Circle Warlock

Chapter 40 - BP

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“Oma, did you feel that the children looked strange to me in the past two days?” Milton asked Ozmat by holding him.

“Are you there?” Ozmat turned away with a guilty conscience. “Probably because your speech was so handsome that day, and you were brave and brave in the recent battle. I guess the children worship you as a hero.”

“Really?” Milton looked at Omar with a straight face for a full minute before suddenly revealing a row of shiny teeth, the ugly face smiled invisible. “Actually, I think so too, just to ask you to confirm. Haha, go away, oops ~ there are still some things to be busy!” The dwarf left happily, even his voice was a little louder.

“You’re really …” The lizard ranger looked at Milton’s cheerful figure, crying and laughing. It turned out that this big man also had a childish side. “I hope you can still laugh when you know the story Shen Yan told the children.”

While Ozmat was thinking about how to resolve this matter in the end, he heard a cry, “It’s time, go and listen to the story!”. It turned out to be the bear child who had been staring at Shen Yan. When Shen Yan finally finished his exercise, he immediately shouted loudly. Then a large number of bears and children screamed and left behind what was busy, and swarmed towards the end of the team!

Ozmat hesitated, and then walked over there.

Speaking of which, the story is really attractive …


“Hi, you came too fast. Well, then listen to you, and then tell the story!” Shen Yan’s body was really tired just after exercising. Like his extreme exercise method, most people use it only to abandon themselves, not to become superhuman. Shen Yan has the magic power to stimulate the muscles of the whole body with meditation, so that he can persevere, and at the same time his physical attributes are fully restored. But he was indeed exhausted, and now he just wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep. But no, because Panni told him that if he loses half, he will win if he doesn’t accept it!

Such a second word … of course it is the truth!

“Hi, who can tell me about Zhang Xiaohua’s story, where did we talk about last time?” Shen Yan smiled like a kindergarten teacher.

“Hurry up, hurry up, Zhang Xiaohua was imprisoned in the water cell, what about later?” This was a serious listen.

“I want to listen to Anna and hate Zhang Xiaohua!” Oh, is it really good to be so concerned about girls only at such a young age?

“Tell me more about eating sugar, I want to eat sugar (saliva ~)” This is not for listening to stories, he has been addicted to mouth.

After that battle, Shen Yan truly gained the trust of the Big Four. Fighting side by side is the fastest way for men to get close to each other.

He was invited to enter the decision-making team of the team and gradually took charge of a certain aspect of the team. This is a move that the four giants are very much looking forward to, and even want to leave a deep voice. The subtle education of children is Shen Yan ’s own main direction for his future work-he already has the long standby function of elves-so planning can do less “five-year plan” And the “ten-year plan” … Dare you go directly to the “fifteen-year plan”!

In this regard, everyone believes that no one can do better than him, and everything except labor and fighting should be (right?).

Shen Yan asked, regardless of age, a group of children started talking in unison and shouted in a mess. Shen Yan took the opportunity to take a breath and wait for him to relax, and the bear children shouted dumb. Then he continued Shi Shiran. “The last book said that Zhang Xiaohua was imprisoned because he refused the instructor ’s request. Soaked in waist-deep water, he could not rest for a whole day and night! When the instructor came over and asked him, 9527, you know you are wrong Where is it? Guess what Zhang Xiaohua said?

He said, ‘I ’m not 9527, I ’m Zhang, Xiao, Hua! ’

For a long while, the instructor, who looked like Milton, replied coldly, “You are wrong, 9527.” Unless you can graduate, I don’t need to know your name! If you die, you only have the code name, and you have a name when you are alive! Now you only have one code name, that is 9, 5, 2, 7! Do you understand it? “

Shen Yan said with a frown, the bear children were moved to tears by Zhang Xiaohua’s persistence.

Alas, young people are just fooling … bloody.

Only the onlooker lizard ranger grinned-what is “instructor who looks like Milton”, “sister who looks like Catherine’s doctor”, “looks like a villain, and the name is also called” tiger ” “Villain”, “A name is Omar, not an ugly police officer with a lizard head”-you are just blatantly hacking us!

Seeing that the children all listened attentively, as if to engrave every word in their hearts, Ozmat felt an egg pain. What can I do next? Speaking of Shen Yan, wouldn’t it be revenge on us?

What does it tell in this story? It tells the story of a wanderer named Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaohua is an urban outcast and was lucky to be adopted by a mysterious organization. He was sent to a mysterious school and lived with a group of orphans of similar origin.

The conditions of the school are very good. Apart from being closed, they are completely open to them. The orphans do n’t have to do any work in class, eat well, sleep well, and have doctors regularly check their health, and have sweets to enjoy every weekend-in the hearts of these fleet children, that day is almost like the kingdom It’s no different!

But Zhang Xiaohua is very smart, he did not give up vigilance because of happiness in life. Sure enough, after a while, he accidentally discovered that a new friend suddenly disappeared! It was a child suffering from gastrointestinal problems, and the teacher told him that the child was taken to the hospital for treatment. Zhang Xiaohua temporarily believed the teacher’s words … but soon afterwards, more and more children “disappeared” one after another, all of whom found problems in the physical examination.

In the end, only 30 healthy children remained in the school. Zhang Xiaohua no longer believed what the teacher said, he quietly worked out his plan. But the night before Zhang Xiaohua wanted to escape from school, he was taken to a classroom with all the children. The classroom doors were suddenly locked, the windows were all closed, and 15 swords were placed on the table in the center of the house. Someone told them outside the house that all children must take up arms and kill each other! The door will only be opened if there are 15 children left in the room!

I don’t know who started it first. A naive and cruel fight between children happened.

Zhang Xiaohua, who adheres to the principle, has been persuading everyone not to point their weapons at each other, but should rush out of the classroom together! However, no effect, no one listens to him. For the so-called “happy life”, every child turns into a beast! After the failure, Zhang Xiaohua still refused to pick up any weapon, he tried to prevent the children from killing each other. Although his strength is the most powerful among the children, although he saved many people’s lives, he was eventually stabbed and bruised! Even attacked by the people he rescued!

Just when he was about to be killed by another child due to excessive blood loss. One child was killed by his friend one step in advance, leaving only 15 children in the room, so the test was over.

Then they will face the second test, taking a potion that is said to stimulate potential, and will replace the real name with a code name …

It turns out that this is a school that cultivates killers-they adopt orphans, train them, and let them kill each other, in the end, in order to select the most powerful seedlings and become the gold medal killer of the organization!


That ’s right, it ’s the same way we all do! The routine is not afraid of old, just use it. The plot is basically the male version of “Naked Agent”, some bridges in Gu Gulong’s novels, plus a hodgepodge of Marvel’s black widow experience! Now that the film dares to do this, it will lose all the pants.

Of course, it does n’t matter whether the story is brilliant, the important thing is-“adopt a lot of orphans”, “mysterious organization members” who look like everyone here, let “children fight each other”, “drink potions Strengthen “Ah wait!

Haha ~ As long as there are one or two of these matches, the bear children will start to doubt everything around them; if there are three or four matches, they will be able to get you a plane on the spot … If Milton takes out one day Alchemy recipe, let’s strengthen it … hehe ~ that scene is definitely worth seeing!

Never underestimate the destructive heart of bear children!

Why did you say Shen Yan? Of course it is because of BP-BigPlan, his big plan!

With Milton ’s vision and pattern, Shen Yan can think of what he plans for the future of these children—learn a few words first and send them to the magician as an apprentice; then follow Shen Yanxue smarter Arithmetic, maybe in the future can open a trade road to run a business; Kong Wu powerful can be a soldier or mercenary, thinner can also be a straw hat pirate; the last remaining ones who do not have the strong breath, all to be Farmer, and have more farmers.

Born in Sisi, grew in Sisi, died in Sisi, and made a base for the prosperity of the village.

Five years later, the temporary settlement developed into a village combining fishing and agriculture; fifteen years later, the village became a town with a pier and a business road, and may even have a simple magic tower (if the female magician had enough 20 years later, with the friction of the forces of the North and South Kingdoms (at this time Stormwind City should establish a nation and unify the South), the small town located in the cracks took the initiative to vote for a kingdom, Milton was knighted before death , And became the last member of the noble pyramid.

He died with a smile, and his son, as a descendant of the nobility, will start a new struggle at the bottom of the noble level ladder … This may be the best future Milton planned for the village and for himself.

The only distinctive feature of this village is probably “not looking at the race, but the visitors will not refuse”. This feature will allow it to absorb the displaced people faster, but the security in the village will be worse and there will be more contradictions. Even if it were only so, people like Omar would willingly join in and contribute their lifelong strength. Because on the peninsula, it is already difficult to find a better village than this.

Despite the pursuit of such a simple, it is still very difficult to achieve the wish!

Not to mention the external environment-because the silver moon is broken, the elves are bound to decline, and new wars will soon come …

To become a noble, the first shortcut recognized in the world is to overthrow a kingdom and then build one! Unfortunately, the South is already doing this, and the benefits have been divided by the big businessmen and the big ship owners, and there are no opportunities for others to enter;

The second shortcut is to become a big businessman first and accumulate millions of families! Then during the Kingdom War, donate a lot of money and materials to the king, so that they will almost be sealed as nobles-as long as they can maintain the speed of making money (and bribing speed), and they will stand up to the ridiculed head. Three generations can truly become a member of the nobility;

The third shortcut is the magician. Unfortunately, those who want to be nobles generally cannot become magicians, and magicians do not want to be nobles …

As for what is said in the knight novels, what was promoted by virtue of warfare, and in the war, the plots worked hard to turn the tide, was recognized by the king and won the nobility … Ha ha ~ there are many such novels, but in reality, one, one, none, yes! The reason is simple, there is no family help behind him, and there is no talent in the bag. A civilian can neither count nor understand words. What can you do to command thousands of troops and become generals? What can you let those nobles listen to you? They will not be defeated and die, and it will be a big deal to redeem themselves.

Listening to the command of a civilian, even if you win the war, it is a lifelong stain.

We all say that the Song Dynasty puts more emphasis on literacy than military, and sending civilian officers to lead troops is the layman’s guide to the layman. Does anyone know that because the Song Dynasty’s treasury maintained border forces, the factions in the army were like mountains? Long You refused to accept Guanzhong, Datong looked down on Hebei, each had its own interests, and the generals were greedy for money. From this, they could not find a few who could command the overall situation. It would be better to send a high-ranking civil servant-no matter what the commander is, he will never go to the army to grab food, so he will not cause too much rebound-this is the basis of the cultural management.

The truth that all children understand, can not be understood by the court princes. In the Song Dynasty, you can think of them as any kind of person, except that they should not be imagined as fools-they are all fairies in that position, and there can be no fools.

As for protecting the home and protecting the country … The concept of the state is unique to the Republic of China. Before the Republic of China, the country has always been the property of the emperor’s family … Don’t you dare to say “the country is the country of the world”, even Tang Taizong will kill you.

As for the use of personal force alone-the world’s top combat strength is only seventeen or eighty, and occasionally there are hidden monsters that reach the legend. Although this level is very strong, but riding a thousand things or something … or wash and sleep. If you want to become a legend, you really want to be a noble. But this is much harder than being a magician.

And inside the village, how to smooth out racial conflicts? How to balance the interests of mercenary groups, villager groups and orphan groups? Are the magician’s request and return equivalent? … all kinds of questions, all kinds of strange things. If one is not handled well, all will be lost.

But Shen Yan is different. Does the traverser really follow the crowd like this, does the conscience hurt? He must improve the society (to make waves), to reflect his personal value.

Therefore, the story that Shen Yan told is actually not an idea. You do n’t have to use these conclusions or kill people. But it is definitely a good way to carry out unified management of orphans, unified education, competition with each other, and the survival of the fittest!

When this story is relayed to Milton’s ears, he will realize the value of this model. But when he started to do this, he would find … hehe ~ Actually, there are many difficulties inside, all are pits! Can it be difficult, from family education to centralized school running, to qualitative training and quality education, there is a gap of thousands of years of accumulation!

By then, the whole system is not going to fall into the hands of Shen Yan Big Devil!

Ehouhouhouhou ~ Bear children, your end is here!

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