City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 400: The Park

"The day is good," I said as I looked at the sky.

I was worried that it was going to be another cloudy day as it had been for the past three days, but it was not.

It is a sunny day, marking the end of winter.

It is a comfortably warm day, enough to sunbathe. Which is good. If it had been cloudy, the experience of the park wouldn't have been as good as it will now be.

"I am leaving everything to you, Robin," I said to the man beside me. "Go, I will handle everything here," he replied.

I nodded and walked toward the carriage.

Today is the day of opening. I want to focus on my legacy and hand everything to Robin.

The guests have already started coming in. The nobles of Nakar Baronies had come half an hour ago and more were coming every hour.

There are multiple welcoming parties with Carla and Robin, along with Heron welcoming the most important people.

Last night, I received the news of someone important coming.

They were going to send the representative, but changed his mind at the last moment, likely because of his mistress who will be in Greltheaven in two hours.

She is coming to the spa.

She had come to the spa last time, a week before the undead attacked. She was thoroughly impressed, she had told me that personally.

His appearance will bring a lot of confidence in the city.

Except for the nobles of Nakar Baronies and him, everybody is sending their representatives. Even the princes have sent their representative; I had met one last night, and I wanted to punch the man.


I pushed those throught aside and stepped into the carriage.

It got out of the city hall and moved toward the tower.

Today, the city is feeling more vibrant. There are more people on the street than usual. I have been informed of the high number of people entering the city.

They are from merchant states, but also from Deerpond and Inam. Even people from Gailhorn are coming and not the only ones I had sent the invitation to.

The relationship with the Gailhorn is good. Trade with them is increasing every month; even our merchants have started to trade with Navr. Though nearly all things they are buying, they are selling outside.

Mostly to the empire. The city and region are still not ready to accept the things coming from the undead kingdom.

Soon we reached near the park, and this area was most crowded.

The circular area by the canal had become the prime real estate. The prices had shot past what they had been in the peak and after the opening; they will increase further.

The girls have made a lot of real estate investment and it has already started giving them great returns.

I could see the crowd of people by the canals, waiting for the park to open, while many passing the time by shopping in beautiful shops by the canal and eating in the restaurant.

The opening will be in phases throughout the day.

The first one to open will be the park; it will open at one and half an hour later at ten. At twelve, the five floors will open, along with the spa, and at six, the brothel, the theatre, and Eva's store.

At nine, the top three floors will open; it is where the opening party is being held.

The carriage crossed the bridge and moved along the beautifully paved road. A few minutes later, it entered a huge garden surrounding the tower, before stopping in front of its doors.


I got out and admired the tower; it was even more beautiful than the vision. One look and anyone would want to enter inside.

There is also that faint fragrance that pulls one toward the tower.

This is no normal fragrance. It comes from plants that consume emotion essence as food. Those powers of emotion essence, mixed with fragrance from plants, create a deadly combination.

I have looked at it many times, but every time I look, I get mesmerized by it.

I pulled myself a few seconds later and walked inside. It was when the real thing hit me.

Outside, it is a faint fragrance, but inside it is a wave, that submerges you, the moment you step in it.

In this vast lobby, there are plants everywhere, but they do not feel crowded. Each of these plants is beautiful, so much, one would get enamored by them instantly.

Initially, I wanted to have the stores in the lobby, but I have decided against it.

Aside from plants, there is beautiful furniture, from sofas to tables to chairs. Its walls have beautiful paintings. There are statues and other art pieces.

All of them are loaned from different people and my house. I can't put cheap art in my legacy. Every piece is beautiful and complements the plants to increase the beauty of the lobby.

It is good, but it still pales in compared to the legacy where the emotion mist is everywhere and so are the effects of the charms.

With the plant, they create such a combination. Once they entered there, they didn't want to leave. It enthralls them.

Providing them with such experience, that they had never got in their life.

Here the plants are being supplied the emotion essence through the network vine

In front of me, there is a long white stone desk attached to the wall.

Behind it are three girls.

Two are teens, while in the middle woman in her early thirties.

That is Lorle; she had left the brothel and wanted to serve her contract in a different capacity. In the past six months, I had sent her to the hotels to learn. She had come back, learning a lot.

"Master Silver," she greeted. I nodded and walked toward the elevator before entering the room.

The elevator moved, and it was fast, but not enough. One could see what was on the floors, they were passing by.

We had intentionally selected this speed for the elevator. We could have made move faster, but this is the best speed to serve our purpose.


The elevator stopped at the top floor, and I stepped out into the velvet blue.

I had changed it from Velvet Restaurant. It now covers three floors. One could enter the first, with reservation, but to enter the second floor, one would need to be on the Madam's list, and for the floor, they would need to be on my list.

We haven't even opened yet, but the reservation list had become months long. We only opened the reservation yesterday.

It is not special to the establishment, but all the legacies.

There are a few in the world, and everyone wants to get into them. Even the people with good money need to wait for years to get reservations in legacies.

I hope, that when it opens tonight, it will make a splash big enough, that reservation list will stretch for years.

I took a deep breath, controlling my emotions. This place is enthralling; even I, who is resistant to the effects, am getting enthralled by it. It is at 50% of Grade I; Grade II gives a feeling of being in heaven.

I looked at the preparations before walking toward my office.


When I entered. Caena was waiting in my office.

The new office is big, with a large desk and an even larger widow. Which gives me the whole view of the northern side of the city.

The tower is the tallest building in the entire city. From the roof, I could see the whole city; it was amazing.

"How are the preparations?" I asked. "Everything is moving according to the plans," she replied.

"I heard, there was a problem in the kitchen?" I asked. "It's been fixed," she replied.

I trust her enough to believe her words, but I will be looking forward to the report on the incident. I want everything cataloged, every little incident.

A few minutes later, she left, and I read the reports in front of me.

'Master Silver, Miss Eva, and Miss Cain want to see you,' said Jill.

They didn't have an appointment, but I had been expecting them. I thought they would come sooner. The moment, they found out.


'Send them in,' I said.

A few seconds later, two women came in. Miss Cain's expressions are normal, but Eva is visibly irritated and angry.

"Lord Silver," they greeted.

"Eva, Miss, please take a seat," I offered. "Thank you, my lord," they replied.

"What can I do for you, ladies?" I asked as they sat.

"The timing, my lord. We had been informed, that the sixteenth floor, will open at six, in the evening instead of twelve in the afternoon," said Eva, in clear irritation.

"Ah, yes. There had been a slight change in the plans," I replied, without a hint of apology, which seemed to irritate her further.

"May I know, why, My Lord?" she asked. With a smile on her face, all the anger and hesitation there had disappeared.

She is a businesswoman with decades of experience.

I saw anger and irritation because she wanted it to see me and now that I saw it, hid it in her heart.

"I felt the six would be a better time to open than twelve," I replied, not really answering the question.

Which irritated Miss Cain, but the woman was as well as Eva at controlling her emotions.

"Please reconsider it, My Lord. Twelve would be a great time for opening. There are important people coming for the spa,"

"It would help, the store's reputation. If we got the patrons like them," she said.

"You do not have to worry about that Eva. Six is better timing, believe me," I replied. She faintly opened her mouth to press, but closed it after seeing me expressions.

I have made my decision, and I am not going to change it.

"Thank you for your time, my lord," she said and bowed before walking out of my office.

They might be angry, but in a few hours, they will be overjoyed.


Soon, an hour passed, and I walked out of my office and took the stairs to the roof.

Carla and Caena were already there. I nodded at them, before turning to the city.

From this place, I could look at the entire city and the river. Even the dots on it, which are the ship.

The city is smaller than almost any city, I have even been in this world, but it has great potential. It is my duty to grow it to that.

Minutes passed and soon, there was only one minute to ten, when Caena twirled her finger and immediately, the things from far began to get closer.

Now, I could see the canal, the bridges, and thousands of people, waiting for the garden to open.

If I concentrated, I could even see their faces and excitement in their eyes as they looked at the garden that was a few steps away from them.

They are not just people from the city, but also from outside; they all come for the grand opening of the legacy.

They are going to bring a lot of income to the city.


Seconds passed and at exactly ten, I raised my hand up. The power moved around me, and a deep, sonorous sound rang out.

It spread through the whole city. The guards also listened and finally moved away, opening the way for the people.

Immediately, thousands of them rushed toward the three bridges across the park.

There are four bridges, but one is only for the college.

"They might crush each other if they move like that," said Carla worriedly. "They won't. The guards have crowd control skills," I replied.

The rush surprised me, but I had prepared for it.

They are rushing, but there won't be a stampede. I am looking at guards and they are doing a good job of managing the crowd.

The crowd entered the parks and moved in different directions.

Half of them walked toward the tower, while many went toward the boats. Some just found the spot and took out the blanket from the basket and the day down by the lake.

The idea was of the garden, but it had turned into the park, before becoming even bigger.

Now, the whole park covers two hundred and fifty-three acres of land. It had everything, gardens, lakes, hills, gazebos, and paved trails.

There are also cute shops selling snacks and souvenirs.

"It didn't take even a minute, for all the boats to get into the water," said Caena.

The people brought tickets so fast. That they got sold out, within seconds.

There are a limited number of boats, for them to have a memorable experience. So, even if all boats entered the canal, like right now. It won't feel crowded.

"Those poor children; I wish, they could come in the park," said Carla, looking at me. She wanted access open to the children too, but I am opposed to it.

The entry is fourteen plus.

Though, the canal is accessible to people of all ages, including children.

I would have liked to give them access to the park and tower, but I know, the business I am running. It might seem hypocritical, but I want to shield them.

It is not the final decision. I might reduce the age by a year or two, but it won't be lower than twelve.

The rush continued for minutes. The people spread into every corner of it, that the massive garden begins to feel small. It made me happy, to see it is not overkill for a small city.

We watched for half an hour, before walking out of the roof.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done. The park's opening was the easiest; the others won't be as smooth as this one.

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