Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 632

Chapter 624 Ready to instigate

On the night of February 8th, the Lu State Army camp south of the county seat of Xinquan County was a bleak sight. The howls resounded throughout the day. During the daytime a battle with the Broken Army, the Lu State Army’s losses were too great. It’s a little bigger. In the end, if it weren’t for Zhen Hongwen, a counselor under General Lu’s Hussar Jiang Ke, he temporarily reorganized the more than 1.5 million strong men who remained in the camp, and cooperated with Lu’s defeated army to block the captives. The troops pursued by the army will not even have to occupy the large camp of Lu’s army by the smashing troops.

Inside a tent in this Lu State camp, Lu State Hussar General Jiang Ke said to the counselor Zhen Hongwen with a lonely look: “This commander is really careless. I didn’t expect that the two armies were fighting head-on. This commander could still be defeated. The tricks of the captive army caused the 26 infantry guards to fall into the trap carefully designed by the captive army. Now these 26 infantry guards have all been wiped out. The other troops of the corps suffered extremely heavy losses. This commander failed. After your majesty’s trust, ten thousand deaths can hardly escape the blame!”

The Twenty-six Infantry Guards of the Lu State who fell into the encirclement of the Pokémon Army had a total strength of close to 2 million, and eventually about 1.3 million. Under the leadership of generals at all levels, they took the initiative to lay down their weapons and chose to The captive army surrendered, and the remaining nearly 700,000 people died in battle.

The ten infantry guards of the Lu State outside the encircled circle also suffered a great loss. The ten infantry guards added up to more than 750,000, and now only less than 400,000 are left. The eight cavalry guards of the Lu State are even more miserable. Now only one-third of the Cavalry of Wanlu is left.

In order to block the chasing troops of the squadron, the young men of Lu also lost almost 300,000 people. So now the Hussar General Jiang Ke has only about 200,000 cavalry, nearly 400,000 infantry, and more than one hundred and twenty thousand. Wan Zhuang Ding, and there were tens of thousands of wounded among them. The Lu’s army lost more than 3 million people in one day. Even the battle-tested Hussar General Jiang Ke, there is only despair in his heart. .

The counselor Zhen Hongwen sighed and said: “Master, now we only have less than 600,000 troops and more than 1.2 million strong men left in our hands. Our subordinates suggested that we must return to Qiongzhou immediately and join the Twelfth Army as soon as possible.”

The Twelfth Army of the Lu State was ordered by General Jiang Ke of Hussars and was rushing to the main Lu State Army in Xinquan County. The six guards of this main Army were all infantry. The marching speed was a bit slow, and it is still in Qiongzhou. It will take at least five or six days to reach Xinquan County.

Hussar General Jiang Ke nodded and said: “Today’s battle was so defeated. We are already unable to attack Suzhou. The most important thing now is to defend Qiongzhou. The commander is going to withdraw troops overnight. What does Mr. Zhen think? ”

The counselor Zhen Hongwen said immediately: “The lord is wise, the sooner we retreat, the safer we will be. If it is not for the darkening of today, the Trapped Army will not give up continuing to attack our camp. Maybe tomorrow is dawning and the offensive of the Trapped Army will be It started again.”

“Then convey this commander’s order to the legions, and we will withdraw to Qiongzhou tonight! By the way, all wounded soldiers must be brought with them, and it is not allowed to abandon one wounded soldier!”

“Lord, we have to guard against the sniper army and send troops to pursue it at night!”

“Let’s take one step at a time! It really doesn’t work, this coach will personally break the post!”

In the middle of the night on February 8, in a study room in the county office of Xinquan County, Zhang Baofeng said with excitement to Li Mu and the six top civil servants: Zhang Liang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Fang Xuanling, Tian Feng, and Jushou: ” Report to General Li and the six gentlemen that the results of the battle during the day have been roughly counted. We captured 1.4 million just as a prisoner, and the number of Lu people killed is not less than that.”

In addition to the approximately 1.3 million Lu infantry captured in the encirclement, when the Lu infantry was defeated, there were almost one hundred thousand Lu infantry who did not withdraw in time, and eventually became prisoners of the broken army.

Li Mu asked immediately: “How much do we lose?”

Zhang Baofeng said immediately: “Our corps of the Captive Army lost approximately 250,000 in total.”

Li Mu nodded slightly, and only lost 250,000 people to achieve such a big victory, Li Mu thought it was worth it.

At this time, Zhang Liang smiled and said to Li Mu: “Congratulations to General Li. After this battle, General Li’s name will surely be famous all over the world!”

Li Mu said quickly: “Li Mu dare not monopolize this great credit. This tactic was jointly formulated by Li Mu and the six gentlemen!”

Guo Jia then said, “General Li don’t have to be humble. The six of us just helped you improve this tactic. The credit should be General Li!”

Li Mu then said: “Six gentlemen, the defeat of the Lu’s army will not return to Qiongzhou. I am going to attack Qiongzhou before the Lu’s reinforcements enter Qiongzhou and try to take Qiongzhou down. What do you think?”

As soon as Li Mu’s words fell, Chen Jichang hurriedly walked into the study of the county government, “General Li and the six gentlemen, the scouts monitoring the Lu State army camp came to report that the Lu State army began to retreat overnight!”

As soon as Zhang Liang heard this, he smiled and said to Li Mu: “General Li’s story is like a god, and Lu’s army is really going to return to Qiongzhou. Now the Lu’s army is like a dog of the bereavement, and Lu has not many troops in Qiongzhou. We have a great opportunity to seize Qiongzhou!”

Li Mu immediately turned his head and said to Zhang Baofeng and Chen Jichang: “Immediately let the cavalry units of the Prairie Army and Beiting Army assemble, and we have to send off the hussar general of the State of Lu!”

In the middle of the night of February 8, the cavalry troops of the Sundering Army pursued the Lu State Army that had been withdrawn overnight. Finally, the Hussar General Jiang Ke was forced to leave behind one hundred thousand Lu State infantry and thirty thousand Lu State infantry. After Wan Zhuangding was responsible for the severance, there were even 40,000 wounded soldiers. In order not to affect the speed of the march, Jiang Ke wanted to stay in person, but was dragged away by the generals of Lu. .

The 100,000 Lu infantry, 300,000 soldiers, and 40,000 wounded soldiers made use of the large infantry formations laid down by the terrain, which happened to block the chasing route of the cavalry troops of the Sundering Army. The cavalry troops of the Steppe Army and Beiting Army were not allowed. I did not launch a fierce attack on this infantry formation, but due to the terrain, and it was night time, the attack by the cavalry troops of the Sundering Army was not ideal. Li Mu acted decisively and ordered the cavalry troops to stop attacking the infantry formation after the severance of Lu. attack.

On the morning of February 9th, Li Mu transferred the infantry of the Guards Corps and the Native Corps, and the infantry of these two regiments launched a fierce attack on the troops after the breakup of Lu State. The battle lasted until noon on February 9th. The Lu State Army completely collapsed. The generals who led these Lu State Army helplessly ordered their subordinates to raise the white flag. After the Lu State was broken, the 440,000 people left at this time only less than 300,000.

Li Mu let the troops of the various army groups rest for a while. In the early morning of February 10th, Li Mu personally led more than 1.8 million prisoners into the territory of Qiongzhou.

When Li Mu led his troops into Qiongzhou, Liu Ji led ten cavalry brigades of the Prairie Legion, 32,000 heavy cavalry from the Huben Army and Xuanjia soldiers, as well as Mo Dao soldiers, Wei Wushu soldiers, and those who were trapped in the camp. Seventy-five thousand elite infantrymen have arrived in the county seat of Fuxin County, Chongyi County, Hangzhou, with five cavalry brigades and 20 infantry brigades of the Guards led by Bai Qi, and five cavalry brigades and ten of the local army. The infantry brigade and the troops of the former Southeast Xiang Army joined together.

In the early morning of February 10, in a study room in the county office of Fuxin County, Liu Ji said with a gloomy expression to his subordinates and generals: “Li Mu sent a good news to the chief governor through carrier pigeons. The governor had just left Xinquan County with his troops. Li Mu led his army and defeated the millions of troops from the Lu State invading Suzhou in a battle. The prisoners alone captured 1.4 million. The people who died on the battlefield of Lu State were no less than this. digital.”

The good news from Li Mu was delivered to Liu Ji on the night of February 8th with a carrier pigeon. Liu Ji did not know that the Lu State Army in Xinquan County had already returned to Qiongzhou, and Li Mu led his troops to annihilate forty times. After the 40,000 troops were broken off, the prisoners captured nearly 300,000 more. At this time, Li Mu had already invaded Qiongzhou with his troops.

Bai Qi saw Liu Ji’s face a little depressed, thinking that Liu Ji was a little dissatisfied with Li Mu. After all, Liu Ji had just left with his troops, and Li Mu then led his troops to achieve such a big victory, so Bai Qi hurried to Li Mu to Liu Ji. He explained: “Lord, if you leave Xinquan County without your soldiers, the Lu State army will not easily go into battle, and Li Mu will not be able to implement that tactic.”

In fact, Liu Ji was a little depressed because he missed the opportunity to absorb more than one million soul points. Liu Ji had no dissatisfaction with Li Mu.

Liu Ji glanced at him and said with a wry smile: “The chief governor is not jealous of Li Mu’s brilliant victory. It’s just that I regret taking too many troops. If I can leave Li Mu with some elite troops. Maybe Li Mu can wipe out this Lu State army in Xinquan County in the first battle.”

At this time, Wang Meng said: “Lord, even if General Li Mu did not wipe out the millions of Lu State troops in Xinquan County this time, the Lu State Army is no longer a concern. Maybe General Li Mu will soon attack. Qiongzhou.”

Liu Ji nodded and said: “In the letter, Li Mu is indeed ready to take advantage of the victory, and strive to capture Qiongzhou before the arrival of Lu’s reinforcements.”

After a pause, Liu Ji asked Bai Qi: “What’s the situation with Lu’s army along Fuxin County?”

Bai Qi immediately said: “Enlighten the lord, since the war on February 2nd, the Lu State army on the road in Fuxin County has been unable to evade the battle. According to what we know, the Lu State on the road in Fuxin County The army, including the young men, should have more than two million troops.”

Liu Ji said: “Most of the strong men in Lu State responsible for escorting grain and grass have undergone long-term military training. Therefore, when calculating the strength of the Lu State army, we must also include those strong men in Lu State responsible for escorting grain and grass. .”

Bai Qidian said: “The lord’s statement is extremely that the strong men responsible for escorting grain and grass in the State of Lu can be brought to the battlefield at any time, and the combat effectiveness is not low.”

Liu Ji said to Bai Qi: “This time the chief governor brought in more than one million troops. Before the arrival of Lu’s reinforcements, he planned to eat the Lu’s troops along the road in Fuxin County. Now Xinquan County has obtained one. Great victory, if we can eat the Lu army here in Fuxin County, then this war with Lu, our spoilers can basically declare victory, and the seven states in the southeast will be ours. Owned by the Broken Army! Do you have any good suggestions on how to eat the Lu’s army on this road in Fuxin County?”

At this time, Zhao Lianjin, the former general of the Southeast Xiang Army in the study, said: “The general governor, according to the information we have received, is based on the soldiers of our Southeast Xiang Army who have sought refuge in the State of Lu. The Army of the State of Lu is about to arrive in Fu. In Xinxian County, many people in the Lu regiment belonged to me and Zhou Jiling’s old men. Now that the chief governor Zhang Mingqi is dead, these former soldiers of the Southeast Xiang Army must not be willing to take orders from the Lu Kingdom anymore. We have an opportunity. We can send people to contact the soldiers of the former Southeast Xiang Army and let them stab them in the back of the Lu people!”

The four generals of the former Southeast Xiang Army who joined the Puppet Army, Zhao Lianjin, Zhou Jiling, Fan Dongying, and Yuan Tianba, were all in this study at this time.

Zhou Jiling immediately continued: “General Governor, I am willing to personally contact those Southeast Army generals who have taken refuge in Lu. Now the General Governor Zhang Mingqi is no longer there. Presumably these Southeast Army generals are not willing to be promoted all the time!”

Liu Ji turned his head and asked the top civil servants such as Lu Su and Changsun Wuji: “What do you think of the plans of General Zhao Lianjin and General Zhou Jiling?”

Lu Su immediately said: “Lord The movement of your arrival in Fuxin County with more than one million troops is too loud. The Lu State Army south of the county seat will surely know that these Lu State Army will be even more so. We won’t go to war anymore. If we want to eat more than two million Lu State’s troops, we must attack the base of Lu State’s army. It will be a lot easier to eat the Lu’s troops along the road in Fuxin County, and the losses of our troops will surely be reduced a lot.”

Changsun Wuji nodded and said, “If you can really persuade those Southeast Xiangjun soldiers who have taken refuge in Lu to turn back and eat the Lu’s army along Fuxin County, there will be basically no problem!”

Several other top civil servants in the study also agreed to instigate the generals of the Southeastern Xiang Army in the Lu State Army, so Liu Ji said loudly to Zhao Lianjin and Zhou Jiling: “General Zhao, General Zhou, contact the generals of the Southeastern Xiang Army. The general governor will be fully responsible for you. If you can really eat the Lu’s army in Fuxin County in one fell swoop, you two should remember your first contribution!”

Zhao Lianjin and Zhou Jiling glanced at each other, and Zhao Lianjin said, “The chief governor can rest assured that we two will definitely be able to draw the soldiers of the Southeast Xiang Army who have taken refuge in the Lu State to our side of the Broken Army!”

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