Circle Warlock

Chapter 62 - Raiders around the city one

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

“Ah ~” The cold, bitter sigh pours down from between the skull’s teeth.

The skeleton in the robe shuddered slightly, and the dirt fell from the gap between his bones. Inside the empty skull, the emerald green light gradually lighted up. A few minutes later, the owner and bartender of the traitor bar, the former legendary magician Augustine, woke up from the deepest dream.

His bony hands shrank, and the sound of tearing made him realize that he was holding a rag instead of a familiar wand. The movement of raising his hand caused the four rings hanging on the bone bone fingers to break one after another. The dust after the metal shattered was not larger than the gem particles.

The ridiculous fact is that the impact of falling around the city on magical items is much greater than ordinary items-this rag that has been on the shelf for hundreds of years seems to be usable, but his powerful magical equipment has already disappeared with the city. The ashes on the table and on the ground are all good things that could not be exchanged for gold coins used as a carriage.

Augustine’s thinking stayed there for only a second, and then he quickly realized what it was … or who, awakened him from a deep sleep.

“This is … what a familiar feeling.” His empty eyes looked in the direction of Shen Yan.

“Cough cough ~” Another voice sounded, a skeleton dying like a table, suddenly awakened in a fierce cough. His bone hand was still holding the tin wine glass, which had a layer of black and gray solidified at the bottom. He coughed his lungs, coughing the dragon leather armor it was wearing together with the decaying organic matter of the body, and pale ashes spewed out from between the jaws and ribs.

“Damn Augustine, what the **** is the wine you sell … I swear this is the most unpalatable wine I’ve ever had in my life! Ah, what have I become? This looks like hell.” Consciousness The man who turned into a skeleton complained, “Respect me,” he said. Re-raised the glass to “drink” the ashes in the glass, and the ashes leaked between his jaw and the ribs.

“Hey ~, who saw my thigh? I remember I’m not disabled.” A skeleton with only the upper body shouted. “I woke up and found it was gone. Did you have a dog, Augustine?”

More and more undead awakened and their performances varied. Some cannot accept that they have become undead, while others do not matter at all.

“Damn Augustine, are you? Did you reawaken us with that **** magic?” An extra-wide skeleton rushed to the bar and roared! He wore heavy metal heavy armor on his body, carrying a giant steel sword one foot wide and two meters high, and the fist with iron gloves smashed the bar halfway.

“Keep away from me, Dairik! You are not my opponent now!” The barkeeper gestured in disgust, and the giant skeleton named Dairik was punched out by Lichang. There was a scolding sound at the point where Derrick fell-because the cold steel material of his giant sword made every undead creature feel uncomfortable, now including himself!

These undead creatures now look like skeletons, except for their size.

However, if you look closely, you can still find some differences-for example, the boss Augustine, whose skeleton is slender, if he was not a female, then the original race should be an elf; the giant skeleton warrior named Dairik, the joint is born With obvious demon bone spurs, plus a reverse leg joint, this guy was a devil-mixed Tifflin during his lifetime;

They did not voluntarily transform into undead, and this process was forced when the city fell. They are just poor people whose souls have nowhere to go and whose bodies are bound to the city that cannot escape, as the rules of the universe collapse. Therefore, the mage did not turn into a lich, nor did the warriors turn into death knights, so their strength was weakened to varying degrees.

Augustine was a legendary magician during his lifetime. Although he has fallen from the legendary stage, he is still a powerful magister. And becoming an undead creature has a greater impact on a muscular warrior like Dairik. After the body is gone, his strength has obviously declined greatly. During his lifetime, Derek was probably a character who could sit on an equal foot with Augustine. After becoming an undead, he was beaten and dared not to let go.

This is the “Betrayer Bar”, as the name suggests, is the place where the betrayers gather-they are the spirits that destroy the nature, they are the demons (chaos camp) who have turned to the devil (the lawful camp), they are the paradoxes who are willing to fall It’s a gangster who committed a huge crime, or even … a man who betrayed the lady.

Because of their original sin, they had to flee their hometown and come to the city of Wanmen. But it was found that this is not a dream place, and the betrayal is also not seen. In the end, they could only gather in a semi-underground bar for a long time … Over time, even the bar name was changed to “Betrayal”.

“No matter, do you still have wine here? Augustine, put down your **** rag and go to the wine cellar.” Someone shouted. Augustine pointed to the half of the bar that collapsed, spread his hands, and signaled that he was helpless.

“Since Tama doesn’t even have wine, why should I call me from the **** dream ?!”

“Not me, but I guess …”

“Lady is here!” A skeleton man who was still lying suddenly jumped up and screamed loudly! He flapped the wings with only the skeleton on his back, shouting wildly, “I will not succumb, let Holy Flame rule …”

Then there is no more-the milky white flame of heaven is called and gushing out from the crack of his rib! The skeletons around were frightened and fled. As a result, the holy flame rolled back and burned the summoner to ashes.

“Oh, stupid Dave, he forgot that he is no longer a golden feather.” Said a skeleton. “Dave is dead. There are only two big betrayer. Now there are only two left.” Augustine, the bar owner, leaned out from behind the bar and looked coldly at Dairik, who was still carrying the giant sword. Say: “A.”

Derek was silent, but most people glanced in the direction of the wall-there was a horned figure on the wall.

“Hey, the lady Dave said … Is that the lady I know?”

“Ha! Frightened? Save it, what can the lady do to us? We are dead!” The bar owner said meaninglessly, turning the pile of messy bottles, trying to find some wine. “And the lady has fallen. This is certain. Otherwise, why do you think we can discuss the name without any damage here. Wait, we seem to be … Have we discussed this issue many years ago?”

Augustine tilted his skull. He always felt that this discussion had happened, but he lost that part of his memory, which was really bad.

“You seem to have an impression when you say that. Isn’t this the first time we wake up?” Someone said.

“Then why are we awake?” Derek muttered, dissatisfied, sitting in the distance.

“It was her heir who awakened us, and I smelled the smell from the lady. Maybe they finally distributed the power of the lady, and now I think of a few broken houses, I guess so.” Augustine Speaking. He habitually took a rag and tried to wipe the tin cups, but they all shattered.

“No! No one can do it!” Some skeletons shouted excitedly at the table. “This is our grave. I don’t want to be dug up after death, neither can a lady!”

“Hush, no one dares to say that a lady can’t.”

“Oh, well, no one but the lady!”

The skeletons, “…”.

You will be dead for a few more seconds! No, it should be that you are dead and don’t dare to be more than a few seconds?

However, you guys who are present, look at me, and I look at you, but no one dared to speak to the lady. Those of them who stayed around the city era, the awe of the lady is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Don’t look at Augustine’s current level 17, he was even a legendary magician. In fact, he is also the owner of a bar in town … he can live in the town and protect the residents.

Since there was a new betrayal in the bar—the lady ’s betrayal, he prayed every day that the lady would n’t kill him—he had no opinion about killing the guy. The principle to go horse riding!

They are not a simple fear of women, but also have very complex emotions. The residents of the city are almost the same-on the one hand, women do not swear at anyone, kill you if you do n’t look good! But on the other hand, the lady protected the city from interference by any extraordinary powers such as gods, devil lords, and devil princes. Some people say that Io will not work!

They betrayers can survive to the present, not because of the three legends, but because of the “no gods and dogs” rule set by the ladies. Otherwise, they, the racial betrayers, would have been caught back to light the sky lanterns.

“So today …” Someone finally talked about this topic. What should we do with the successor of the lady?

“Hehe ~” No one spoke, but instead, the sneered Dairik sneered first. Without waiting for others to ask, he said directly, “You said that if the lady is still alive, someone ran to the lady and said to her,” I am your heir “, what will happen next?”

Almost coincidentally, everyone immediately thought of a scene of “the blade was swarmed up”. So it became clear immediately, yeah, how could a lady have an heir.

“No matter whether it is a **** or a demigod, I only have this sword and my life. I will not admit any successor. The city around is always the city of women.” The first one went out.

“Derrick … that’s right.” The bar owner giggled his empty jawbone. “Wake up all the undead, prepare a grand welcome ceremony!”


PS: Excited yesterday, please ignore it.

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