Circle Warlock

Chapter 60 - On the way

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

PS: About salutation. What is written in the book is very clear, which is what children call Shen Yan. As mentioned earlier, Shen Yan is a person who is very persistent with his name, just as he emphasized that his real name is “Shen Neyan”. In other worlds, he also asked everyone to call him “Shen Yan” instead of “Shen Yan”. Westerners generally like to call their names directly, but Shen Yan is called by a child pointing his nose. He thinks it is impolite. Therefore, he asked the children to call him “Brother Shen”. Note, not bigbrother, but Shendage.

As for the prince’s palace, the name of the master … This kind of thing is misunderstood by others, it is too shameful.

Shen Yan’s “nephritis” stalk, obviously this Eastern-style joke, was first spread by himself. The previous article also hinted many times that Shen Yan was willing to spread these, like what “men and women tears”, “Mingguo Mingyue”, “is losing”, “I didn’t expect you to be such a person”, etc.-from the outside world Hearing the online vocabulary in his mouth, Shen Yan must be very happy.

Because this is that he is corroding the other world, not like many other predecessors who have been quickly transformed into a standard native by the other world.


On the way, Pan Ni always wanted to laugh, and Shen Yan always wanted to cry.

He finally remembered. Isn’t that kind of ritual the same as that of the European King Knight. The person who implemented it was either William or Louis, or Bonaparte.

But to say that the ceremony is simple and funny … Sorry, it’s not simple at all! It can even be said that the kings of the peninsula are tied together, and there is no specialty in Shen Yan! The key to this thing is not the specific form, but what you understand … the feeling of directing to the soul! Feeling is the most important. After all, the predecessor of the current king of the peninsula was either the mutinous regiment commander or the expelled subspecies. On the sense of ritual, in addition to elves, Shen Yan can dump the remaining one hundred streets!

“What should we do in the future? Are we going to go back on the road of fraud?” Shen Yan asked Penny with frustration.

He didn’t want to be like this, but it had to face the inevitable problem.

“Oh, sorry, it’s just you-I’m just an innocent, involuntary weapon that is forced to take the path of crime. According to your Americans, it is not the weapon that makes the mistake, but the one holding the weapon Only hand. My existence is actually only used to protect human rights, everything else is a misunderstanding. “Pan Ni quickly cut the line with the fraudster Mr. Shen Yan.

“You are the people of the United States, and your family is all people of the United States! Whoever says the weapon is not responsible? That’s the brains of the people of the United States! When the fire is on, is it the same as having a gun on hand and not having a gun? The two results are definitely obtained! “Shen Yan said, and suddenly stopped thoughtfully-and then the two inside and outside the body screamed together, covering their heads.”


——In order to go to the second grove, they brought everything, and the two people who had to pack and take away the house, actually forgot to bring the SIG pistol that is most suitable for self-defense …

“All blame you!”

“All blame you!”

After parting ways, the two turned against each other.

——Sure enough, there is only a battle between the stepmother and the righteous son, and there is the sweetest and sweetest daily life between the father and the daughter.


“The question is, where should I go to find that country?” Shen Yan frowned.

Not to mention the restoration of the country, in the future his race can be seamlessly switched between the two races of humans and elves, the kind from the genetic level-even checking the bloodline can not find any problems. Therefore, even if he regains his country, he must first decide whether it is the country of the Elves or the country of mankind.

But when the elf is about to deal with the Bi Chi, the goddess of the silver moon, this makes him unhappy.

But Shen Yan didn’t know yet that the Goddess of Silver Moon was more Bi Chi than he thought.

Penny once predicted that the Silver Moon Goddess would fall into a deep sleep for at least a few hundred years before waking up and continue to count old accounts-there must be a part of Shen Yan, which is a sure thing! Who asked him to help the elf and absorb some of the essence of the goddess of the silver moon? His position on the list is so high that the Silver Moon Goddess can see his name at a glance as long as he wakes up …

The gods that Penny had seen all kept the law and defended the believers. At the same time they gain authority, they also bear a huge responsibility—whether it is a good or evil god. Even the gods of the chaotic camp are actually not really “chaos”, and there is still evidence to do things. But this time even Penny guessed wrong … The girl of the Silver Moon Goddess has been stunned by hatred!

In order to jointly resist threats from the outside world, other gods pinched their noses to help her. She didn’t know how to use these magical powers to converge, made a series of predictions and released oracles-listed the ultimate kill list! In the new issue of the “Elven Race Hatred” list, the former Elves Regent couple ranked first and second, and Shen Yan’s name ranked third!

A large wave of elves is looking for him everywhere with a portrait, just because it says “Ethnic: Moon Elf”. Those talents are looking in the wrong direction-the elves regard this as an internal matter of the race, and strictly block external information. The Regent and his wife were sacrificed for the first time, so for the time being, no elf thought of looking for someone on the human territory. But it won’t last long, after all, the peninsula is such a big place. Prophecy and magic work together, and it is only a matter of time before Shen Shen finds it.

“Actually, you have your own unique territory. Isn’t the city around you? As long as it can be fully restored, the city around is much larger than the average country.” Penny suggested.

“Who would want that kind of broken place.” In Shen Yan’s view, since Milton said it was a ruin, he no longer had any expectations. To be precise, even if the city can rise to the sky again, it is impossible to return to its former prosperity, because the environment is different, and the people are different.

What is the meaning if it is a solitary city? Isn’t it filming “I am a legend”-or “I am a legend” without even dogs and zombies.

If the city around can rise to the sky again, Shen Yan’s biggest expectation for her is to be able to have a safer refuge-is it not enough for you to hide in the sky? According to Shen Yan’s understanding, since he is the heir to this legacy, it should be no problem to return to the city at any time after he regains control of part of the city.

Otherwise, even if you do n’t have a land use certificate, you would say that the city is yours. Did you touch the porcelain?

“… In fact, it’s not just around the city. If you dare to stand up and say that you are the heir of the lady, then many lands in the multiverse will belong to you! For example, this snowy mountain … Ms. Had agreed with the gods that year The land falling in the city belongs to the ring city. As long as you dare to stand up and declare that no matter what the kings think, the gods will be willing to endorse you! “

“Then the next thing is to kill me … I have only heard that the goods that fall on the ground belong to the nobility. You are good, things fall on the ground, even the ground is yours! The lady is so arrogant, how did she live to one A hundred years ago? “

Penny smiled.

That actually stems from a rather long story-the lady is an extremely lazy and laissez-faire. She is not even willing to accept the faith, and anyone who prays to her will be killed.

So with the secret support of many gods, a guy started to build a church around the city, spread faith, and successfully stolen the priesthood of Ms. “Portal”. The lady ignored this, so that for a long time, people thought that the **** is also one of the masters of the city, and many people even think that he is much greater than the lady! Until one day, a lady’s servant Dabas (the tool used to repair the city) announced that he was the priest of the god, and then the lady was suddenly furious!

She slaughtered the **** like a chicken and threw her body into the astral world. The believer was mostly killed, and his temple, together with the six blocks around the city, turned into powder!

The rules of “Falling around the city” were set at that time … Any area covered by the **** that was replaced by the fall, the lady said that it was her! In fact, it was because the lady could not find the materials to repair the block that was broken by her, and she could only rob it … But the gods were guilty because of that matter, and they were afraid that the lady would settle the bill, so they quickly reached an agreement with the lady. It was also after that that the gods could not enter the ring city.

“It is not easy to reach an agreement between the gods, but after reaching it, each **** will take the initiative to maintain it, and it is more difficult to tear it up. So if you have the power, then you can declare it as much as you like, even if the entire peninsula is claimed to be yours!” Penny irritated her passionately.

“The peninsula is so big, why are you here?”

“…” The two salted fish fell silent again, right, what are you doing here?

Well, it seems that it is really useless … some of the money is a way to make it, and the first night is not what you want! In this case, if you want the peninsula, you will also be responsible for the lives and deaths of countless people. Every day, you will have no time to enjoy …

“Will you eat roasted rabbits tonight?”


As salted fish, give me honestly salted fish!

What bragging words are always bragging, even if I am afraid, I am not ashamed?


“The little wood in the south of the camp” is obviously just a nickname.

In this rare corner of Green Point Bay, would there be the kind of place that sounds like-can you enjoy the sun and picnic safely?

This forest is a sparse forest zone connected with a huge virgin forest. Although it is not as dense and opaque as the big forest, it is also easy to get lost in walking. In addition, the problems and dangers encountered in the virgin forest will be the same here.

The only advantage is that the altitude here is much higher than the camp, which is already similar to the sub-cold zone of the earth. The sparse bushes open the horizon, and there is no one-speaking animal that is most annoying—snake.

Shen Yan rode a horse and chose a slightly detour, advancing toward the top of the mountain against the edge of the woods. It was not until the front road was completely cut off by the woods that he dismounted and untied the reins of Pippi Shrimp. “Wait here for me. I ran away when I was in danger. I couldn’t find myself going back to the camp first. Did you understand?” Shen Yan unloaded the baggage carried by the wildebeest and then touched the ear of “Pippi Shrimp”. , He knew that the horse could roughly understand what he meant.

In a world full of magic, animals are extremely smart.

Luggage was temporarily stored in a cave on the edge of the forest. It is about 10 kilometers away from the camp and about the same as the ruins on the top of the mountain. It is a good relay station.

He first built a stove in the cave, cooked something to eat, and looked around. Ignition is to alert nearby animals to confirm the safety of the surrounding area; the observation environment is prepared to retreat in this direction once it encounters a danger on the snowy mountain-not to escape from the wolf’s mouth and jump into the tiger’s den go with.

Pan Ni remained silent and watched all the way through, all of which represented Shen Yan’s growth.

What I get from Laurel are all fragmentary and incoherent memories, and the strength of the two is not at the same level, and the judgment of danger must be different. So how to transform the learned knowledge into actual power requires Shen Yan to understand. The strength can be more than just drawing bows and arrows.

So far, Shen Yan has done a good job-although the option of “direct fire” is a little careless, Shen Yan has his own ideas that are more commendable-not everything in this world has a standard answer than a standard answer More valuable is the one I found.

“Okay, let’s go into the mountain now,” confirming that there was no big danger around him. After Shen Yan put out the fire, he moved his muscles and came to a tree by the forest. “In the way of elves!” He climbed the big tree three times and five times, and chose a flexible branch to step on, until the part where the branch could hardly support him stopped.

Shen Yan closed her eyes, feeling the elasticity and flexibility of this branch, and relying on the unique balance of the elves, her body undulated with the elasticity of the branch. In his heart, he recalled the feeling of Laurel marching in the forest. When the tree branch sank to the lowest point again, his feet strengthened slightly and stepped the tree branch deeper.

When the branch bounced up, “Shoot”, a dexterous figure left the tip like a bird and flew towards another big tree.


At the next moment, Shen Yan, who had stepped on the branch, was in the shape of “too” and fell face down under the tree.

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