Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 98 - Game 3 (3)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan looked up and looked around. The stands were full of excited audiences. Under the bright sun, he kept waving all kinds of things in his hands. He shouted the names of Faras and others in a jagged way. The team is quite popular.

Although the game was about to start, Ryan was very calm. He stretched lazily lazily and carefully tasted the warm feeling of the sun shining on him. His relaxed appearance also affected everyone. Teammate, Elena whispered behind Faras: “We have Ryan, how can we lose.”

Elena’s naive words made Faras laugh, and Faras turned lovingly, gently touching Elena’s hair. After whispering to Elena, Faras turned around again, looking at the close lover beside her with a look of admiration and worship.

Faras and Simone have been studying together for many years, and naturally understand the strength of the five players of the Simone team. Faras thought: “If it wasn’t for this time to meet Ryan, or this game is the last game of the Faras team. Now, his own team not only easily wins two games, even if it meets five strength I ’m almost an intermediate magician, and I seem to be at ease. All this is because I was favored by the God of Wisdom and met Ryan. I still remember clearly that it was a very normal morning morning, that day The group of four went into the mercenary guild of Alfa City, and taught a few nasty guys fiercely, and then … “

Faras suddenly realized that she was a little distracted, she took a few deep breaths in a hurry, and pressed down the memories that kept emerging in her mind. The game was about to begin. Now is not the time to think about these things.

Behind Faras, beside Elena, Reid closed her eyes and knelt on the ground. Under the brilliant sun bathing, she prayed to the Lord God she believed in.

Although Reid is usually informal, and even a little nobleman’s style, but his heart is actually very pious, otherwise how can he become a disciple of the Archbishop of the Bright Church, Ibekel.

Only Elendo was like a stone statue, standing there motionless. Only the occasional flash of light in his eyes indicated that he was ready.

The mentality of the whole team is very relaxed. It seems that they are now on the outskirts of the imperial capital and are preparing to enjoy a rich lunch.

On the other side of the game, Simone’s squads are all enemies. They stand in accordance with the positions they have practiced in advance. Baker Bruce and Buck Camp have even got a magic reel in their hands, as long as the game Released immediately at the beginning.

Simone looked at his opponent on the other side of the field with a serious face, he shouted loudly: “Everyone is ready, the game will start immediately, we have to do what we should do as we have done in advance. “

Simone’s teammates nodded together, each focusing on their assigned opponents, and Carl’s hand had even shivered slightly.

In their prior preparations, they thought that Filath ’s Lace Squad had both offensive and defensive, and his own emphasis was on offense. After all, five mid-level magicians in a team are very luxurious, even many medium-sized mercenaries with hundreds of people. Not necessarily, but the shortcomings of the Sorcerer ’s squad are also very prominent, that is, the lack of rear support of the priest and the frontline suppression of the soldiers, which is not conducive to protracted warfare. If the two sides enter into a phase of stalemate and consumption, it will greatly disadvantage themselves.

To this end, the tactical idea of ​​the Simone team is to use the magic of the magic scroll to start the first wave of magic to suppress the opponent, and then divide the 2 warriors and thieves who use magic to suppress the opponent, and Simone takes Karl and Baker to use The continuous magic gives the opponent a powerful blow.

Simone estimated that if it went smoothly, it would take as little as five rounds of magical blows to deprive the priest Reid and the mage Faras of the Rex squad, and the remaining ones would not be enough.

The performance of the two sides of the game was clearly seen by Kailimu and others sitting in the aristocratic box. Kailimu shook his head and said: “The victory and defeat have been divided, there is nothing good to see.”

Lucani asked strangely: “Brother Kailim, do you know the result before the game starts?”

Without waiting for Kailim to answer, he heard a long and thick horn sound, and the game officially started.

Alan Duo suddenly shook his neck and turned into a white wind wolf when the horn sounded. The audience in the stands suddenly made a horrified cry, and some people have even begun to flee outside.

Ellendo didn’t care about the riots caused by his transformation, and he only had the five magicians on the opposite side. Ellendo’s legs bent slightly, and then he pushed **** the ground, rushing towards Simone with all his strength. Behind him, there was even a long list of phantoms.

Simone and others were also frightened by Allendo ’s transformation, but after all, they had been studying at the Royal Academy of Magic for many years. How much did they know about the transformation of the Druid, Simoni took a decisive moment and aligned the magic scroll in his hand Allendo flew towards himself.

Simone began to read the magic spell on the scroll quickly. This is a fireball scroll. As long as he releases fireball for 1/3 of the time, he can release the magic of two thirds of the fireball with the power of consuming the magic power contained in the scroll.

Simone believes that he can definitely complete the magic before Allen Dopha gets close to himself, forcing him to defend, so that he can continue his direct plan before the game.

Unexpectedly, when there were seven magic spells left, Simone felt a faint wave of magic. He looked at it with the afterglow of his eyes and found that a magic missile had flew towards himself at a high speed. Simone was shocked, subconsciously. Fall backwards.

After all, Simone is just a magician, and how flexible he can be compared to a trained warrior. His body had just moved, and the magic missile hit the scroll in Simone’s hand. The powerful impact force penetrated the fireball scroll and hit Simone’s chest.

Simone groaned, his body stepped back involuntarily, he stumbled back a few steps, barely standing still.

Simone knew that the robe he was wearing today helped him to stop the magic, otherwise he might be knocked down. Simone couldn’t care about checking his injury, he immediately pulled a lightning bolt from his body, ready to fight back.

But before Simone opened the scroll, he heard the cry from Baker who was standing beside him: “Be careful, Simone!”

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