Circle Warlock

v4 Chapter 2 - Bronze fortress

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The majesty, the vicissitudes, and the past are unchanged.

The huge black wall cut north and south, Bruce … or the bronze fortress, it is the name that Shen Yan inquired about-but in the early empire literature, this place should be called “folded mountains”- A series of geographical faults triggered by violent geological movements formed a number of north-south parallel mountains, which looked like wrinkled clothes … The landform is similar to the Hengduan Mountains in China.

There are very few people here. According to the estimated productivity of this world, even if there are non-scientific factors such as gods and magicians, and the constraints of transportation and other factors are ignored, in order to complete this project that is as large as the total of ten Hoover Dams, Absolutely impossible!

However, the fact is that the wall was not built by any man.

A hundred years ago, this plane collided with the abyss, numerous cracks appeared in this world, and demons flooded into this world immediately-because of the sudden cracking, the empire lost contact with countless provinces, and its strength was greatly damaged.

When I heard that the largest demon, the Great Rift Valley, appeared in the south of the empire, and thousands of demons poured out of this rift every day, the entire empire was desperate-know that in that era, people had nothing to do with demons. To the best of our knowledge, tens of thousands of people must be sacrificed to block a small crack!

Such a large rift that penetrates into the abyss has even brought the whole world into desperation.

However, the magician who was investigating brought back a strange piece of good news. On the road to the empire from the Great Rift Valley of the Devil, some time when a giant wall appeared, it stopped the demon tide north … The devil could not find it for a time. The way to get around the wall, I withdrew myself … This is the predecessor of the bronze fortress.

Surrounding this wall is a record of the rise and fall of the blood and tears of the Empire’s centuries of resistance to demons.

The bronze fortress looks extremely huge, in fact, its relative height difference is only a hundred meters. But because the lower edge of the fortress was buried deep in the mud and mountains, no one knew how large its true volume was-the empire wanted to dig an escape route under the fortress wall-and as a result dug down Hundred meters, still can not find the lower edge of this wall, can only give up.

And if you calculate the horizontal length-from the leftmost fracture to the high-most part that protrudes from the top of the mountain on the right, this intact wall is about fifty kilometers long! The shape is a regular arc, not only horizontally truncating four valleys, but also tightly wedged with the fold mountain range, both sides are poor mountains and mountains!

No wonder the first magic wave didn’t go around.

If it is just a huge wall, it might not be so surprising. But when the magician flew up to the wall, he found that the huge wall still had an exaggerated upper section-it was like a great plain paved with stones, standing on it and could not see the edge at a glance. Even Emperor Lian, whose ground is flat, cannot compare, and the area is enough for one million people to live at the same time! It is more than enough to build a city here!

With such a natural advantage, in order to resist the tide from the south, the empire recruited dwarf artisans across the continent. It took hundreds of years to build the largest fortress pass in the world based on this wall. When the bronze fortress first took shape, even the dwarf artisans recruited that year evolved into independent tribes, calling themselves bronze dwarves. They rely on the method of smelting city wall scraps to produce the world-famous “Bronze Fortress” series of weapons and equipment.


“Panni, isn’t that?” Shen Yan asked excitedly.

“Yes! That’s it!” Penny was equally excited!

Needless to say, the moment they saw the bronze fortress, both were stupid-the empire regarded the wall as a sign of heaven, but they were different. If you take a break around the city and lay it flat, you will be 100% in line with the bronze fortress you are seeing! Except for those attached buildings that were added later, the appearance is exactly the same.

Especially the kind of blue-black city wall material, the source of the bronze dwarves’ fortune, is obviously used to make the mountain bronze around the city foundation!

Shen Yan could almost imagine the scene at that time. At that time, the part of the city that fell into this world-it should be a very large and complete piece. After entering the world, it split again, and a small piece of debris fell on the southern peninsula and smashed out of Green Point Bay;

And a bigger piece, obviously hit here on the side … The huge curved city wall hit the ground fiercely, the kinetic energy released forward, “shoveled” a few kilometers wide plain between the mountains! The shoveled soil is accumulated on the inside of the arc, cutting off several vertical valleys, and the pile of soil becomes a city!

With the help of this wall, the empire has worked with demons for hundreds of years to build a huge fortress, and it has also created a door on the wall to turn this place into a pass.

Shen Yan didn’t want to get involved in a war that had nothing to do with him.

But when he heard that his opponent was a demon, he hesitated. After all, after receiving so many years of patriotism education, Shen Yan couldn’t deny the meaning of justice-the rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible!

He can stay away from the wars that erupt between people, but there is no reason for humans to resist the just war of demon aggression.

But when he saw this fortress, a moment of hesitation was also thrown behind his head-the remains left around the city made him naturally intimate. Now Shen Yan can’t wait to go over and take a good look at the ruins around the city.


Above the pass is also a wide road leading to the barracks built on the city walls.

The road is perpendicular to the road passing under the pass, forming an overpass that is magnified many times-the pass architecture in this world seems to be in this style, as is the blade pass, the difference is only in the size of the scale.

Of course, digging a city gate on the ground around the city, the amount of engineering is unimaginable, but it also makes sense-it is said that since the city gate, the devil has never considered bypassing the fortress. This is equivalent to indirectly attracting the demon’s firepower to the city gate area. As long as the fortress is guarded, the safety of the vast area behind can be guaranteed.

Which squad where Shen Yan was finally merged into a long dragon that could not be seen before and after, followed thousands of troops towards the barracks.

When stepping on the wall of the pass, the mountains and hills seemed to bow their heads in front of them.

At that moment, a strong mountain and a cloud hit the bluestone pass that separated the world, and then the white mist overflowed over the pass like a torrential river.

Along the edge of the city wall, there is a stone statue facing inwards and holding swords every twenty steps, which are the heroes who died in battle here in history. Most of them wiped out their names and deeds in time, but when the clouds passed by them and pulled a long silk ribbon behind the stone statue. These ancient heroes seemed to be alive again, and still led their men to fight alongside the empire.

That scene made everyone who saw it bow down!

Stepping on the ring around the city, Shen Yan seemed to feel a connection, connecting with the copper foundation beneath him.

Along the way, Shen Yan talked to the people next to him, trying to get enough news from the side. The main purpose is to find out what happened in the past 100 years outside the Penlin Peninsula. Most of the time, acne also has questions and answers, until he mentions the “enchanted potion” to arouse the vigilance of the people around him, and then he kept silent.

“Are you the Holy Asher?” The captain whispered in surprise.

Shen Yan shook his head gently, he didn’t even know what the Holy Asher was. Before asking a question, should n’t we explain the nouns first?

When passing by a wide square, some teams, including Shen Yan, broke away from the brigade and converged on the square. Dozens of variegated costumes are intermingled in each of these teams, apparently all of them are capturing the “destroyer” team.

When the assembled team was about to fill the square, a cavalry rushed into the square and he shouted, holding a roll of parchment. ! “

Amnesty order from the king.

“Congratulations on your luck and escape.” Acne said to Shen Yan seemingly dissatisfied.

“Go to Nima!” He didn’t expect Shen Yan, who seemed to speak well, to suddenly flip his face and pushed him on his chest with a push! “Bah!” Shen Yan spit on the acne’s face. “Fool! Do you think you are smart? Don’t step on a horse and force me to kill you now!”

“What are you doing?” Captain Beard frowned and came over to stop.

Amidst the gratitude of Dade in the square, the conflict here is very conspicuous. Especially the soldiers who shouted “Thank Lord Long” are all soldiers, and the angry “destroyer” has hundreds of thousands, more than one!

“Oh! Do you really want me to say it?” Shen Yan sneered-he has decided to participate in this war against demons, but he can’t let people treat him like a fool!

As the war approached, it was normal for the army to have a few deserters-but in this square, the number of “destroyer” is almost thousands! Is your army paperless? It is clear that the army seized the opportunity to strengthen the number of people before the war!

The most shameful thing is that the king also said “amnesty deserters”, and wanted to change a few thanksgiving Dade!

Shen Yan’s feeling is very poor.

Captain Beard and the young acne, Shen Yan do not believe that they can’t see it-at most only one or two of this team are deserters, and the rest of the people around the special people-but they are not soft to catch , Is not a good thing! What Shen Yan needs to be polite to them.

Seeing the surrounding “destroyer” agitated by Shen Yan, even if the sharp edge that was around came up to the side, the captain of the beard screamed badly. At this time, killing Liwei was useless, especially since there were no real deserters on the scene … Shen Yan also pressed the hilt and looked at him with a sneer, his breath made him cold!

Made, seems to have met the master!

Captain Bearded was bitter in his heart and explained, “I am also a soldier to listen to orders … It is not possible to change now, what do you want?”

He said it was tantamount to being soft.

“… arrange a good position for these people, can’t stand in the first row as cannon fodder!” Shen Yan pointed to the people around him, he can’t control other people, but these people who walk with him are destined to help I still have to help. “Then get out of my sight and feel disgusted when I see you!”

Shen Yan kicked the acne away and strode away.

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