantry battle. Array to meet the cavalry attack of all ethnic groups in the steppe.

The prairie coalition forces dispatched a large number of cavalry this time. Some of the prairie cavalry directly attacked the front Modao soldiers battle formation, and more cavalry of all the prairie races bypassed the front Modao soldiers battle formation and confronted them. The two wings of the captive army launched a charge.

Regarding the cavalry of all ethnic groups on both sides of the grassland, Liu Ji still did not send cavalry units to fight, but instead let the 14 infantry brigades of the Grassland Army and Beiting Army line up large arrays of long wooden guns on the two wings of the original formation.

Although the infantry brigades of the Prairie Army and the Beiting Army are much worse than the Modaomen in terms of combat effectiveness, the long wooden spear formation of the Broker Army still exerts an extremely powerful force in dealing with the cavalry.

From the morning of June 2nd, the fierce fighting between the two sides continued until the evening. The grassland coalition forces paid a very heavy price, but they did not defeat the Modao soldiers battle formation and the long wooden spear formation that broke the captive army.

On the day of June 2nd, the grassland coalition army lost more than 400,000 cavalry of various races, but the loss of the Raiders was far less than the grassland coalition forces. The Modao soldiers of the Raiders lost more than 10,000 today. The 14 infantry brigades of the Prairie Army and Beiting Army lost about 40,000 in total.

On June 3rd, the Raiders and the Allied Grasslands fought fiercely for almost another day. The Raiders still mainly engaged in defensive operations with infantry, and the Allied Grasslands still played the role of attackers.

The grassland coalition forces lost almost 400,000 more on this day, and the losses on the side of the captive army also exceeded 60,000.

In three days, more than 1.2 million cavalry of various ethnic groups were lost. Even the strong grassland coalition forces could not bear it. On the night of June 3, in a giant blanket in the grassland coalition camp, the Huns sweated profusely. Luan Ti said with a gloomy look: “The loss of 400,000 in one day and 1.2 million in three days is really shocking. Our coalition forces of all ethnic groups cannot continue to be consumed with the squadrons in this way. The consumption speed of, before defeating the smashing army, our cavalry of all races have been exhausted!”

The Xianbei Great Khan Murong Ke nodded solemnly and said: “We must think of other ways. After three days of fighting, the cavalry units of the Squadron Army have hardly participated in the battle, and our cavalry of all races have lost more than one hundred and two. One hundred thousand, if you continue to consume it like this, all races will not be able to survive!”

Yeludilie, a great Khan of the Khitan tribe, immediately said: “Why don’t you try the night attack! Even if the Sundering Army sends a large number of scouts to monitor our coalition camp, as long as we move quickly, it is still possible to get a good result in the night attack. The result of the battle.”

A Rishan, a great khan of the Xirong tribe, followed: “By the way, our coalition forces must also guard against night attacks by the Marques. The Marquees are very good at night attacks!”

As soon as the words of Arishan, the great sweat of the Xirong tribe, came out of the felt bag, there were trumpets one after another, which changed the expressions of the seven great sweats in the felt bag. These horns should be scouts of the Allied Army in the grassland. The sound of the sound, it seems that the Puppet Army first launched a night attack on the grassland coalition forces.

These seven great khan guessed right. Tonight, the Brokers sent 20 infantry brigades from the Prairie Legion and Beiting Legion, as well as 1.2 million cavalry of various races in the Beiting Duhu Mansion, taking advantage of the darkness. The attack was launched on the camps of the coalition forces of all ethnic groups in the steppe, and the shouts of killing soon sounded through the night sky.

Although the grassland coalition army lost more than 1.2 million cavalry in the first three days, the size of the grassland coalition army was still around nine million. The two million cavalry soldiers of the smashing army killed less than one in the grassland coalition camp. At that hour, they had to be forced to retreat. After all, the strength of the two sides was several times different. If these cavalry units of the Broken Army were to be retreated if they didn’t see a good result, they wouldn’t be able to withdraw many people.

This night attack by the Raiders brought a lot of losses to the Allied Forces in the steppe. In addition to the loss of some materials, at least 300,000 cavalry of various ethnic groups lost their lives in this night attack, and the captives were destroyed. The losses of the army cavalry troops were not small, and only 1.8 million cavalrymen who eventually withdrew to the camp of the broken army remained.

During the day of June 4th, it was probably affected by the night attack last night. The Allied Grassland Army did not go out to fight today, but repaired the camp for a day.

On the afternoon of June 4th, in a study room in the Mufu Mansion of Chengzhou, Xinning, Liu Ji asked Su Lie, the commander of the Grassland Corps, “Are there any movements from the Hu people?”

Su Lie shook his head and said, “Lord, it seems that the prairie coalition forces should not be ready to fight again today. After all, the night attack last night, our smashing troops still brought considerable losses to the prairie coalition forces!”

Liu Ji smiled bitterly and said: “Don’t mention the night attack last night. Two million cavalrymen were dispatched. As a result, they lost 200,000 people in less than an hour. It doesn’t add up to 200,000!”

At this time, Guo Jia said: “Lord, in the night attack last night, in addition to the 20 cavalry brigades of the Steppe Corps and Beiting Corps, our Sundering Army sent 1.2 million nomads to . The cavalry, these nomadic cavalry recruited from the various tribes in the Beiting Duhu Mansion, their combat effectiveness is not strong. Four-fifths of the 200,000 lost in the night attack by our raids were nomadic cavalry. It seems that in the future We must be more cautious when using these nomadic cavalry.”

At this time, in this study room, several top civil servants under Liu Ji’s command were all there.

Zhang Liang went on to say: “What Guo Jia said is that these nomadic cavalry recruited from the various tribes in the Beiting Duhu Mansion are still good at fighting with the wind. Once they fight against the wind, they will have to collapse. So in the next application of nomadic cavalry, we really have to be more cautious.”

This time, a total of 2.7 million cavalrymen of various races were recruited from the various tribes in the Beiting Duhu Mansion. At present, the troops gathered here in Xinning City accounted for more than half of the nomadic cavalry.

Liu Ji sighed and said: “If it weren’t for the Dawan State, the Seven Strong Clans of the Grassland, and the Qingyi Nationality to unite and start this war against us, the captain would not fight against the tribes in the Beiting Duhu Mansion. Calling up so many nomadic cavalry, I hope these nomadic cavalry can show more bravery on the battlefield. It is simply too difficult to defeat this grassland coalition by relying on our troops of the Breakthrough Army!”

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