City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 387: Silent

“If you don’t mind me asking. Why did you spend so much on the new headquarters, when our former place would have been more than enough?” asked Commissioner Julian as stepped inside the building.

We are walking toward the door of a five-story building with a large compound.

It is a square-shaped building painted in grey color. It used to be an office building, looking better than it is right, but the police headquarters didn’t need to look good. It needed to look like, it meant business.

It is why there is a big stone board with police headquarters carved on it.

“It is a symbol and perception commissioner. It is important for people to not only feel safe but also see the city as safe. The police headquarters will help a long way with that,” I replied.


The guards bowed as we entered inside, where people wearing grey and black uniforms, men, women, orcs, and half orcs.

I had hired orcs and half-orcs; they were not from the prisoners, but from new orcs that came to the city.

Still, with many people, it looked a little empty, which isn’t surprising. It is built to handle higher numbers than we have. If the city prospered; it won’t take long for it to feel crowded.

I checked every floor, till we reached the top floor, where his office was.

It has a good view; I could see everything coming and going through the gate. It reminded me of the establishment.

I was able to see the people coming and going. It is why, the windows of his office, have the enchantment that gives them a clear view of the ground.

“How is the job?” I asked as I sat down. “A lot more complex, than I had thought,” he replied. “There is a problem every day; the wars may stop, but crimes don’t,” he added, with a smile.

The job isn’t as easy as he had expected, much harder than his previous job in the army, but the man likes it and doing a great job.

“How are the people from Owlspring?” I asked, and his expression turned serious. “They are good. It would be great. If some of our people were able to gain those classes in a year,” he replied.

I had hired a few detectives and instructors from the Owlspring to teach the police work.

We had a few people with investigative classes, but those people left and they didn’t train anyone. The people from the Owlspring are expensive, but they are necessary, just like this headquarters.

The police are new; it is best time ingrain them with skills and professionalism and make it a culture. If I waited, and if they developed some bad habits. It would be hard to get rid of them.

I asked a few more questions and looked at the files.

Clean records are one of the things, I had demanded. It gives a clear idea of the state of crime in the city and the progress the police are making in dealing with them.

Currently, it is manageable, but we could do better. I want them to do better; that is why, I am spending so much money on it.

“Let’s go, check out the stations,” I said and walked out of the office.

A few minutes later, we were in the carriage. We didn’t talk much, busy in our thoughts.

I am worried about the merchant guild. I have taken a big risk; it had made many big merchants angry, some threatening to leave the city, but I needed to take the risk and I did.

Now, I hope, it will pay off. If it didn’t, it would be me and the city, that will pay the price.

I was in my thoughts when the carriage stopped and we got out, with a smile on my face.

In front of me is a tiny grey, single-floor rectangular building, with the police station written top of on it in big bold letters. It is small and only has a single room, with two desks and chairs.

In those chairs are sitting six people; two orcs, and four humans.

This is a community police station inspired by those in Japan. It is a small, and friendly police station. It will take small reports such as accidents, help the people with directions, and patrol the area among other things.

The office officers in it are specially chosen and trained for friendliness and calm nature, but they are also strong and capable of handling criminals.

Many of them are veterans of battles, while others are trained to fight and they also have to train every week. They also act as the reserve personnel, in case of a battle.

In the last battle, I didn’t use the police, nor did I plan to, but I needed them ready to fight, in case we needed them.

There are twenty-four of them across the city, with four central police stations above them. On the top is the headquarters, led by Commissioner Julian.

“Lord Silver, Commissioner,” they stood up and greeted. “At ease,” I said, and they relaxed.

I walked inside through its big doors, which cover 70% length of the building. It gives the feeling of openness.

The city guards didn’t have the best reputation. I want to change that with the police. It will bring more trust to the city by the citizens, merchants, and tourists that I want to attract.

“How is it? Do you all like your new place of work?” I asked them, suppressing the Lord's Presence and enhancing the Trustful Presence.

Still, the skill couldn’t ease all the nervousness on their faces.

“It is good. Different from what we are used to, my lord,” said a man who looked to be in his early fifties. He is Conner Davis; he is a city guard, with nearly four decades of experience, retiring, only after losing a leg.

He used to run a small business, but during the battle, he volunteered and fought well, even with the wooden leg.

He joined when we opened the recruitment for the police. Handing the business to his wife and children. Julian had offered him a bigger position, head of one of the central police stations, to be exact, but the man rejected it.

Saying he doesn’t want to take too much stress.

“It is different, but I hope, all of you will work hard to make it good,” I said. “We will, my lord,” he replied.

I talked to them for a few more minutes before visiting another small police station and then going to the central police station. By the time, I had reached the city hall; it was afternoon.

Ina had returned from the merchant guild and she had briefed me before my one pm appointment came.


It was six when I was free.

Though not for long, half an hour later, the door opened again and Stone walked in with Colonel Cardin and Colonel Azalea.

I promoted her after the second battle.

“Any news?” I asked. To which he shook his head. “No, everything is silent. There is no movement,” he replied, and I nodded.

“It is good news, but I am not feeling as happy as I should be,” I said. Feeling I shouldn’t get too relaxed.

It had been three weeks since the battle, and there was no movement from the undead. Aside from Gailhorn; they have lost all three battles.

I thought they would be sent horde again, not letting us recover, but they are silent.

“It is wise; letting our guard down against the undead is a sure way to become a part of them,” he replied and I smiled.

“Still, it would be great. If we know the reason for the delay,” I said.

“It might be due to the new offensive they are pushing at Mayhurst,” said Colonel Azalea. “It might be, it might be something else,” said Stone and sighed.

It is really hard to know without concrete intelligence. The merchant state didn’t inform us about it; they might not know it or they are not just telling us.

As for the new offensive push in Mayhurst; I don’t think so. There is always a new offensive push every few months, from the undead.

They won’t stop until they conquer the entire island.

I think, it is something else or it might be the offensive push. Seeing the sheer number of undead, those bastards use on the island. It is a massive tide of millions of undead, where Lv. 30+ necromancers are the pillars, instead of command.

I shudder whenever I think about those hordes.

A single horde of such size is capable of sweeping through the whole region unopposed and those bastards have many of them.

What they are attacking us is the weakest of their force, and I am glad. We are no match for even slightly strong.

“Still, keep your ears open for any news. Until then, we will keep recruiting more people and prepare. They will come at us again, stronger than before, and we need to be ready to deal with them,” I said, and the three of them nodded.

Fifteen minutes later, they left.

I stayed in my office for seven and a half, before leaving the city hall.

I had dinner with my siblings, before going to my office, where I had a meeting with Lola and Hardt.

They are leaving for the Gailhorn tomorrow night for the negotiation.

It is dangerous, but we are desperate for the money. The trade Gailhorn could provide that to us. We are not the only ones negotiating, the people from Mirador Hold and Nakar Baronies are also coming.

It was past ten when we were finished, and immediately, I went to my suite and slept. I need to wake up early for practice.

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