City: My Little Prodigy

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

What Tie Zhu said was from the bottom of his heart, every word was sincere, without the slightest falsehood.

Shen Lang was also a little moved.

It is said that dogs are the most loyal animals.

It seems that there is no scientific basis.

“Okay, a gentleman can’t chase after a horse without a word!”

So he agreed.

The one who didn’t speak much the whole time was Wen Lan.

As for why she didn’t say a word after she got off the stage, it was because she admired the performance planned by Shen Lang so much.

For a long time, he couldn’t calm down.

Once in the lounge.

She just looked at Shen Lang silently, recalling her acting training a few days ago.

And when Shen Lang brought Tie Zhu back safe and sound.

Wen Lan felt that Shen Lang was super invincible!

“Uncle, I have to say that your command today is really great. Erha is such a difficult dog to train, you can make them so disciplined without any pressure…”

“Otherwise, as long as uncle is willing, will you come to work here in the future?”

“In this way, I can see the lovely and powerful uncle every day.”

Wen Lan said with joy in her heart.

Besides, my uncle is such a person who loves flowers and sees them bloom.


I really want to wait another ten years!

“The future will be discussed later, and I will consider it.”

“By the way, we are about the same time as the animal adoption center.”

“It’s time to take the Erhas back.”

Shen Lang glanced at the time and fed Tie Zhu the last piece of food in his little hand.

“Well, I see.”

“Then uncle, are you still tired, do you want to take a rest?”

When the food was almost finished, Shen Lang stood up and waved his hand, indicating that he was not tired:

“No need, let’s send Erhamen back to the garden first, and then let’s go to dinner.”

out of the lounge.

“Uncle, why did you all come out?”

“You’re stupid, it’s all over, don’t you need to send the Erha team back, do you think your family raised it?!”

“Oh, these two are really helpless, uncle… They really tried their best!”

Lin Jiayao was the first to see Shen Lang and them.

As soon as he opened his mouth to ask a question, Qin Baoer, who was beside him, was speechless.

Yan Jingjing, who was caught in the middle, raised her hand to support her forehead, and sighed.


I have been arguing about this for so long, and I have no desire to stop until now.

If something bigger happens someday, Shen Lang’s half of the sky will not be overturned by them?

“Alright, alright, keep your mouth shut?”

“No matter how noisy, you all stay here. I’ll take Jingjing and Lanlan out to eat, drink and have fun. Don’t cry and say I’m partial!”

After hearing what Shen Lang said.

Lin Jiayao and Qin Baoer trembled!

The two looked at each other and made eye contact.

“Qin Bao’er, I’ll let you go this time! Wait for a while to accompany my uncle to finish the meal, and I’ll settle the account with you later!”

“Cheng, of course, what is more important than eating with your uncle now?”

Then, something was said.

The end result, of course, is an agreement.

“Uncle, we are reconciled now, are you good?”

Qin Baoer stepped forward and put his arms around Shen Lang’s small hand, “Let’s go, let’s send the Erha team back first.”

Lin Jiayao, who said she was reconciled a second ago, was stunned.

She meant that it was right to temporarily stop the noise, but she didn’t agree with Qin Baoer’s move on!

Dissatisfied! She expressed dissatisfaction!

He hurriedly stepped forward to grab Shen Lang’s other hand and glared at Qin Baoer again.

In this way, one left and one right, the two of them became quieter.

Along the way, Wen Lan drove and quickly arrived at the destination.

The staff of the adoption center were already at the door, waiting for a long time.

Seeing Shen Lang and the Erha team getting out of the car, they came forward to meet them.

“We all watched the live online performance! We were all stunned. If we hadn’t been with these Erhas for a long time, we could have recognized them, or we would have thought they were acrobatic animal performers from somewhere!”

“Yeah, it’s too skinny. Even if you train a dog breed with excellent genes for three or five years, these difficult projects may not have such an effect! Don’t be too amazing!”

…The staff applauded one by one, thinking it was too incredible.

But what they were more curious about was, what method did Shen Lang use to train?

In fact, they only know one thing and don’t know the other.

They only knew that it was Lin Jiayao and the others who needed the Erha team, but they didn’t know that this perfect training was planned by Shen Lang.

It was because I couldn’t help but want to know about the big business opportunities of this day, and only found out after asking questions.

Shocked again!


Such a wonderful, such a sensational performance turned out to be an 8-year-old boy?

As far as they know, it is almost impossible to get rid of all the bad habits of these Erhas in just a few days, and it is almost impossible to train well.

Coupled with Tie Zhu’s disobedience and being the leader, the entire team is fragmented, and there is no positive motivation, and the staff can’t do anything about them.

I thought it might be Lin Jiayao’s group of people, where did they invite experts to come over for urgent training…

Who would have thought this show was arranged by Shen Lang?!

“Are you sure this isn’t a joke with us?!”

Lie to a three-year-old child!

Staff, look at me, I look at you, and said with a puff.

I was deeply suspicious and felt unbelievable.

They also thought that it was Lin Jiayao and the others who were unwilling to tell themselves about this training method.

“Don’t believe it? Then what did you say?”

“Didn’t you all watch the live broadcast? My uncle directed the whole performance. We were just assistants and logistics. Did you see other people on stage directing Erhamen’s performance?”

Seeing Shen Lang’s ability being questioned, Lin Jiayao was the first to be unwilling!

Her dearest uncle is not only cute and handsome, but also has great abilities. It is no exaggeration to say that she is a prodigy again.

But what’s going on with these people now?

Seeing is believing and I don’t want to believe it, I’m afraid there is something wrong with my brain!

It’s no wonder that the Erha team did not develop well in the zoo.

“Indeed…I didn’t see anyone else…”

“But it’s absolutely impossible for someone with no relevant training experience, let alone your uncle.”

Doubts still persist.

Shen Lang is not in a hurry either, after all, truly powerful people are not afraid of being questioned by others.

“Since you don’t believe it, let’s experience it here with your own eyes.”

When the words fell, he simply whistled.

The two men wagged their tails and bit the corners of the staff’s trousers, as if to play a game with them.

Then a whistle sounded, let go of his teeth, and Tie Zhu led Erha’s team into the house one after another.

Just these few simple actions, the collective staff of the adoption center were dumbfounded!

“God, your uncle must be amazing too!”

“I can’t believe what’s going on in front of me!”

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