City: My Apprentice is a Boss

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Test

Wu Hai told his memories of that year. He was Han Feng’s disciple. This story is still the same.


A master who dispensed medicine at the counter also heard it and stopped what he was doing.

She shouted to the outside,

“Several distinguished guests, I was the apprentice who was ignorant and talked nonsense back then.

The master made eighty strokes! I still have scars on my hands! ”

“Who is your master?”

“Han Doctor!”

The herbalist respectfully responded to Ye Ling’s question, he had long seen that Ye Ling had a unique temperament, far from being a

Ordinary women must have great backgrounds.

They must not be offended, so be very careful when talking to her.

“This is the shop opened by Han Shenyi!?”

Ye Ling was very surprised.

Han Shenyi treated her grandfather. Although it was a short time, Ye Ling had also seen it before.

Han Shenyi looks good,

It’s just that she never imagined that in this Xilong City, which she was familiar with, there was still such a family of Korean doctors.

The store opened, I really did not expect it.

Ye Ling’s voice was a little louder, but there was no one on the first floor where there were many customers taking medicine.

Caused a little turbulence,

People who can come here to get medicine and see a doctor have long known that this is the place prescribed by Han Shenyi.

The only Chinese medicine shop,

This news has spread all over several nearby communities.

No surprise.

“Divine Doctor Han… is he there?”

Su Ming also did not expect that when he and Ye Ling came to look for traditional Chinese medicine, they would come to Han Feng after going down the mountain.

In the open Chinese medicine store.

“Unfortunately, the master has already washed his hands in a golden basin and cannot leave the mountain.”

Just now, the little apprentice who had grown up saying the wrong thing told Ye Ling again, and this has already been done.

It’s not a secret, it’s spread all over the place.

Ye Ling heard this, and felt a little disappointed. If she could meet Han Shenyi here,

The poison on Grandpa’s body must be saved!

“We’re not here to see a doctor or get medicine, we’re here to see if you have any

The top Chinese medicine we need. ”

Su Ming’s words made the medicine masters stunned, the one closest to Su Ming and Ye Ling’s position

After the herbalist finished grasping the recipe in progress in his hand,

Let the customers who are still queuing go to other medicine masters to line up, these customers are not

No one complained,

I left consciously. This kind of thing is very common here.

“Then I will come up with a question to test you, and anyone can answer it.”

The medicine dispenser, who had cleared the customers in front of him, asked Su Ming. This is also the rule of Xunming Pavilion.


If you want to come here to ask for medicine, you must pass this level!

“Let’s take the test.”

Su Ming only said two words.

The herbalist immediately took out a Chinese herbal medicine from the drawer and placed it on the counter in front of him.

Let Su Ming, Ye Ling, and Wu Hai watch at will,

“Say the name of this traditional Chinese medicine, its pharmacological effects, and also to take it blindly.

method. ”

Wu Hai saw the traditional Chinese medicine that the herbalist took out, but he didn’t even see the taste clearly.

The origin of Chinese medicine,

After thinking for a long time,

It only sounded its name, as for the rest,

I didn’t know anything.

“Brother Suming,”

Ye Ling didn’t know anything about pharmacology, so she had to call Su Ming, which is why she already knew that there was the best place in the whole West Longcheng.

of Chinese medicine,

The reason why I haven’t been here before, there are too many rules, it’s really hard!

“This substance is called Atractylodes Atractylodes, and Atractylodes Atractylodes has irreplaceable functions in strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, resolving phlegm and removing dampness.

role and efficacy. ”

“Zhang Yuanyuan, a famous doctor in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, thinks that there are nine functions: “One is warming, the other is removing dampness in the spleen and stomach, the third is eliminating heat in the stomach, the four are strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the four are eating and drinking, and the five are harmonizing the stomach and producing body fluids. Also, the limbs are drowsy and addicted to lying down, the eyes cannot be opened, the seven things are not thinking about eating and drinking, the eight things are quenching thirst, and the nine things are soothing the fetus. ”

“The method of taking is also very simple, 30 grams of Atractylodes, soaked in water instead of tea.

Su Ming answered all the questions of the medicine master very easily, and finally thought about it.

After a while, I added another sentence,

“For those with severe spleen and stomach deficiency, 30 grams of fried Atractylodes can be used, and 10 grams can be added.

Dried **** goes in. ”

“Quick, write down what this gentleman said!!”

A herbalist shouted, took out the pen and ink, and took advantage of Su Ming’s good memory.

Hurry up and record everything word for word,

Many of the pharmacology mentioned by Su Ming, even these medicine masters are not alone


The medicine dispenser who was in charge of testing Su Ming took out a wooden sign from the drawer and walked out very carefully.

Put it in Su Ming’s hands,

Seeing that Su Ming had stabilized, he let go of his heart.

“The three distinguished guests, please go directly to the second floor, someone will naturally take you

Go where you want to go. ”

Su Ming glanced at the medicine card in his hand and threw it away.

Ye Ling beside him,

All the medicine dispensers on the first floor were so frightened that they stopped what they were doing.

Was taken aback by Su Ming’s sudden behavior,

For fear of breaking the medicine card!

The palm-sized medicine brand is darker in color, with a medicine word engraved in the middle.

This was also carved by Su Ming when he was bored on the mountain.


Su Ming didn’t let Han Feng take Han Feng down the mountain?

The three walked up to the second floor,

“Mr. Su’s medical skills are really high, I admire him!”

Wu Hai cheekily followed behind Su Ming and Ye Ling, and went up to the second floor together.

Usually, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to go to the second floor.

So I was really itching to get to know the past, so I was cheeky.

Went with Su Ming.

Su Ming ignored Wu Hai’s flattery and walked up to the second floor, there was an older old Chinese medicine doctor.

Taking the medicine card from Ye Ling’s hand,

After identifying it carefully,

Just let Su Ming and Ye Ling follow him.

The second floor of Xunming Pavilion is the place where patients see a doctor. There are eight or nine large and small rooms. However,

This only takes up half of the space on the second floor of Xunming Pavilion.

The other half is used as a storage room specially used for storing medicinal materials in Xunming Pavilion.

Some of the top Chinese medicines in Xunming Pavilion,

It was placed in the innermost part of this storage room.

The old doctor opened two wooden and led Su Ming to the storage room of some common Chinese medicines.

Pressing his fingerprints again, he opened a door with a combination lock.

I just walked into this top-level traditional Chinese medicine room with an area of about 120 square meters.

in the storage room,

“There are so many good babies!”

Even Ye Ling, the daughter of the Ye family, saw some wooden cabinets in this 120-square-meter room.

When the Chinese herbal medicines are placed on the top,

I couldn’t help but be amazed!

Wu Hai was even more shocked and speechless. Su Ming carefully identified these top Chinese medicines.

The top-quality ginseng in glass jars is placed in a corner of the wall unnoticed.

On a wooden table, there are as many as twenty or thirty jars.

The top pearl powder is divided into two grades: every 2000000-300000 yuan and every 2000000000000000000 yuan.

The mutant double-headed turtle, Chinese medicine believes that the tortoise shell can be crushed into powder to treat some diseases, which is very precious.

There are too many,

It was a strange Chinese medicine that Ye Ling had never seen before, so he couldn’t name it at all.

“What’s the name of the two of you?”

The old doctor Liu Xingtang asked,

Wu Hai is a frequent visitor here and often comes to buy goods. Of course Liu Xingtang knows it.

“Su Ming”


The old Chinese doctor Liu Xingtang nodded and remembered it in his heart.

He is very clear about Wu Hai’s medical skills, it is impossible to pass the test of the medicine master on the first floor.

As for Su Ming, this young man doesn’t seem to be anything special. He is very ordinary.

It shouldn’t be him either.

Only Ye Ling, Liu Xingtang knew at a glance that she was a child of a big family, and her knowledge must be different.


She definitely passed the test!

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