Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 674

Page 674

Come, and then seal it on the Buddha bead in his hand! No matter how hard Bai Ze struggles, he cannot escape the seal of the Buddha bead.

Bang bang bang! The struggle between the two shakes the earth.

Makes people tremble.

In the entire void, countless cracks have appeared.

Now! Both sides have invested a large number of troops.

Countless little demons attacked the sky overwhelmingly.

Constantly have to climb towards Mount Sumeru.

And in Mount Sumeru, countless Arhats and Bhikkhunis emerged.

Both sides unfolded

Intense fight.

The blood pooled together, rushing like a river.

see this situation.

The Tathagata sitting on the lotus pedestal immediately could not sit still.

He flew up.

Go straight to the top of Mount Nasumer.

Buddha’s light shines.

For a while! Everyone on the battlefield felt a burst of inner peace.

The killing and desire in the original heart gradually returned to tranquility at this moment.

On the battlefield! There was a moment of harmony.


“Tathagata, do you think that this is enough?”

Wutian on the side couldn’t help sneering.

He also instantly put his hands together.

Immediately! A monstrous black air smeared all over the body.

His black hair fluttered like a demon descending.

These black air quickly spread.

As long as it is stained with this black air.

Everyone will become a weapon that only knows how to kill.

No one can stop it.

This is utter terror.


Black energy will stimulate the darkest side of a demon or a person’s innermost heart.

well known.

There is a shadow in everyone’s heart.


Some people hide well.

And some people don’t hide the darkness in their hearts.

And show it recklessly.

Even those Arhats and Bhikkhunis! Their hearts have gone through the practice of Dharma.

But still can not resist the impact of this black gas.

This is the utter horror.

he can

put anyone

Pull down the abyss.

become a fallen pawn

And this time! In the real world.

In the sky, there are also dark clouds.

As if there was a huge black dragon hovering in the sky.

Everyone watched this scene in horror.

Meng Chuan, on the other hand, smiled faintly.

Immediately, he closed his eyes.

He will use his own will to show this Yunyunlong how powerful he is.

And this time! In the world of food.

Just when everyone went crazy.

Even Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha.

His eyes were red at the moment.

With that opponent’s demon saint, the fight is in full swing.

However! Right now.

I saw the Tathagata on the opposite side, and put his hands together again.

Mouth silently.

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, practicing deep prajnaparamita.”

“Seeing the five aggregates

Empty, save all suffering, Sariputra.”

“Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of feeling, thought, action and consciousness.”

A chanting sounded.

A soft light gradually escaped from his body.

Those rays of light gradually spread.

The people who were in madness at first slowly calmed down at this moment.

The entire battlefield fell into silence again.

But it’s not over yet! The Tathagata began to recite softly again.

The Bodhi book has no tree.

The mirror is not Taiwan.

There was nothing.

Where is the dust! And accompanied by his silent recitation.

Behind it, a Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Tree grew slowly.

As we all know! There are two great saints in Western religion.

One to lead, one to refer.

Both guys are extremely brazen.

And the sage that Zhunti has a magic weapon.

It is called the Seven Treasures Tree.

The two sages in the West, the master of the Daoist, is made of his body, the Western Gengjin Bodhi combined with gold, silver, glass and other seven treasures!

Evidence tool.

Known as nothing without brushing, the full name is Qibao wonderful brushing tree.

Also known as the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree Stick.

It was used to brush away the two weapons of Kong Xuan, and it also smashed the magic weapon of Tongtian sect master.

This Kong Xuan, the reason why he surrendered is related to Buddhism.

To a large extent it was caused by catching this guy.

And now! These two great saints, because of the decree of Hongjun.

Unable to appear in the next session.

But the fact that people cannot appear does not mean that magic weapons cannot.

Therefore, as soon as the Tathagata recited the mantra! The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree appeared in him.

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