Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Awakening Jason

The next day, almost everyone discovered that the little snakes were abnormal. They were worried and always frowning, as if they had encountered something incomprehensible.

Zhang Xiao still underestimated his influence on pure-bloods, for these little snakes who were filled with family and glory by their parents.

History, status, and wealth are almost the standards for measuring everything. It's like the second generation of a small city hiding in their own territory to enjoy themselves, and suddenly a foreign prince lands in the air.

These second generations have no idea how to get along with the prince, so they are just like Malfoy, eager to get corresponding guidance from their parents.

Of course, the students of the other three houses did not know the inside story, and they were greatly surprised by this. The Weasley brothers swore that they had inside information that Slytherin House would be canceled next semester and replaced by Wallen House. The academy badge is just a sniff.

Because it is rumored that a powerful magical expert wants to drive away Snape and become the dean of Warren College.

All the students said that although the Weasley brothers were indeed well-informed, the news this time was definitely false.

Because an unnamed Potions professor, the dean who was rumored to be unemployed next semester, deducted 50 points from each of the Weasley brothers with a sullen expression.

He also said sarcastically that if the Weasley brothers continued to neglect their mouths and donated their tongues to brew the potion, he would need two fresh tongues.

Harry and Ron couldn't bear it anymore, so they ran over secretly, pretended to pass by the Slytherin table, and quietly poked Zhang Xiao.

The three little ones came to the corridor outside the restaurant. Harry and Ron first took him and looked him up and down carefully, and then said worriedly:

"Are you okay in Slytherin? Did they bully you? I heard that Slytherin particularly likes to bully freshmen who are not 'one of their own'."

Ron even pulled out his worn-out wand and said eagerly:

"Zhang, if someone bullies you, just tell us that I just learned a few evil spells, and the effects are outstanding!

Especially the incisor stick match, tap dance and hair loss spell are very useful! "

After saying that, he waved a little, with longing on his face, as if he was imagining the scene of these three little curses hitting Malfoy.

Just imagine, Brother Drag holds his bald head, his front teeth can’t even cover his lower lip, and he’s still tap dancing.

The three of them immediately laughed together.

Zhang smiled and patted the two friends on the shoulders, shrugged and said:

"Actually, it's okay. Apart from Goyle and Crabbe snoring too loudly, I haven't encountered any troubles so far, and this problem is about to be solved. I found that the silent spell is a good idea."

Harry and Ron were relieved and asked questions that they were very interested in:

"Zhang, do you know what happened to Slytherin? Why...they are like..." Harry made a sad expression: "Why is this?"

So Zhang Xiao briefly recounted what happened in the lounge last night, skipping the part where he boasted about his family. To be honest, there was nothing much to talk about.

When they heard that Zhang Xiao had saved the bullied freshman, Harry and Ron clenched their fists and were so excited that they wished they were there and had a fight with the bully pure-blood Slytherins.

"I'm right! Zhang, you should have chosen to come to Gryffindor when the houses were sorted, so that we could fight against Slytherin together!"

Ron shouted, and Harry nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing with Ron's opinion.

The three friends chatted with each other for a few more words, and then reluctantly returned to the dining table.

Harry and Ron quickly told the Weasley brothers and other audience members who were still discussing the news. George said:

"I bet your friend must be from a pure-blood family, and the family is very powerful!"

Hermione Granger sat quietly on the side, eating beef pie in silence, but her little ears moved. Seamus and Dean also stretched their heads over and asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

Fred took the words and said exaggeratedly: "Come on, man, we know those arrogant Slytherins too well, they are not a good person.

If your status is not higher than theirs, you are just talking in your sleep if you want them to give up bullying the freshmen! "

"Anyway," Percy nodded, "your Slytherin friend is pretty good. At least he is a rare Slytherin who has no discrimination against Muggles."

Harry and Ron looked at each other and said in unison:

"Of course!"

In an abandoned village in Croft County, a stone house in the corner suddenly became lively recently, and some strangely dressed people occupied the place.

Jason was sitting at the wooden table, holding a glass of wine and sipping it. On one side of the room, piles of willow crates were neatly stacked, and Wilbur was running around with a thick list in his hand. Check the quantity.

Beside him, there was a group of dark wizards who were using levitating spells to carefully move the boxes to other places.

Thanks to Wilbur's decisive escape, Jason finally saved a small life, but even with the help of potions and magic, he lay in bed for half a month before he recovered. At his insistence, Wilbur sneaked back to the original Muggle neighborhood.

However, he found that the female ghost hiding there had disappeared, and there were traces of spells cast at the scene. However, no matter what method Wilbur used, he could not find out what traces of spells were left behind.

Jason was unexpectedly open-minded about this. He learned a lot from the experience. After recovering, Jason immediately went to check what had hurt him.

This investigation is like opening the door to a new world.

Only then did Jason realize that Muggles, whom he considered to be inferior creatures and didn't even bother to understand, had come up with so many things!

Especially the thing called a gun, Jason had done many tests. Even the super armor protection charm was as brittle as an egg shell under the muzzle of the Browning M1919.

After trying various firearms, Jason had to admit: this thing is much better than the wand!

And these were only a small part of the murderous weapons created by Muggles. The more Jason learned about them, the more frightened he became, and eventually he even trembled all over.

These low-level, despicable Muggles are so terrifying that they even created something called nuclear weapons. Jason, who has seen relevant film and television clips, would bet on it.

If a nuclear weapon were thrown at the Ministry of Magic, none of those idiots and trash would be able to escape, and they would all be finished!

He even decided that after welcoming back the great Dark Lord, he would definitely suggest to him that he use Muggle weapons to rule the entire magical world! Whoever disobeys will drop a nuclear bomb on their Ministry of Magic!

"Jason! Everything was correct, no problem!" Wilbur wiped the sweat from his face, trotted over and asked in a low voice:

"Are we really going to use these things to attack Azkaban Prison? That's a place guarded by dementors!"

Wilbur shuddered. Why had the remaining Death Eaters never considered attacking Azkaban? Aren't there just dementors everywhere? As a dark wizard, it is almost impossible to use the Patronus Charm. How can you fight against Dementors without the Patronus Charm?

Looking at the man who saved his life, Jason rarely scolded him, but let out a dull laugh. He looked at the dark wizards surrounding him and said proudly:

"Wilbur, my good brother, bombing Azkaban with rockets is just a cover. My purpose is to divert the attention of the Ministry of Magic, and then..."

He patted the open wicker box next to him:

"Use these things that Muggles call bombs to blow up the entire Ministry of Magic! Declare our existence!"

"Boom!" The heavy wooden door of the mansion was blown open, and two figures walked into the room through the raised dust.

Zhang Chengdao put the compass into the Qiankun bag, moved his wrist, and glanced at the seven or eight people in the room. There was a smile on his face, but his voice was cold:

"Finally found you!"

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