Circle Warlock

Chapter 3 - Passing by three times a day, you can promise a lifetime

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“So you asked me to drop you off at the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway exit, just to participate in that ghost show, not angry with me? Then why didn’t you talk along the way!”

(Old lady ’s worry, this highway is already covered!)

My grumpy! Ni Yun looked at Shen Yan who was innocent again, only to feel that his blood vessel was jumping, he was about to get angry with gynecological diseases! She clenched her fingers to white, and wanted to punch that **** face! Participate in the exhibition? Then what do you do to silence after you say half a sentence to make your old lady worry about your sadness and depression?

You give me back my uproar along the way!

“It’s CCGEXPO, the International Anime Game Expo, not ‘What a Ghost Man’ exhibition.” And I just went to visit the game part of it. “Shen Yan still said very seriously, and smiled harmlessly, just to carry the annoying end . He carried the big mountaineering bag he had prepared earlier on his shoulders, and the big bag was bulging, obviously there were a lot of stuff in it. They were all things that Shen Yan wanted to bring to the exhibition.

“Ah, I’m really going to be crazy like a little fart like you, what are you young people thinking about?” Ni Yun puts herself in a very mature and stable position, you can look down on those who still like it. Games and anime, such as Shen Yan’s little fart children, but she chased the TV series more crazy than anyone else. “Come on, let’s go! By the way, don’t let the people in the unit know that you play this, otherwise you won’t be able to rise in a lifetime! Remember?”

“Received.” Shen Yan agreed with a smile. He does not have the lonely character of ordinary orphans, and never refuses the kindness of others.

“Also,” Ni Yun parked the car next to Shen Yan again after turning around. She felt that if she left like this, she seemed to leave some regrets, so she would still hesitate to say it. “Well, your parents … don’t be too sad.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s been 15 years, and time has smoothed everything … I waited for the car to arrive, let’s go, bye.” Shen Yan waved at her with a smile, and left in the other direction without saying anything . He didn’t want to talk to anyone about his parents. But since I still remember the time clearly, it does not seem to be smoothed out as he said.

Ni Yun looked at the back of Shen Yan carrying the big bag, and then went away. She suddenly had an illusion, it seemed that Shen Yan was going to walk like this, out of her life … she subconsciously wanted to call him, but she didn’t know what to say.

Ni Yun could only watch the figure drift away, until the shadow was swallowed by the crowd, and an inexplicable sadness came to his heart.


Incineration site.

Mr. Zhang is a standard black-hearted businessman-a very dark one-he doesn’t care about anything except money, and it doesn’t matter if he is a dead son.

So, as soon as Ni Yun’s car left, he thought “pattern Tucson broken” and waved his hand so hard. I saw a large number of fire engines that had been hidden on the side for a long time, as well as prepared manpower, which poured into the incineration plant.

What are you doing? Start fighting!

There are few staff on this incineration site on weekends, and it has been managed in advance. In addition, the semi-landfill destruction is used here, and the original incineration progress is slow. As long as the people in the quarantine department leave, he will put out the fire, and he will surely rescue most of the pork. Mr. Zhang estimates that frozen pork can burn at most one layer of the surface, and at least 80% can be rescued! This batch of pork has no legal procedures in China, and can only be sold to small counties through bulk cargo channels, but it can also recover most of the cost.

Besides, “Made can’t sell cold meat, can I still sell roast suckling pigs? I have some ways!” President Zhang said cruelly, this time he made a decision to recover the loss … but the result was very unexpected. As expected.

After the fire was extinguished, when the workers shattered the hardened watered carbonized shell on the surface, they found nothing but grayish embers underneath! Thousands of tons of frozen pork can be piled up like a mountain, and it was burned cleanly in a few minutes! All turned into ashes! In other words, not only did he not recover any losses this time, he also paid a huge amount of fire fighting expenses!

“Are you crazy, or am I crazy? Meat ?! Where did my pork go! Who came to tell me a word! Woooooo ~~” Looking at the flying white ash, President Zhang squatted and burned On the sidelines, howling, crying like a fifty-year-old child.

When President Zhang doubted the world and doubted science, a large number of black SUVs suddenly broke in! They rushed all the way to the area where the pork was just burned, and then a large group of fierce foreigners in black suits jumped out of the car and surrounded General Zhang who was still there! Scared that he was soulless!

Lying trough, I just complained that the world is too mysterious, should Aegis Bureau harmonize me? !

“Why, what? Are you asking the little follower … called, called Shen Yan, right? He followed Ni Ke!”


“Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway, I saw Ni Kechang drove over there.”

“Fak! They went back to X city again, go back immediately!” A large group of people hurried into the car again, and left with a flurry, leaving General Zhang messy in the wind.

“My pork … I don’t believe in science anymore! Go to your mother’s SHIELD!”


Shen Yan did not speak on the road, of course, not because of the sudden thought of his parents, but because he felt the atmosphere was too ambiguous and unsuitable.

Because of this face, his first 20 years of peach blossoms are much more prosperous than others. If others are inferior in quality, they will become bulldozers and scumbags who have been dealing with women. But he didn’t want to be like that. His ideal love should be a soul mate like his parents. Therefore, he treats his feelings very sincerely. Chen Xiaoyu may not be his true partner, but he will never allow himself to pedal several boats at the same time while continuing this relationship.

At this moment, Shen Yan who boarded the bus to the city did not think about emotional issues, but looked at the nails of his left **** in the light.

“It seems that the color is black again.” The fingernail in his left **** was only grayish in color in the morning. At this moment, it was already black and translucent, and the texture was not like a stone like a nail. “How does this look like nail polish?” Under the sun, the nails were dark purple, as if there was a halo of light on it. “Freestyle, become a demon man in a second!” Even if he was stupid, he should have thought that this could not be the infectious onychomycosis.

Recalling that the main thing today is to burn that pile of mountain-like frozen meat and absorb unknown energy, he seems to understand what.

Put your heart down, and be happy if you are not surprised. Since it is not a bad thing, it certainly turns into a good sign.

“This definitely means that my skills are getting deeper and deeper. I already … I want to unite the heavens and the people, and if I continue to practice, I will definitely soar in the future. That’s right, that’s it!”

The bus stopped at the intersection of red lights, a dozen black SUVs lined up, and suddenly screamed past the intersection in front! Those black off-road vehicles are one after another, at a fast speed. In the process of fast driving, the distance between the car and the car can be as constant as the ruler! This makes the entire team look as majestic as a military parade and full of vigor!

“Cool! It’s amazing!” Shen Yan sitting by the window witnessed the scene and whistled a loud whistle at the team. Many passengers will also look out the window from the upper body and happily hold the mobile phone to shoot this rare scene.

Shen Yan does not know that the goal these people have been chasing is him, and this is already the third pass today!

In fact, because of repeated misses, these stressful “black men” have become neurotic. Anxiety, impatience, restlessness, torment them all the time. But these people who ventured into the “drawing room” did not dare to do anything extraordinary-because, God was watching them!

Some of them know that this supreme **** Io has the best strength in the multiverse world, but he seems to prefer years to be quiet. He only likes to press firmly on all gods, quietly watching everyone pretend … It’s like watching a group of ants fight the world war. The only time Io made a shot was to knock down all the gods under him and let the world reshuffle the card, as evidenced by the bull C.

But the world of this “drawing room” is different, and the powerful of the full multiverse knows that this is the reserved place of the supreme **** Io, the fish pond contracted by him! Doing things here is like moving Aio’s **, aspirations will hit you in minutes, absolutely no need to wait! What is puzzling is that the people who entered the world obviously must be in order to make trouble, but Aio never refused anyone to enter the “drawing room” world … The style of the great **** is so erratic.

So the only thing people in black who are going to do things can do is to catch the mission target as soon as possible!

To this end, they drove the car fast and looked around nervously along the way, staring at each suspicious person outside the window with severe eyes-even if they had used satellites to locate Ni Yun ’s car, and even invaded the highway Camera. Just wait for Ni Yun’s car to enter the photo area, you can be accurately photographed, and then confirm whether Shen Yan is in the car!

But today it seems that destiny has been joking with them.

First of all, although the photo area on the high-speed is quite dense, these intruders can only hack into the cameras of the toll booths with half-baked hacking techniques. Near the toll station in City X, Ni Yun’s car will take at least 20 minutes before entering the photo area. In case Ni Kechang wants to see the scenery on the road, the time will be longer;

Secondly, when they swaggered across the intersection, more than one man in black even looked at Shen Yan. But none of them recognized that the stupid fork who whistled out of the bus window and whistled towards the convoy was the target!

The reason is very simple. At that time, Shen Yan had a fully covered headgear similar to a motorcycle helmet on his head, so that if he could be recognized, he would be dead.

In short, they will continue to be fooled by fate.

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