City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 393: Postpone


“Drink it,” said Amryn as she placed a steaming hot cup of tea in front of me. I looked at it before focusing on the designs; I have been working on.

“Stop, first drink the tea,” she insisted, placing her hand, on the design, I was working on.

I sighed seeing, her acting like a child.

“There is a lot of work needed to be done, Amryn. There are only two weeks before the opening,” I said. There is a lot of work; I never thought I would have so much work in my life.

I am responsible for the interior of the whole tower. Not just the legacy, but also every store, which is much harder than the legacy.

Here, over half of the store owners have brought their interior designer, and working with them is hell, but it is also fun. I like the challenge and the different perspective, no matter how much frustrating it is.

Though no one is as frustrating as the Ulaxasysis sisters. They are equal in authority; I can bully them into listening to me as I could the interior designers.

I am glad I had left the work of the headmistress’s domain after a month of working. I was regretting it, but it had been a wise decision.

“We are on time, I heard Lord Silver is postponing the deadline,” said Amryn, and I laid back on my chair.

“I really hope so,” I replied.

I had also heard whispers that Lord Silver was planning on postponing the opening of the tower by a few weeks. I don’t know the reason, but the extra three weeks will instantly relieve a lot of the load off me.

“I will not believe it until I hear it officially,” I said. “You might, at today's meeting,” said the half-elf.

“I hope so,” I replied.

I am confident that I will be able to finish the work on the schedule, but it would be great if I had more time. Seeing we haven’t even started shifting the plants yet, which could only happen, after the affirmation from Irgal.

Even the sisters, who are responsible for the plants couldn’t do anything about it.

I picked up the steaming cup and took a sip while inhaling the wonderful citric aroma of it. The tea is delicious; its flavor is light, but filling.

I gulped a lemony sip, which seemed to send a wave of relaxation through my body.

In the past few months, I have been waking up at dawn and sleeping at late night. I used to sleep for seven to eight hours, but in the past three months especially, I don’t think, I had slept for over five hours.

There is too much work. It is why, I slept here most of the time; the legacy gives the relaxation of eight hours of sleep in the five.

“This tea is really good. You should ask Madam Caena for more,” said Amryn. I glared at her but didn’t say anything.

The tea blend was a gift from Madam Caena. I had nearly finished it, which is quite regrettable as I really liked the tea.

I emptied the cup and focused back on my work. Fifteen minutes later, I was out of my office, or rather the tent, which I fixed on the sixteenth floor of the tower.

As I walked out, the different sounds immediately hit me. I had covered myself with isolation skills to focus on the work; it is hard to work under all the noise.

“Jorah,” I called the man responsible. The man was talking to the artisan working on the wall, but came as I called him.

He is a middle-aged man with a decade of experience, in the field.

“These are the new changes; I want them done today,” I said and handed the design to the man.

“It will be a challenge, Sharn,” he said, without looking away from the designs.

“I am sure, you and your people will be able to do it,” I said, and he turned to me. “It will be hard,” he said with a sigh, before turning back to the design.

Jorah and his people are capable. It is the reason I had chosen them, among hundreds of other agencies, that applied to work.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, something that they could be proud of all their lives.

They are also getting paid for every minute they are working.

If Lord Silver had wanted, he could have made them work free. Top interior agencies were ready to do that, but he is paying everyone fairly, including me.

He studied the design while I walked around the floor. Staying far from the white fluff devil, laid in the corner on its little bed.

When I looked at it; it glared at me hard.

I don’t know why; it didn’t like me. It lets many people pet it, but as soon as I try to touch it, it growls and scratches me with its sharp claws.

I was glad, that Amryn picked it up and took it away. This is no place for cats, but it didn’t like to leave its owner for too long; I still remember the mess it had made of the room, the first day, we kept it there.

I pushed the thoughts of the devil cat and focused on work.

The workers and artisans are doing the job with a complete focus. All of them are higher level. There is not a single person here, who is lower than Lv. 25.

Jorah is over Lv. 30.

I have known him since, my early days in the agency. He was one of the people nice to me and helped me learn the trade before branching on his own.

Unlike me, who had nearly closed my business before the Legacy saved me. He had done well.

I looked around and I talked to Jorah for a few minutes before going to the floor above. I checked the progress on each floor and talked to the supervisors, especially those behind the schedule.

Most of those behind the schedule are those working in the spaces that businesses had rented.

There, I need to work with the interior designer of those businesses.

It was the most tiring thing, but it was work and needed to be done.

By the time, I finished checking out all the things; there was less than half an hour to the meeting.

Seeing that, I walked out of the tower quickly, adjusting my coat. The snow is still falling, but it is light. which made me relieved. If it had been as heavy as the last night, it would have taken me a few minutes more to reach the city hall.

I didn’t want to be late to the meeting; I had been at the last meeting, and it was embarrassing seeing everyone had arrived on time, including Lord Silver.

“Sharn, going for a meeting?” asked Ed, “Yes,” I replied as I walked toward him.

“Come, we will go together,” he said, and I nodded.

His carriage was already in front of him, so quickly stepped inside and it moved toward the city hall.

“How is work?” he asked. “Stressful,” I replied, to that he laughed.

“I am glad, I moved out of that phase,” he said, and I wanted to glare at him, and I did.

For the four and a half months, he had felt the stress; I am feeling right now. He is relaxed now that he finished building the tower.

He still had a lot of work, but it was not as stressful as it had been. He had already finished with the most important job, which he had handed to me for the interior.

“When are you going to fill the water?” I asked after nearly a minute of silence. He is not responsible for it, the sisters are, but he is responsible for the tunnel, that will bring the water needed from the river.

“Three days later, but it might change, depending on how the meeting goes,” he replied.

“Is, Lord Silver really postponing?” I asked, with some hesitation.

If anyone knew that, then it would be him. He is friends with Valentina Elar and she knows everything.

He didn’t answer and looked outside of the window.

We need to be quite careful with the words, seeing the contract we had signed. It is strict, and the consequences are heavy. I had felt the power of the contract when small confidential information slipped through my mouth.

I was really glad; Miss Carla was near and helped me to deal with it and also explained it to Lord Silver.

I had thought the contract was excessively strict, but in these five months, I have made a few observations. One is most shocking; I am not completely sure about it, but if it is true, it will shock the whole continent and the world.

I didn’t dare to talk about it to anyone, to even hint at it. Including Miss Carla, who was safe from all secrets; I won’t receive the punishment if I utter the confidential information in front of her.

Though, I don’t plan to.

I don’t want to do something, that will compromise this amazing job. It had changed my whole life. My business had gone from being broke to having the jobs, that I had only dreamed about.

Since I started here, I haven’t accepted any job, but there have been hundreds of inquiries about my availability.

Enough that for a few years; finding work is the last thing, I will need to do. It is all thanks to a legacy for which I will be eternally grateful.

I looked outside the window and at the huge park. I couldn’t help, but feel envy for the sisters; they are amazing. In just a short six months, they were able to build such a big park.

“Those sisters are talented, but I wish, they weren’t so challenging to work with,” I complained.

“They said the same thing about you,” He replied, smiling.

“I am not challenging to work with, they are. You know, I need to argue with them for every little thing,” I said.

“I am not saying anything,” he said and looked out the window as the carriage passed over the beautiful bridge.

The next week is going to be challenging. They were bringing the plants inside and there had been a lot of arguments about their placements and there would be more when they actually came to the tower, which I am responsible for.

Minutes passed in silence before the carriage reached the city hall and moved through the gates, before stopping a few seconds later.


We got out and walked toward the city hall, with barely anyone looking at me with an odd gaze.

I still remember the first time; I had come to the city. I had to cover myself from head to toe; it was restrictive and slightly humiliating, but necessary given the political landscape of that time.

Now, less than a year later, an orc is no strange thing in the things. I could see, a couple of them going in and out of the city hall.

Soon, we reach the familiar conference room. The guards standing there opened the door, and we walked inside.

There are already people there, aside from Madman Caena and Headmistress Margaux, there are Mr. Hendriks and Miss Ulaxasys.

Madam Carla isn’t in the city, and Lady Blackwell is returning in a few days from Amberhold.

I nodded at Miss Ulaxasys and sat beside her. We have differences professionally, but personally, we are good.

I talked to her others before stopping and getting up as Lord Silver walked in with Miss Valentina.

“Lord Silver,” we greeted. He nodded and sat down with sitting after him.

“I am sure all of you have already heard the rumors. They are true. I have decided to postpone, the deadline by three weeks, after looking at all the factors,” he said, and I took a visible sigh of relief.

I am not the only one, Miss Ulaxasys also seemed quite relieved hearing it.

I could finish the job on time, but an extra three weeks will give me a chance to do it better.

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