Circle Warlock

v3 Chapter 103 - Not reconciled (after the tenth change is over, ask for a monthly ticket!)

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

“Okay, I know.” Shen Yan was still a bit disappointed, and indeed things in the world could not be as good as he wanted.

There is nothing to blame for Milton’s Shen Yan. Milton is now wealthy and has lost his aggressiveness. He may be keen to weave a new network of relationships, and then let Lujiao Bay take Kangzhuang Avenue.

However, Shen Yan ’s magical items harvested from the temple could not be taken out anymore-he originally wanted to be a kid again, but now he changed his mind! Always give some people a profound lesson!

“This is a magic ring!” Shen Yan raised a ring inlaid with turquoise high and said aloud.

His words immediately caught everyone’s attention.

Shen Yan put on the ring, and said the magic word to the barn where the half wall was knocked down by the tiger. “Tell!” A transparent ball of ball flew from the ring, hit the barn, and then banged A cry! The barn burst into pieces in a burst of cracking sound! The dust caused by the explosion reached ten dozen feet, and then collapsed with the house!

Countless people exclaimed loudly, the power of magic, the first unreserved display in front of everyone!

“It’s called the Cannon Ring, which means that the magic that is launched is as powerful as a stone cannon. But its more valuable thing is that as long as you master the magic word that is turned on, even ordinary people can use it.”

Shen Yan drew an arrow from the quiver, put the ring on the shaft, and then bowed the arrow. When the arrow was on the cheek, Shen Yan whispered a few words-“Afterburner”, “Hover”, “Smooth”, “Cracked Air”, “Extremely Far”-and then released the bow string towards the sky!

In an exclamation, the arrow flew high with the precious magic ring, over the house, over the fence, and towards the farther south. Everyone’s eyes followed the arrow until the arrow disappeared in the field of vision. There was no sign of the arrow falling!

“God! Can this arrow fly?” Someone said.

Although others did not speak, they couldn’t agree more!

“Go south, above a small cliff near the forest, you will find the arrow!” Shen Yan said aloud, “I need to build a house where the arrow falls, at least three floors, enough for five people to live. Also I want a basement that is spacious enough for me to experiment! Who can help me fulfill my wish, the ring and gratitude are my thanks! “

“There is a second news to announce-the day the house is built is when I recruit apprentices!”

The previous series of news has already sent these people to death. When the last news came out, the atmosphere of the scene exploded! Countless people are shouting so loudly that no one can hear what others are saying! The twisted faces that were excited one by one represent the irrepressible ecstasy!


Shen Yan turned and left, and the uproar he set off had just begun.

Just a few moments after he finished speaking, at least forty horses galloped out of Green Point Bay one after another, rushing toward the woods south. They are anxious to find the ring-of course not to hold the road, what is the use of running without the start word? It’s better to come back with a ring and recruit people to build a house!

——And Shen Yan did n’t say that, build a house and recruit apprentices!

Speaking of it, do n’t look at Green Point Bay with only a few hundred people, among them there are nearly two hundred children. But among these people, they are divided into countless hills. The Big Four are just the bigger ones, or the big hills of Xiaotou.

And what is the source of adults in Green Point Bay? The defecting second-rate army, chasing the squadrons who are not anti-shams, the narrow and short-sighted countrymen, the wandering mercenaries along the way … all are not good people! Although they joined Green Corner Bay for a better tomorrow, they could not be transformed into pure angels overnight.

Therefore, Shen Yan wants to develop the offline, there is no need to lower his head to draw, as long as he raised his head to show strength, there are naturally a lot of people who want to come over!

To build a wooden house, as long as it can pull up a team of 20 people, it is enough to build a big and beautiful-but the price of a magic ring is not to mention the house, it is enough to buy 20 people’s lives! Besides, when the house is completed, Shen Yan only has to express his gratitude and eat, drink, and drink, these people will naturally become his downline.

Moreover, there are enrollment apprentices … Every adult in Green Point Bay now “allocates” several children. There is not so much attention in this era. The sons are as close to each other. Who does n’t want a promising future? There is also a potential implication for clearly approving apprentices, that Shen Yan will not teach precious knowledge to everyone.

So how to choose the candidate? Obviously giving priority to taking care of “one’s own people”, this is also in line with the logic of strangers.

So what’s Oma’s trouble? For Shen Yan, it was really a piece of cake.

Why was the magician named Whats Better than Atris ran a little bit, and many people went to the opposite of Shen Yan? Because of greed! Perhaps Shen Yan is usually too good to people, and some people think that Shen Yan has stabilized on this side, so the other side wants to seize it.

Shen Yan doesn’t matter. What he wants is not what Green Corner Bay can provide. If he doesn’t want it, he just has another idea about Green Corner Bay; but the female magician is different. She used Green Corner Bay as her own resource. Therefore, after hearing the news, Baba ran to excuse the apprentices to provoke alienation.

It’s ridiculous that I came to pick a time when I didn’t say anything. How scared are you?

It is estimated that all she can rely on is a teacher, her own strength is a scum.

In this case, Shen Yan simply took the opportunity to express his attitude.


In the middle of the night, Shen Yan was sleeping in his house, and suddenly felt someone pressing on him. Um … still a woman! The body smells good. If this pectoralis major is not a tiger, it can only be a woman, because it is too domineering-compared to this person, the bean sprouts of Nikita are completely creatures of two worlds.

After the two men kept this position for a few minutes, Shen Yan had to start “struggling”, because he would not be struggling to suffocate anymore-you can talk with your chest, but you can’t do it directly!

“Are you angry?” The man whispered in his ear, and Shen Yan only heard who it was.

“Catherine? Why are you here? How angry am I?”

“I saw it all in the afternoon,” Catherine said, biting his ear. “Actually, you don’t have to be angry. If you really want to leave, Milton may still care about Green Point Bay. Orma may have to consider those subspecies, but He and Tiger will definitely follow you directly! I won’t hesitate for a moment. “

“You and I believe, but why did Tiger follow me?” Shen Yan asked strangely.

hand! Stop me now! You can’t do this … Catherine’s skin is really good.

“Why didn’t he follow you?” Catherine’s turn was surprised this time, so that her twisting paused. “Don’t you know? You gave him that set of armor, and he was so stubborn to you!”

“Just for a set of armor? But didn’t he hate the noble very much?”

“You are different!” Catherine said decisively, biting off the button on his chest by the way and putting her fiery body up. The moment the skin touched, the two were shocked. “And you still help the tiger like that … I’m not reconciled!”

“What is not reconciled?” Shen Yan asked confusedly.

At the moment, Shen Yan, who was firmly oppressed by the two big rabbits, had only one thought in mind, Catherine is really a reincarnation! Why haven’t I found out before? I paid attention when she practiced martial arts before. The appearance is a Chinese-style massive pectoralis major, which is completely different from the feeling now!

“… I’m not reconciled to how they suddenly became so strong! Obviously everyone used to be the same … but now only me was thrown away!” Catherine said sullenly, perhaps because of the night, Shen Yan heard a trace Crying.

Shen Yan suddenly realized that Catherine was irritated … It seems that the tiger and Milton both broke through the pot during the day.

It is estimated that Catherine should feel unwilling to find those two hands, but the result was easily cleaned up-this is normal! Not to mention that both of them broke through, one at level 9 and the other at level 11, all of which are elite templates, and the level is higher than level 7 of Catherine. Merely saying that the weapons and armor they use now are not comparable to Catherine. Besides, Catherine’s main occupation is legion shooter, not suitable for this competition.

“But I’m really not reconciled!” Catherine repeated in Shen Yan’s ear, the big rabbit pressed against Shen Yan’s chest, rolling up and down the “powerless to resist” level 3 **** warlock. “They are stronger because you are right? You also help me find a way! I want to be stronger!”

Shen Yan swears, you are already strong!

But the woman’s intuition … is really scary.

“You, you can’t agree!” Catherine’s hand went down, her eyes widened in surprise.

“No, you can’t do this. I have a girlfriend.” It’s okay if the clothes are rubbed, and if the key is held, it can only surrender. Although Shen Yan can’t resist-but do you know how hard he works?

“…” After hearing Shen Yan’s words, Catherine was silent for a while and asked strangely. “I just can’t sleep, so I came over and talked to you. What’s the matter with me if you have a girlfriend?”

What you said makes sense, I was speechless … “Don’t you care?”

“Of course I don’t care, I won’t marry you! I just don’t want to stay here all the time, I want to follow you to see the outside world, I want to give you all the best time.” Catherine gently in his ear Say, “When you are tired, I will go back to the kingdom to find an honest man to marry … I knew early on that the knowledge you taught me is valuable! Even if I don’t have strong power, being a lieutenant of the main army is more than enough. I want to say … Milton and those people are fools … they simply do n’t understand that you are the most unique in the world. “

Shen Yan was very moved. Catherine was unexpectedly the most determined person on his side. “Then don’t disturb us, let’s chat!” Shen Yanyi said rightly.

“Hum ~” Catherine sneered. “Stop me, where is your hand?”

“… I say this is passive defense. Do you believe it?”


PS: Looking at the rewards for Zhang Yue ticket.

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