Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 696

Page 696

To say that before, Meng Chuan still wanted to be reasonable! Now Meng Chuan has regarded the empress dowager Qinghuang and others as dead people! Because of this, Meng Chuan’s eyes have become cold when he looks at the people in front of him. Get chilled.

“Looks like I did something wrong before!”

Meng Chuan, who was about to walk in front of the Queen Mother, couldn’t help but sighed softly.

Meng Chuan seemed to be feeling emotional.

And heard this voice.

The queen mother who hid behind many guards

, was startled for a moment, and then there was a hint of surprise on his face.

Obviously, the queen mother thought that Meng Chuan was afraid at this time.

After feeling such a situation, the majesty of the Queen Mother as the lord of a country suddenly showed again.

I saw that the queen mother straightened her face, then she stood up straight, and then she directly gestured to the guards beside her with a look.

And at the hint of the queen mother, this… guard, immediately stood up and shouted: “I know it’s wrong, then don’t kneel down, and I will capture it.”

This stern shout was loud and echoed on the Great Wall, making everyone stunned for a moment.

Feilu reminds you: read three things

【494】Prelude to troubled times!Behind the scenes is finally revealed! (2 more, please subscribe!)

Although they said that they would be captured, but the guards had already regarded Meng Chuan as a dead man.

Now, these guards are waiting for Meng Chuan to kneel.

And once Meng Chuan knelt down, these guards would immediately hold a knife and chop Meng Chuan on the high platform.

After hearing such words, Meng Chuan was stunned.

Obviously, he didn’t expect to hear such a thing at all.

Immediately he laughed.

At this moment, there was only one thing in his mind, and that was that he was trying to reason with such a person.

“It’s almost impossible


Meng Chuan let out another loud shout.

He looked at these fierce-eyed guards, and suddenly raised his hand and patted it, and a thick heaven and earth energy appeared in his palm, and these heaven and earth energy instantly turned into a giant palm.

Then, the giant palm was even more grabbed.

Originally, when I heard Meng Chuan say that he knew he was wrong.

The empress dowager, the Qing emperor and the guards were still very happy in their hearts.

However, before they could think too much, they suddenly saw this giant palm.

I saw, with a puff, a low sound came from the Great Wall.

The guards of the empress dowager Qinghuang were directly slapped on the ground by Meng Chuan.

And in the next moment, this huge palm composed of heaven and earth vitality.

It even directly mentioned the empress dowager and the Qing emperor directly.

Saw such a scene.

Standing in the distance, Dudu and the others suddenly widened their eyes.

And the chefs from all over the world looked even more horrified.

And after being picked up by the giant palm, no matter what

Whether it was the Qing Emperor or the Empress Dowager, they were all dumbfounded.

Apparently, they didn’t expect at all

, In this huge empire, someone would actually do such a thing.

The experience at this moment was undoubtedly something that neither of them dreamed of.

Looking at the empress dowager and the Qing emperor who were already panicking.

Meng Chuan’s face was flat, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he led the two directly to him.

“Queen Mother!”

Not far away, Zhu Yuan, the director of the imperial dining room, suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, the few remaining guards on the Great Wall immediately stood up and wanted to help.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength between them and Meng Chuan is really

is too disparate.

I saw Meng Chuan just waved his hand, and a few loyal guards were swept directly to the ground.

And after bringing these two people to the front.

Meng Chuan even put his hands on his back, and then said indifferently.

“Kneel down!”

With this indifferent shout, Meng Chuan directly pressed down the palm of his vitality just now.

Although the empress dowager and the emperor of Qing Dynasty looked indignant at this time, as ordinary people, the empress dowager and the emperor of Qing could not bear such pressure at all.

So, the empress dowager, the Qing emperor, the two imperial

Master, just knelt directly in front of Meng Chuan.

Seeing such a situation, not only Zhu Yuan, the director of the imperial kitchen, who was still alive at this time, and the chefs from all over the world.

Even Dudu and Sanjie were stunned. Obviously, even at this time, they couldn’t believe such a scene.

And Meng Chuan, the initiator, is even lighter.

As a chef, Meng Chuan is not an unreasonable person.

But since he got the eight kitchen utensils, Meng Chuan found that others were unwilling to reason with him.

“I’ll find a cemetery for you.”

looking at

With the two kneeling on the ground in front of them, Meng Chuan’s expression was extremely flat.

And in order to prevent the two from begging for mercy, Meng Chuan directly used Yuan Li to block the two’s mouths.

At this time, from the Empress Dowager, Qing

In the eyes of the two emperors of the emperor, Meng Chuan saw a trace of fear and unease, as well as implied anger.

Seeing this situation, he also sighed slightly.

Then he didn’t say anything, just stretched out his hand

One shot.

A beam of light flew straight to the top of the two of them.

Since others are not reasonable with him, then naturally he will not be reasonable with others.

The two beams shot by Meng Chuan were fast and urgent.

In an instant, the top of the two of them appeared.

Seeing these two beams of light, the hearts of the Qing emperor and the empress dowager suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster.

Obviously, as long as the beam hits hard, the two will lose their lives immediately.

And at this time.


abruptly, a sudden

The wind came.

The voice was sharp and sharp.

With this sound, Meng Chuan shot out two beams, which were suddenly broken by another sword beam.


An angry shout came from a distance.

Immediately after that, a figure in the sky, like a sharp sword, struck straight in the direction of Meng Chuan.

Although Meng Chuan couldn’t see it clearly, Meng Chuan could still hear it.

Just now, it was for the voice of the old man.

But after hearing this stern shout, Meng Sheng was stunned.


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