Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1154 - Tackling (1)

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Faced with the question of the Queen of the Night, the Eye Demon Tyrant jittered a few times, and angrily replied, “Late, she has finished.” Just as the Eye Demon Tyrant said this, a white The ray of light rose from the teleportation magic array around Mother Herast, and the powerful mana fluctuations quickly worked, sending several field strong men who were hurriedly thousands of kilometers away, waiting for the white ray After disappearing, the five most powerful advanced field powerhouses, Caleb, Aledia, Mehazulu, White Tower and Ulsterron, came together,

With the joining of these five strong players in the advanced field, the strength of the four-nation alliance has suddenly been significantly enhanced. Although they ca n’t fight the demigod kings, they have let the Titan Alliance attack. The tactics are completely bankrupt. A half-step God of Ryan can easily strangle dozens of joint field powerhouses, plus five others such as Kalibu, who can also easily kill ordinary field powerhouses. The Titan Alliance needs to Only by sending most people can we disintegrate such a team,

“You go to assist Ryan, so that he can concentrate on commanding the legion.” Prince Mosazfiler said before snatching Herist, and through close observation during this time, the Saul demon’s The demigod king vaguely discovered that the power of Mother Herster had dropped a lot, and he had already guessed some of the clues, so he conducted several intentional and unintentional trials on this occasion, and as a result, Mother Herster The leader of the four-nation alliance did not regulate the behavior of Prince Mossefeller ’s obvious transgression, which allowed Prince Mosazfeller to confirm his suspicions, so he began to **** the Union ’s dominant position obviously.

The current enemy, Kalibu, although they belong to different forces, but they all understand the prohibition of the line. The five of them did not allow their chiefs to do more permission, but directly used their own means towards the back ground. Fly away, because there are four demigod princes such as Prince Mosazfeller, the Queen of the Night and other people on the Titan Alliance naturally cannot intercept Caleb ’s actions. By this time, the Queen of the Night Terry Si Cai vaguely felt that he seemed to have missed the best chance to disintegrate the Legion. Now with the help of so many powerful men, and the half-step blockade of God, the ordinary assault has no effect at all. On the contrary, he wasted his own strength in vain, and for today’s plan, he can only display the fighting power of both sides, and he is fighting a decisive battle.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.” The dark night queen who secretly called pity shook her head slightly. She was a very deep Titan woman, but now she couldn’t help but reveal her inner thoughts. Now she recalled what she had done earlier. A wrong decision, all because of the original dominance and the unwillingness to change at random. For example, when the gambling is leading 12-7, the Queen of Night certainly does not want the gambling to end, but the disadvantaged four The clan alliance is eager to make major changes, because if it is the same, it can only wait to die.

In the same way, when it was discovered that the bone skeleton of Ryan may be full of threats, the Queen of Night still hesitated and did not desperately attack Ryan. When Ryan stepped into the realm of the gods and slashed the powerful domain of his own side, he would domineering. Undoubtedly, it was only after the strength was revealed that he thought of interfering, but unfortunately, some of the muddy waters were not firm enough, so that the mother goddesses Hersted princes rushed to the battlefield in time. Only to find that I have missed the best opportunity,

The demigod monarch is the demigod monarch. After shaking her head, the night queen Tyres quickly cleared her negative emotions. She knew that it was impossible to target Ryan at the moment. Instead of continuing this confrontation, it would be better to put the demigods on both sides. The king withdrew and gave the initiative of the battlefield to those powerful in the field. Ryan may be very powerful, but after all, he must use some kind of secret art to reach the point of invincibility and indestructibility. As long as he takes the means of circumvention and consumption, it is possible. Dragging down this variable,

The Queen of Night did n’t want to start the battle where the kings of both sides participated in the beginning. In this way, the winning and losing of the battle was completely out of her control. Even if you finally won, it will definitely be a win. The loss is naturally heavy. It ’s good to explain to other Titanic executives. After all, there are dozens of field strongmen who are supported by those demigods. Although they will not be damaged at all, they will have to replace most of them. If it is because of such a serious injury, not only the face of the Queen of Night, but also the fundamental problem of the Titan ’s ruling foundation on other planes, so after weighing the pros and cons, the Queen of Night still gritted his teeth and took the other two. The companion took the initiative to retreat,

The retreat of the Titan Alliance also means that Mother Herster’s strength has paid off. From then on, the demigod kings of the four-nation alliance will only grasp the bottom line of the night queen, that is, the demigod king will not erupt. The battle between the four kings, including Mother Herster, secretly took a sigh of relief. The Queen of the Night did not want to fight the battle of the kings. Such a posture ca n’t give way to the Queen of Night, and the other party ca n’t change the current dilemma without giving in to the four-nation alliance, so they must do this, even if there is an undesirable situation, this kind of courage and courage Decided, it is not something that the Queen of the Night who has the advantage and advantage in everything can have,

Although the Queen of Night retreated, Mother Herster did not withdraw immediately. Under the cover of the other three kings, the demigod king of the dark elf re-arranged a temporary teleportation magic circle on the ground. , So that the power thousands of kilometers behind can be continuously put into the battle. The teleportation magic circle at high altitude was only used to solve the urgent need, so as long as the mission is completed once, the mission is now completed. The teleportation magic circle at the heart of the legion is at least twice as powerful. Every time it flashes a dazzling white light, it can teleport almost ten strong men, until the four kings also leave the front line and sit behind the town. , Ryan ’s Skeleton Corps already has almost 25 more field powerhouses, this number is basically the total number of field powerhouses owned by the Four Clan Alliance,

At the same time as the teleportation of the four-nation alliance, the side of the Titan alliance is also dispatching troops. Without the restraint of the demigod king, the field powers of the two sides become the absolute main force on the battlefield. Under such circumstances The legendary peak powerhouses can only hide far away, and they are not qualified to enter the battlefield. Even if these powerhouses are not afraid of sacrifice, they must survive this kind of melee situation, facing Elaine. Of the 26 field powerhouses, Titan Alliance uses Lothar and others as the main force, and almost all the power has been concentrated. The 35 field powerhouses seem to have a quantitative advantage, but Once Ryan stepped into the realm of blocking the gods in half a step, and Losa and others could not block his attack, then the whole army was only a matter of minutes. It took less than three minutes for Ryan,

In this situation, the battle situation became cold. Instead, the two sides concentrated their forces in an attempt to achieve their success. However, because they all held the same mind, everyone had to become very cautious, lest a mistake would lead to failure, this time It was Ryan ’s turn to take effect, and he sat leisurely on the throne of the bone, while commanding tens of millions of sub-groups to advance, these skeleton warriors themselves are consumables, even if they are lost It will affect the development of the battle situation. The task of being a pioneer is the most suitable.

Facing Ryan’s tentative offensive, the strong field players in the Titan Alliance chose to retreat. The bones of killing these activities were easy, but wasting their own power was very serious. Everyone hopes to go all out. To face a strong enemy, instead of using his strength to deal with a large group of skeleton warriors of ordinary high-level strength, Losa as a commander is worthy of being an old ghost who is no less than a real demigod. He immediately thought of To deal with Ryan’s method of attacking, he immediately recruited a group of legendary strongmen from the campsite and let them release magic to fight back against the corpses of bones.

The war is so cruel. The legendary pinnacles who are in charge of killing and killing millions of people in other worlds have now become one-time consumables to squander their mana. Under the supervision of the field powers, they dare not dare Lazy can’t possibly have any mana-saving moves, because the number of the skeleton bones of Ryan is so huge, although the advance speed is not fast, it can always maintain the continuous momentum of advancement. If it is used to suppress the magical attacks of these skeleton warriors Slightly weakened, maybe I found flaws for those abominable white bones and took advantage of the situation to break through my own defense line. At that time, it is not a matter of preservation of strength, but of life and death.

Watching the legendary pinnacles on the opposite side drop their identity to deal with the skeleton warriors, Aledia and other four advanced field strongmen also did not hesitate to send a group of legendary pinnacles from the rear to fight back, despite the transfer The number of people is much less than that of the opposite side, which is roughly one-third of the Titan Alliance. However, with the sufficient consumables of the Skeletal Legion, the four-nation alliance not only is not in the disadvantage, but constantly moves the front to the north. Advancing, forcing the defensive positions of the Titan Alliance to retreat little by little towards the north,

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