Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 119 - Ace (5)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The unwilling Belé-Reeves suddenly saw his fierce eyes, and already completely crazy, he suddenly came up with a way to reverse the situation.

Bailey-Reeves suddenly gave up his defense against Ryan ’s magic attack. He knew that the priest behind him would once again add protective magic to himself. A “lightning technique”.

Just after Ryan collided with Berley-Reeves’ “Lightning” with “Fireball”, he immediately changed a position and released a “Fireball”. Although it had an unexpected effect, he was also watching himself behind. Faraday was exposed.

Ryan’s “fireball” is nearing completion. He is ready to end the game with this magic, but he finds that his opponent, Bere-Reeves, has changed the target of the attack and released a “lightning” to Farass.

Electric magic has always been famous for its speed. When Faras discovered that the target of Bere-Reeves’ spell was himself, the blue lightning was less than ten yards away from her, and there was no way to avoid it.

Seeing that Faras was about to be injured under the “Lightning Technique” of Beré-Reeves, Ryan gave a roar. At this moment, Ryan was irritated by the practice of Beré-Reeves. He could tolerate the disrespect of others and could not care about his danger, but he was absolutely not allowed to dare to hurt his loved ones.

In the face of despicable Beret-Reeves, Ryan burst into a flash of light, and he finally used the trick he had learned under the guidance of Master Victor-“multiple casts”.

After using this technique, Ryan can release multiple magic at the same time. Although the magic released in the multiple cast state is slightly smaller than the power he usually releases individually, several simultaneously released magic can attack differently. Enemy or attack different parts of the same enemy to achieve a better effect than usual release alone.

As for “multi-casting” will consume a large amount of mana, which is exactly what is required for Ryan’s perverted magic endurance and recovery.

I saw that Ryan’s two hands simultaneously emitted a dazzling blue light, and the next second, two lightnings flew out of Ryan’s hands, one of which was sent first, and intercepted Beré-Reeves’ attack Faras ’magic, and another lightning bolt flew past Bere-Reeves.

Lion’s “Lightning”, which contained a powerful electric current, hit Beré-Reeves, but the power of this “Lightning” magic was absorbed by the “Light Shield” magic, which did not cause Bere-Reeves What hurts.

But even so, it made Bere-Reeves startled with a cold sweat: the magician who can achieve “multiple casts”, without exception, at least reaches the level of a senior magician. Is n’t this amazing ten in front of him? The six-year-old boy has already broken through the limits of humanity and reached the state where others can only reach it at the age of thirty?

Ryan didn’t care what Beré-Reeves was thinking. He glanced at Farass with a little self-blame. If he was not too careless, he would not put his lovers in danger.

Ryan, who was irritated by Beré-Reeves, took out all his strength. He raised his hand to the four members of the Thunder Squad and who were still standing in the field. Four magic missiles were instantaneously. After the multiple casts, the self-created magic “Magic Missile Continuous Shooting” uses multiple magic missiles that can hardly distinguish the order to attack different targets at the same time.

The two soldiers of the Thunder Squad quickly raised their shields to block the missiles that attacked them. However, Ryan’s goal was not them. The two missiles were only to contain them and signal their friend Ellendo.

Sure enough, Allendo, who guessed Ryan’s mind, suddenly started, and while they raised their shields, they blocked the sight and flew at a high speed.

Allen, who was racing quickly, stretched out his wolf claws, which reflected the dazzling white light, which was the sharpness of the “sharp claws”.

When the soldiers of the Thunder Squad discovered Ellendo, Ellendo was only two yards away from them, and Ellendo could even catch them by straightening his arms.

“Woo ~” Ellen waved his hands. The weapon “sharp claws” in his hand cut through the air flow, producing a harsh roar. Ellen waved his arms quickly, and the sharp “sharp claws” remained in the air. There are more than a dozen shadows, making it hard to tell the truth.

The soldiers of the Thunder Squad were shocked. Their eyes were so dazzled that they couldn’t keep up with Ellendo’s attack speed, so they had to lift up a thick shield and put their vital points under that strong protection.

Elendo did not fight hard with the two fighters, but continuously attacked the opponent’s exposed eyes, throat and other key points, forcing the opponent to defend, and dragging the two fighters firmly, neither giving them a chance Aid Bere-Reeves, and prevent Bere-Reeves from using his own team members to block the magic attack.

Seeing his friend Allendo knowing his plan perfectly, Lane was full of unquestionable convictions. He raised his hands in succession and continuously used “magic missiles” to suppress the ascetic pastor and The side continued to attack Beré-Reeves.

Beret-Reeves and the ascetic priest hurriedly blessed themselves with protective magic to resist the magical attacks of Ryan.

Ryan’s magic missiles are not particularly powerful, but he continuously and instantaneously put together a large number of individual magic missiles with little power to conduct a repressive attack on Beré-Reeves.

At this time, Beret-Reeves seemed to be a flat boat in the tremendous waves, as long as he didn’t pay attention, it would end up in a boat.

Ryan didn’t just release a magic. He mixed blue lightning and red fireballs in the sky of purple magic missiles. These powerful magics made Bere-Reeves even more unpredictable and had to use himself. A large number of magic scrolls and magic items to protect you.

Bere-Reeves, the ascetic priest behind him repeatedly groaned in his heart. He would rather go to the Bright Church for three years of ascetic practice, and he would not face the magical attack of Ryan, the overwhelming eyes, only I am afraid that a magician squad can do it, but the young man has completely suppressed himself, and I really do n’t know how he did it.

Suddenly, the ascetic priest uttered a scream, his protective magic was a little slower, so that his right hand was hit by a high-speed flying magic missile, and he was suddenly interrupted with three fingers. That kind of severe pain makes even pastors who have experienced many years of hard work unbearable.

This ascetic priest does not have all kinds of magic items to defend himself like Beré-Reeves. After being interrupted by severe pain, his unprotected body became the best target for Ryan, just listen To a series of rapid sounds of “flipping, flapping, flapping, flapping”, dozens of magic missiles rushed into the arms of the ascetic priest, and the huge impact force flew the hapless priest backward.

“Shoot ~” A hot ball of fire roared to catch up with the priest who was still in midair.

“Boom!” There was a huge explosion, the priest’s body was swallowed by scattered flames, and then only a white light flashed, the priest was sent out, and he had completely lost his combat power.

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