Circle Warlock

Chapter 6 - trust

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Shen Yan, who ran in front, heard a stagger afterwards and almost fell.

Fortunately, there was still a calm voice in his mind directing him, “Go left!” Shen Yan turned left without hesitation. But at this moment, he heard a “Boo!” Shen Yan shrank his neck subconsciously, and the cold hair on his back followed.

gun? !

Intuition tells him that this sound does not sound fake! He turned his head and glanced. The corner of the concrete flower bed he had just ran through was broken, and even the splashing smoke had not dissipated … there was a gun! It’s a real gun! The other party really dared to shoot at this tourist-like place!

Three thoughts passed through my mind very quickly, and Shen Yan realized that this was a big trouble!

There are guns and no guns. In our country, they are two absolutely different concepts! Even if he was chased by a large group of people before, he didn’t think the consequences were serious-at most he was caught and beaten to death …

Even if an evil organization catches him to study superpowers, it’s actually no big deal.

The “slicing research” was twisted and evil by the web. In fact, if it is really necessary to do tissue slice analysis in scientific research, it is enough to take a little physiological tissue from the non-critical parts of the human body, and even a too thick microscope cannot analyze it. During the whole collection process, let alone bleeding, the sampled person didn’t even have any feelings … But when it comes to slicing research, Wang Wen often gives people the feeling of “the store cuts two pounds of tenderloin first, and how to sell this pig’s head”.

But the nature of the gun has changed! Having a gun means that this group of people doesn’t care about the law. If you don’t care about the law, it means daring to kill. Dare to kill means that Shen Yan is really life-threatening!

“110, can my superpowers be bulletproof?”

“No, but don’t be afraid, you still have great value. They dare not kill you.” The voice comforted in spirit. However, not waiting for Shen Yan to relax, she then added, “But interrupting your five … limbs, they can still do it, and it will not affect the harvest. And you will not escape if you are shot. , So it ’s better not to. “

“Thank you, I feel much better when you say that.” Shen Yan didn’t know what to say.

After the gunshot, he ran into a cat’s waist posture and hid all the way to Tibet through the bunker. He didn’t know if it had any effect. The gunshots behind him became more and more dense, and the sound was continuous, often hitting the building debris around him! Shen Yan ran down two roads and found that he was indeed not hit-the bullets were like long eyes, and swiped past him. If he didn’t know the truth, he would think that he was the king of graze-aware that the other party was indeed shooting from him, and Shen Yan felt a little calmer.

But he understood that it was not a good thing. People did not hurt him because he had been regarded as a thing in his pocket. If he really has the possibility of escape, I am afraid that the bullet will fall on him in minutes.

Tourists are fleeing and there is chaos everywhere. The people in black behind are getting closer and closer, and the pressure of Shen Yan is increasing. When the main entrance of a skyscraper was appeared in front, the bullets cracked the glass walls of the glass on both sides one step in advance, and the subconsciously running away from the gun running into the building subconsciously. At this moment he did not realize that forcing him into the building was the result of the other party’s deliberate guidance. You have to know that the man in black has enough manpower to block and search the building, and he can only hide from the Shen Yan in Tibet. No matter how large the interior space of the building is, he is dead!

But when he walked into the lobby on the first floor of the skyscraper, Shen Yan realized that his choice was wrong. But it was too late. The man in black who was chasing the front was approaching the gate, and the gun in his hand was appalling. He had no choice but to continue to run inside the building.

“Surrounding the building, he couldn’t run away! The second group went to check if there was a back door! The third group went to the underground parking lot! The first group followed me to the monitoring room, immediately! Immediately!” Hearing that person was not in a hurry to chase him Instead of blocking the building in an orderly manner, he knew he had lost his chance to escape.

“What now?” Shen Yan asked in a low voice. If you are someone else, you may first shirk your responsibility for making mistakes, and then blame “she in the brain” for not reminding yourself and changing from trust to resentment. But Shen Yan will not. He has been an orphan for most of his life. No matter what he encounters, he always bears it himself. He has never been overly habitual. Entering the building was the choice he made, and he acknowledged the consequences, but he now needs some advice.

“Go upstairs and go to the top floor,” she said, with unabashed appreciation. For Shen Yan’s good character, she can give 82 points.

Go upstairs? Shen Yan took a deep breath, first forced herself to calm down, and then quickly scanned the hall. After finding the target, he took out his trench coat and put it on himself to make his dress look less weird. Then he speeded up to catch up with a tour group queuing into the elevator, standing at the end of the line.

“Are you?” The fat man at the end of the team looked at him suspiciously.

“I’m Xiao Shen … the one who quarreled with the tour guide yesterday, don’t you remember me?” Shen Yan asked with a look of sadness while finishing his clothes. “I just quarreled with the tour guide just now, but I was so angry that I stayed at the end of the line. You said that there is something nice about the XX building, especially the tourist restaurant on the top of the building, not just a place to eat! The restaurant ordered more than two hundred bottles of beer, and the meal was too expensive to die! This tour guide knew that it took us to spend money, and there was no real fun place! “

“Ah … it’s you!” Although he didn’t think about it, the fat man still cooperated with an expression of sudden enlightenment, and by the way secretly despised Shen Yan in his heart. This is a full-fledged group, not the Caotai team of the cheap group. Drink two hundred and one bottles of beer in the restaurant on the top floor-all you need is this fan, don’t travel without money!

Besides the price is not important, I can reimburse anyway.

But even if I look down on them, the fat man still makes an understanding expression on the surface … We are well-trained people. When he entered the elevator, he stopped the elevator door and said “Shen Shen hasn’t come in yet.” He politely let Shen Yan into the elevator. Others think that Shen Yan is the acquaintance of the fat man, and the fat man thinks that Shen Yan is also the same group, so it is the default of Shen Yan.

The fat man deserves to be a socialist. He dominates the topic, talks and laughs along the way, and Shen Yan carelessly perfunctory, the elevator all the way to the 88th floor of the tourist restaurant.

As the elevator rose, Shen Yan looked at the increasingly vast landscape outside the window, but what he was thinking was-too strange, to know that it is Huaxia here! It has been so long since the gunshots, why is there no response around? The shooting was a big deal in China, and there must be something weird! “Why?” Shen Yan asked directly in his heart, he knew that “she” could hear his thoughts.

“I can only tell you, because this is the drawing room, and those in black are outsiders. Here, any changes caused by outsiders will dissipate at a very fast rate. Like small stones thrown into the pond, lift I can’t afford any waves, “she explained.

Under the skyscraper, the bus that was badly damaged was still driving step by step on the road; the damaged flower beds downstairs were recovering quickly; the crowd who had just panicked because of the shooting had forgotten the memory of seven seconds ago You have to do everything, what you did before, and what you continue to do now; even the grass that was trampled by the black man has stood upright. Only the line of footprints stamped out by Shen Yan remained, and he remained stubbornly on the lawn.

At this moment, Shen Yan wanted to ask many questions. He wanted to know who was talking to him, what the drawing room was, why he wanted to keep up with those in black, what kind of treasure on his body was worth chasing … but the elevator had reached the top floor.

The tour guide of the tour group is waiting next to the elevator. At this time, as long as they check the information, Shen Yan’s identity will be dismantled. But Shen Yan took the first step and said to the fat man, “You go to dinner first, I … I’ll wash my hands, and we’ll see you later.”

Of course, when he said these words, his face deliberately pretended to be ugly.

Look at the tour guide and then look at Shen Yan, the fat man understands, and pats Shen Yan’s shoulder very well, and whispers. “It’s okay, you are busy, here is just to eat a style, the taste is not as good as the food stall … remember to return to the team on time in the afternoon.” He believed that Shen Yan could not eat, and wanted to escape from the toilet. .

Shen Yan passed by the tour guide. The two people who had never met each other, in the eyes of the fat man, were “completely upset, and no one wanted to talk to each other.”

Shen Yan made a small circle in the restaurant and returned to the elevator corridor, but found that four of the six elevators had been locked into maintenance and the other two were all stopped on the first floor. Obviously, the chasing has taken control of the building-now it is just blocking all passages. When the elevator operation record and camera before the call are called out, the man in black will go straight to the top floor, leaving Shen Yan little time.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the escape passage door in front of Shen Yan turned into a red light and was locked!

“I have reached the top floor, and then? They move too fast, we have to hurry up.” Shen Yan whispered. After all, he is just an ordinary person with “physical strength”. It is hard to say whether he is really superpowered or not. Identity is neither a special force nor a spy, nor has he been trained in Hawaii. The series of actions just now is already the most extraordinary performance he can perform under unexpected stimulation.

Facing the locked door, Shen Yan was helpless and could only ask for help outside the court. But what he didn’t expect was that, in the face of his problems, the voice said nothing.

“Shen Yan, can you believe me?”

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