Circle Warlock

Chapter 68 - Raiders around the city

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

“How could he admit it wrong? I’m a pure man!” Shen Yan said angrily, staring at Xinghe with big eyes!

Oh, his hair blocked his eyes. He twitched his hair and dragged the octagonal four-corner braid with gold thread behind his ears, and then he carefully sorted out the messy hair.

“I am so powerful, he can still admit his mistake … He is blind!”

“哽 ——” A weapon smiled myocardial infarction, soul away, followed the lady.

“… Is there such an exaggeration?” Shen Yan asked with confusion-how could a man who always looks in the mirror ignore such a big change in himself. He actually noticed his problems, but he was always invisible when pretending to be an ostrich.

“I know I ’ve been a little wrong recently, but a friend of mine who has been breaking up once told me. I ’m walking at the crossroads of life, and a little carelessness is the abyss! Therefore, at this critical moment, no matter what awakening The most important thing to do is to let nature go, not resist! Because people are such strange animals, the more you ca n’t get it, the more you want to get, the more you resist being bent and you will actually bend … and then you can only walk painfully On the way back.

He also said that the most important thing is to stay away from pollution sources … I think what he said makes sense. And I think the female man Catherine is my source of pollution. I must be attracted by her neutral beauty to become like this … Well, I want to stay away from her! “

“Broken friend? Who?” Curiosity resurrected a weapon with blood. Pan Ni knew that all of this was bullshit, Shen Yan was affected by blood, and soon it was fine. The next time you change to the blood of the barbarian, he turns into a burly muscle man in minutes to show you!

By the way, Pan Ni should solemnly point out that Shen Yan was not influenced by Catherine at all! Is he habitually throwing the pot at an acquaintance? It’s terrible!

“Zhao Xin, my classmate, for several years.” Shen Yan asked strangely.

“Ah, the one who suddenly came to you and said,” Let’s never contact again! “And then the classmate who called you when she arrived in Shenzhen?” Pan Ni thought of it. “He’s a bend … wait!”

Then the two looked at each other—I’m going! I haven’t found anything wrong with this until now!

“Oh ~”, the imagination picture can’t bear both people!

Shen Yan was angry, “Zhao Xin, I always treat you as a friend!”


“Girl … girl?” Augustine was a little helpless, the elf girl was good at everything else-good appearance, good temperament, good talent … just a little natural.

You are always so distracted, what if I am a bad person? (Wait, in case I’m a bad guy, hehehe ~) … Alas, now it’s a skeleton, and hey hey! I will continue to be my Lich King.

“Cough! Girl! Girl !!!” This time the volume was increased three times, which finally attracted the attention of the elf girl who wandered around, but the other party’s response surprised him a little.

The elf girl looked like he was blown up, staring at him “outright” with wide eyes. “Who’s calling! Who’s calling …” Then he snapped, and the voice suddenly turned, and his nose twitched and said arrogantly, “Well, people are not women!”

… look at this expression, look at this …

You say that you are not a female drop, what kind of female drop is that? Augustine only felt that his chest was being shot with three arrows! He really wants to be a bad guy now … and miss the days when he still has the ability to be a bad guy!

But he did not know that Shen Yan was now bursting into tears.

Because just when Shen Yan wanted to fight back, Penny coldly revealed to him the cruel face of the world-“A, continue to pretend to be a girl, maybe you can still cheat the current charge. B, tell the truth, you are not Slaughter mercilessly … I have been cutting through the ice, but it will take time, so you choose. “

Do n’t look at the two people chattering and talking nonsense, but the business is not delayed at all-a black wire extends from Shen Yan ’s spine, penetrates the flesh and clothing on his back, leaning on Shen Yan ’s Cover the glacier behind him! The world portal looked right in front of me, but there was still a thick layer of ice on the surface. If you want to clean up the ice, you can’t let it collapse now, or even be noticed by Augustine … This is a technical job!

Although Penny is Shen Yan ’s weapon, he still has no way to use it as freely as a lady, even as a personal assistant. For the time being, Shen Yan can only change the blade or wire through the left middle finger, which is probably like the Qijing Bamai only reaching the Duan Yu of the Shaoyang Jing. Now that metal wire comes out from the back through the spine, and it is the same as the knife cutting the meat when swinging, and it hurts fiercely!

Shen Yan wants to be brave, pretending not to care. Penny accompanied him in a messy chat, and it didn’t necessarily mean he didn’t distract him.

“… I choose A.” Shen Yan felt that something had fallen when he said his choice.

“Actually, you do n’t have to be so sad, I have two good news to tell you. The first one, he is indeed licking you, but not for the purpose you want, but because he wants to accept you as a disciple. Although this person is not Legendary, but once a legendary rank, I am optimistic that he will be able to rise back again. If you agree, then there will be one more legendary backer, in this world you can go sideways without incurring God. “

“No!” Shen Yan shook his head decisively! No reason, just not work! Neither from the lady, nor from his own pride, this is not allowed.

Besides, do n’t provoke God … Is this already provoking? You have taken away so many essences, is it possible that you don’t want to admit it now?

“Then you should listen to the second good news before deciding. The second good news is that he can’t really do anything to you-his current appearance is the effect of simulacrum, his body is a skeleton, There are no tools for committing crimes; and his use of mimicry rather than low-level metamorphosis means that he is likely to give up the change system because of his specialization, which is still a major benefit for you! “

Shen Yan’s face was all black. “It’s a major advantage! Lao Tzu will deal with him for another five minutes at most! He dares to take out the crime tool, and Lao Tzu will shoot him in the face! So … honestly cut your ice!” Since you have this time to chat, why not work overtime! “

“I’m multi-threaded! Multi-threaded!” Penny clapped the table and dared to talk to me aloud, and I told you I was fierce!


“Okay … she lost her mind again.” Augustine thought helplessly.

This time he didn’t wake up aloud, no matter how he was a legendary magician, he was also dignified! Although I really want to accept a good disciple, if I do n’t pass it, I wo n’t be forced to think about it for the future. Big deal, just feed more slaves …

Masters, especially high-ranking masters, are still few in their kindness! And most of them are traveling masters, because something touches him, so they can always maintain their own mind!

Most of the laboratory mages have wiped out human nature in the day-to-day experiments. They look dull and seem to speak well … In fact, they have regarded ordinary people as pork of ants and can be slaughtered at will.

And the mood of the high-level mage changes very quickly, moody! I still take it as a treasure in the palm today, maybe I will be sent to the laboratory tomorrow …

Finally, when the girl finally came to herself, Augustine asked quickly. “Girl, don’t know how much you know about the ether?”

“Ether? What’s that?” “Girls” have big innocent eyes, “I know ethanol, ether, acetic acid, ethylene, can the ether drink?”

Augustine twitched his lips and changed the question. “It is known that the short side is four cubits long, the long side is seven cubits long, and the angle is fifty-five days. How long is the hypotenuse?”

“I don’t want to eat my elbows,” “Girl” shook his face with a shy expression. “Fat.”

Augustine’s pale face, even if it was an imaginary body. “What is the difference between the magical network and the magical source? Which is more efficient, astrological meditation and incense meditation? The cycle of a person cycles on a daily basis, how high and low can it be? Those times of the day can be called magic moments …”

The more he asked, the more white his face was, because the other side kept shaking his head and still looked at him with that kind of look-like he was a neuropathy speaking foreign languages!

“Alas …” Augustine stopped happily. The excitement when she discovered Meiyu just now has disappeared.

What if it looks good? Just a skin! It turned out that what she showed was not spiritual. It was probably a few small spells that she got from somewhere, which could be used in a mess … It should be like this. There are too many ways to use magic in this world, and there are a lot of items that allow ordinary people to use magic. Augustine does not guarantee that he knows all the ways.

“Looking at how good you are, it’s still the moon elf’s role. Follow me next to be a maid.” Augustine made a cold decision.

“I refuse!” Shen Yan stepped back half a step, said tightly against the ice wall. Just know that this guy is not good-hearted!

In Augustine’s eyes, this became the basis of annoyance-the proud character is called pride and cuteness on the valuable person; it’s cute on the worthless person! Especially disgusting! “Can a legendary magician’s request be rejected by every mortal?”

Although Augustine fell from the legendary rank, he never felt that he was not a legendary wizard, only temporarily. Although he did not want to waste even a hint of magic on mortals, the memory of his heart at that moment was still there, and it was impossible for him to turn around and go … so he hated it!

As for whether the “girl” is a powerful archer, and the kind of explosive arrows, etc., it is not within the scope of his consideration! Just like his playing Derek, Derrick only needs a simple magic … No one has seen the magicians humble like dogs in front of the lady. They are now so arrogant that they disdain. It is a standard image in the eyes of the world.

“I still have to spend time adjusting,” Augustine now has changed his mind, and immediately felt that the deal was not cost-effective. He frowned and raised his left hand, making a gesture of snapping his fingers, “If that’s the case, then control it first …”

At this moment, a spiritual touch suddenly explored towards his consciousness space! What information seems to be contained in the tactile sense … but it is no longer important!

Augustine is not a pure warrior like Derek and Milton. He is a legendary magician standing at the top of the world, and his protection of the spiritual world is extremely close! Not to mention that someone who wants to enter his spiritual world, just to pass information through consciousness, must pass his triple verification and permission! Therefore, when the moment of consciousness appeared, his mental defense system was triggered, and the triple magic reserved in advance broke out instantly!

First, there is a transparent explosion around the body-this is to prevent the psionicist, the psionicist is the most dangerous assassin. They like to sneak in close to the target and use “spiritual piercing” before sneak attacks. ; Next is the retrospective positioning, where the tentacles are locked from; the last is the “will to die”!

Dismantle the death part from the “Law Death” of Jiuhuan Magic and fight back along the spiritual channel!

So, first, the air around Augustine’s body suddenly twisted, and a violent explosion spreading outwards around him! Then several protections suddenly appeared! After that, Shen Yan was hit by the outbreak of magic and flew out, hitting the iceberg hard, and a second explosion occurred!

The transparent ice that was blown up was overwhelming, like the gorgeous fireworks blooming at the festival!

“Is this my magic effect?” Augustine’s mind flashed the first question of magic itself. “Death Will” attacks the target’s spiritual space, and it should not cause corresponding physical phenomena …

He had already thought at this time that the person who attacked him mentally was Shen Yan. He regretted that he wasted some powerful magic instead of a beautiful maid.

Until he was sure that there was no danger, he carefully unlocked the “spiritual information” that was bound by his powerful magic power. He had determined at this time that it was just a part of the magic of the door, not worth mentioning to him . In direct confrontation, high-level magic has absolute crushing power over low-level. The standard of the magic ring is based on the consumed magic power and skills, regardless of the result.

In a world that is photophobic, a “brightness technique” can kill thousands of people, but this does not make it a 9-point magic. It will only be added to the 9th ring if it can face another 9th ring magic or be cancelled by another 9th ring magic.

The message was unraveled, and the hidden transposition magic technique was simple-as simple as all the magic! But the information sent inside made him very angry!

“Go to death, old skeleton! Ye is a man!”

How does he know that I am undead? This is still top-secret information. A piece of information that he could have used for profit was suddenly revealed by an obscure character. This made Augustine’s heart suddenly burst into infinite killing opportunities!

However, when he looked up, what he saw was not an elf dying by magical shock … boy, but a familiar light-transmitting light, and the raised **** that disappeared in the light!

He was laughing at me for not having that?

Augustine was suddenly dominated by his anger! He squeezed a few gestures quickly and without thinking, another similar light extended from his hand, and connected with the light that was going to extinguish-the higher teleportation! Send the guide! Teleportation!

Immediately afterwards, dozens of magical protections were added to themselves again!

Then Augustine bravely stepped forward into the re-emerging teleportation light! Boy, play teleport in front of the legendary magician to escape? You know nothing about the power of magic!

You will regret everything you do! Howling in the abyss of pain …

“Ah ~~!” Augustine hadn’t figured out how to torture the elf kid, he was beaten by a punch on the face! His skull thought dizzy, mine, my dozens of protective magic? Then he heard an abominable voice saying to him—

“Welcome to the earth!”


PS: After 60 chapters, Shen Yan finally returned to his hometown. What will happen here? Ask for votes …

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