Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 628

Chapter 620 First victory

Lu Zhuo sent another fierce general from the Lu Zhuo army to prepare to fight Chen Jichang with Yan Ge. However, another general from the Lui Army rushed out and stopped Lu Zhuo directly.

This time Liu Ji sent Pei Yuanqing. With the addition of war horses and weapons, Pei Yuanqing’s force value has reached 107 points, while Lu Zhuo’s force value is only 105 points. Not long after the two met, Lu Zhuo was suppressed by Pei Yuanqing. Live, if there is no interference from other factors, it will be sooner or later that Lu Zhuo will lose.

The first three pairs of fierce generals fighting between the two armies, the Lu state army has all fallen into the disadvantage, which made Lu Lu’s hussar general Jiang Ke’s face a little ugly, “Let people ring the gong immediately! Let Qin Junmao and Yan Ge and Lu Zhuo are back!”

“Yes, lord!” counselor Zhen Hongwen said quickly.

Soon there was the sound of a gong from the Lu State Army. Qin Junmao, Yan Ge, and Lu Zhuo all breathed a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the two horses to stir up the wrong way, they retreated to the Lu State Army’s main line. , The three fierce generals on the side of the punk army were then recalled by Liu Ji to the front of the punk army.

Qin Junmao, Yan Ge, and Lu Zhuo returned to the front of Lu’s army. Instead of blaming the three, Jiang Ke, general of Lu’s hussars, comforted them with kind words. After that, Jiang Ke said to the generals: “You generals can also see that there are indeed fierce generals as the rumors say that the generals are like clouds. The battle between the two armies is not necessary. The next two armies confront each other, and the generals should be more careful to break the captives on the battlefield. Those fierce fighters!”

Jiang Ke immediately ordered the two cavalry guards to launch a tentative attack on the squadrons. According to the organization of the Lu State army, the top ten main army groups have two cavalry guards, and each cavalry guard has five. The cavalry brigade, each cavalry brigade has 15,000 elite cavalry, it is precisely because of the existence of these elite cavalry units of the Lu State army that the Southeast Xiang Army lost the defense line in the central mountainous areas of Zhejiang and Fuzhou. Another defeat caused Zhang Mingqi to lose the confidence to resist Lu’s army, and eventually led to the collapse of millions of Southeast Army troops.

At present, Hussar General Jiang Ke has gathered four main army regiments and five general army regiments. The numbers of these four main army regiments are all in the top ten. In this way, Jiang Ke has eight cavalry guards in his hands, a total of sixty. Ten thousand cavalry.

Although there are many horse farms in Lu State, after all, Lu State does not have a large grassland. It is very difficult for Lu State to have the top ten main army groups have two cavalry guards. Later, four main forces were expanded one after another. The regiment only has two more infantry guards, and it has expanded from four infantry guards to six infantry guards from the original general regiment.

Liu Ji saw that Lu’s army first sent tens of thousands of cavalry, and his mouth turned slightly. With the large number of horses provided by the Beiting Duhu Mansion and the soldiers proficient in cavalry of various races, the current cavalry troops of the Broken Army are not only in number. In terms of combat effectiveness, even the nomadic cavalry of the Huns and Khitan can only bow down to the wind. For the cavalry of Lu, Liu Ji did not look at him at all.

With a big wave of his hand, Liu Ji dispatched a cavalry brigade of the Prairie Army. According to the organization of the army, each cavalry brigade has more than 40,000 cavalry.

Soon the two cavalry units smashed into each other fiercely, and the cavalry unit on the side of the defensive army immediately took advantage of the scene and completely suppressed the two cavalry brigades of the Lu State army.

Seeing the tens of thousands of cavalry fighting between the two fronts, Hussar General Jiang Ke turned his head and sighed to the counselor Zhen Hongwen beside him: “The cavalry of the Broken Army is really powerful. It’s a routine!”

The counselor Zhen Hongwen said in a deep voice: “Lord, the Xianbei tribe of the three strong clans of the grassland has been taken into the bag by the Xianbei tribe, and there is no shortage of war horses and riding skills. Soldiers, if our Dalu army wants to defeat the squadron, we can only rely on our Dalu infantry!”

Hussar General Jiang Ke smiled slightly and said: “Lu’s infantry ranks first in the world. It’s not for nothing. Let the two cavalry brigades that attacked come back!”

With the sound of the gong on the side of the Lu army, the two cavalry brigades of Lu before the two armies immediately fled back to the main formation of the Lu army in embarrassment under the leadership of the generals. In time, the two cavalry brigades of the Lu State had lost nearly 8,000 men, and the cavalry brigade played by the Prairie Army Corps of the Lunar Army had lost more than 1,000 men.

The lieutenant of the cavalry brigade of the Puppet Army was a first-class military commander Yan Yan. Yan Yan saw that the Lu’s cavalry was defeated and did not lead his cavalry in pursuit.

After that, the Lu army sent a full two infantry guards, lined up a dense infantry battle formation, and aggressively crushed the tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers in front of the two armies.

Seeing that the lord Liu Ji had no new orders, Yan Yan immediately took tens of thousands of cavalry under his command and launched a charge against Lu’s infantry battle formation. However, the Lu infantry battle formation was equipped with a large number of strong crossbows to Yan Yan. The cavalry brigade under his command brought great losses.

Liu Ji, who was in front of the smashing army, frowned slightly and said to Zhang Liang beside him: “Lu’s infantry battle formation is really extraordinary. Ordinary cavalry is still very disadvantaged when facing such an infantry battle formation.”

Zhang Liang nodded and said: “It is not a lie that the Lu State’s infantry is the best in the world. Lu State can have today’s situation. Lu State’s infantry can be said to have contributed. The heavy cavalry, or the infantry battle formation of our Sundering Army.”

Liu Ji nodded and said, “Let Yan Yan lead his troops back, and then let’s see if it is the Lu Kingdom’s infantry ranks first, or the infantry of our Sundering Army’s ranks ranks?”

After Yan Yan led the cavalry back to the main formation of the Pozu Army, Liu Ji directly ordered an infantry formation composed of 170,000 Tang Dynasty sword soldiers to meet the infantry battle formation of the State of Lu.

Don’t look at Liu Ji’s loud yelling, but Liu Ji still feels a little jealous of the Lu infantry in his heart, otherwise he wouldn’t make a move, so he sent the Tang Dynasty Mo sword soldier with the strongest combat power among the Puppet Army infantry.

As a result, the infantry battle formation formed by the two infantry guards of the Lu Kingdom was quickly unstoppable under the attack of the sword soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. The Hussar General Jiang Ke of the Lu Kingdom had to quickly send two more infantry guards to support it. However, the four infantry guards of the Lu Kingdom were still retreating under the fierce attack by the sword soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. It was not until the Hussar General Jiang Ke sent two more infantry guards. With the strength of six infantry guards, they barely blocked the more than a dozen of the squadrons. Wan Tang Dynasty Mo sword soldiers.

Of course Liu Ji would not have watched the hundreds of thousands of Tang Dynasty Sword Soldiers besieged by several times the Lu infantry. So soon there were new troops joining the battlefield on the side of the Broken Army, and the Lu Army also sent out immediately. Two infantry guards…

You come and I go between the two sides, and more and more troops are engaged in the battle, but the situation on the battlefield has always been controlled by the hand of the squadron. This battle lasted until the afternoon of February 1st because of the initiative of the Lu’s army. Retire and end.

On the evening of February 1st, in the Lu State Army camp south of Xinquan County, Lu State Hussar General Jiang Ke solemnly asked the counselor Zhen Hongwen: “Has the losses of the various corps been counted today?”

The counselor Zhen Hongwen sighed and said, “Master, only a rough figure has been counted. The legions that participated in the war today lost a total of about 300,000 people, of which the cavalry lost more than 40,000.”

When Hussar General Jiang Ke heard this, he couldn’t help frowning and saying: “In just one day, he lost nearly one ordinary army. It won’t take long for us to gather here. The four main army and five An ordinary legion, it may be exhausted!”

The counselor Zhen Hongwen nodded and said: “What the lord said is that the combat effectiveness of the smashing troops is too strong. The losses of the smashing troops today are far less than the army of our great Lu country, and it may even be less than 50,000 people. Now, if we continue to fight like this with the Pokémon Army, just relying on the four main legions and five ordinary legions that we gather here, the strength of the troops is indeed far from enough.”

Hussar General Jiang Ke pondered and said: “Immediately send today’s battle report back to Mengyuan City with flying pigeons. In addition, immediately select 260,000 people from the strong men who accompanied the army to carry out the loss of the infantry in each legion. supplement.”

At this time, Hussar General Jiang Ke, in addition to the four main armies and five ordinary armies, also had about 1.8 million strong men who were responsible for escorting grain and grass. These strong men of Lu were also always After receiving the training, they can supplement the various regiments of the Lu State at any time. Of course, only the infantry can be supplemented. The cavalry lost by the Lu State army cannot be supplemented for the time being.

The counselor Zhen Hongwen asked: “Lord, will we continue to fight tomorrow?”

Hussar General Jiang Ke hesitated for a moment and said: “Through this commander’s order, you will be exempted from the battle tomorrow. After your Majesty learns today’s battle report, there should be some new arrangements. It’s definitely not a good way.”

In fact, the loss of the Lukyu Army was much less than that estimated by the Lu State. The total losses of the various troops of the Lukyu Army that went into battle today were less than 30,000 people. The Lukyu Army fought against the Lu State Army for the first time. , With this result, Liu Ji was still very satisfied, and Liu Ji took the opportunity to absorb more than 330,000 soul points today.

It turned out that Liu Ji’s soul value was only less than 3,000 points. Now the soul value in his hand suddenly increased, and Liu Ji’s heart felt a little itchy. Then Liu Ji consumed 64,000 soul points and summoned A top military commander.

Lu Meng, with a force value of 90, intelligence value of 86, and commander value of 89, was a famous general in the country of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. When he was young, he attached to his brother-in-law Deng Dang and followed Sun Ce as a general. , From Po Huang Zu as the first ascend, Feng Hengye Zhonglang general, Cong Wei Cao Ren in the southern county, breaking Zhu Guang in Wancheng, thanks to the Lujiang Prefect.

Later, he occupied the three counties of Jingnan and captured Haopu. In the Battle of Xiaoyaojin, he fought bravely against Zhang Liaojun’s pursuit, and summoned the Wei army in Ruxu to eliminate Zuo Hujun and Huwei generals. After Lu Su passed away, he defended. Lukou, designed to take Jingzhou and defeat the famous Shuhan general Guan Yu, greatly increase the land area of ​​the Soochow, worshipped the prefect of Nanjun, Feng Lainghou, and was honored with honors. Soon after, he died of illness at the age of forty-two.

This time the top generals were summoned. Although there were no top generals with a strength value of 98 or 99 points, Liu Ji was quite satisfied to be able to summon Lu Meng, who is not low in three-dimensional value.

It seems that today’s luck is good. Liu Ji immediately consumed 64,000 soul points and summoned a top military commander. Unfortunately, the top military commanders summoned this time did not have any name in history, and his strength value was also Only 92 points.

Liu Ji looked at the remaining two hundred thousand soul points, and summoned three top generals in one breath. Except that the top generals summoned for the first time was not a famous general, the other two summoned top generals, Liu Jidu Very familiar.

Zuti, with a force value of 90, intelligence value of 89, and commander value of 91, a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was born in the Fanyang Zu clan. He used to serve as the director of Sizhou, Dasimaye, Huqi Jijiu, Prince Zhongsheren, etc., and later led his relatives. The party avoided chaos in Jianghuai and was awarded the title of General Fenwei and Yuzhou Provincial Governor. In the first year of Jianwu, he led the northern expedition and received the response of people from all over the country. In the past few years, he regained a large area of ​​territory south of the Yellow River, making Shile afraid of invading south and entering the west of the town. General, but because of his power, he was jealous of the Eastern Jin court.

In the fourth year of Taixing, the imperial court ordered Dai Yuan to leave Hefei in order to contain Zu Ti. Zu Ti witnessed the conflicts in the dynasty, and died of anxiety and anger. The generals were given to the chariot generals. The tribes were taken over by his younger brother Zu, and the great cause of the Northern Expedition. And because of this, it failed.

Lu Xun, with 91 force, 92 intelligence, commander value A famous general in the Three Kingdoms period. In the eighth year of Jian’an, Lu Xun entered the Sun Quan shogunate and served as the captain of Haichang Tuntian, the captain of Dingwei, and the right of the account. In the twenty-fourth year of Jian’an, Lu Xun participated in the attack on Jingzhou. In the second year of Zhang Wu, Sun Quan took Lu Xun as the chief governor and burned the company camp to defeat Liu Bei in the Battle of Yiling and became famous in the first battle.

In the seventh year of Huang Wu, Lu Xun won the battle of Shiting. In the first year of Huanglong, Sun Quan became the emperor, with Lu Xun as the grand general and assistant to the prince Sun Deng. In the seventh year of Chiwu, he worshipped as prime minister, Jingzhou Mu, Youduhu, He was in charge of three public affairs, led Wuchang affairs, died the following year, at the age of sixty-three, and pursued his posthumous posthumous title.

Although Zu Ti and Lu Xun’s force value still did not reach 98 points, according to the rules of the system, as long as the force value reaches 90 points or more, the intelligence or command value can also reach 90 points or more, then the top of this system After the general took the Xisui Famao Pill, there was a 90% chance that this system general would step into the ranks of the peerless generals.

It’s a pity that Liu Ji now only has less than 15,000 soul points in his hand, so he can’t buy Xiusu Famao Pills for the time being, otherwise Liu Ji will immediately buy a Xiusu Famao Pill for both Zuti and Lu Xun.

Fortunately, now the Puppet Army and the Lu State Army are in a big battle, Liu Ji believes that the soul value in his hands will soon increase again.

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