Circle Warlock

v3 Chapter 100 - Harvest and temporary departure (seventh)

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

“You actually get this magic?” Penny raised her eyebrows, her expression vivid. Shen Yan had never seen such a Penny, but he was stunned.

“Look what! Tell you small words, don’t mess around with ideas, I know your details!” Pan Ni immediately glared back.

“Yeah, yeah,” Shen Yan surrendered quickly. “You’ve seen you talking before everything.” Penny ignored his flirtation and looked at the scroll again, his expression was … that kind of little tangled, a little bit Feeling happy.


[Ignace’s Flame Missile] (casting consumes 55 units of mana, plastic energy [flame], standard action, 1 ring of magic)

Target: Medium distance, within 5 adjacent targets

Effect: You fire a missile with concentrated flame energy towards the target. As long as you can see the target, no matter whether the target is concealed or concealed, it will definitely be hit and cause fire damage. Starting at level 1, the number of missiles in level 2 increases by 1 per liter, and the maximum number is 5 (level 9).

Flame missiles can select targets separately, and the flame of the missile has a certain probability of igniting combustible items.


Because this is a magic that exists only around the city.

As we all know, as a center of the multiverse and a neutral place-anything that changes when it is transmitted here-it will be sweet and less common to enter the Shanghai market with major cuisines.

This magic is not famous, it is actually a trick that a fireman often performs in a bar around the city. That guy is Ignace, the inventor of this magic. He turned himself into an unquenchable fireman because of a mistake in the magic experiment. All the magic he has cast since then has become flame magic. Most familiar people can see at a glance that this is a variant of the famous magic ring “Magic Missile”. One of the more successful adaptations is that without increasing the number of rings, it is still a ring of magic, but it consumes slightly more mana than magic missiles.

According to many studies through the predecessors, the power of a magic missile is about the same as a pistol bullet. The power of the “Ignace’s Flame Missile” was almost equivalent to changing from five rounds of pistol bullets to five rounds of incendiary rounds.

That guy’s unlucky experience was so famous that even the ladies of the city went to visit quietly, and Pani naturally saw it.

“Small words, you can learn this.” Penny told him the cause and effect, and with emotion, she suggested that he learn this spell to fill one of the remaining two positions in the ring. “If I can find that bar in the future, I know where Ignace hid his magic notes … in the flames of the bar fireplace. He was an unlucky guy, but when he was alive as a fireman , His knowledge of flames has become unparalleled in the world! To read his notes, you must first reach the advanced level to be able to read … that note is at least a legendary item. “

“Listen to you.” Shen Yan shrugged and put the scroll carefully into a golden jewelry box.

That’s right, the golden jewelry box is another strange thing.

The people around the city do not trust any space items-they believe that all space equipment is a scam of the dragon race!

The dragon opens up a stable and unknown subspace in the void, and then divides it into countless small pieces, and throws the coordinates of the small space to many places in the multiverse. The magician finds the coordinates and uses these spaces to make convenient space items. But if you have no intention of dying on a trip, then all the items you have stored in the space will belong to the dragon family … The strongest proof is that a lich woke up after sleeping for hundreds of years and found his own The space warehouse was looted, but the dimensional bag lock under the cloth was intact!

The key is that these things appear in the hands of a certain dragon … This matter was a sensation, and the Dragon Clan firmly denied this rumor!

But the dragon holding the key evidence is missing, and it’s almost trying to cover it …

People around the city invented a lot of strange things to replace space equipment, and the shrinkage box Shen Yan took was one of them. It is made from the stomach of the Jack beast and does not have any magic power itself-it will not conflict with magic items, but it has the function of shrinking the items, which is loved by the suspicious people around the city.

“Are you serious? The Dragon clan stole the property stored in the bag of space?” Shen Yan listened with relish, as if listening to a myth.

“No, the Dragons are just blamed.” Pan Ni simply denied, “… It’s Aio.”

“Can you do when I haven’t asked?” Shen Yan was a little scared.

I always felt that one day someone would say to him, “You know too much”, and then throw him to the end of the universe to die.


[Absorb 417 units of sub-magic power, absorb 176 units of time power. 】

[Shen Yan] [Warlock: Epic Level 3] [Second Power: 433.5 (60 for next upgrade)]

This was an unexpected battle, an accident, but it made Shen Yan gain a lot!

In addition to a large amount of sub-divine power, he also received many magic items and many “historical” weapons.

Probably because these people are all prepared, and they carry with them the ancestral family or weapons of special significance. Penny said that it was like visiting a snack street … the taste is average, but the variety is so satisfying to her.

Not only has the previous consumption been replenished, but the strength has been further enhanced.

Among the pile of magic items, except the robe that requires diligent identification, all other items are low-level magic items. These things Penny can be seen too much, and she does n’t even need to use appraisal techniques. She knows what it is at a glance, and the use and magic activation words can be said to be inseparable, making Shen Yan shocked!

Penny, you are really my sage and help!

If there is no Penny, at least this vulgar “jewelry box” inlaid with jewelry will definitely be missed by Shen Yan.

“Shrink jewelry box”, a wooden box with jewels on the outer surface, can shrink and put items into it, and can hold about 5 cubic meters of items.

In addition to the unidentified gold and white robe and the “Ignace’s Flame Missile” scroll, Shen Yan also harvested two magic rings, one with “shield” and the other is the cannon ring. Fly people out; two magic necklaces, one makes people look radiant, and the other provides a small amount of acid resistance; a magic pipe, which can charm the person who talks when lit, so that the other party has more affection; Finally, there is a magic belt that allows the wearer to spray “petrified breath” from his mouth!

The last one is especially powerful!

It’s a pity Shen Yan has seen the guy look like when he used this magical equipment-his head turned into a monster! And ugly deep into the soul!

Such equipment will not be used for Shen Yan’s death … Shen Yan feels that if Ozmat performs well, this belt can be given to him-lizard head with petrochemical breathing belt, everyone can control Ozmat in the future Called … “Petrified Lizard”.

Although it is an unprecedented “bumper harvest”! But Shen Yan was not happy, especially when looking at the rows of well-arranged clothes … But to be honest, faith is a very personal matter, and Shen Yan is not qualified to say anything. Even if people are irrational and crazy, but as long as he can get spiritual satisfaction from religion, he feels worthy, and does not interfere with the lives of others, then outsiders have no right to interfere and evaluate.

Shen Yan, if it is not necessary to clean up the cathedral, he will probably seal the exit here like a tomb, and let the madness continue for millions of years.

Penny was a little more open than him, comforting him and saying, “There is good news to share with you. You have shifted more than 10 points to the justice camp! Now you can do some more bad things.”

That is to say, even the world agrees with one another-he is battering the gang of living dead and is adding to the cause of justice …

As the largest piece of debris was absorbed, the front third of the lobby on the first floor was essentially empty. Shen Yan looked at the first half of the darkened hall and suddenly felt very tired. It was like a big tomb.

“Forget it, let’s go, Penny, and I’ll talk about the rest next time.”


Returning to the outside world from the dark snow cave, I felt that the snow was dazzling.

He looked up and found that the sun was only less than a third west of the west. The time was really wonderful.

You should know that Shen Yan continuously cleans and absorbs four pieces of time, plus the rest and adjustment in the middle, he spent almost a whole day in the church. Among them, the fighting time is at least 5 or 6 hours. At this moment, Shen Yan is exhausted both physically and mentally. But when he drilled through the snow cave passage, he found that the time of the day had just passed two thirds-the time he spent in the snow cave was about equal to the time he spent riding from Green Point Bay to the foot of the mountain.

Ascending the horizon, Shen Yan’s melancholy suddenly dissipated a lot.

After all, the Penglin Peninsula is located in the south of the mainland, and the cold snaps are coming and going quickly.

Looking down from the mountain, the blizzard that has not been encountered for a hundred years has passed just a few days. The forests and plains under the mountain have melted away, and the bright and sight of the earth rejuvenating. The Crescent Lake re-emerged with sparkling waves, and the river went south with large chunks of ice. The only change that this snow brought to Green Point Bay seemed to be the surrounding lake stakes that fell while the lake was freezing. Speaking of that, it still provided a convenience.

Only the snow at the bottom of the foot remains, because it is located in the mountains and has a high altitude. However, when Shen Yan’s foot stepped on the snow surface, he could already feel a slight stickiness on the sole, which was the characteristic when the snow surface was half melted. But this does not mean that the place is about to melt-as the night comes, the melting snow will freeze again. When this process is repeated again and again, new glaciers will form.

Before leaving, Shen Yan deliberately reinforced and covered up the hole, making it look no different from the surrounding area. He has Penny Radar, and he does n’t worry about not being able to find … Augustin on the mountain, and Green Point Bay on the mountain … But at this stage, Shen Yan still hopes to have the secret here alone.


PS: This chapter just needs to be broken here, and more in the next chapter.

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