Circle Warlock

v4 Chapter 26 - Broken Ridge III

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

Looking back at the valley-an unremarkable valley name placed on the Broken Ridge map.

If Shen Yan didn’t get the battle plan Michelle had made, he certainly wouldn’t think of this remote location deep into the broken ridge, which was actually the core of this outpost. But the plan only mentioned the destination, not mentioning what the emperor wanted to do there …

Ying Biao Si Ting.

You know that Michelle got the emperor’s “private secret”, similar to diaries and the like. This plan can’t even be written in the diary, which is obviously a big problem.

In this war of the magic wave, the Empire and the divided kingdoms and autonomous tribes jointly dispatched a total of 170,000 regular troops, and there were more than 100,000 conscriptions-all kinds of strange sources. Large mercenary regiment. There are countless others like conscripts, conscripts, homeless people, criminals, lost tribes, etc.

Because lizards breed the fastest, and tribes lack sufficient land, lizards are the most common among subspecies. The empire has been conducting emergency training for these people, and the ordnance supply is equivalent to the third-class legion, and it already has some combat power. The day when Shen Yan entered the city was also a time to formally divide troops. 100,000 regular troops and tens of thousands of militiamen were used to defend the city (Shen Yan was arrested), and 70,000 regular army legions and 50,000 specially recruited soldiers were selected out of the city.

Out of town is responsible for sniping the spider demon in the first round of the magic wave, in fact, 10,000 regular troops with 40,000 conscripts … Almost no one in this group will survive. Obviously, in addition to the 10,000 regular army empire, there is no need to bear additional compensation …

The remaining 50,000 guards in the out-of-city troops will not be wasted in this consumption battle-they will take the remaining militia and ambush and detour in advance to annihilate the small demon army; when the magic tide reaches the climax, they are responsible for attacking the flanks , Cut off supplies (if any), burn siege weapons; when the tide is nearing its end, appear behind the demon army if necessary, make a fatal blow, etc.

It can be said that this part of the Mobile Corps is responsible for a large number of combat missions, and it is up to the commander to determine the specific implementation-anyway, for a hundred years, the literature on the research and development of the bronze fortress can be filled with several large warehouses-the Constance family can bear I’ll tell you that there are no unconventional tactics.

The remaining 10,000 people were half heavy cavalry and half infantry.

This is the real essence of the empire. The Royal Legion is only in the hands of the Constance! Only allegiance to the emperor! These people always follow the emperor’s maneuver and have no fixed combat missions. But on the battlefields of the previous magic tides, they will all appear in the most dangerous position, and there is no lack of a decisive feat!

Although history only records the name of Constance, history was not created by the next emperor.

Shen Yan’s battle plan and the information collected along the way all show:

Since 120,000 people left the city, 50,000 of them did follow the plan and took the logistics along the direction of the parallel city wall;

Afterwards, Jeremy Constance (empire emperor), led his 10,000 Royal Legion, 10,000 Regular Army and 40,000 Militia to the Broken Hill. He gave these people the task of sniping the first demons, according to a ratio of one to eight … That is to say, even with this 10,000 regular army, he also placed half of them on the edge of the shovel-shaped plain. When really responsible for sniping, it is the cannon fodder of each regular soldier with eight conscripts …

This ratio, a battle that should have been defeated by touch, was able to persevere because Jeremy Constance solemnly promised everyone-“Persevere until the end, I am in front of you!” The soldiers and militia who watched the king head southwards, in order to ensure the emperor’s retreat, all fight to the last moment!

It can only be said that the wisdom of this era is unexplored … In the modern era, nine out of ten is to question in my heart. It is good to have one out of 100 sincerely believe it.


Broken Ridge is full of low-level demons such as demons, spiders, and three-headed dogs. They wander aimlessly in the mountains, attack any visible target, and fill their stomachs by the way.

Creatures like demons are born out of chaos and evil in the abyss, they only obey power, and they do not know what discipline is. Even if there are a large number of demonic warlords joining this time, they can only be roughly circled within a range … As for those who do not understand the commands … then let it go.

“But is this density too great?” Looking at the demon who climbed the hillside in Wuyang and Wuyang in the distance, Shen Yan really felt that if the Broken Ridge was the same everywhere, then the bronze fortress might really be unable to hold … I am afraid the number is not millions? !

“I still have to ask … to the left … why do we have to go to that valley?” Penny said while guiding her nervously. Although the two shared the same sensory data, her experience was comparable. It is much richer, especially when dealing with abyss creatures.

Shen Yan ran a few steps to the left and hid in the woods. Then he saw a group of **** dogs howling and chasing behind a rabbit and running across his right side. Each dog has three heads and six large teeth that are swaying brightly. Little Bunny will not be frightened. But the rabbits who can live in Broken Hill are also counted as fine, running into a flash of lightning!

“You can continue to stay in the fortress, you don’t talk to me.” Shen Yan knows how Qiankun moved.

“Humph.” There was obviously joy in the voice. “Speed ​​up, we’re about to arrive. The map is on the front …” The two men froze together.

Shen Yan and Pan Ni always thought that the black in the field of vision was the top of a big mountain-it was only when they drilled out of the woods that the black appeared in front of their eyes that they discovered that it was a dark cloud of demons and dragons!

The demon dragon is an abyss version of the biped dragon, full of scales on the body, and a very brutal species in the dragon. The horror bird is also a carnivorous bird, similar in size to the chicken, and the taste is similar … but you can see it in the bronze fortress The blind are all made by the terror birds!

This large black cloud firmly wrapped the valley below, the number is unknown to thousands or tens of thousands!

“Are you sure this is the Valley of Looking Back … Are we going to look back?” Shen Yan has some magic and stealth rings that are very helpful for sneaking, plus Penny’s rich experience. Even in the broken mountain of demons, he can come and go freely.

But what you see is different! This is already war!

A pale white mask shrouded the valley. And the demon army, who can’t see the head at a glance, blocked the ends of the valley!

The demons are crowded with each other, and the demons behind are still driven into the valley by the warlord with a whip, squeezing the valley more and more like canned sardines! The last demon in the front will be “helpless” and pushed into the mask by the demon behind, looking like a dead ghost …

That mask can’t stop the demon from entering, but whether it is a demon or a devil dragon, once it breaks into the mask as if it was splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, the surface begins to melt quickly … but obviously it works best for the demon. . The demon dragon can howl and break into the mask again and again, and then fly out again in a short time, but their number is tens of thousands.

“Shen Yan, this is divine power. Some people are using rituals or artifacts to transform the valley into a land of divine presence! As long as the chaotic evil creatures entering this valley will be stung by divine power … really a big deal!” Artifacts, or magic materials equivalent to several times the value of artifacts, Internet companies are not as fast as it burns money!

“Come on, Penny, let’s go down, I can probably guess what your emperor wants to do.” Shen Yan said with a serious expression. As Michelle said, the devil has never taken humans seriously or seriously treated her as an opponent. Shen Yan believes in her judgment.

But the siege of the demon army he sees now, although the discipline is still a mess, but the degree of seriousness has already been different! The hatred emanating from the army is real! What kind of opponents must a demon born with chaos and amusement really take seriously? Obviously, only the devil who has fought for thousands of years … Shen Yan really hopes that Jeremy Constance will not be confused for a while and summon the devil to this world.

Otherwise Shen Yan can assert that this world is over … The Swan Continent will be dragged by the devil and the devil together and fall into the abyss!

Shen Yan cast a spell to create Penny’s avatar. Penny shook her head and put on a gasification ring to jump directly towards the valley under the cliff.


PS: It’s still very dry. I’ll post it first, and I won’t update to become an eunuch.

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