Chronicles of the True Wizard

Book 1: Chapter 17

With the intention of grouping them up, Felix waited until they were just a hundred meters away down each road then jumped with a burst of wind on top of a nearby building. All the zombies looked up at him and continued walking. The portion of the horde next to the house he was on began ripping the building apart under him.

Well, if they are this determined, that makes getting them to follow easy.

Felix ran and jumped from building to building towards the edge of town. He made sure not to run too fast so as not to lose them. It was fairly trivial using his new Gust jump to make it across the larger gaps in roofs. The hardest part was trying not to fall through the roofs. A few buildings back, his foot had sunk right through one of the roofs and he almost fell into the building but managed to catch himself with a burst of Gust to push him back out. He made it all the way to the edge of the town but he never made it out of the horde, there were zombies directly below him in the street the entire time. At the edge of town, looking out over the field, the zombie horde continued into the field for a few hundred meters into the field, and there were holes everywhere. It seems like the field used to be a mass grave or cemetery with no tomb stones or markers of any kind.

That's a lot of zombies, there is no way I get experience for all of them, right?

Seeing how many zombies there were, Felix began running around the edge of town on the roofs of buildings. He wrapped around the town to try and group the zombies together in the town as tightly as possible. He continued around the edge of the town until there was no empty space between the buildings in the town. There were still zombies outside that didn't fit inside the town, so he ran to the buildings in the middle of the town and let the zombies tear down the buildings he stood upon. He continued getting the zombies to destroy buildings as he spiraled outward until they all fit into the town. Finally, with all the zombies grouped together how Felix wanted them, he ran to the edge of town where, he had noted earlier, there were two stone brick buildings which should be harder for the zombie horde to dismantle.

He jumped off the building and stood just a meter outside the town, in the field facing the horde. As the horde approached, he waited for them to get within a few meters and unleashed a Flame Thrower into them. It didn't hit all of them so he quickly dropped his Mana Bolt construct then constructed and fired another Flame Thrower. With both of them side by side, he melted through every zombie walking down this road. Felix was running out of mana quickly, so he pulled a mana battery out of his inventory and right between his teeth. He pulled from it as fast as he could, but quickly realized there was no way he could maintain this. He looked towards the nearest road to his right and ran so that the zombies didn't start to exit the town and surround him.

He consumed the entirety of his mana battery then hopped back on to the buildings and ran to the middle most building and let the zombies continue to tear it apart.

My best bet at this point, is to minimize a Fire Ball turret and spam tiny Fire Bolts. I did the math before fighting the troll. The maximum total damage output for a Fire Bolt is around a quarter size for each dimension in a spell construct. If I make three Fire Bolt turrets, I'm just gonna say quarter sized to myself even though it's quarter cubed because of volume, quarter sized. I am making the assumption that damage per second is irrelevant and that they don't regenerate at all, but those seem like sane assumptions.

Felix decided to just fire from on top of the buildings so that he could hopefully hit them in the head, which he hoped counted as a critical hit. In this fight, every point of mana and damage, counted. From the roof tops he constructed three quarter sized Fire Bolt turrets. He aimed and fired each one down into the horde. It took him a minute of trying to be able to independently aim the turrets, but once he could, he spread his fire throughout the horde.

He jumped from roof top to roof top, avoiding big jumps he would need to waste mana on as he rapid fired on the zombies. He used two turrets to spray the zombies and one to focus down individual zombies before moving on to another. He had quickly noticed that if he only hit one a few times, it would live then eat the bodies of it's dead-again brethren and heal. He ended up dropping one of his turrets in favor of having a normal Fire Bolt prepared to finish off stragglers that lived through the sweeping fire from his two turrets.

Felix ran down the streets killing the zombies as he went and consuming mana batteries as needed. After clearing out two streets he looked down another and noticed some of the unharmed zombies consuming the corpses and he watched as their levels increased before his eyes.

Well shit, I guess I need to fully incinerate the corpses?

He launched a Fire Bolt at the ones he saw consuming but as it was, the pile of bodies was too big and there was no way he could cover every side. Felix still killed all of them so far with a single normal Fire Bolt so he wasn't too worried about them becoming too strong for him to kill. He would just have to circle the body pile and spiral outwards killing all the ones consuming when he saw them. If any managed to hide from him long enough to become super strong, he would just have to deal with them at the end.

Three hours is how long it took Felix to kill most of the horde. He was down to his last two mana batteries but there were only a small group at the edge of town and a handful left he had to run around and track down. He led the small group away from the town into the field then ran off to chase down the stragglers.

[E - Common] Human Zombie (Lvl 53)

Holy shit, I really hope this thing isn't impossible for me to kill.

To be safe, he stood at maximum range and incinerated the zombie completely with Flame Thrower. He hunted down the last four in the town with similar high levels. Finally, with just the small group he led into the field left, he ran back out to them and killed all of them except the lowest level zombie in the group. He then used high powered Gusts to isolate that zombie from the other corpses out in the middle of the field. Finally he sat down, spaced out all his batteries and meditated while using multiple Gust spells to keep the zombie from moving. It wasn't too difficult, considering it only wanted to move in a single direction. Once he figured out the right angles, he used two channeled Gusts to hold it, then a single burst with a third Gust whenever it started slipping out.

His regeneration with the Gust spells active was small but still positive and the advantage was that he could be completely fresh for the next round, and he likely wouldn't get this opportunity in round 2 to prepare for round 3. He was also really hoping that his performance wasn't being measured in time taken cause then he would be docked a lot of rewards for this.

Once his resources and batteries were full he collected everything and ran into the middle of the town, to the fountain, bringing the struggling zombie with him. He drank from the fountain, prepared himself then executed the zombie he was holding.

Ding You have slain [E - Common] Zombie Horde (Lvl 32)

Ding You have gained 6 levels in [E - Common] Caster

Damn that was a lot of levels, I guess considering how many I killed it should have been more? I guess the whole thing is considered a single entity. All free points to Agility.

Combat Dungeon C

Round 2 will begin in 30 minutes.

Start now?



Yes. Feels good to finally say yes to that, even if I stalled the last round out.

Felix watched as the droves of zombie corpses instantly turn to dust and blew away on the wind. Felix waited for something to happen before deciding on just walking out to the field in case something was out there. As he walked, he chose a path with multiple turns so that if a ranged monster chased him, he had turns he could make to avoid projectiles. He made it to the edge of the town before spotting his opponents, or opponent if these were considered a single entity as well.

[E - Uncommon] Skeleton Champion (Lvl 35)

The champion was almost twice Felix's height and much thicker. It wore armor made of bone plating with an animal's skull as it's helmet, a ram, Felix guessed based on the horns. In it's right hand was a massive cleaver, unsurprisingly, made of bone with a long femur for a handle and a head carved out of some colossal creature Felix had no hope of identifying. Flanking it were two skeletons to each side, four total.

[E - Common] Skeleton Archer (Lvl 32)

The Skeleton Archer's had bows made of what appeared to be ribs. As soon as Felix noticed and identified them, they noticed him as well. The Skeleton Champion seemed oblivious at first but quickly realized what was happening when the archers to either side of him drew arrows and fired at Felix. Luckily Felix quickly noticed what was happening and managed to duck behind a building to his side. As soon as he heard all the arrows thunk into the road, he channeled Gust pointing upwards and held the spell right behind him and ran into the town.

The spell turned out not to be necessary as he had planned the route for this exact scenario. The sounds of clattering bones on the cobblestone road kept Felix from looking back to check if the party of skeletons remained in pursuit. He looped around buildings a few times to try and pick off the archers but only managed to hit a single Fire Bolt, which was unfortunately, not enough to kill the archer it hit.

After unsuccessfully trying to take one of the archer's out without getting hit, he decided to try something riskier. He hadn't gotten hit yet, but he had also only landed a single hit on any of the enemies. Felix planned his path and looped around a town block. Felix noticed the skeletons seemed to not always be aware of which direction he went. If he managed to get far enough away from them, they started to look around for him. They could definitely see him if he was in front of them and he determined it had nothing to do with sound. When he walked quietly they pursued without issue, but if he was far away from them and around a corner, they had no idea where he was no matter how loud he was.

Once Felix made it around the block and this time, he ended up behind the Skeleton party. He cast three spells at the same time. Right in front of him, he placed an over powered channeled Gust spell pointing off to his left side. In front of that he placed two Flame Thrower spells directed at the two pairs of archers, as they seemed to move in pairs.

All five skeletons turned around as soon as the Flame Throwers were cast. At once, all four archers fired arrows at Felix and dove to the side. He managed to hit them all, but he wasn't sure how many, if any, he managed to kill. The archers managed to hit Felix with two arrows. Luckily his Gust seemed to have worked as one grazed his left thigh and the other pierced right through his left shoulder. Without Gust, the one in his shoulder would likely have gone through his heart and the one in his thigh, judging from how far the one in his shoulder was redirected, was likely aimed at the artery on the inside of his leg.

Felix ran back, winding through the buildings as soon as his spells were cast. The wound on his thigh hurt with every stride, but luckily the hole in his shoulder distracted him from that pain, with more burning pain. Felix thought that the bleeding might kill him since he saw his health declining as he ran. He quickly cauterized the wounds with Fire Bolts as he ran, which turned out to be a terrible idea as he instantly fell to the ground. He heard the clattering of skeletal feet and cast three consecutive gust spells in a line in front of him all pointing downwards as two archers turned the corner and fired at him. Both arrows buried themselves into the road halfway between them as Felix scrambled to get up and run. The archers managed to fire off two more volleys as Felix regained his feet, but neither of them managed to hit Felix. They were getting closer though as it seemed like they were slowly compensating with their aim.

Felix ran through the streets taking the most winding path and narrowest streets he could find. After running for a few minutes he used Gust to jump on to a building and started running a different direction. He could hear the clattering of their foot steps and, based on the direction, they seemed to have lost his trail. . . . . .

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