Circle Warlock

Chapter 8 - Mutual exchange

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When there were no outsiders in the restaurant, Shen Yan came to the glass wall. This is tempered glass for construction. Even if he holds a real pistol in his hand, he can’t penetrate this thick double-glazed wall. Shen Yan didn’t do that either. He put the **** of his left hand-that piece of black nails, against the glass wall.

“Is that right?”


Shen Yan felt something sticking out from the fingertip of her left middle finger, transparent, and the hand was “topped” by the reverse force. As he applied a little force, the “things” extending from his nails easily penetrated and cut the thick glass wall, like a hot knife cutting butter.

As if on his middle fingertip, a transparent and sharp blade was pressed.

“Not a transparent blade, but a thin metal wire that is invisible to the naked eye … I can only control so much metal at one milligram now.” She explained that, “Now follow me hard.” Shen Yan followed her The strength of the light, easily cut a perfect circle on the glass wall. Then he changed hands and pushed it gently, and the round glass, which was about half the height of the man, broke away from the wall and fell to the ground from a height of several hundred meters.

The violent wind that suddenly rushed in from the hole violently blown away many light and thin objects in the restaurant.

“What do you call other methods, wouldn’t you let me jump from here?” Shen Yan just looked at the beetle-like vehicles downstairs and felt his scalp tingle. He had no fear of heights, it was the physiological system calling the police. You know, but it is located at an altitude of more than 400 meters, and there is no **** left!

“You guessed it.”

“… So your ability is to manipulate metals? You can turn into gliding wings in addition to wires?” Shen Yan asked expectantly, besides he could not think of other possibilities. Although it has never been used, gliding wings are a classic means of escape from tall buildings.

“No, and my ability is not to manipulate metals, it’s just … some kind of by-product. Moreover, my power is almost nothing, this depends on yourself!” She flatly dispelled Shen Yan’s fantasy. “I can’t help you too much, but you can. You have amazing talents, that is, the treasures that those people want to get from you. When you are on the brink of extinction, your blood and your talents will definitely help You open a door to other worlds … think of your superpowers! “

“Superpower is what I use to deceive myself!” Even if he always hangs his superpower on his mouth, Shen Yan also knows that he is physically better. Besides, the point is not here. A word flashed in his mind, “Other world, do you mean to cross? Will it succeed?”

“Um … probably … probably.”

Shen Yan’s face suddenly turned black, “How big is it? I want a specific probability! I’m a man who bought a bank account, and I can’t lie to me again!”

“Then you don’t ask anymore.”

“How could you not ask?”


“… So, what you call resistance is standing in front of the window and talking to yourself?” A pistol was firmly held by the big hand, and the muzzle was aimed at Shen Yan’s back. The leader in black lifted the flying tablecloth hanging on the door and walked in alone. “I came up at your invitation, but you didn’t do anything? Too disappointing me.” He looked at the round hole cut in the wall. “Or is your idea to jump out of here?” “

“Just kidding, I haven’t lived enough.” Shen Yan immediately raised his hands and took two steps forward to leave the dangerous hole. The airflow in the upper air changes drastically. Just now, the airflow is still being indoors, and the airflow becomes exhausted in an instant! What to do if you stand there. “You know that life is the most important thing in us. Generally, when we encounter robbery, we will cooperate very well. So what do you want? I can give you anything I have.”

“Stop! Don’t play tricks.” The leader of the man in black took a step back, keeping the distance at about two meters. He was not afraid of Shen Yan rushing up to grab the gun. He was afraid that because of Shen Yan ’s uncomfortable behavior, he would accidentally kill him. This kind of instinct is the most difficult to control. “You want to take the initiative to hand it over? That’s fine. If I get what I want, I can promise not to kill you. The thing I’m looking for should be a certain quality … or a gem? Special jewelry, etc … Take out all the strange things in you! “

In other words, in fact, the leader of the man in black does not know what he is looking for, whether it is a certain item or Shen Yan. Therefore, even for insurance reasons, he cannot really let go of Shen Yan.

“You said gemstone crystal? Is this this!” Shen Yan’s eyes were bright when he heard the word gemstone! He reached out and grabbed the big bag on the table. This sudden move stimulated the man in black to almost shoot. “Do you think this is the case?” He lowered his head without knowing it, and pulled out something from his bag. The object was held in his hand, but the part that showed through the fingers could still be seen as white columnar crystals, just like a long diamond!

The sun shines on it, the starting point of the pan is crystal clear. At the moment of seeing something, the leader of the man in black stopped breathing! His eyes and all his attention were drawn to the past! found it! It is actually the God Crystal! It is the essence of the lady’s fall! That’s right, this is it!

“Beng ~!”

“Boo !!!”

There were two consecutive sounds, and then both of them froze-the leader in black was covering his chest, and there was a black carbon arrow inserted! While holding the gun in his right hand, the muzzle was rising up and down, and a faint smell of smoky smoke was blown away by the wind; Shen Yan also covered his chest, blood stains leaked through the cracks of his fingers. A pulley bow that had been hidden under the table was dropped under his feet.

That was the pulley bow for his Cosplay, which was arranged in advance by Shen Yan under the dining table. This trap is his last killing trick, all the previous acting was for this moment. The only thing he didn’t expect was that the other party’s reaction would be so fast … Or that the other party’s reaction after the arrow was as good as anyone, and he could immediately counterattack, which made him unexpected.

“It turns out that. Let me stand at the predetermined position first, then attract my attention, and finally attack me with a pre-fixed bow and arrow. This is your trap? Very good design.” The man in black put down and covered his chest The hand, regardless of the arrow that almost shot through the body, was deeply inserted there. He said regretfully, “The idea is good, but what you don’t know is that I am not a human being, I just become a human being. The chest is not my weakness because there is no heart in it. Look, I explained Your question, can you give me Shenjing now? “

“Grass!” At this moment, apart from swear words, Shen Yan really didn’t know how to express his depression. You said I could accept the other side of your heart, but you said you are not human? ! It took me decades to find a little superpower, and suddenly a non-human being emerged. I am a banana! “Shenjing? Haha ~ You will give it to you if you want it!” Shen Yan threw the thing in his hand at the man in black.

Just when the man in black reached out to pick up, he picked up the pulley bow on the ground, turned around through the hole in the glass wall, and leaped towards the hundreds of meters above the building! The leader in black easily caught the lost crystal, and when he raised his gun again, Shen Yan had fallen out of sight.

The leader of the man in black is ignorant, he was not a smart man with agile thoughts. Before he could think about it, Shen Yan was shot, and think about it, even people jumped off the building! My mobile treasure, that’s it … gone?

Fortunately, Shenjing got it, this wave is not lost.

He spread his hand holding the crystal, wait, what is this?

The little glass bottle reads “Erguotou”.


Slam, I’ll go to Nima’s Erguotou!

“Not good, chief! They all …” A man in black ran in panic. Before he finished talking, he grabbed the collar with a big hand to pick him up. “You also get out of me!” The leader of the man in black was forced to throw his men out of the hole!

“Ah ~” The man in black who was thrown out first screamed, but then it turned into a surprise. “Boss! Portal! There is a teleport … Ah ~~!”

Portal? ! The word was like a flash of lightning, breaking the fog in the head of the black man! Yup! It’s a portal! The person who left this treasure, the most famous feature before she fell, didn’t she have the most portal in the multiverse!

With that said, the treasure is actually still on that kid! Even himself?

The leader did not hesitate to drill out of the glass wall hole and dive his body out of the building to look down.

I saw that the distance of more than 400 meters from the top of the building to the ground has changed dramatically! From here, you can no longer see the traffic and horses below, and even the rivers and green spaces that were there. Only the dense white fog, countless colorful neon and various cracks, the torn and torn covered the entire fall channel.

Those high and low fissures fill the entire three-dimensional space layer by layer. Some fissures are shaped like fork-shaped lightning bolts, but the width is only the size of a slap; some seem to be a layer of mist, and the translucent form can not only see the back, but also vaguely emerge the scene of another world … In this scenario, the leader of the man in black took a breath! Where is the portal, the portal refers to the passage that can pass stably, and this is clearly a crack that is stacked and leads to countless worlds!

Although through these cracks you can see the scene of the opposite world, with the various clouds and clouds overflowing from the cracks, it looks really magnificent. But the leader in black knows that this magnificent beauty contains infinite killing opportunities! That crack in space is not a stable world passage at all, but the sharpest knife in the world, without the material it cannot cut! Even if you go through a crack to reach another world, a crack with insufficient width can only cut a person into a few pieces.

The man who was just dropped by him just hit a crack! He was first cut by the waist, and then fell with layers, divided by more fissures, and eventually the body would fall into the world of seventeen or eight … It is so cruel. However, there was a figure in the rain-dropped blood and minced meat, spreading his arms like a butterfly, and fluttering between the fissures.

At the moment when the man in black looked down, as if feeling his gaze, Shen Yan also turned around in the air. The eyes of the two collided together, and Shen Yan smiled comfortably, comparing a shooting position towards him. Then he floated to the other side, his figure blocked by the crack above.

“Boss, Boss!” More people in black flooded into the rooftop restaurant. Each of them looked astonished as the one who had come in before, and kept looking behind. The last person to enter the door didn’t wait for him to speak, and his back suddenly burned with golden fire. Almost in a blink of an eye, it was burned into a handful of ashes! During the whole process, except for the desperate look, nothing was heard even without a scream.

The rest of the people spread their faces pale, leaving the spontaneous as if to avoid the plague. However, the flame seemed to be contagious. It turned to ashes on one side, and ignited on the other side. Seeing this scene, the rest are more desperate.

“It’s the backlash of the world,” the leader said. No one who does things in the drawing room can afford to pay. Their actions have affected the normal operation of this world, and Io’s punishment will naturally fall on them. “You have two choices, either jump with me or wait for death here.”

After speaking, the leader of the man in black drilled through the hole in the glass wall and jumped without hesitation towards the void that seemed to be full of teeth. Is it a fluke or must I die? The rest of the men in black just hesitated and jumped after them.

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