City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 396: Seamstress


"It's done," said Miss Rolgath as she adjusted the vine with tiny red flowers covering it around the column.

It was the last plant to be planted in the tower; they had been doing that for twelve days. It was a complicated and complex job that required extreme care.

"Many of the plants are sensitive, Lord Silver; I hope, your patrons will keep their hands off them," cautioned Irgal.

He will stay for a week more before leaving, but not all of his people are leaving. Half of them are staying here to take care of the plants.

According to the agreement, I will provide space and emotion essence while the person in the hidden city will provide the persons, expertise, fertilizers, and other things.

They will also train some of our people. It is the only condition in which we had negotiated. I was pretty adamant about it.

"You do not have to be worried about it, Mage Irgal," I replied and looked around.

The plants have merged well with the interior, becoming one. Creating not just a visual feast, but also an olfactory one with their fragrance.

"I think we should see how it feels under the power of the legacy," I said, and the eyes of everyone lit up.

The power of legacy which had been at 5% of Grade 1 started to climb up.

The mist appeared and got denser, forming a cloud at the ceiling, while its effects began to affect us.

Soon, the effects reached 15%, 20%, and then 25% of the power. It was what I had been showing to the world before.

I had never needed to use the full power of the legacy, seeing I had charms, and they acted with precision.

Its effects were at 25%, but to others, it felt 100% because of the targeted approach.

I could see the change in the expressions of people. Some even had tears appearing in their eyes. Some looked completely lost in the sensory overload.

Finally, I stopped at 50% of Grade 1 and the effect is stronger than I thought.

The beauty and fragrance of the plants mixed with the power of the legacy had created an effect far more powerful than I had thought. It mesmerized me, who is resistant to such effects due to being the host of it.

It is only a 50% power of Grade 1, not full. I didn't even touch the power of Grade 2, which I felt, might make people lose their minds.

Even if I kept it at such power, it would get stronger over time as the power of the plants and legacy mixes.

'Should I change my plans?' I thought to myself, before putting those thoughts away.

"My god; it is stronger than I had thought!" said Miss Ulaxasys, gripping the chair to stabilize herself.

Some, like her sister, sat down, while Mage Irgal had taken out the floating blue scroll and started to write fast.

"You are a visionary, Lord Silver. You have created something incredible," praised Lady Blackwell as she got her emotions under control.

"It wouldn't have been possible, without your help, my lady," I replied, and the women smiled.

It took them a few seconds to get adjusted to it before all of them started to look around, while I was thinking of what could happen when I took the power to Grade II. The effects would be far stronger.

The difference between a Grade I and a Grade II is huge. It is not power, but quality that changes with the advancement of grade.

I turned to the man, who was still writing rapidly on his scroll. It seemed like I would have to talk to him; not him, but his boss.

They might be able to provide help with the questions I have.

An hour and a half later, I walked out of the tower. It is ready for the soft opening tomorrow.

People from the city, empire, and merchant state would be part of it. Tomorrow is also the day, the girls will move into the college, which will happen in the morning while the soft opening will be in the evening.


I walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower and immediately, other girl went inside. When I looked ahead, I saw a lot of girls waiting for their turn.

I had never seen such a crowd, especially this early.

The reason I woke up early was to avoid such a crowd. It is a habit I had developed in past brothels.

It was the only time in a brothel, where it was completely peaceful.

I looked at the widow, and it was still dark, with the sun barely starting to come out. Usually, barely anyone wakes up, but now it is akin to the rush before breakfast.

Today is special. Today, we are going to the college; the place where we will live and work.

I still remember the circle; I only got to live there for six days; five and a half, to be exact. My contract was brought, and three days before, the undead invaded the region and fucked everything up.

My room was in the underground because all the space above was occupied, but that room was bigger, and I only shared it with a person.

It was a beautiful room with a private bathroom.

The circle had everything. A library, a playroom, and classes, which I was never able to take in there. I had only filled out the forms and got the schedule for my classes, but could never attend them because of the undead.

In the past six months. I have been to the four cities, learning different things, before I returned here a week and a half ago. Since then, I have been living here, sharing the room with four other girls.


'Things are going to get better from today,' I thought and opened the door of my room, gently.

My roommate usually didn't wake up for one and a half hours more, but now, I am seeing two of them woke up. Preparing for the shower, while the third one, I had seen in the line for the showers.

"You should have woken me up!" said Coleen accusingly. "I did, several times, but you said, let you sleep and even cursed at me," I replied.

The human girl's cheeks reddened, hearing that.

Coleen is a late sleeper. Many times, she had to forgo the breakfast, because she hadn't woken early enough. The breakfast lasts only an hour, from eight to nine, before the training starts from nine and a half.

Since I returned to the city, the classes had been paused. It is only training now, with the actors.

We are doing that from morning nine and a half to nine and a half in the night. With only two bathroom breaks and two meal breaks.

I had only heard about it in the past six months and was quite excited about it, but now, I little dread it. Those actors are sharp critics, and so is Madam Onaz.

Every expression, every gesture, and every laugh needs to be perfect. We have been training for this for months and I thought I was good, but they have shown me, that I am not as good as I think, I am.

Thankfully, they are helping. I am making fewer mistakes, than I did, on the first day of the training.

Today, this training will shift from the rooms of the building to resplendent halls of the legacy.

I had seen the tower from a distance. It is grand; it is the biggest building in the entire city. I wanted to see it from closer, but unfortunately, I could not see it, just like I could not see the college.

Those restrictions are going to disappear today.

I changed into my best dress before looking in the mirror. My skin is soft, and my hair is smoother than it had ever been. The elves had the advantage of beauty, but this is beyond our natural gifts.

They have provided us with expensive beauty products that I could never afford, even after working a year, and dresses that I had only seen rich people wear.

Speaking of dresses, we will get to try the dresses in the establishment. The current dresses we have are good, but Madam Onaz said, the new dress we will wear in the establishment will make the ones we are wearing feel like rags.

It is not just dresses, but everything, every, shoes and other stuff; there is also the spa.

Unlike us, madams aren't restricted, and they share a few bits with us.

They had taken my measurement two months ago in Owlspring. They have measured every inch of me; they have measured things, which I thought weren't necessary.

The dietician I met a week ago said that my weight remained the same. The dresses made for me, won't need to be adjusted. Which he thought wasn't surprising; our diet needs to be changed drastically to affect our physique and even then, the change is slow.

It is much easier with humans and orcs.

I sat on my bed and picked up the embroidery, I had been working on. It is not a fancy hobby as other girls have chosen, but I love it.

I wanted to seamstress since I could remember. My grandmother was, but never got the chance. My fate had changed as such, that the first class I had got was not Seamstress but Prostitute.

I have a Seamstress Class now; I had gotten it five months ago and took it to Lv. 8 already.

An incredible speed, anywhere, but not here, it is not special.

The girls here level up at crazy speed; I have seen a couple of girls getting class and reaching Lv. 10, all within six months.

I have also been able to level-up my prostitute class twice, taking it to seventeen. Both level-ups were a great surprise to me, seeing I haven't fucked a single client since they brought my contract.

I have made a lot of decisions about many things in the past few months, but one thing, I wasn't able to decide.

The magic talent; I have it. I have been learning the theory, but don't know whether I want to peruse it.

I heard they had built a mage suite, bigger with better facilities. Many girls are excited to learn magic, even those older than me. Everyone wants to learn to cast a spell, seeing Madam Margaux doing it.

I can understand the appeal. Magic is a great elevator. Enough to wipe the make of a whore.

Seven women, including Madam Margaux, could use the spells.

Magic is great, but I want to keep myself focused on the Seamstress Class. Anything could happen; the circle was destroyed less than a week after I had arrived here.

The legacy could also be destroyed.

So, I want to keep my focus on the Seamstress Class. Learn as much as possible from the teachers. If I am able to take it to Lv. 15, then it will be enough to get hired by shops; it is high enough, that people will ignore my Prostitute Class.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the work I was doing.

I am trying to learn the new embroidery technique and it is hard, even with skills like Steady Hands and Mend Threads.


I was working on it when I heard my name called and looked up.

"What?" I asked Ulban, the orc girl. "It is time for breakfast," she replied. Immediately, my eyes went to the clock. It is past eight.

"Thank you," I said to her and put embroidery into my already packed bags before walking out of the room with her.

Soon, we reached the cafeteria and picked up the plates before taking the food and sitting at our usual table.

Two of our friends were already there, and we sat beside them.

All four of us are new. Yani and I came two days before the undead invasion, while Uban and Sanja were after. None of us worked in the establishment.

Though we will from the next week. All four of us have cleared our interview.

The interview struck me as the strangest of all. These people had brought contracts, but if we wanted to do the job, we would have to do an interview and what is even stranger, is that we worked hard to pass the interview.

The money is hard to resist. It is huge; I have seen the money, the old girls have, and it is eye-watering.

If I had such money, I would have started my own business already.

It is not just the money, but also the power. Forget Carla, the positions of Miss Ina, Miss Lola, Miss Andrea, and a few others were able to reach, were too hard to believe, and the story is that none except for Carla had slept with Silver.

Which I find hard to believe, but most old girls seemed to be sure of that.

"Today is the day," said Yani. "It is, and I am quite excited," said Ulban; she is the youngest; in her early twenties.

"Fantasies are more beautiful than reality. Things we heard might not be as good as they seemed," said Sanja, cynical as always.

"Shut up, Sanja." Said Ulban.

"I am just saying when people stay away from the thing. They tend to forget the bad things and remember only the good ones," she replied with a shrug, making Ulban even angry.

"You are a bitch, Sanja. I hope, you know that," cursed Yani angrily, before focusing on the breakfast.

Of course, we know there are problems. No place is perfect, but it is a thousand times better than where we had been before. Even this place we are staying is a hundred times better than any brothel I had been to.

So, even if the next place is only slightly better; I would be ecstatic.

Soon, we finished the dinner. On the way back, I picked up the newspaper from the stand as I always do.

Forty minutes later, I walked out of my room with Ulban with my bag in my hand.

I had already sent my other bag yesterday. They said it will be in my new room, waiting for me.

I hope nobody steals it; I don't want to lose my things. They are the best things I had and losing them would be heartbreaking.

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