Circle Warlock

v4 Chapter 6 - The emperor is not saved, you can still rescue

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Swan continent, Swan continent, rice!

Finally got it! Shen Yan wanted to jump.

As a companion, Sandy looked sad in his eyes, and he could roughly understand Sandy’s mood—probably because the sacrifice spirit of the Constance family gradually changed as generation after generation went forward.

To outsiders, Constance is still that Constance.

However, in the family, specific to each individual, and in a good year, he frankly died, and indeed not everyone can accept it. This is especially true when a large number of people in this family only have the obligation to sacrifice but no chance to touch that seat. Of course, strict family education makes their beliefs far stronger than ordinary people.

Only over time, without seeing the hope of victory, the family culture has gradually changed from heroic and unyielding, advancing and succeeding to loving death and embracing death.

It seems that the people with inheritance rights came to this world in order to die in the bronze fortress in the future-they spent the first half of their life preparing for the future, leaving offspring, polishing their martial arts, and then waiting to set foot on the battlefield with an honor Way to die.

The 7th generation had been half joking, and carved his own stone statue on the wall of the bronze fortress in advance, but unexpectedly became a tradition …

In the family lineage, like Sandy, they, as members of the Constance family, have done little for half their lives. When I feel that I am more than inferior than inferior … I will think of going to the bronze fortress once–success, breaking through the status quo; failure, and becoming another Constance who is here to sacrifice.

“Sandy, live!” Shen Yan patted Sandy’s shoulder. “After this magic wave, you will find that things will become different.”


Shen Yan has almost read the layout of the gods on the Swan Continent.

This has to start from the design world of Io.

In the past, the world was a pizza, looking at the face of good and evil, and balancing by cutting-the result is no matter whether it is order or chaos, whether it is good or evil, everyone is very dissatisfied … Each camp feels that it is superb! If it weren’t for the ladies around the city, they would have flattened the multiverse!

In other words, although it was because Ms. Huancheng had maintained the universe that she did not collapse on her own, everyone hated her …

Now okay, Grandpa Io is going to engage in Multiverse 3.0. The lady pats her **** and does n’t play with you. She has tossed her fate.

The new multiverse is parallel and equal. The world is like countless fish swimming in the water, some on the top and some on the bottom-heaven is above, the abyss is below. Too close to heaven will be purified, close to **** will be swallowed.

Everything is free, and everything is blamed.

Do n’t blame anyone close to the abyss, ask for it-if the atmosphere of the whole world tends to be evil and chaotic, then the world will naturally fall into the abyss …

The same is true of the Swan Continent-there was only one empire left on the continent before the upheaval, and there were several kingdoms in the ocean. The theocracy and territory of the world are all divided. Subsequent class solidification led to the stagnation of all economies and cultures, business activities were confined to a small area, and the people were shackled to the land.

The deity was conservative, and the emperor and officials ate their meals.

Dreaming of death and drowning, the lower people are not as good as pigs and dogs, racial discrimination is popular, but they do n’t have the power to overturn this decaying world … When the whole world loses vitality and is filled with resentment, it naturally drags the world together seabed.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the gods of the Swan Continent worked together to figure out how to “save the world”-because they all asked for it!

Fortunately, the Swan Continent is only a world of evil spirits. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that professionals have a maximum level of 16 and cannot naturally produce super professionals who play a decisive role. Even advanced core skills are difficult; and The advantage is that high-level professionals of the devil can not enter, so it is not difficult to “save”.

Moreover, there must be more than one swan on the plane that borders the abyss. The high demon world is more attractive to the abyss, and the devil’s high-level professionals are not dismissive.

Besides, the heaven and the abyss do not exist in isolation. They are actually the materialization of ideology-all the material planes add up to produce positive behaviors that nourish heaven; negative behaviors decline and strengthen the abyss. If all the material planes are purified or devoured, then heaven and the abyss will cease to exist … In short, mutual restraint is still the eternal mean!

Io must have been reading Confucius recently …

Shen Yan did n’t worry about Sandy because he knew that although it was difficult for this world professional to advance his core skills, the combat power of the human army could not be truly exerted-but this situation will soon not change.

The experimental fields cultivated by the gods on the Penglin Peninsula’s big move have borne fruit. Once the peninsula is unified and the cloud plateau is broken back to the mainland, the promotion of the “Magic Elixir” will inevitably change the balance of strength for the first time, and humanity is expected to completely end this century-old war!

In other words, Sandy didn’t need to die in such a hurry … If he didn’t die this time, maybe he didn’t have to die next.


“The two are good, do you want to rest first or participate in the next hunting event?” A figure who looked like a captain came and asked, carrying a tent.

Since the two arrived at the Western Front, they were thrown aside and no one cares. Obviously, the commander in this area thinks that the magician is useless, and he didn’t want to take care of both of them! So much so that Shen Yan and Shan Di can only be bored to lean against the wall and talk about the mountain. By the way, countless people look like ants pouring out of the city gate, and then turn into a box-like square matrix on the plain below.

In fact, the main generals responsible for commanding the entire battlefield all came down from the battlefield of the previous war, with very experienced commanders. And the Empire has hundreds of years of experience in fighting against demons, relying on bronze fortresses.

So don’t look at the chaos in the scene now. In fact, hundreds of thousands of troops and more logistics personnel are all operating in an orderly manner. There is no need for orders from the emperor or management of several major theaters. As long as the combat objectives are divided, the commander knows exactly what he should do.

Throughout the western wall of the wall, the army was frequently mobilized, but it was busy and orderly-the commander didn’t want to control the two magician rookies-but after a while, they discovered that the two rookies are like goose , Standing there looking away! It’s simply unsightly!

No way, he can only throw someone over and ask, “Are you going to bed or do you want to go out and die?”

“Resting?” Shandi pointed at the army spreading under the city in surprise. “Isn’t it about to go to war! We have no problem and don’t need to rest!” Shandi patted his chest and vowed his promise. “We are here to kill the devil, please ask the commander to have the task despite the assignment! Don’t look at the two of us, in fact, the strength is good!”

Shen Yan also cooperated with raising his chest, saying “the strength is really good.”

Kill the devil? Rookie … On the battlefield will only be killed by demons. The captain smiled reluctantly. Fortunately, the two wizards seemed not so difficult to speak, but he was not qualified to look down on the wizard like the commander.

“The real large-scale engagement is not that fast. I guess it will take at least a week. Today’s transfer is now almost arranged.” He stood by the wall and pointed to the army below. “You see, it is an empire. Seventh Guards, the one with blue spears. The line of defense is to go to that … Have you seen that gray line, that is a river, and here is the 7th Guards station.

Don’t look so close to this distance, the march will take two full days! Then we have to camp for one day and repair for two days, which means that we will see the official engagement there after five days.

Sorry, these things, Master Magician must be very boring to listen to … Do you want to rest? “

He stopped the narrative, looked at the two with a little apology, and asked politely.

Shen Yan looked at each other with Sandy. The captain understood what they meant in seconds. This was mocked!

In fact, what the captain said was translated. “War is not a mage throwing a fireball cavalry charge, a cavalry charge an infantry charge … rookie, the war of hundreds of thousands of people is completely different from the romantic scene you imagined, don’t waste my time, hurry up and go to sleep . “

Looking at the tent carried by the captain, Shen Yan guessed that if the two of them really went into the tent to rest, then the commander would completely leave them behind in the next few days … and then at a moment when the battle was anxious, the two A magician sent it up as a cannon fodder, and since then he hasn’t seen it and is not upset.

“What’s the second choice you just mentioned?” Shen Yan pretended not to hear. “Yes, my name is Shen Yan,” he introduced himself, and then grabbed Shandi’s arm and pushed him. Go to the front, “You should know this, Sandy, Sandy Constance.”

“Which Constance?” The captain’s face changed, and his body stood up involuntarily.

“It’s the Constance you think.” Shen Yan pulled the tiger’s skin and dressed the flag, and Sandy smiled bitterly.

The captain of the team was awe-inspiring at this time. The contempt was swept away just now-there are too many stories left by the Constance people in this fortress. They have ruffians, bastards, cynics, and of course rookies … and they all died in battle!

“Sorry, two adults, I think the commander doesn’t know that there is a Constance coming to our legion. You will inform me later. And …” He remembered that these two adults seemed to be rookies, immediately Add a few more explanations.

“You know, although there are a lot of demons, they have never been disciplined. Before the main force of the demons arrive, there will be a large number of anxious demons rushing ahead of the fortress to take advantage. This is also when we take advantage of … The legion will send manpower to hunt.

If the two can join the pre-battle hunting team of the Rangers, I will be honored! “

Shen Yan and Sandy looked at each other, “Okay!”

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