City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 414: Resign


The door opened and a handsome man walked in with an older woman behind him.

I wanted to meet them in the conference room with others, but something had come up. They are busy dealing with it, while I deal with these people.

“Lord Silver,” said the handsome man in his thirties. “Lord Salazar,” I replied.

He is Artur Salazar, son of Helen Salazar.

He seemed a little displeased. Likely because I didn’t stand up in respect.

Why should I? He isn’t Lord of Owlspring.

“Thank you for meeting us. I am sure you are extremely busy,” he said, with a faint hint of sarcasm.

The expression on the woman behind him had changed a little and a moment later on, Salazar’s. A faint irritation appeared in his eyes for a moment before he controlled his emotions.

“I am, but there is always a time for you, Lord Salazar,” I replied, which pleased him a little.

“I will get directly to the point, Lord Silver. We want the emotion essence and are willing to pay a fair price for it,” he said, and I smiled.

“Of course. How much do you want?” I asked him.

It surprised him a little. They hadn’t expected me to be so direct about it.

Getting to the point directly is always great. Weaving flowery words to pass the time before getting on to the point is simply a waste of time.

“Five hundred at least, but we would be pleased. If you were able to give us more,”

“We will pay you handsomely for them, of course,” he said, and there was not the slightest change in my face. The smile remained hanging in there.

Though my eyes turned serious.

“I don’t think, I have that many, Lord Salazar,” I replied, and the man laughed.

“Come on, Silver, we know you have it,” he said, in a tone louder than what was polite.

“According to our calculations, your legacy would produce thousand to thousand five-hundred bottles each month,” he added a moment later.

“You are correct, Lord Salazar, but I have already promised a large number of them to merchants states,”

“There are also imperials that I will meet tomorrow,” I replied, in the same tone as I spoke before.

“You are giving essences to the bloody merchants, who are our enemies, rather than your countrymen. I didn’t think, you were a traitor, Silver!” he said, nearly shouting at the end.

He leveled such a grave accusation, so casually. Alarming the woman behind him.

I wanted to laugh, hearing this. I mean, the sheer entitlement this man has, it’s really something.

Even Lancel was smarter than this bastard. He was intelligent enough not to use such heavy words in the conversation. Especially against the people from whom he wants things.

“Lord Artur didn’t mean to accuse you, Lord Silver,” clarified the old woman.

Even he didn’t apologize for the insult. Yes, that was an insult.

If I didn’t need Namdar. I would have kicked him out of my office and banned him from the city for it.

Unfortunately, I cannot do that. So, I drank my anger and only showed the displeasure on my face.

“Lord Salazar, the merchant states for you are calling me a traitor for is the reason this city is standing right now,”

“They have provided the intelligence, weapons, and aid. We desperately needed it. Which we asked Namdar for, but didn’t get any,”

“Most importantly. They are the reason why, the man in Ashton Harbor is staying there.”

“If he hadn’t, the entire region would have been in control of the undead right now!” I replied without raising my voice.

Yes. I had asked for aid, but didn’t receive a single penny. Nor did I receive any intelligence or a single weapon to fight against the undead.

They might have their own reasons for not providing my little city any help, and I did not begrudge them for it, but I won’t stay silent when they disrespect me and the people who helped me.

Merchant states are no saints. They are squeezing me for everything, I have, but their part in the survival of the city is also undeniable.

Namdar is a powerful city but unlike merchant states or even Inam.

They can not do anything directly. It would be fine if I didn’t give them a single bottle of essence.

They could create some trouble, but I can deal with the help of merchant states. As I said, influence and besides, they wouldn’t do that.

Artur Salazar may be an idiot, but his mother isn’t. She wouldn’t do anything to the opportunity that could provide her with the resources, she wants.

As for my family. She wouldn’t touch them. House of Silver is rich, and it provides massive taxes to the city.

If she harms the family because of me. Then it would spook the other houses, and they might start to find other places for their wealth.

I also want things from Namdar. It is the reason why the man is sitting in front of me.

I am meeting him before the imperials because I also need things. It is not resources, some, but it is something more.

Something, that will help me create a firm foundation for my city.

The merchants wouldn’t provide that, but the empire and the Namdar could.

The man was angry, but a few seconds later, he got his emotions under control.

“It seemed like, I misspoke a little,” he said, but didn’t apologize, nor did he lessen the power of his skills on me.

“I am willing to provide for the city of Namdar. Seventy-five bottles of emotions essence a month, but I will need a few things in return,”

“Most importantly, I need agreements. Don’t worry, they are minor agreements. They will help Namdar elevate some of their worries,” I replied.

I could see the anger in his eyes flaring again hearing my words.

The idiot didn’t seem to have heard anything besides the number.

I couldn’t help but sigh internally seeing that. I hate idiots; it would have been great if one of his sisters had come. I heard quite a lot of good things about them.

“Lord Silver, seventy is too low,” said the woman behind him, and I smiled.

“How is it low, Mage Alard? I am offering you around a third of what Gale’s Bar provides you,” I said, and a faint surprise appeared on the woman’s face.

My legacy is special. It is big. It harvests a lot of emotions.

It has sixteen floors, which is comparable to five Grade II, Tavern Class Legacies.

They could harvest anywhere between one hundred to a thousand bottles of Grade II emotion essence.

My legacy had advanced past that. It is now securely, a Theatre Class legacy.

The Gale’s Bar, one of three legacies they have, could only produce two to three hundred bottles of Grade II essences. It is quite easy to guess by its size and the number of people who go there.

“How about two hundred, my lord?” asked the woman, and I shook my head.

“Hundred. It is as far as I am willing to go,” I said firmly.

I will not budge beyond I might have gone a little hundred and twenty-five, but now I will not. The bastard had spoiled their chances of that.

The offer had made him angry, and he opened his mouth but stopped as the woman gently placed her hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

“It is less than Lady of Storm had expected, but we will take it,” said the woman.

She had called the name, and I am scared of it, but I am not going to give them any more than that.

“What about plants?” Salazar asked.

“There isn’t much left of the plants, my lord. Half of it is going to Nova Alyra. The merchants want the other half, and I have promised a large percentage of it to them already,”

“Still, if some remained. You will have to get that from my men when you negotiate,” I said, which spoiled his mood further and made him angrier.

He intensified the power of his skills, and they were powerful, but still weak, compared to what I had experienced throughout the day.

It is why, I am maintaining my expressions, without any strain on my face.

“How much money do you want for the essences?” he asked after a few seconds of silence.

‘Is he really an idiot?’ I asked myself.

“I have need of a few things, but they are optional. I could get them from merchants; I am more interested in agreements,” I said slowly.

The man laughed, but the woman’s expression turned serious.

“What sort of agreements?” he asked.

“Nothing serious. Just an investment, migrations, and a few other types. You will get the clear details, during the negotiations with my men,” I replied.

They will pay for the essences. The agreements will be the cherry on top.

They will have to sign agreements, or they won’t get the essence.

If they go big enough, I might even increase the amount of essence, but they will need to go with the agreements.

“I don’t think, it would be a problem,” said the woman after seconds of silence.

“I will send you all the requisite documents for negotiations in a few hours and we will start negotiating a few days after,” I said, and the woman nodded.

“Thank you for your time, Lord Silver,” she said.

“Have a nice evening, Mage Alard, Lord Artur,” I said to them as they left.

The man didn’t even shake my hand.

A minute after they had left, I left my office. I have dinner with the family, and I hope, it wouldn’t be as stressful.

I had enough stress for one day.

Soon, I stepped out of the carriage and went directly to the suite. I want to shower first; I don’t know how many times I was blanched with sweat during the day.

While the skill had cleaned me up, I still wanted to shower. No magic could make me feel fresh, as the water could.

I stayed in the shower for only ten minutes. I would have more, but I am late for the dinner.

Everybody had already arrived. It wouldn’t look good. If I didn’t go, there too late.

I stepped out of the shower, and changed, before walking out of the suite.

When I entered the parlor, there were people gathered there. Everyone had already arrived.

Thankfully, there was Carla to handle things.

“Everyone, I am sorry for coming late,” I apologized as I entered.

Everyone is here, Gerald and Selina. There is also Granduncle Everette and his wife Marta. My sister Leila and bastard Cousin Rowen.

I had also invited Graham. He is a distant relative, but I like the man.

“It’s fine. We all know, you are busy,” said Selina. I smiled and sat down beside Carla.

“So, what are we all talking about?” I asked.

“Rehna region, we are discussing how long, Prince Declan will be able to hold it,” replied Granduncle Everette.

Renha is the southernmost region of the empire. Currently being held by Prince Deccan and his ally Dutchess Sarin.

“I don’t think, he even has a month. Both the Kingdom of Yressor and the Kingdom Geim, are moving lightning fast. Unless Princess Orlena acts, the region is good as gone,” I said, and a faint surprise appeared in his eyes.

“Leila said the same a minute ago,” said Gerald, and I smiled.

There is nothing noteworthy about the conclusion. It is simple when one looks at all the information.

The conversation lasted half an hour before we moved to the dinner table.

The nanny brought the children, and we started to eat. Keeping the conversation light.

“The spa was a really great, idea, Remus. It made me feel alive all over; even Everett had enjoyed it,” said grand auntie Marta, while the old man's cheeks reddened.

“I did not. I had only gone there because you had forced me,” he said, glaring at his wife.

Making everyone laugh.

“Remus, I have a young lady, that I want to bring to the spa with me. Would you mind giving me an extra pass?” asked Rowen, always one to spoil the mood.

“Has the family found someone for him?” I asked, and they shook their head.

“We had tried to set him up, but he rejected her,” said Selina. “I wouldn’t have. If she could talk more than replaying to my words,” Rowen said angrily.

“I had told you, she is a silent type,” replied Selina. He didn’t reply to her and turned to me.

“Will you give one to me?” He asked, turning to me.

“I had already given you two passes, Rowen. I am not going to give you, more. If you want more, make an appointment like everyone else,” I replied.

It made everyone laugh. Though they tried to hide it.

I wanted to give the bastard only one pass, but gave two like everyone else. It was a mistake.

“It is only a pass, Remus. It is not a big thing for you,” he said.

I stopped and turned to him.

“It is not, but I am not going to give it to you, Rowen,” I said directly.

He turned red but didn’t open his mouth, seeing no support. Granduncle is even glaring at him.

There was a silence for a minute before the conversation returned.

No family dinner completes without some drama. No matter how distasteful it is.

Soon, the dinner is over.

“Remus, Leila. Come, there is some family business to discuss,” he said, and we walked toward my office.

I took Carla with me; she was a little hesitant but came. They looked, but no one said anything to her presence.

Rowen followed but stopped at the glare of the Granduncle.

Soon, everyone except for children, Rowen and Graham, entered my office, and the doors closed.

We were all seated, with Granduncle sitting.

“Leila, Remus; the head wants both of you to resign from your house council seats,” said the old man.

Everyone looked at us, with grave faces. There is always drama when things like this happen.

It had happened when Grandfather asked Granduncle Roger to resign from his seat, to make space for Leila.

He had lost his shit. I heard, there was quite a scene.

Though there was not a hint of anger on my face. Instead, there was a smile.

“It came later than I had thought,” I said. “I had expected it to happen three to four months ago,” added Leila.

There was a big sigh of relief and also surprise on their face.

It’s not that hard to guess.

Leila and me both are lords, and our decisions have consequences. It is the same as House; being too close to them will have an effect on us.

It is only right to have distance. It will protect both of us.

“Both of you represent the future of the house of Silver. If something happened to us. We want your branches to survive and thrive.”

“You both represent a great future and being separate from the house, will give a great freedom to reach your potential,” added Gerald.

“I understand,” said Leila. “It’s a wise decision,” I agreed.

I have no hard feelings. I was already on the way to do that. Seeing how, I had kept the family separate from the legacy, during the opening this time.

“Leila, give us a few minutes to talk to your brother,” said the old man.

She nodded and walked away.

“Remus, the house would like some emotion essence,” said Gerald with a faint hesitation.

“How much?” asked. “Fifty,” he replied.

“It won’t be a problem,” I said. I could see the relief on their faces. I am relieved too.

I thought they would ask for a hundred and was willing to give it to them.

“You have received an invitation to conclave, right?” asked the old man, and I nodded.

“We would like, to have two slots in your delegation.” He spoke.

“The slots are yours,” I replied.

“Thank you, Remus. Your help means a lot to the family,” said Gerald.

“There is no need to thank me. We are a family,”

I had not said these words lightly. They are my family and they have played a huge part in my success.

If I had not been a member of a house of silver. I wouldn’t have been able to do the business safely, nor would I have got the job in the guild.

There were also many little helps they had provided. That helped me reach the height, I am today.

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