Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 69

Page 69

They were instantly impressed by the deliciousness.

“My God! Is this really crab yellow dumplings? It’s so delicious!”

“Resilient skin encased in a rich soup full of crab essence!”

“As soon as you take a bite, it will burst open. It’s so satisfying to eat!”

“It’s simply the best in the world!”

Many diners gave thumbs up.

“Give me another plate!”

“I want it too, give me a plate too!”

“Don’t grab it, those are my crab yellow dumplings!”

Sheru grinned, his teeth gleaming.

This crab yellow dumpling is actually called [Crab Yellow Three Fresh Dumplings]!

The source of inspiration is the famous point in Jiangnan: crab yellow soup dumplings.

Back then, after he wandered across the south of the Yangtze River, the deliciousness of this crab roe soup bun has always lingered in his heart.

Can’t go away for a long time.

In this regard, he re-engraved the crab roe soup dumpling.

But I accidentally created this [Crab Yellow Three Fresh Dumplings]!

In this dumpling, not only is crab roe wrapped, but also three other types of seafood are specially added for seasoning.

One entrance!

That umami will permeate your entire taste buds.

Achieving a delicious taste that is hard to smell!

The chopsticks container in front of the two people’s booth was constantly being filled.

Soon a box of chopsticks was full.

Staff, take this box of chopsticks away.

Put it into the [Red Cliff].

Dumpling Brothers and Steel Rod Sheru immediately looked down on others.

Other tourists who have just entered, after seeing the chopsticks in this [Red Cliff].

Along with the flow, they came to the shop of the two of them.

It can be said!

In this round, whoever seized the opportunity first.

Who can ride the dust.

And this time!

Meng Chuan’s dumplings are finally ready.

I saw him lift the lid of his own pot.


The light that had not been seen for a long time burst out from the pot again.

The light shot into the sky.

All of a sudden!

The diners in the entire venue were attracted by the movement on Meng Chuan’s side.

“My God! I don’t have dazzling eyes!”

“There is golden light! There is golden light!”


All the diners at the scene opened their mouths wide.

He stared at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

Even the elders who were sent by the Cantonese Kitchen Federation to be in charge of this competition watched this scene blankly.

He stood on the tall building beside him, looking at the Yangquan Restaurant emitting golden light below.

“This… this is ace cuisine!”

The elders of the Cantonese Kitchen Federation widened their eyes in disbelief.

Could it be that the kid below is Chef Lin?

Only Chef Lin’s cooking can exude such a vision.

The dumpling brothers opposite also looked stunned.

They didn’t think so.

That guy’s cooking can actually produce such a light.


Everything they did just now was in vain.

All diners will be attracted by this beam of light.

The advantages that he had just worked hard and accumulated were instantly vanished.

The steel rod Shelu is high in fighting spirit.

He did not expect a small dumpling competition!

The ace cuisine can actually appear.

If you can pick him off the horse, then he will definitely be very honored.

And this time!

The light gradually dissipated.

I saw the dumplings in the pot, all floating.

Meng Chuan was quick-witted, and scooped up the dumpling the moment it floated.

Then pour into a small bowl.

Each small bowl is filled with seven dumplings.

These seven dumplings are of the same color.

Red orange red green blue blue purple!

Exactly like a rainbow.

This is Mengchuan’s ace dish this time.

【Colorful crescent moon dumplings】

The inspiration for this dish still comes from Fang Yispoon.

However, what she did was [Colorful Dumplings]!

On her basis, Meng Chuan went through more than ten days of research and development.

It was upgraded to today’s [Colorful Crescent Dumplings]!

This [Colorful Crescent Dumpling], not only the color has increased, but the level of cooking has also improved a lot.

It was held on a plate.

The dumpling skins shone with different brilliance.

A faint fragrance lingers around.

Very seductive greed.

“Nice dumplings!”

“Yeah! Just seeing the color of the dumplings gave me an appetite!”

“Suck it!”

There were already crowds of onlookers around.

In the front, there are some young and beautiful young ladies.

They are all loyal fans who attracted Meng Chuan yesterday.

“Wow, what a cute dumpling!”

“Yes! The dumplings made by Meng Chuan’s little brother must be delicious!”

Some of the older girls flirted with Meng Chuan directly.

Meng Chuan smiled slightly and handed out a plate directly.

“Come on, try it!”

On the other hand, Dudu immediately became jealous.

Two pink cheeks, bulging like a bun.

Absolutely cute.

“Die Mengchuan, people want to eat it too! He didn’t hand it to me first!”

She twisted the corners of her clothes with her hands, secretly sulking in her heart.

That young lady smiled so much that Meng Chuan handed over the plate.

A pair of delicate little hands picked up chopsticks and picked up a purple dumpling.

Since the dumplings had just come out of the pot, they were still steaming hot. *

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