Circle Warlock

v3 Chapter 94 - Indiscriminate battle (first)

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“The layout of this hall is bilaterally symmetrical. I remember that there should be a group of people guarding the corridor on each side, and there is a group of people standing guard in the foyer. Beside, try walking along the corridor. “

As a former insider, Penny has a little impression of the distribution of people at the door.

The gate sentry configuration should never change.

“You mean there is a group of people outside this door?” What surprised Shen Yan was another thing. He asked, surprised, pointing at the door behind him. Shen Yan always thought the door was an iceberg outside.

“Of course, the gate does not lead directly to the outside, there is a hall in the middle.”

“Okay, this structure is really strange.” Shen Yan has seen many European cathedrals, all of which can directly see the pulpit when the door is opened. The foyer is an area for registering visitors and waiting for visitors, which itself acts to hinder and isolate communication … but think that this cathedral is actually a combination of a temple and a church.

God lives inside. If you want to visit, just visit? It’s a bit terrible.

Time fragments are transparent, allowing people to see the scene behind, but not the inside of the fragments. The living and dead are trapped in the time shards, and they are completely invisible unless they go in. They can only rely on speculation. The result of Shen Yan’s discussion with Pan Ni was to first settle the guards on the side of the corridor. Shen Yan didn’t bother with posture, he touched the wall directly and rubbed a little bit forward.

“Prepare, and then we … came in this way?” The scene in front of me was changing. When Shen Yan found that he had found a new piece of time, he immediately found himself pulled in! As time and space change, the sight of the eyes also changes-there is a space of the same size of twenty-two steps, but this time it is biased to the right corridor of the hall, and the window on the left cannot be reached-a dress that looks similar The “corpse” of the armor suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

He prostrated himself on the ground alone, posing in a vicious dog-fighting posture, but the posture of **** poking was called an ecstasy …

Shooting arrows from this angle, one arrow ** is a high probability event, Shen Yan is really embarrassed.

The location of the corpse is indeed next to the colonnade, which is only one step away from the corpse. Because space is cut by time fragments, these two places become two worlds.

“Sword shield soldier.”

Shen Yan noticed that a large metal shield was pressed under him, and the sword was still inserted in the sheath. Both of them should be guarding the left corridor-if two guards are guarding the gate, the effect is about equal to the guard of honor, because such a narrow space can’t accommodate two guards. It can be replaced with a sword and shield plus a gun and axe. That is the actual combat combination, which can at least block two to four times the enemy.

It seems that the “secrets” of the believers are full of anxiety when they are doing things in the silent cathedral.

I do n’t know what they think of the fact that they live upstairs to their dead enemy?


“The same is the elite level 4.” Penny said.

Shen Yan still realized that if you can do it, do n’t force it & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;

He stood in a good position, holding a recurve bow against the sword shield soldier’s **** for a while, and the arrow fell like rain!

Then I saw the phantom flash, and the undead creature lying on the ground instantly switched to a standing posture, and the sword shield was in hand-because the illusion was solid, and after omitting the intermediate process, it seemed that there were two at the same time.

“I know they all have this hand!” Shen Yan vomited to Pan Ni in her heart. “Pretending to be fishing is not to be abused … Let me make him pretend to be a pen!” He continued shooting. Just listen to the sounds of “Ding Dang Dang Dang ~”, and then came the sound of “Poo ~”!


Temple guards had expected the sneak attack, but what he didn’t expect was that there was such a mean and shameless person in the world!

You actually use Lianzhu Arrow as soon as you come up, skipping the process of temptation … Even if you are too lazy to do the foreplay, just face me, how can this be! Uncle can tolerate aunt or not, right?

The sword and shield soldier left and back, twisted his waist and raised his hips, and flew five or six arrows in a row, but the arrow that was sneak attacked penetrated the thigh armor, and the arrow was in the middle of the knee!

“You … mean!” A hate sounded from the helmet.

“Huh? You actually speak?” Shen Yan was taken aback, thinking that the guards in the church would only have onomatopoeic words like “ah ~ roar ~ giggling ~”. “Then can we communicate first …”

“Go to death!” Shen Yan hadn’t finished speaking, and he charged towards him across from him! Obviously, an arrow in the knee is nothing for the living dead-they do not rely on muscles for movement, so they are lame at most, and it does not affect the use of skills;

But this arrow is very helpful to provoke people’s hearts!

The guard stomped and roared, Shen Yan twisted his waist a little bit-and saw the temple guards round the long sword with cold light, majestic! Murderous! He rushed past him …

“Ma’er, you go slowly, hey, go slowly.” Shen Yan sang the song and stood watching the temple guards away.

“Phantom Charge” is really the trick.

In fact, if you really understand it, you will find that this trick is not difficult to crack. Although it is a teleport, it takes a straight line, and it cannot stop or turn in the middle. The most important thing is that the virtual and real conversion will be carried out before the teleport, although this process is very conspicuous! In the last piece of time, Shen Yan hung on the window for half an hour. At that time, the guardian of the temple had been using this trick to wash the ground. Because he used it too many times, he was very clear about each step. The pros and cons of the skills were of course clearly studied.

Sure enough, “the same move cannot be used twice for Saint Seiya”.

If Shen Yan wanted to pit, he now has ten ways to pit the guards. But Shen Yan ’s goal is not to hide and hide, which is worthless … He now wants to learn the sword of the guard! After coming back a few times, he was familiar with the speed and fighting rhythm of the temple guards. Shen Yan sorted out the shield and the machete, and greeted him head-on!

Only heard, “Bang! Poof ~!”

The first one was face-to-face, the process took less than three seconds, and Shen Yan was beaten and flew back with a grin! That guy’s sword was extremely poisonous. If Shen Yan didn’t stop it with his thigh in an instant, maybe his second brother would have to explain it here … but the price is to leave a big wound on his thigh!

“Come again!” Shen Yan, a fearless tumbling, first escaped the phantom charge that followed, and then greeted him again with a knife!

“Bang! Bang! Poo pass ~” This time he let the first sword make a false move and set off the opponent’s long sword in time, but he didn’t notice the other hand of the opponent-he was shot hard by the 180-yard big round shield On the face of 30 yards!

“Lying trough, say no face!” The nose was all smashed, Shen Yan’s anger was burning! The small universe is boiling!

“Tread horse, come again!” Shen Yan’s **** face rushed up again!

This time he accurately blocked the pumping sword, hit the shield with a shield, and then fiercely lifted the scimitar and cleaved towards the opponent’s neck … The result was a shadowless fly. He hid nowhere and flew out, covering his belly.

“You … so mean! Why do you always go down three ways!”

“Huh ~!” The guardian of the temple seemed to know that Shen Yan would certainly rush up on his own, so he was too lazy to pursue even the chase, even giving up the combo of the charge directly, and proudly carried the sword back to the shard side. Shen Yan gave 10 points …

“Maximum 1000 points! You can die for me!”

Shen Yan red eyes, “Aoao” screamed and rushed up again!

The next picture is terrible! Penny couldn’t bear covering her eyes …

10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, two hours … Shen Yan had no idea how many times he fell. The leather armor on his body had been riddled with holes. The skin exposed by the clothes scratched by the sword front was all stained with blood and wounds. At the moment, the knife on the thigh was almost healed.

But Shen Yan is getting more and more courageous, and insisting on it for longer and longer, he exerts the advantage of physique 19 to the fullest!

His scimitar is no longer as scattered as it was at first, and he even has a vicious sword style! Shaoyin and black feet do everything they can! When two people come and go to fight, they both hold the shield in one hand and hold the sword in the other. Because the fighting style is too similar, it looks as if a person is dancing in the mirror.

Penny looked dumbfounded! She discovered a terrible fact! By this time-Shen Yan had already lost the elegant and dexterous scimitar skills learned from Laurel! Nowadays full of sword shields and poisonous routines of the guards of the temple … I thought about letting you jump out of the laurel of the laurel, but did not let you jump out like this!

If you meet the kind weapon master in the future like this … you won’t hate people when they are killed!

At this time, Shen Yan knew that he had won. Because the temple guard standing opposite him, although there were almost no scars and broken armor except for the arrow on his knee, he was already bleak, and the energy of the soul was unsustainable.

“Hahaha ~, come again!” Shen Yan once again got up from the ground! In fact, he can win even if he does not rely on procrastination! The last time he insisted under the sword and shield soldiers for a full 30 minutes, and finally the sword and shield soldiers tried hard to win him, then this time is even more impossible, and the victory is getting closer and closer.

And he finally figured out the true meaning of “additional to personal experience” of the feature [pre-judgment]. The more knowledge he has about the sword shield soldiers’ routines, the more accurate the prediction will be. He is like a sponge, absorbing the opponent’s water continuously in the battle … Up to now, the sword shield soldier can’t come up with any tricks he hasn’t seen, even if he hasn’t seen it, with the support of the prejudgment, he can probably Guess, when he can 100% judge everything that the other party has produced the sword … that looks like a miracle.

He will learn more when he resumes after the war.

In this case, how could Shen Yan continue to lose.

But this time, without waiting for Shen Yan to rise, it is clear that the sword and shield soldiers will no longer work …


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