Circle Warlock

Chapter 30 - Penny has seen through everything

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

With Shen Yan talking to the lizard’s head, Penny quietly pulled the curtains off, then opened the small workshop, and displayed three lines of data on the screen.

They are:


Shen Yan’s original attributes: [Strength 9] [Agility 11] [Physique 15] [Perception 7] [Spirit 13] [Charm 16]

Shen Yan’s waist cut attributes: [Strength 6] [Agility 8] [Physique 10] [Perception 4] [Spirit 9] [Charm 16]

The attributes of Shen Yan after the disaster night: [Strength 7] [Agility 12] [Physique 9 + 5] [Perception 5] [Spirit 10] [Charm 16]


The attributes of Shen Yan’s various periods are listed on the screen. The first column is of course the black history that cannot be seen even if Penny is attacked by him. Let’s call it “black attribute”.

From this list, we can clearly see that it only took ten days to practice, and Shen Yan’s various attributes will advance by leaps and bounds! Not counting last night’s adventures, Shen Yan’s various values ​​increased by 6 points in ten days, which is already close to the black attribute of the body! Even more amazing is that with the help of the Moon Elf bloodline, his agility 12 points has exceeded the original agility attribute 11 points!

Although part of the reason is due to the low starting point, it is also amazing enough.

It is certainly not meaningless to practice this kind of “discount” and then come back. It not only allows Shen Yan to have a more comprehensive grasp of his body, but also further expands his potential. Most ordinary people do not have a good grasp of their bodies. Those who walk on the ground flat and have uncoordinated hands and feet are below the pass line.

The whole process is like re-laying the foundation again. For people like Shen Yan who did not start training from an early age, this iteration is equivalent to helping him lay the foundation again. After walking back, the mysterious old man can no longer send him away with the pity that you are too late to practice martial arts.

However, the most important thing is to absorb the attributes brought by the essence of Silver Moon last night [Physique +5]!

Let’s first care whether the future is a blessing or a curse, at least the pie is still very fragrant, Shen Yan takes a big advantage! The five-point value is not simple, it is an additional bonus that does not account for the body’s potential-that is, like a good buff, it is added to the upper and lower limits at the same time. Shen Yan then polished his body. The starting point of physical exercise is still 9 instead of 14. The difficulty and speed of the two exercises can be very different.

In the future, if Shen Yan ’s physique can be beyond sacred (20), then add these 5 points, “life and death, flesh and bones” will no longer be an empty talk-light wounds can’t go down the line of fire, serious injuries eat something, basically this degree. It is slightly worse than Wolverine’s regenerative ability, as long as it does not damage the brain and heart, there is nothing else. And fighting is more like a humanoid perpetual motion machine, fighting while eating, before the food is consumed, the physical strength will never be exhausted.

Finally, Penny turned the next page and stopped on a new feature. If the previous is a harvest, then this is a surprise!

Remember the little ball that Shen Yan subconsciously caught when the sudden change happened?

Feature 4: [Intuition], a keen spirit can occasionally replace perception and react in advance.

“That’s it! Yeah! That’s it!” Pan Ni danced happily and danced mercilessly. After Shen Yan’s very precise catch last night, he suddenly awakened this feature! Penny was so surprised that even the vision of the sky was ignored.

“Intuition”, this temporarily seemingly unremarkable feature, which seems to depend on luck for success or failure, is the starting point for a peculiar talent.

This talent is probably suitable for many people who are born with physical defects, such as Ms. Huancheng. The initial characteristic of the woman ’s awakening in the past was “smartness”, and the characteristic of replacing strength with agility—who could have imagined that the woman who had been in the abyss had no power at first. In the end, this feature was digged step by step by the lady, and eventually grew into a “attribute balance” against the sky!

(To explain here, unlike the 2nd version of the rules, the 3.5 version of the attribute no longer caps 25. The average attribute of the adult dragon is 20+, the main attribute is 35+; the average attribute of the deity is 25+, and the main attribute may reach 40 to 50. Another constitution Related to body type, dragons are giant creatures, humans are medium-sized creatures, and cats are small creatures. Giant creatures have high physiques, but their regeneration ability is only equivalent to one-third of medium-sized creatures of the same constitution.

Despite a lot of troubles, but also harvested again and again, but Pan Ni was a little worried, always felt that … things came too fast and too much! Although Shen Yan is advancing by leaps and bounds, he is also involved in a vortex one after another-even the broken village that Milton will build, Penny has a hunch that will stir up the situation in the future!

… as Shen Yan said, there seems to be an invisible big hand, manipulating everything behind.

This made Penny feel suspicion while touching her chin. Is Shen Yan the protagonist of a certain story?


“Do you think … this thing is over?”

“No, on the contrary, I think this is just the beginning.”

Shen Yan’s words made the Lizard Ranger stunned.

When he asked that question, he did not expect to get an answer, because no answer is normal, right? However, Shen Yan always gave him a “surprise”, his answer made Omar become worried again.

Seeing what Omar didn’t understand, Shen Yan flicked her lips-of course it was just the beginning-you didn’t see how miserable the girl was abused! If you do n’t have the ability, even if you die, it ’s nothing but a grievance of injustice. But now that girl’s obvious background is amazing, but I don’t know why she is trapped in this small world and can’t ask for help. Now that she is clearly connected, she must be turned upside down!

Not to mention, the evil **** who received the sacrifice and the direct murderer who took her sacrifice have not been punished!

Besides … do n’t you forget the **** that pooped and **** you?

Shen Yan didn’t have much thoughts about repaying gratitude. It would be good to be a cow or a horse in the afterlife, too inhumane … Ha ha ~ joking, in fact, he just wanted to see that girl again. It’s not easy to find a girl who looks better than Shen Yan’s face in the whole world. When you meet … you just bite and don’t talk!

You said Chen Xiaoyu? If I could go back … I would definitely not tell her!

The team continued on the road, and no one mentioned what happened that night, as if it was a taboo.

The two mercenaries with elven blood appeared to lose their souls. They deliberately distanced themselves from the crowd, but they dared not approach Shen Yan and became out of tune with the surroundings. As reminded by Pan Ni, Shen Yan finally showed some sadness and panic, which was barely in line with his identity as a “pure blood moon elf”-your master and **** were all cut, what is your joy?

It’s because his performance is a bit superficial, the emotion conversion is not in place, he didn’t send it from the heart, he blended in his feelings … he was severely criticized by Director Penny!

“Are you still swollen? Get an Oscar!”

It means that the duo with no heart and no lungs did not really take this matter to heart.

The name of the Silver Moon Goddess is a big deal in the multiverse, and Penny ca n’t tell which one it is without saying her real name. But according to her speculation, it is estimated that it is the little broken **** of a small broken world, and it should be the world where it is now. So that in order to know more, Shen Yan had to knock on the side of the lizard ranger, and only then got some information about the elf lord god.

Overall, this elf **** is super sick-not only does she not admit blasphemous elves, she does not even admit half-blood half-elves and city elves!

The so-called city elves refer to those elf ethnic groups that were forced to stay and settle in human cities due to ethnic splits, elven city fall, disaster, slavery, etc.-just like Chinatown in this world-in every part of humanity In large-scale large cities, there are urban elves and semi-elves.

These elves are discriminated against because of their sub-ethnicity and coveted for their beautiful appearance. They usually live at the bottom of the city and engage in some not-so-good occupations … of course they are no longer elegant and noble! So the Silver Moon Goddess with deep cleanliness kicked this group out of the elves! Announced not to shelter these people!

Isn’t she sick?

And in the elven clan, the goddess only favors the day elf and the moon elf. They are fair to the forest elves and look down on the prairie elves. She ignores the sea elves. The rest are all she wants to kick out but have not yet found a reason. Yes … I heard Shen Yan want to say here, this is a pure-bred Bichi!

Why does the Lizard Ranger know so clearly? Because Yinyue Bichi never concealed her point of view! So much so that the elves’ races are effective, the higher elves look down on the lower elves, the elves can’t look at the right and wrong elves, they are all a bird!

But there is no way. The reason why the Silver Moon Goddess dares to be so capricious is because she really does not lack faith-she is both the patron saint of elves and Yin Yue, one of the three goddesses of the moon.

“When I see the moon, I think of me!”

As a silver moon **** who walks out every seven days, the faith provided by various shallow believers is sufficient. Then she can’t become a star (Closure of the Throne), so the Silver Moon Goddess really has nothing to pursue, leaving only the blind damsel tossing!

“Unexpectedly, the Goddess of Silver Moon turned out to be … this is really unfortunate for the elven race!” Shen Yan said pretending to be angry. How do you know the lizard ranger sneered, said, “Do you think this is the goddess of the silver moon? That is the gods you do not understand the lizard people and humans.”

Shen Yan was stunned. I was wrong. I should n’t be targeting the Goddess of Silver Moon-I thought she was the only trash. I did n’t expect that everyone in the room was trash!

“Muddy Kai, I want to be quiet!”


PS: I tell you that this book is making the list. Please recommend votes for Lao Lei every day! Please rate this book! Thank you!

PS2: The reason why Lao Lei talked about the three chapters of gold is because of a book he once chased. The book was written well in front of the book, but at the beginning of a certain plot, I suddenly changed the map-the plot did not transition, the author did not explain, just change the map! Lao Lei’s genuine pirated copies have been found. It is determined that it is not the middle chapter that was deleted, but the author did not write at all … but even so, this book still scores very well. So I do n’t believe in anything like the three golden chapters … Lao Lei often finds a book that can be read in half an hour, and can try anything when there is a shortage of books.

PS3: There is now a post for “The Warlock of the City”, hosted by the Sea of ​​Misery, everyone help to increase your popularity.

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