Circle Warlock

Chapter 14 - Ozmart

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

When Shen Yan and Pan Ni “harmed” each other, they did not know that there was a reason for being so “quiet” in this neighborhood.

Less than fifty kilometers across the ridge north from here, a protracted war is gradually coming to an end. Both sides of the war have suffered heavy casualties. The tired war puts both kingdoms on the verge of bankruptcy, and no one is a real winner. A large number of dead bodies that were too late to converge were then discarded in the valley, attracting all nearby carnivores like a magnet. They wandered in groups in groups on the edge of the battlefield, while the herbivores fled away.

This made the place where Shen Yan landed quietly like a paradise.

However, there is no such place in this narrow land-this world is not as vast as a continent that never walks to the side, nor a huge city with a population of 10 billion-only a peninsula surrounded by the sea, the area It is only equivalent to the sum of the three provinces of Huaxia, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian, and half of the land is mountainous, and half of the remaining half is swamps and forests …

The shape of the peninsula looks like a fist with its **** raised downwards.

Its main landform is the Penglin Mountains distributed in a “Y” shape. The lower end of “Y” constitutes the “middle finger” part deep into the sea, dividing the ocean into the blue sea and the black sea. The upper part of the “Y” shape divides the “fist” part of the peninsula into three independent kingdoms-Stone Haven composed of subspecies such as lizardmen, elves and dwarves, and Penglin on the human kingdom and under the human kingdom Peng Lin.

Legend has it that the peninsula area was once a great empire in Penglinxing Province in ancient times. The territory of the peninsula encompassed the entire peninsula (proclaimed that it actually occupied only a small area in the north). But after the dense clouds and a large number of demons appeared on the northern plateau, the peninsula’s road to the outside world was completely cut off.

The loss of contact with the Northern Empire plunged the entire peninsula into chaos. Penglin province split into two kingdoms, Upper Penglin and Lower Penglin, occupying the main farming areas in the middle and east of the peninsula. During this period, the loss of imperial supply led to a serious shortage of food. Humans hold high the banner of xenophobia and expel all the Asians from the kingdom! Most of the Asians died on the way to migration, and a small number of Asians reached the swamps and forests in the western part of the peninsula and established their own country, Stone Haven.

Since then, the three long and narrow north-south countries are like three sausages hanging on a rope. Whenever the magic tide comes down, when a large number of demons rush down the Yunwu Plateau, the three kingdoms will put down all disputes and jointly fight against the army of demons; once the magic tide retreats, the three kingdoms will immediately start arguing with each other and fighting endlessly.

With the progress of the shipbuilding industry, offshore trade and fisheries began to emerge, and the once rough areas (mainly storm-prone) in the southern coastal areas spontaneously formed a series of independent city-states and ports. In particular, Stormwind City and Stormwind Port, which are located at the southernmost tip of the peninsula, are blessed with a unique terrain and the strongest fleet on the peninsula, and monopolize half of the ocean trade. The strength has made the three northern kingdoms dreaded.

It also further complicates the situation on the peninsula.

The ethnic hatred of humans and sub-ethnics, the conflict between the emerging alchemy and the traditional church, the orthodox battle between Shanglin and Xialin, the fighting between the military aristocrats in the north and the merchants in the southern city-states, the continuous conspiracy and penetration of demons on the peninsula … There was a spooky prophecy that always wandered over the peninsula, “Only the king of the unified peninsula can completely end the magic tide, disperse the mist, and return to the glory of the empire” … everything makes the situation on the peninsula deeply sinking, gradually difficult.


“However, all this has nothing to do with me. Now I just want to farm, hunt, and finally die happy on a bed.”

Ozmart, lizardman ranger, former scout leader of the third brigade of the first legion of Stonehaven Kingdom.

Lizardmen have human-like limbs and clearly distinguishable facial features, but Lizardmen’s face is more like a lizard. Their body surface is covered with green skin and a large number of scales, and their leg structure is a reverse joint that is more conducive to running and jumping than humans. The eyes have snake-like eyelids, and the tongue is slender and bifurcated. Human society generally believes that lizardmen are evil descendants of the hybrid between humans and lizards. In fact, that is a kind of arrogant to stupid thinking!

Lizardmen and humans are two completely different species. They have their own completely stable gene chains, as well as the wisdom and reproduction ability of humans. Broadly speaking, they are no different from humans and elves.

The reason why Ozmat is “the former scout captain” is because he has returned the identity of the soldier to the Kingdom of Stonehaven and the **** Northern War! Ozmart is now playing for a human convoy in exchange for the right to join the new village.

Interestingly, Milton, the leader of this convoy, is also a deserter-but he is from the human kingdom, and he is the captain of a guerrilla brigade of a second-line legion in Penglin-for some time, they were dead enemies on the battlefield!

The second line of Shang Penglin was mainly responsible for maintaining the transportation line and “collecting” grain and grass from the western villages during the long war. When he found that the target was his village, and the village began to starve to death, Milton broke out ! He killed the army supervisors, and with half of his men and the rest of the village betrayed the kingdom of Upper Penglin.

Fortunately, at this time, the kingdom itself was exhausted, and had no energy to pay attention to the whereabouts of a second-tier legion brigade, which allowed them to leave the kingdom control zone smoothly. Milton is a man of considerable leadership. He collected manpower and war orphans along the way to form a huge convoy. The ultimate goal is to cross the Xipenlin Mountain Range, choose a hidden place between the West Coast and the Xipenlin Mountain Range, and establish a place of freedom for the villagers. To this end, he requires everyone who joins the team to put aside prejudices and welcome each other regardless of race.

For now, Milton has succeeded in what he said despite the many problems. When the convoy was halfway through, it had almost become a peninsula racial coalition, and the adopted orphans of war were of any race … but it was still human. This is why Ozmat is willing to join the new village.

“Fifteen days, and up to twenty days, we can get to that place. Then the big man will come and ask me, hi, Omar, do you want to live well? I will say, the village? No no no, there The kid is too noisy; the water’s edge? It’s too moist and not good for the skin; the hillside? I have to think about it. It seems like a good idea to build a hut on the hillside against the wood, but it can’t be too far from the water. You look at the woods and do n’t let wild animals break into the village. Those little guys will be taken away by wolves like rabbits.

That’s right, I will say that by then, he must be as happy as a fool … “Ozmat kept talking to himself.

He hid his green face in his cloak and hood, and his chain mail deliberately concealed most of his lizardman characteristics. Nevertheless, keep yourself away from the sight of ordinary humans as much as possible and walk in the front of the team. Although in the past few decades, he has become accustomed to various discriminatory eyes. But when the children were scared by his appearance, Ozmat still felt heartfelt guilt, even though it was not his fault.

The current situation is that humans are responsible for orthodoxy, elves are responsible for arrogance, dwarves are responsible for stubbornness, only lizardmen are responsible for nothing, or that they are responsible for ignorance, savageness and backwardness … In the eyes of the world, all three races have created brilliant civilizations, only the lizardmen seem to live like beasts, and no culture is left.

It’s kind of sad to think of this. When a child took a bug and asked him if he would eat it, Ozmat almost cried … almost so.

“I never wanted to eat that bug! Never! Lizardmen do not eat bugs, and lizards are not our distant relatives. No, we should not be called lizardmen at all! Will humans be called monkey men? Elves? Will it be called a vegetative? Only lizardmen like this … They see a lizard as if they were looking at your brother. This is ridiculous. They do n’t call the monkey brother, but point to the lizard and ask if it is your relative. ? “To himself, to himself.

In short, although he is with the team behind him. But when possible, Ozmat tried to keep his distance from those people.

Lizardmen don’t wear shoes. Their thick fins step on the soil and can clearly distinguish the changes in the earth. For example, changes in humidity will allow him to easily determine the location of the surrounding streams and swamps. There are also changes in temperature, let him know the secrets deep in the earth. And his tongue that is always spitting out is not to catch flying insects-again, I don’t eat insects!

It is used to discern the smell in the air and to detect hidden dangers early.

“If there is a lizardman teammate in the adventure team, it is everyone’s luck! Because he is not only loyal, reliable, but also versatile. For example, like this,” Ozmat continued his self-talk, even sticking his tongue out. Licked the air, “Gee, there was a burnt smell. Someone was burning something nearby? Is this empty dust smell like burnt grass and ash? There is still the smell of human bones.”

Ozmat raised his right fist and signaled the team behind him to suspend vigilance.

Then he took off the huge giant sword on his back, and with a slight jump he flexibly disappeared in the grass. Even if someone is staring at him at this moment, he will be lost in the blink of an eye! The lizardmen are super mobile, their skins and special armor can change color with the environment, and the ranger’s ability provides more concealment on the grassland and forest terrain. Like Ozmat himself said, Lizardmen are actually very good teammates.

Human beings with a full sense of superiority are the most wasteful races in the entire multiverse … yes, we generally call them “the most balanced races”.


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