Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 I want to learn

Chapter 23 I want to learn.

Hagrid finally agreed to Zhang Xiao's request, which made him very happy, and he decided to contact his parents that night and ask them to send some seeds.

On the way back to the castle, Harry did not tell what happened in Diagon Alley that day, perhaps because Hagrid had told him not to talk nonsense. Harry did a good job in this regard.

Their pockets were stuffed with heavy rock biscuits, which Ron muttered could even be used as weapons if you could hit your enemy on the head with them accurately.

The two kids were full of interest in the food he talked about and kept asking questions, while Zhang Xiao was once again shocked by the lack of British food. Although he has lived in the UK for more than ten years, he has never eaten out much.

They are all home-cooked meals that I eat with my parents. The few local foods I eat are just like eating McDonald's and KFC, as a taste of something new.

While there was still time, Zhang Xiao went to see Professor Sprout and asked her for some tips on how to quickly propagate common plants. The chubby and amiable Dean of Hufflepuff was very enthusiastic about Zhang Xiao.

Slytherin was even given 5 points to praise his dedicated and enthusiastic attitude towards botany.

In this way, Zhang Xiao returned home with a full load. As soon as the dinner was over, he couldn't wait to return to the dormitory. He rummaged in his small bag for a long time and finally found a bronze mirror among a pile of debris.

Malfoy had eaten too many high-end candies brought from home in the afternoon, and was currently lying on the bed boredly reading the comics Zhang Xiao lent him.

Although he kept complaining, "It's hard to imagine that Muggle books can't move!" "I don't understand how anyone could like such a monotonous picture book."

But secretly, I read it with gusto. I have read the 26 volumes of the "Dragon Ball" series several times.

One of the evidences was that Zhang Xiao found out that he was secretly checking whether there was a kind of bean in the magic world. After eating it for ten days, he would not be hungry and could recover all injuries.

Another strong evidence is that when Malfoy was arguing with a pure-blood Ravenclaw who couldn't deal with him, he blurted out: "You are a piece of garbage with a combat power of only 5."

Unfortunately, the other party did not understand the ridicule and insult of this sentence. Apart from Zhang Xiao, only Harry and Ron understood it, and they laughed.

Malfoy thought he had found his soulmate, but the moment the three of them looked at each other, the feeling... tsk, even Zhang Xiao felt embarrassed.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoshen take out a brass mirror mysteriously, Malfoy suddenly became energetic. He threw away the Dragon Balls that he had already memorized, came over and asked slowly:

"What is this? A magic mirror?"

Now he doesn't dare to look down upon anything Zhang Xiao brings out. He always feels that he might bring out something of astonishing value at any time.

"Telescope, you can think of it as an alchemical item, through which you can contact the holder of another mirror."

Malfoy stopped talking. Two-way mirror? !

He knew that there were similar things in the magic world, but to be honest, the method of making this kind of mirror had been lost and it was extremely precious.

Malfoy only heard from his father that the ancient Black family still had a pair of two-way mirrors.

Another extremely precious magic prop!

This is an injustice. Although the telescope is relatively precious in Xuanmen, it is not as valuable as Malfoy thought, because unlike the double-sided mirror, the telescope also needs to be used with a spell.

Zhang Xiao put the mirror in place and began to make the formula with his fingers as his parents taught him, and said: "The radiance of the Qionglun, the profit will not be lost!"

Then he lightly touched the mirror surface with his finger, and saw a faint white light suddenly float on the surface of the mirror, like ripples on the calm water surface, Taoist magic, fingertip round light technique.

It’s just that Zhang Xiao is not very good at spiritual practice. This mirror is like a poor signal. The picture is almost gone, and only the voice is transmitted:


Zhang Xiao said hurriedly: "Mom, it's me, where are you? Why is the wind so loud?"

"Oh, where are your dad and I in heaven?"

"In the sky??? What are you doing in the sky?"

Zhang Chengdao's voice came in with the roar of the wind: "It's not because of you, a little brat, your mother said that other people's children have owls, so you must have one too, so that I can write letters and send things to you."

"Then why don't you just buy one?" Zhang Xiao became even more confused.

"That's what I said! Your mother said that the owl is not powerful enough, and she also said that the owl looks like a fat chicken. She asked me to catch a sea turtle. We are catching sea turtles in the Waixing'an Mountains now!

Ordinary ones are not enough, so I need the divine product of pure white jade claws! I've been wandering around here for several days!

I originally wanted to ask about the cranes on the mountain, but in the end, no one was willing to come. They either thought the weather was bad or the distance was too far. This was too smart to be fooled! "

Zhang Xiao: "."

Zhang Chengdao's exaggerated cry came from the other side of the mirror: "Oh, my wife, I was wrong, I was wrong.

No, I definitely don’t mean to blame you for being troublesome. I just sincerely want to get Haidongqing for my son. "

No, these owls have been trained in magic. Can Hai Dongqing use it? But considering that my father is more familiar with the wizarding world than he is, he probably knows who to look for for training.

After they landed, Zhang Xiao told them about the recent events, including the incident of stopping the pure-bloods from bullying the Slytherin freshmen, which made his parents applaud.

If you don’t step forward to stop evil when you see it, then why should you practice the Tao? What is the Tao?

In addition to being the truth of heaven and earth, Tao is also the pursuit of all good things in the hearts of ordinary people. It is simple justice and truth, it is to eliminate evil and promote good, it is to act chivalrously and righteously, it is to protect the world, and it is to help heaven and earth.

Of course, we don't want to fight privately now, but we can still act bravely when we see justice.

After finally chatting with his parents about the seeds, Zhang Xiao happily hung up the phone and ended the call.

Next to him, Malfoy listened lonely throughout the whole process. He looked at Zhang Xiao blankly, as a rich second generation who had received a good education since childhood.

Malfoy is fluent in many languages, including German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin.

But he has never studied Chinese, or even listened to it.

"Is that how you all talk? It sounds like singing."

Sing? Zhang Xiao did not expect that the foreigner actually listened to Chinese like this: "It was just a brief chat."

Malfoy suddenly became interested, he came over and asked:

"Your family has such a long history, so it must be a special aristocratic language, right? Can I learn it?"

"It's either an aristocratic language, it's Chinese, and it's spoken by more than a billion people." Zhang Xiao smiled and put the telescope back into the bag, thought for a while, took out a pen and paper and asked:

"Do you really want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you."

As a result, Malfoy looked unbelievable, and he said with strong suspicion:

"Impossible, your country is so big, how can it be possible that there is only one language? Europe is so big and there are many languages! You must be lying to me."

Zhang Xiao shrugged and glanced at him: "Why am I lying to you? Although there are differences in dialects, they are only regional, just like the difference between speaking in Scotland and England.

If one of your ancestors had unified Europe and remained largely unified for the next two thousand years, Europe would have had only one language. "

Malfoy stopped talking. It could be seen that he was heartbroken again. He was a little frustrated and uncomfortable. He bit his lip and stood there for a while.

Zhang Xiao sighed, there are still many places in Muggle society in the West that have done very well, at least their modern times are something to be proud of.

But wizards have separated themselves from Muggles. They identify with which country they are from, but at the same time they do not identify with the Muggles of this country.

This has led to the glory created by Muggles, and wizards cannot enjoy it at all. The most obvious one is the Ministry of Magic in the United States.

Compared with the Muggles in this country, they are completely different. They were also attacked by terrorists. The American Ministry of Magic didn't even dare to let go, and they had to rely on the British for revenge.

The history, inheritance, and culture that wizards care about are precisely the strongest aspects of China. It would be strange that Malfoy was not included in Versailles.

"Are you still learning Chinese?"

Malfoy's pale face showed a trace of confusion. He looked at Zhang Xiao, moved his lips, and asked in a personal voice:

"You said that all my questions can be answered in Chinese history."

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and answered seriously:

"All doubts are impossible, but I think most of your questions can be answered, such as why we don't discriminate against Muggles, and why we don't care about blood."

"Okay, I'll learn!"

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