Circle Warlock

v3 Chapter 91 - Escape the golden lock and walk on the dragon

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[Absorb sub-divine power 17 units, absorb time power 23 units. 】

“So many?” There are surprises after the startle. Is this the law of “there is a big blessing in the end”?

To be honest, the 4th-level temple guard didn’t take it seriously before Shen Yan-even if Penny repeatedly emphasized the word “elite”, he still didn’t listen to his ears. why? If you think about it, if you do n’t use Milton as a reference, what is the baron’s ordinary cavalry chasing the convoy?

All 5 levels!

At that time Shen Yan’s archery was still in a mess, but in that battle, there were seven or eight level 5 cavalry who died under Shen Yan’s explosive egg archery! Level 4 guards, what makes him value? So he underestimated the enemy and suffered a big loss. God knows that the status of the 4th-level temple guards is super god, the axe is more terrifying than Milton’s giant sword (sense of feeling)! The tricks are not heavy, and there will be a rogue “phantom charge”. The posture of instant switching is like a **** and a demon, killing Shen Yan is no way to heaven, no way to enter the ground!

However, when Shen Yan’s bottom card was exhausted, and finally relied on the illusion of luck to fight back, the harvest was also worthy of his efforts-only 4 levels of characters, provided up to 17 units of sub-divine power, equivalent to an entire adult swamp lion !

Well, why have swamp lions been used as the unit of measurement recently?

“But is this too much? Isn’t he only at level 4?” Even if Shen Yan received it, he still couldn’t believe it. How much divine power did the baron at level 12 provide?

“A temple guard of only level 4 provides 17 divine powers and 23 powers of time! Two brushes are enough, three brushes are upgraded, and there are …” Shen Yan glanced at the depths of the church hall ——Don’t look at that direction, there is nothing empty now, Shen Yan knows that there must be countless overlapping time fragments—even if there is only one living dead person in each fragment, these numbers are less than a hundred!

What a huge treasure!

Shen Yan’s chest was almost bursting with sudden happiness! If I keep on brushing this way, will it be a legend? If I became a legend, what would they do if they dared not attack me at night because they were too worshipped? So worried.

It was still pain that brought him back to reality-Shen Yan quickly exchanged 5 units of divine power for divine magic and “perfectly recovered” and threw it on himself. The impact just now caused not only a fracture of the left arm, but also a lot of viscera and viscera rupture … It was like being hit by a truck! This can’t be carried by the body by self-healing.

Besides, the ability of self-healing is not without its disadvantages-the effects of medical “healing” and “healing” of divine magic appear to be similar on the surface, but they are actually very different!

A notable example is that if you cut off your hands and then reverse them (left hand to right hand, right hand to left hand), then the medical method will become backhand deformity after healing; if treated with divine magic, left hand is left hand, right hand is right hand ——Because the medical “healing” is to use the body’s cell division ability to heal itself; the magic of “healing” of the magic is to let the body restore to a certain point in time.

A “miracle” hit it, the pain is still transmitted in the nerves, but the part of the fracture “confirmed” by the brain has healed instantly! As a result, there was a disharmony in the whole body. Shen Yan waited for several seconds before letting the brain “accept” the reality that the body was not sick or painful, and no need to pull the alarm.

“It’s a level 4 character in the elite template!” After waiting quietly for Shen Yan’s treatment, Pan Nicai emphasized word by word. “And it is the elite level 4 after high-level characters are forced to downgrade!” The elite template is basically the same as the ordinary template-she used to be vague in the past for some reason, but it is no longer necessary.

For Shen Yan’s own safety, she hopes Shen Yan can figure out the difference.

“What exactly is an elite template?” Shen Yan asked. Panni had never mentioned this matter to him before, but today he “suggested” him several times in a solemn tone. Obviously either Penny had just remembered this matter, or it was time to tell him-based on Shen Yan He believes that the changes that occurred in the body should be the latter.

“You first look at the previous combat record.” Penny hinted. Every time Shen Yan fights, the system around the city will carry out a double recording of special images and texts, so that he can replay after the war. Being able to find errors and sum up experience frequently is also the key to Shen Yan ’s rapid growth.

Of course, system prompts will of course be blocked during battles, so as not to interfere with Shen Yan. Now he quickly scrolled forward and quickly found the record Penny wanted him to see.

“this is?!”

[The host dodges the mortal injury three times in advance in advance, and the “biological hazard intuition” is fully activated. Upon detection of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and vision, everything is normal, the body defect is repaired, and +3! 】

[The host completes all of the “Genius Trial”, the attribute shackles are broken, and the full potential is +2! 】

[The host occupation is “Circle Warlock”, the main attribute charm upper limit 21> 20, the secondary attribute constitution upper limit 20> 16, the secondary attribute spiritual upper limit 19> 16, other attribute upper limit> 12, meet the conditions, whether to open “(Warlock) “Epic Career Template”? The 10-second countdown begins …]

[After the countdown is over, the default is to open the “(Warlock) Epic Career Template”. Add “Magic Epic Redemption List”, add sub-professional 1. 】

“Hey! Why is it turned on by default? I want to cook, I want to choose!” Shen Yan pointed to the 10-second countdown spit channel above.

“Also, when did I have a physical defect? ​​Did you put a discriminatory map on the entire drawing room and ran it for you! There is also a genius trial, I have never participated in a tutorial class called this name! … Penny, I protest! I just want to ask what is the elite template. You are answering questions with questions. I have become more problematic now. “

Shen Yan is more to enliven the atmosphere, at least the first sentence reminds him that he can understand-as a modern man, his ears are destroyed by various loud sounds, and his tongue has eaten various condiments and chemicals. Eyes staring at the big screen and the small screen … When he first arrived in a different world, his perception was so scary that it was blind to be mocked by the lizard head!

However, with the upgrade, the divine power has been nourishing and repairing his physical problems gradually. Shen Yan’s sense of smell, taste, hearing, etc. are all fully restored. This is a change he can feel … He has been wondering why the attribute of “perception” has not been improved.

It turns out that this part of him is a whole of “repair of physical defects”. The last condition is still far from complete completion, that is, because the Chinese social environment is too safe, so that the harmful instincts have lost a certain biological instinct-an intuitive sense of danger.

Fortunately, after Yan Yan arrived in a different world, he has recovered from many battles.

In the face of the temple guards, he escaped three times in a row, completely inspiring his instinctive sense of danger (reaching the passing line of ordinary people of different worlds). This is considered to be a complete repair of the defects of the body, and then the “perception” attribute is obtained. +3 value-if you remove the 1 point from his hard training, Shen Yan ’s perception is exactly 10 points after the repair, which is exactly the average.

As for the “genius trials” and “epic career templates” mentioned in the reminder, Shen Yan has no idea about this.


“What is an elite template and what is an epic career template. It’s cumbersome to explain. You can just read it for yourself.” Penny shared a message with him.

Every living creature in the world can be divided and measured by level-for example, inside a group of wolves, there will be a 5th level male wolf, a 3rd level young wolf, an old wolf, a 1st level disabled wolf, a young wolf, etc. . Insects and plants can be divided like this … and so are humans. It’s just that after human beings have been professionally trained, the 5th-level brave man may be transformed into a 5th-level city guard, or a 5th-level brave man 1st-level wizard … Once he becomes a professional, the civilian level will be absorbed by assimilation, or simply Ignore it.

Like the 5th-level 1st-level mage we said, he may be a strong mage who likes to use his fists, but this does not matter when calculating the level.

The first dimension of a professional professional is the level-from the first level to infinity, whether it is a creature or a god, it can be included. Of course, in fact, above the 20th level is a legend. Most of the gods are between 30-60 levels. No one knows how many levels they are.

Ms. Pancheng does n’t even know Penny …

The second dimension to measure professionals is physical attributes, or “growth templates.”

Because the qualities of creatures are diverse, and there are so many combinations of six attributes, there is no comparison at all—so five types of “growth templates” were born—from low to high, ordinary, elite, epic, legend, and myth. The character template not only represents the character’s physical quality, but also represents the growth and the upper limit that can be reached in the future.

In fact, the template is just a name, but many people in the multiverse think that the template itself is magic! When you open the template, you will awaken a variety of talents … this is in a causal inversion.

Each creature has 6 basic attributes, and each class has 1 primary attribute and 2 secondary attributes.

Take Shen Yan’s warlock as an example. The main attribute is charm, which represents Shen Yan’s ability to be intimate, control, and active blood magic; the secondary attributes are physique and spirit. Because the body is the carrier of the blood, and the spirit is the bridge through which the blood affects the outside world.

The condition for turning on the “ordinary character template” is that the main attribute is greater than 10-the main attribute warrior is strength, the archer is agile, and the magician is spirit. The meaning of the ordinary character template is, “An ordinary person can become a professional as long as he is willing to work hard and train hard, even if the physical quality is only the average level of ordinary people (disability does not matter).”

But such people have limited achievements. After all, doing and doing well are two different things, and many things cannot be achieved by hard work. “Ordinary character templates” generally start to encounter bottlenecks at the 6th level of the professional level. Next, even if the face is swollen by the kiss of the goddess of luck, the 12th level of the professional is its limit!

Therefore, the kingdom army on Penglin Peninsula is generally composed of professionals below level 6, soldiers of level 6 are the most elite troops, because this is the limit of ordinary people’s training. The military officers and non-commissioned officers are held by professionals above level 7, noble origin can affect the height of the ceiling, but can not break this rule.

The condition for opening the “elite character template” is that the main attribute is greater than 16, and the two secondary attributes are greater than 12-“the pursuit of superb skills, balance is the key.” Elite characters are the backbone of professionals in a diverse world! The elite character template is smooth before level 12, and gradually struggles after level 12, and if there is no new chance … you can never break through the wall of legend.

The conditions for opening the “Epic Character Template” are that the main attribute is greater than 20, the secondary attribute is greater than 16, and the other attributes are greater than 12-“How much water can be loaded in a wooden barrel is determined by the shortest piece of wood.”

Some people may say that the wooden barrel is tilted, but this is already tilted …

Epic characters, or epic heroes, are used to describe those who have been prominent in history. Before level 20, for him, the legendary wall is the real test!

Attention (knock on the blackboard)! The attribute values ​​used for division here are all about the upper limit that a person’s physical fitness can reach, not the actual attributes-that is, the actual attributes plus the “potential” that has not been developed but exists. For example, a young dragon has a strength of only 5, but as long as its upper limit is 20, even if it does not exercise a lot of spells and feats, it still uses the “(Dragon) Epic Character Template” instead of General template for waste wood.

As for how to open the legend and the myth template, the two conditions are the simplest and do not require any attributes-there is only one condition for opening the “legend template”, that is, “become a legend”; the condition for opening the “myth template” is only One, only need to “raise the throne”.

What this means is that no matter how it is done-it ’s okay to kidnap, Io ’s lost things are picked up by you, or the parents are the two powerful deities, and it ’s okay … it ’s no problem. As long as you are already, then you can get the corresponding template effortlessly. Legends can enjoy a lot of legendary expertise, and the gods directly worry about their divinity, divine power, and **** position, find a planet that has billions of ordinary people, but no god, to promote faith, go, Io welcomes you .


Pan Ni waved her hand and transmitted a line of data to Shen Yan’s eyes——

[Your original attributes: Strength 9/12, Dexterity 11/13, Constitution 15/16, Wisdom 7/9, Spirit 13/14, Charisma 16/16]

“This is your original attribute-the actual value of the attribute in front, and the upper limit of your attribute after the slash.

Dear, as the heir to the legacy of ladies, your biggest problem is actually … you are just an ordinary person. “


PS: These two chapters write more setting instructions, in order to make it clear before they are put on the shelf, and do not account for everyone’s subscription money.

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