Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 624

Chapter 616 Southeast Xiang Army in a difficult situ

Lieutenant Liu Mian of the Ministry of War of the State of Lu then said to Emperor Jiang Sheng: “Your Majesty, at the moment near the border between Zhejiang and Fuzhou in the State of Jin, our Ministry of War has deployed two main armies and four general armies. What happens to the battle situation, these six legions will go to the battlefield southeast of Jin at any time.”

Emperor Jiang Sheng pondered for a while and asked, “Liu Taiwei, the new group of five ordinary legions, can we fight now?”

Lieutenant Liu Mian of the Ministry of War nodded slightly and said, “Your Majesty, although the combat effectiveness of the five newly formed ordinary regiments is slightly worse than that of the previous ordinary regiments, these five newly formed ordinary regiments have been reorganized for nearly half a year. Time, even if it’s on the battlefield now, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

Emperor Jiang Sheng immediately said: “Then all of these five newly formed ordinary legions will be dispatched to the borders near the borders of Zhejiang and Fuzhou in the Jin Kingdom. Since the formation of Liu Ji, there has been no one. If we are defeated, we must not be careless when we are fighting against the destroyers. It is better to prepare more troops!”

At this time, Black Butterfly Commander Zhang Xiang asked: “Your Majesty, the Southeast Army of the Jin Kingdom has retreated to Suzhou. Next, the focus of our Lu State’s attack will be the Southeast Army’s guarding of Suzhou, or whether the Sundering Army is about to occupy it. Suzhou and Hangzhou?”

The emperor Jiang Sheng pondered for a moment and asked Liu Mian, Taiwei of the Ministry of War, “Liu Taiwei, what do you think our Lu country should do next?”

Lieutenant Liu Mian of the Ministry of War immediately said: “Your Majesty, the minister thinks that after the Lu State army has completely captured Qiongzhou and Lianzhou, we should concentrate our efforts to deal with the Puppet Army first. As for the Southeast Xiang Army in Suzhou, it is no longer a concern.”

Emperor Jiang Sheng shook his head and said: “I think that our Lu army should pursue the Southeast Xiang Army. After all, the Lui Army and the Southeast Xiang Army are the same army of the Jin Kingdom. Once our Lu Army let the Southeast Xiang Army ignore it, the Southeast Xiang Army. It is very likely that when our Lu State Army and the Destroyer Army are in a decisive battle, a knife will be inserted in the back of our Lu State Army. Therefore, I feel that some troops should be sent into the territory of Suzhou now, even if the Southeast Xiang Army cannot be completely defeated. It is necessary to contain the Southeast Xiang Army within the territory of Suzhou, so that the Southeast Xiang Army lacks skills and cannot add chaos to the State of Lu.”

As soon as Liu Mian, the chief lieutenant of the Ministry of War, heard the words of Emperor Jiang Sheng, he immediately changed his words and said: “Your Majesty is wise, but the minister is a bit ill-considered. How many troops does your Majesty think should be sent to Suzhou?”

Emperor Jiang Sheng asked: “How many troops can the Southeast Xiang Army have in Suzhou?”

The commander of Black Butterfly next to Zhang Xiang replied: “Your Majesty, there should be three or four million people in the Southeast Xiang Army, but most of them are recruits, and the combat effectiveness can be said to be not strong.”

Emperor Jiang Sheng touched his chin again and said, “Then mobilize the two main legions and three ordinary legions, enter the territory of Suzhou first, and try the water!”

On the evening of November 12th, 432, Da Jin, in a study room in the Zhoumu Mansion in Jianyang City, Suzhou, the southeast governor Zhang Mingqi’s voice opposing the counselor Tang Yan and the deputy commander of the First Corps Fan Dongying and the Imperial Guard Corps. Yuan Tianba, the deputy commander of the Army, and Liu Fengbao, the commander of the Fourth Army, said: “How many people are left in the seven corps now?”

At this time, the First Corps, Fourth Corps, and the Imperial Guard Corps of the Southeast Xiang Army gathered in Jianyang City, the capital of Suzhou, while the other four regiments were divided into counties and counties in Suzhou.

Fan Dongying, the deputy commander of the First Corps, sighed and said: “Master, six of the twelve guards of our First Corps have been wiped out. The total strength of the other six guards is less than 50. Ten thousand people.”

Yuan Tianba, the deputy commander of the Guards Corps, went on to say: “Master, the situation of our Guards Corps is better. Only three guards have lost their organizational system. The remaining nine guards add up to more than 800,000 people. There should have been more, but on the way to Suzhou, hundreds of thousands of recruits became deserters halfway through.”

The commander of the Fourth Army, Liu Fengbao, wailed: “Master, there are not many people in my Fourth Army. The recruits who had been recruited before fled most of the way to Suzhou. Now, the eight guards of the Fourth Army are all set up. Yes, but there are less than 300,000 people in total, alas—”

The counselor Tang Yan finally said: “Lord, there are about 350,000 left in the Second Army, about 400,000 in the Third Army, and the Fifth and Sixth Army together, there are only 450,000. Counting this way, our Seventh Army of the Southeast Xiang Army has a total of 2.8 million troops, and more than one million new recruits fled on the way to Suzhou.”

Zhang Mingqi said with a sad face: “After so many years of hard work, it’s a waste of work.”

The counselor Tang Yan said comfortingly: “Master, our Southeast Xiang Army still has a chance. The troops of the Possession Army in the southwestern states have almost occupied Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the Lu State Army is about to complete the battle against Qiongzhou and Lian. Occupation of the prefectures, as a result, fierce battles between the two sides will inevitably break out. Our Southeast Army only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and wait for the broken army and the Lu State army to lose both, and then retake the other six states in the southeast.”

Zhang Mingqi hesitated and asked Tang Yan, the counselor, “Mr. Tang, will Lu’s army really not enter Suzhou?”

The counselor Tang Yan said with a vow: “Don’t worry, the lord, the millions of soldiers who broke the army are coming straight to the southeast. At this time, the State of Lu can’t take care of our Southeast Xiang army!”

As soon as the counselor Tang Yan’s voice fell, a personal guard of Zhang Mingqi ran into the study in a panic, “Master, the big thing is not good! The Lu army has divided into two groups and has already invaded the territory of Suzhou. The commander of the regiment Zhao Lianjin, and the commander of the third army regiment Zhou Jiling, sent letters of assistance with carrier pigeons, almost arrived at Jianyang City at the same time!”

The words of this guard made the counselor Tang Yan’s face black as coke, while the southeast governor Zhang Mingqi’s face was even more ugly, “Mr. Tang, what should we do now?”

“This… Lord, even if the Lu army invades the territory of Suzhou, it should be only a small part of the army. After all, the threat of the smashing army is greater. The subordinates feel that they can send the Fifth Army and the Sixth Army to support the second. The Corps and the Third Corps, in addition, can also draw some troops from the Janitor Corps. After all, of the seven regiments of the Southeast Xiang Army, only the Janitor Corps has the most troops.”

“Then do as Mr. Tang said! In addition, let the corps start conscription immediately. How can Suzhou say that it is also the base camp of our Southeast Xiang Army, and the people should still be able to support our Southeast Xiang Army!”

Before the Lu State Army had fully captured Qiongzhou and Lianzhou, it sent troops into the territory of Suzhou and launched a series of fierce battles with the Southeast Xiang Army.

By November 22, the Lu army had invested two main armies and three ordinary armies in Suzhou, and had taken the territory of almost two counties in Suzhou.

At this time, the Guards Corps of the Sundering Army had completely controlled the two states of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the Lu State Army also completed the occupation of Qiongzhou and Lianzhou. However, what is surprising is that the Lu State Army did not take advantage of it. Before the main force of the army had a chance to reach the southeast, they sent troops to attack Suzhou and Hangzhou.

In a palace in the Imperial Palace of Mengyuan City, the capital of the State of Lu, Emperor Jiang Sheng frowned and asked Liu Mian, the Crown Lieutenant of the Ministry of War, “Why don’t the troops in Qiongzhou continue to attack Suzhou and Hangzhou? Currently led by Liu Ji It will take some time for the millions of squadrons to enter Suzhou. Our Lu State Army can capture some counties and counties in Suzhou and Hangzhou before this!”

The military chief Liu Mian said with a bitter smile: “Your Majesty, the sudden heavy rain in Qiongzhou has made the roads muddy and the grain can’t be transported. At this time, there is no way for several legions in Qiongzhou to attack Suzhou or Hangzhou. ”

At present, Qiongzhou, Lianzhou, Zhezhou and Fuzhou controlled by the Lu State army, only Qiongzhou is adjacent to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Emperor Jiang Sheng patted his forehead and said, “This rainstorm is really not at the right time, so are there rainstorms in other states in the southeast of Jin Kingdom?”

Lieutenant Liu Mian shook his head and said, “In the entire seven southeastern states of Jin, only Qiongzhou has experienced heavy rain.”

The emperor Jiang Sheng said flatly: “Then mobilize some troops from the territory of Suzhou, and try to solve the Southeast Xiang Army first and reduce a hidden danger!”

This sudden heavy rain in Qiongzhou made the situation of the Southeast Xiang Army suddenly worse. Because it was temporarily unable to attack the squadrons in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the Lu Army put a main force in Suzhou. The regiments and two ordinary regiments make the total strength of the Lu’s army in Suzhou reach three main regiments and five ordinary regiments, and there are more than one million young men responsible for transporting grain and grass.

On November 26th, Wu Zan, the commander of the Fifth Army of the Southeast Xiang Army, died on the battlefield.

On November 28th, Chen Hongxin, the commander of the Sixth Army of the Southeast Xiang Army, was shot at the front door by a flow arrow and died instantly.

Two army commanders were killed in three days in a row, which caused the morale of the Southeast Xiang Army troops that blocked the two armies of the Lu State Army to fall. Under the onslaught of the Lu State Army, General Zhao Lianjin, the commander of the South East Xiang Army’s Second Army Corps With General Zhou Jiling, the commander of the Third Army Corps, they had no choice but to lead their troops and retreat to Jianyang City, the state capital.

On the evening of December 1st, in a study room in the State Shepherd House in Jianyang City, Suzhou, the southeast chief governor Zhang Mingqi looked sadly at the counselor Tang Yan, the deputy commander of the First Army Fan Dongying, and the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard. Yuan Tianba and Liu Fengbao, the commander of the Fourth Army, said: “Wu Zan and Chen Hongxin died in battle one after another. Zhao Lianjin and Zhou Jiling have led their troops to retreat to Jianyang City. At present, the Second Army, Third Army, Fifth Army and Sixth Army The total number of the Legion is less than 400,000 people. In addition, the 300,000 troops sent out by the Imperial Guard Corps only have more than 100,000 people left.”

The counselor Tang Yan said in a deep voice at this time: “Master, the people of Lu are trying to get rid of our Southeast Xiang army first, and then deal with the broken army, including the 500,000 troops who retreated to Jianyang City, and our presence in Jianyang. With the 200,000 recruits just conscripted near the city, our Southeast Xiang Army can gather about two million people in Jianyang City.”

Zhang Mingqi shook his head and said, “Mr. Tang, with these two million people, can our Southeast Xiang Army defend Jianyang City?”

The counselor Tang Yan said with a wry smile: “Master, his subordinates are not sure, after all, there are not many elite troops in the Southeast Xiang Army.”

Zhang Mingqi hesitated and said: “In this situation, the governor of the capital is ready to surrender to Lu Guo. I don’t know what you think?”

When Zhang Mingqi said these words, the expressions of Fan Dongying, deputy commander of the First Army Corps, and Yuan Tianba, deputy commander of the Imperial Guard Corps, changed drastically. You must know that Fan Dongying was originally one of the four vassal states in the southeast of the Great Jin Dynasty. Yuan Tianba was originally the first fierce general of Jiao State, one of the four vassal states in the southeast of the Greater Jin Dynasty, and was also the cohort of Jiao State. Both of them can be said to have an enemy with Lu State.

The commander of the Fourth Army, Liu Fengbao, immediately said: “No matter what decision the lord makes, our Fourth Army is willing to follow the lord!”

The counselor Tang Yan sighed and said: “In this situation, surrendering to Lu is also a good choice, but we must negotiate terms with Lu.”

Zhang Mingqi asked Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba standing side by side in front of him: “Dongying and Tianba, what do you think?”

Yuan Tianba was about to speak out against it. At this time, Fan Dongying touched Yuan Tianba with his elbow without leaving a trace, and then Fan Dongying said first: “Master, now our Southeast Xiang Army has reached a situation where it is impossible to retreat. To fight or surrender, Dongying is willing to follow the lord.”

Yuan Tianba gritted his teeth and said, “Tianba is also willing to obey the lord!”

Zhang Mingqi heard Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba say this and said with a sigh of relief: “Whether the battle will be surrendered, or wait for Zhao Lianjin and Zhou Jiling to come back and study it! Next, the legions will step up their preparations for war. If we continue to fight with the Lu State Army, Jianyang City will be the final decisive battle between our Southeast Xiang Army and the Lu State Army.”

Then Zhang Mingqi let Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba leave, but left the counselor Tang Yan and his cousin Liu Fengbao.

“Mr. Tang, the people you Red Fox sends to Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba’s side must be closely monitored these days. The governor of the capital is worried that something will happen to them. After all, they are both with Lu. The country has the hatred of the country and the family!” Zhang Mingqi said in a deep voice.

Counselor Tang Yan nodded and said, “Don’t worry, your subordinates know what to do!”

Liu Fengbao immediately said: “Lord, since you are worried about Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba, it’s better to get rid of these two people. Anyway, the power of the First Army and the Imperial Guard has always been in the hands of the lord.”

Zhang Mingqi sighed and said: “Fan Dongying and Yuan Tianba have cultivated a lot of confidants in the First Army and the Janissaries. The governor of the capital does not hope that at this time, there will be any major disturbances in the Southeast Xiang Army.

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