Circle Warlock

v6 Chapter 245 - Northland

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

No Winter City, Blue Palace.

The infamous Lord Nasher, the most unsuccessful undercover clerk in the history, Alves, and the current City Guard leader Bivis, who was refused to carry, sat together to analyze the information sent from the north.

In the past, this kind of thing was decided by Erebes, but now Irribs is driven away, and the problem can only be solved by politicians, staff, and deputies.

Fortunately, they have some advantages. Wudong City and Lu Sikan have been fighting for many years. While they are very afraid of each other, they have also developed a lot of spies in each other’s city.

Therefore, as soon as Luskan dispatched his troops, Wudong City received the information transmitted by magic as soon as possible.

Lu Sikan counted 6,000 troops this time, and the second and fourth fleets on the sea were almost 4,000, almost equal to falling out of the city! The two armies moving forward by land and water will unearth Luskan’s war potential! In addition, Luskan also received an orc reinforcement of about 70,000 people (actually a reptile army). Although it is not fully equipped, it is a great threat to use as a cannon fodder.

The situation is grim!

It is estimated that the crossroads fortress can help Wudongcheng fight for a week at most-in order to let the crossroads fortify mines, this time the information was not disclosed to them.

“How long will it take for the reinforcements in Deep Water City?”

“It must be within a week! This is the promise made by the master of Kyleburn City to me! The number of soldiers of not less than 10,000 people, two full-fledged fleets, and a group of mages!” Said Alves. In time, he went to Deep Water City for a business trip, but when he came back, he discovered that Sister A had left and dumped him.

“Very well, it seems reassuring in this respect. What’s the reaction at the crossroads?”

“It seems to be steady, and the response is very cautious. The fortress has cleared the suspects in advance. Our agents who pretended to be businessmen were all expelled from the fortress, but the soldiers remained in the fortress. According to the news passed by the inside, they were Strongly stock arrows, pig iron and horses. “

“It’s not bad. With the command of His Excellency Arebes, we should be able to support it for a while. We can prepare more fully.” Bevis nodded again and again.

“You said … is it possible for them … to surrender to Luskan?” Nasher was still a politician.

Beavis frowned and said nothing. He did not want to believe this “possible” at all. Jarvis could only explain it with a scalp. “It should not be. First of all, the death of Lord Vanswick is actually Luskan. Should bear the main responsibility.

Secondly, before the evacuation of the detectives, the fortress had sent teams to hunt down Lucans’ scouts and brought back at least hundreds of heads. The two sides have forged an invincible hatred, even if … finally choose to give up, it is also a matter of sticking to it for a while! “

Nasher nodded slowly. “Vanswick’s death is the responsibility of Luskan”. This sounds very comfortable. That’s right.

“That’s good, now let’s talk about how to mobilize the citizens … If you can send all the troublemakers to the city walls, it would be better!” Nasher said angrily.

Um, Wudong City can save three or four thousand armed militias in a single attack. The crossroads can also be delayed for a week. The Deepwater City reinforcements must arrive within a week …

This wave stabilized.


Deepwater City.

“The Ambassador of Neverwinter has left, my dear, I need you to vote against it at the next meeting. Rest assured, I am not opposed to supporting Neverwinter, but I need to delay it for a few days …” Road.

The woman nodded indifferently, Wu Dongcheng in the eyes of the nobles of the Deepwater City, and the crossroads in the eyes of Wu Dongcheng’s power. “But it may be useless. We only have two votes in our hands, and the small interest is okay. This major event, Kelben Black Stick (Deepwater City Lord), will not make the voting result wrong.”

The male noble smiled, “Not necessarily this time.”

At this moment, in the depths of the main palace of the Deepwater City, the legendary female magician Ellas Zhuo was holding the hand of her sister Leila (the wife of Kelburn Black Staff) and said, “You want to be a Kelburn for life Madam, do yourself for five minutes? The answer is in your hands! “

“I want to be Mrs. Kelburn all my life …”

“No, you look at your hand again!”

In the afternoon, when the Deepwater City Council voted, Laila Silver hand unexpectedly voted against!

Three to three votes, the reinforcement agreement was suspended.

“Why? Leila.” After the meeting, Kyleburn asked his wife in annoyance, “why don’t you have any advice to me directly? Why use this method? You know that Wudong City is very important … … “

“Because in addition to my life as Mrs. Kelburn, I still want to be myself for five minutes! I am Laila Silvers!” Laila said loudly.

Kelben Black Stick was hit in the heart by this sentence all at once, and the fire and smoke disappeared, and it was replaced by a deep sense of guilt.

“Sorry, Leila, I … I ignored your feelings in the past. You are right, you are yourself, you should have your own judgment, you are not my vassal … I swear not.”

Go to his Neverwinter! Wife suddenly wants to be herself … I’m in a panic now!

To put it bluntly, he said that he had sent away the black-crowned lord of the stick, and Leila spread her palms-yes, “the answer is in your hands!”

She looked at the folded paper in her hand, which read “The secret of my sudden beauty” … I’m sorry, No Winter City.


Luskan’s main army.

Several peculiar figures either sat or stood, half of them dressed in red robes, and the former Luskan ambassador Tolio was among them. They are the commanders of these tens of thousands of troops … different from what we think is normal. These people are the agents of Lord Luscanta, they can make most decisions, but the general command is still the responsibility of the general.

How to say, it is equivalent to the army to take the headquarters.

“Dozens of investigators died again? It doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s all those reptiles! Hahaha, the more dead, the better! It just happens to deceive the fools of Wudongcheng.”

“It seems that the fortress at the crossroads is still a hard bone, so can they really follow the agreement and open the door for us to pass through? It seems that the credibility is not high?”

“It doesn’t matter, if you don’t want to let go, let the reptiles attack the city! Anyway, their queen said that all the wet land they hit was theirs.” After a few people finished speaking, they laughed at each other, looking at each other. The connotation is self-evident.

From the beginning to the end, their cooperation with the reptile empire was a lie, and there was no trust at all.

“What if the fortress at the crossroads really follows the agreement and opens the door to let the army pass?” Asked Tolio.

“Then use it? Of course it’s occupied!”

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