Circle Warlock

v4 Chapter 19 - Dade can do whatever it wants

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“Is there any wine?”

Michelle took a pot of freshly brewed fruit wine and wine glasses and filled him up.

The fruit wine in the glass is very fragrant and as intense as amber.

“This breath?” Shen Yan sniffed and drank. “The wine brewed by Xueguo still has a familiar taste.”

“Familiar taste?” The elf’s wife’s hand trembling slightly.

She knows that Laurel does not drink alcohol, because he said that alcohol will affect the law of perception, and Laurel is a very self-made person.

Michelle only saw him drink once …

“My memory is intermittent, like broken glass. Since I don’t know where to start, it’s better to start with this glass of wine.” Shen Yan touched the edge of the glass and remembered the dream that had been experienced again and again. “I am particularly impressed with this matter. In the winter of that year, you cultivated a new plant that can grow in the winter, snowberry …”

In the hometowns of Laurel and Michelle, there was no snow fruit.

At that time, Laurel had just discovered that her agility limit was insufficient, and she fell into a trough in life; and Michelle was an unknown botanist who was responsible for caring for elf orchards. The two people’s homes are in the mountains near the orchards—because Laurel needs a quiet place to think about the way forward, Michelle is simply close to home because of work.

The elves of that world can be regarded as universal fundamentalists.

They reject all actions that violate the laws of nature, such as greenhouses. Therefore, in winter, only the fruits and salted preserved fruits are left in the family dishes. Laurel in a bad mood lost his temper for this matter. He was working **** the magic bow at that time, and he forgot about it when he was dissatisfied, but Michelle remembered it.

A few years later, the talented laurel finally found a new path and gained fame; and Michelle also cultivated a fruit that can be harvested in winter, but failed to get everyone’s approval-because Xueguo has a short sunshine time The taste is sour, not many people can accept.

The experience in the memory fragment starts from that moment–

“I remember that day, I was sitting on the tree by the felling pile, thinking about how to attach more magic to the arrow, and then I saw you jumping back from the direction of the orchard on the branch.

You look a bit different from usual, with a basket on your hand and a smile on your face … I haven’t seen you smile so happy for a long time. You know, you wore a floral skirt with a light blue square that day. In my memory, you only do this when you are in a bad mood. It seems that an elder Druid said that you have no talent? Sorry, I can’t remember what the elder’s name is … Everything in my memory except for yours is extremely vague. “

That is because the information that was not recorded in the memory fragments, of course, Shen Yan did not know.

“And then?” Michelle urged.

When I heard Shen Yan talking about those memories, the elves’ wife was shaking tremendously, but not because of fear … but expecting, she couldn’t wait to listen to Shen Yan to continue! As for the name of the elder … The ghost remembers his name, let him die!

“Then you jumped in front of me and kicked my arm with my foot to let me guess what you brought back. I was in a daze because the golden sunlight was passing through your temples and there were a few sticks on your cheeks A small piece of black ash, the sweat beads were not wiped off from the temples, making you look a little different from the usual days … beautiful. “

“Just remember those useless.” Mi Xueer complained in her mouth, but her expression was not like that. She clung tightly, her cheeks flushed, her nose slightly sweaty, and her breathing was short.

“No way, that scene left a deep impression on me, like … I just saw it one year and two months ago.” Shen Yan swears that every sentence he said can be used as a testimony.

“I didn’t guess a few of them, and then you opened the cloth on the basket to reveal the jug underneath.” Shen Yan looked up and missed the second glass of amber liquor, “you tell, you finally found The correct use of snowberry … Although the fruit of snowberry tastes sour and astringent, it is really good for making wine.

You have been busy for a few days, and finally found the best recipe for snowberry wine today, and then brewed a pot of wine to bring me to taste.

I ca n’t but you have a drink, that ’s the only one I ’ve had in my life … “

Shen Yan drank the wine from the glass, “It’s exactly the same taste!”

“I want to drink too!” Michelle fluttered up suddenly.

The cup in Shen Yan’s hand was taken away and thrown away. The elven wife held his cheek and stared deeply, and then furiously pried open his teeth and grabbed the wine with his tongue …


Lies work well, and good ones are too much.

The most difficult lie in the world should be a “true lie” without a lie.

But Shen Yan said that he wanted to be slow-even if there is a Druid’s “Rejuvenation Technique” at any time as a supplement, his waist can’t bear it anymore! Legendary physique is not a panacea, especially when encountering opponents of legendary level.

“I tell you, you can’t make friends by chatting like this!” Shen Yanyi protested solemnly! But the other party disagreed, and she said, “But I still want it.” The spooked elf wife held Shen Yan’s arm and said softly.

Cough, the “want” here is of course want to listen to Shen Yan to continue to talk about the past … Well, that’s it, everyone must be like me!

Young people’s longing for love, and for adults, the biggest romance in the world is “the time has passed so long, I have forgotten you but still remember every detail.”

The latest things that Shen Yan talked about happened five or six hundred years ago.

Human memory will continue to degenerate, and old memories will be sorted out and hidden deep in the memory, gradually changing from “difficult to remember” to “no longer rememberable”. Therefore, even as one of the parties, Michelle remembered only one thing hundreds of years ago, and the specific details could not be remembered at all.

But Shen Yan seemed to take her on a “reproduced yesterday” trip-when talking about that, he not only said one thing, but the seasonal climate, mountain environment, courtyard layout, The furniture display and so on were all clearly explained, and the expression, tone, tone, and content of the two people’s words were vivid at the time.

A lot of psychological activities and compliments were added in the middle-these honestly do not belong to Laurel, but the feelings of Shen Yan who watched inside Laurel.

In Michelle’s understanding, it seemed that Shen Yan was not talking about one thing, but a painting called “Old Times”, and he was taking himself back to the past.

This was for Michelle hundreds of years ago, but for Shen Yan it happened one year and two months ago.

At that time, he experienced these things every day in his dreams, and many things went through dozens of times! Shen Yan dare to ensure that he knew more clearly than Laurel remembered. Those details were as clear as the knife was carved in his mind. Speaking of Shen Yan, the flowers were there, where the trees were, how the furniture was arranged, and I had a few bowls of rice and several dishes … everything is vivid!

Among them, what Mi Xueer said was remembered clearly.

How can we not be touched by the elves’ wives?


Especially with Shen Yan’s remarks, her dusty memory for many years also activated, and she remembered more details. It’s like two people walking through time at the same time … When she discussed with Shen Yan, she found that Shen Yan really didn’t lie to her.

Whether he said it or not, he really “remembered” his family and himself very clearly;

On the contrary, Shen Yan remembers some basic things about the elven kingdom, the **** of order, and the extreme organization that Laurel cares about in the past, and most of the rest are “forgotten”!

Those were the things that Laurel personally experienced. He used to risk his life at that time, and many deeds were still circulated as hero stories-now no matter what Michelle reminds, “he” just can’t remember. Michelle can be sure that Shen Yan did not lie. It is not easy to deceive the 30-level Dade, who eats by perception!

Shen Yan really does not remember-because it involves religious brainwashing and other memories that affect the independent personality, Penny helped clean it before handing it to Shen Yan. Shen Yan never even read it, of course, I do n’t remember.

The elf wife held her tightly and hardly remembered it. It ’s good not to remember … No, it ’s awesome!

Mi Xueer wanted to fly beautifully, Shen Yan, did not expect you to be 50% like this!

This must be the **** of nature heard my prayer!

Let’s just say, even a close couple has a lot of dissatisfaction with the other half. For example, Chen Xiaoyu, even if she was obsessed with Shen Yan, she was still dissatisfied with him, he was dissatisfied, he was dissatisfied with his house, playing games, when he was dissatisfied with the water he threw everywhere when he was washing his face, dissatisfaction with him secretly looking at Japanese female teachers Action movie.

Such dissatisfaction Michelle naturally has.

She was dissatisfied with Laurel’s soliloquy, dissatisfaction with his indulgence in archery (in her opinion, legend is not difficult), and dissatisfied with his attitude of paying nothing for the Elven Kingdom. Especially in the later period, Laurel devoted herself to extreme organizations, and the couple almost cut off contact … The reason why she struggled to find Laurel, I am afraid that the factor of love only accounted for a part, more of her own obsession.

Now there is a miracle-although only 50% is left, it seems that all the good ones are left, and the “bad ones” are all rolled away!

Do n’t say what love needs to be complete, love him and love all of him … The person who said this is because there is no way! This year, even my parents can’t bear all of you, and let you hurry up within a few days of the New Year … why should your lover accept it unconditionally?

So Michelle was so moved that she burst into tears, and immediately decided to make it—it does n’t matter if you do n’t remember fifty percent, we—no! Yes! Now!

“Next, please.”

Shen Yan couldn’t refuse, because in his memory, the elves’ wives had never been so coquettish with Laurel.

“Okay, let me tell you one more thing that impressed me. I remember that we had two trees in front of the house under the tail fin snow mountain. What are you going to do? Stop it! This is just a cold joke that Mr. Lu told me, I ’m not teasing you … wait, my waist! “

Then came the voice of the elf’s wife, “Treat serious injuries!”


PS: Well, Da Zhang, I’ll be here today.

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