City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 17: Price

I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and special thanks to Funki and Loise Taylor for their Pledge.
The next morning, I woke up a little late; after coming from the party, I did not sleep immediately and instead came to the establishment after Valentina dropped me off at my place and stayed awake till two and a half am before sleeping.
After showering and eating breakfast, I came back to the office, with Carla being there as usual, and the first thing I did was looked at the file.
The numbers were good for the first two days, and after doing quick math, I laid out the things I had to do, and there were many.
I had to finish them before going to the party at night.
I don’t think, in this whole week, there will be a night where I will be in the establishment. There were a lot of parties I had to attend.
“These have come for you,” said Carla, handing me the envelopes. I took them, and the first one immediately caught my eye.
It had a sigil of the house of silver, besides it a personal sigil of my uncle. It is coming from my uncle; he had finally called me; I knew he would after I sent the letter to Grandfather.
It is not the only letter from the family; there is another one and reading it, a mirthless smile appeared on my face.
Nothing comes for free in the family, especially with Grandfather. If you ask him for something, you must be prepared to pay for it.
What he asked is a little inconvenient, but I will have to do it, considering he has given me what I asked.
The other letters are invitations to the parties; unfortunately, I am going to attend then, other than the one that is today, as I am going away tomorrow. 
I hate to leave the establishment just a few days after it opened, but I have no choice.
After reading all the letters, I began to work, especially now that I will be gone for several days 
There are many things I have to do now than I am leaving tomorrow. As for when I would return, I do not know exactly, but it should be within five to ten days.
My uncle cannot spend all his time in the Renwell region.
Soon, two hours passed, and I have left my office for my room below, where I changed my clothes before walking down to the ground floor.
A few minutes later, I was in the carriage going to the meeting with my uncle.
Fifteen minutes later, my carriage turned to a familiar road; both sides had beautiful mansions; the sky borough. 
It is the most expensive residential area of Greltheaven, I rented my home here, and my uncle is also here.
A few minutes later, the carriage stopped in front of a huge blue-white mansion, which was no smaller than the Damon Hardt’s.
It is the mansion of the house of silver; every city the house of silver has influenced has these mansions. 
As the carriage stopped, I got out and walked toward the door, where two muscly men were standing guard.
As I appeared, they took a step to block the door for me, seeing that I couldn’t help but smile. 
They are personal guards of my uncle; I have seen them many times, and they, too, have seen me, but they still decided to block the way.
It seemed like my uncle didn’t like what I had done.
“Who are you?” asked the one with the bald head and heavy scimitar. “Jost, Dan, step aside; I have to meet my uncle,” I said to them with a smile.
“We do not know you; do you have any business with mister Raymond?” asked curly-haired Dan. 
“If you do not step away, I will return and write a letter to my Grandfather about what just happened; I am sure he would like to hear how you treated the member of the house,” I threatened, and immediately I saw the result.
They might be guards of my uncle, but it is a house that pays their salary.
They stepped aside, and I walked in; I had just taken steps inside when I saw a man in his forties coming toward me, there was a faint surprise on his face seeing me walking inside, but he quickly hid it.
He is tony, my uncle's assistant.
“Master Remus, I was coming to get you,” he said.
“No need; it is my home too; I come and leave whenever I want,” I replied. The smile on his stiffened for a moment before returning to normal.
If I wanted to, I could have stayed here since it belongs to the house and those who stay in the city usually occupy it, but I did not. 
I wanted my own space without any shackles.
Tony led me, and soon, we appeared in front of the door, where there were two more people standing guard.
“Sir Raymond, Master Remus has arrived,” said Tony, “Send him in,” said the voice from the room. Hearing that, tony opened the door.
I walked into what seemed to be an office, which was bigger than I have in the establishment and more opulent, which is understandable. 
The house had money to spend, but I did not.
In the office, a man who seemed to be in his early fifties sitting behind a huge desk. His thin and short frame looked even smaller with the desk.
“Uncle Raymond,” I greeted as I appeared in front of him. “Sit,” he said as he looked up from whatever he was reading. 
I took a seat in front of him.
He did not speak, and neither did I have; we just stared at each other. 
For a few seconds, there was no change in our expressions before irritation flashed in his eyes, and a moment later, I felt a sudden strong urge to speak up.
‘Bastard!’ I cursed him.
He had used his skill on me; it gave me a very strong urge to speak. I have experienced this skill before, my father had it, and honestly, his was stronger.
So, I had quite an experience in dealing with this skill, as my father was to use it a lot on me. 
I remained quite despite the strong urge and could see the irritation in his eyes flaring up, and there was not an irritation but also a spark of anger.
“You want a letter of recommendation from the house?” he asked, “Yes,” I replied without change in any expression.
“You want to be a legal adviser of the Merchant Guild. Do you have any experience in the law or even a class?” he asked, his voice getting louder with every second.
The position I want is the legal adviser of the merchant guild; there is a legal department in the guild, but legal advisers are special positions only for the merchant guild members.
It is unpaid, and most people did not have an interest in it, but it is the only position I could vie for. It will bring me a lot of benefits and will also help me in advancing my class.
It is not easy to get, as powerful merchants place their own people on it, which is why one needs serious backing to get it.
“You will make our house a laughingstock messing it up,” he said, nearly shouting, without giving even a chance to say the words.
‘This useless man!’ I cursed in my mouth; of all siblings of my father, this bastard is the most useless one.
He had got business as he came to age, while all his siblings grew their business and found more, this one burned it to ashes.
Not once, twice, but four times.
Now, it had become the errand boy for the Grandfather, going to places to represent him. That job he is doing quite well, and my father said he even gained a class related to that.
“I am sure Grandfather knows better; otherwise, he wouldn’t have given me his permission,” I said finally, making him glare at me in a fury.
I had a law certificate; I had gotten that from the imperial academy three months ago. My father was quite proud when he came to know. 
It is very hard to pass, especially without class, and in less than three years; it usually takes six years, and it is for those who attend regularly, while I did not.
He continued glaring at me for a couple of seconds before he closed his eyes; when he opened them again, they were a lot calmer than before.
“This is the letter of recommendation that father had asked me to give you,” he said and passed it to me. 
I took the paper in my hand, and it was what I wanted, certified by the messenger guild as authentic as my grandfather could not send a real copy in such a vast distance, within a day, without paying a very high price.
“Thank you, uncle,” I said and got up. 
“Be here by eight tomorrow; we will not wait for you if you are late,” he said as I stepped toward the door. 
“Don’t worry, uncle, I won't be late,” I said back without turning back.
I am going to Blain tomorrow; it is a Barony my brother got. It is wild; the new nobles would be the first people from the Empire to settle there.

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