Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 668

Page 668

Unify all the powers of the monsters around.

The seven great saints of that year, except for Sun Wukong, all assembled.

Nine-headed lions, golden-winged Dapeng, etc., these big monsters are famous in the journey to the west.

It’s all gathered here.

The whole country of ten thousand demons is full of demons.

At this moment, they are conspiring to carry out a plan against the sky.

Attack Mount Sumeru.

That’s right! The demon clan is coming to the world again.

A holy place must be seized.

This Buddhist is very lucky.

If you can attack Mount Sumeru, use it as a dojo.

The entire demon clan will rise again.

But! That Buddhist master is like a cloud.

Not to mention the Tathagata who has reached the semi-holy state.

Even the South China Sea Avalokitesvara is not easy to mess with

The presence.

Why do these remaining demon clan forces have such great confidence! Because this time! The leading leader is not only his own strength, but also extremely powerful.

And he also found many survivors of the Monster Race Heavenly Court.

As we all know! In those days, Emperor Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun established the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race.

Seventy-two great saints under his command.

The power is terrifying.

But later, in the battle of the Lich, both sides suffered heavy losses.


Among the demon clan, there are some great saints, seeing that the situation is not good, and taking the opportunity to escape.

Hidden in some mysterious place, has been hiding to this day.

Originally, these old guys were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Usually it doesn’t come out easily.

I didn’t expect this time! I was asked to come out again.

Yingzhao, Bai Ze, and even Kunpeng, the demon master of that year, joined their camp.

Demon Master Kunpeng! This guy was one of the three thousand Red Dust guests in the Zixiao Palace back then! If he hadn’t given up his futon.

Now the saint has his place.

Such a strong lineup has greatly increased the confidence of all the monsters.

Not to mention, the mysterious leader, possessing the strength, is even more terrifying.

Otherwise! He couldn’t summon so many powerful monsters.

I just saw his arm shake.

“Buddhist is dead, the demon clan should stand!”

Boom! The terrifying demonic energy shot straight into the sky.

And the many demon saints who sat down also released their demonic energy at the same time.

For a while! The entire country of ten thousand demons is astonishingly powerful.

The entire Xiniu Hezhou was shrouded in the clouds of war.

And Fomen Dabian! It has also been done

Various preparations.

All fifteen Buddhas were restored.

Let’s prepare together for this unprecedented catastrophe.

And many Bodhisattvas also returned one after another.

Even the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who guards hell has returned from hell.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of this incident.

It’s not that the demon clan was suppressed! It’s that their Buddhism perished.

In addition, there is no second way! Feilu reminds you: read three things

【471】Incarnation outside the body!Godless Buddha!Destroy the Black Lotus! (Please subscribe!)

This is the crisis of survival and death! The whole of Buddhism has shown unprecedented unity.

On Mount Sumeru, the sound of Buddha’s voice burst forth.

In the sky, blossoming golden lotuses landed.

Strange appearances.

But now! In the distance in the sky, dark clouds are rolling.

There is a great feeling that the city is about to be destroyed by black clouds.

“Disciples, join me in reciting the Buddhist scriptures!”

“Follow the Buddha’s Dharma!”

All at once! Arhats of the heavens, recite the Tripitaka together.

One after another golden runes flew out in an instant.

Turned into a road of Buddha seals, flying in the entire Mount Sumeru

And at this moment! The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is also ready to go.

I saw the person at the top suddenly stood up.

He is the convener of this kind of action, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

The little demons below couldn’t see through his disguise.

There was speculation about the identity of this man.

To be able to bring so many peerless monsters together.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

It has to be someone with deep feet.

However, who can have such ability! Even the former demon master Kunpeng is under him.

And at this moment! This guy finally showed his true face.

I saw the black mist dissipate.

A black-robed man appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

I can only see its whole body, the magic power is monstrous.

It was as if others would fall into the devil’s way just by looking at him.

It can never be reincarnated.

“See Demon Venerable!”

For a time, the surrounding demon master Kunpeng and others all came down to worship.

Only they know the origin of this Demon Venerable.

He was originally a monk in Hezhou, Xiniu, [*] years ago, and he was also the great protector of the World Honored Upharada Buddha at that time – “Kinara”

Bodhisattva, has a very high status in the Buddhist world! Later, he betrayed Buddhism because of catastrophe, and his evil thoughts expanded, splitting his good thoughts [white clothes without heaven] into the dark abyss! Quite! Back then! As the great protector of Buddhism, “Kinara”

Bodhisattva has a promising future! Later, he was ordered by the World Honored Buddha at that time to go to the southern part of Xiniu Hezhou to preach! The local Brahmin high priest asked him to complete three things that ordinary people could not do.

After completing the work, he promised him to preach in the local area! The first one was called Aliu, a descendant of a local thief family. Be a prostitute! After he was done, the high priest turned back and executed Kinnaro! Ahshy, who was a prostitute himself, saved Kinnaro and broke his oath of no longer being a prostitute and agreed to the conditions of the high priest and committed suicide. !”Kinnaro”

Bodhisattva was also expelled from Lingshan Buddhism after this kalpa, and was deeply stimulated to encapsulate his good thoughts into the “world-destroying black lotus” he was looking for.

! But at this moment! In the black lotus, a ray of remnant soul lodged in him quickly merged with him.


That remnant soul is none other than that! It was Luo Hu who fought with Hong Jun for the position of Dao Patriarch back then.

The souls of the two become one.

In the end, he became the first evil demon in the world, Mara,

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