City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 422: Encircled


 "Why waste time? He is going to reject it," said Xander and I smiled.

"Because we are civilized people. We don't want to fight when the job could be done with the words," I replied.

I rode my skeleton horse ahead. The horde parted, for me, till I reached in front of it.

It is dangerous in the front; they could try to snipe at me. A few did in my past battles, but they wouldn't succeed like those before they didn't.

It may not look like it, but there are invisible shields all around me.

The enemy is a mile away, with the men, less than ten times mine. They become clear as I cast the Far Eyes.

I could see the defiance in the eyes of some, especially the leader, but most were scared.

It is a natural reaction, seeing there is a difference of over ten times, between the two armies.

This is the highest difference in the number of battles, I had ever fought.

The greatest difference I had was over six times, which I had won. I had won all the battles that had our numbers over five times.

It is not hard. I don't know why idiots leading the battles before me did not win. I am just talking about the Greltheaven, but other cities as well.

I shook those thoughts away and looked ahead at the enemy.

"Lord Silver, surrender, and you will be spared. Resist and there will be consequences," I said.

I didn't offer to spare anyone. Why would? We are going to win this battle and I had done this courtesy because he is the host of legacy.

The higher-ups had placed great importance on him. Saying he could take the legacy to Grade III in a decade.

Some are even saying it could happen in five years.


Came a reply to a moment later. It was curt.

It irked me and made me angry. He could have used a few more words and a better tone to reply.

I will make him pay for this disrespect.

I heard he likes his whores; I will turn them undead. Especially his mistress.

It will fit with what higher-ups want. They want to punish him for the resistance. No one should resist Vris'alud; they should bow and accept their fate.

Because if they did not, we would make them suffer a fate worse than death.

"It is war then," I said, and my staff blazed.


I commanded, and the horde of half a million undead moved forward toward the enemy.


A vast roar came from the energy, and a tiny army charged toward us.

Seeing that, a smile couldn't help, but appear on my face. The horde would swallow it and it wouldn't take long.

The battle would be over, while still the sun shining in the sky.

"They have made good preparations," said Wayne, looking ahead.

"The mines. The bastards had spread them everywhere," said Xander.

I couldn't help, but nod. There are a lot of mines; more powerful than those of last time.

If we want to avoid them, we will need to move the horde through the narrow strip, through which the energy charging toward us.

Why would I do that? The undead will sweep through them. We will lose some undead, but that's fine.

"Activate Anti-mine measures," I ordered and cast Yiran's Dampening.

I felt the skills and spells next moment, sweeping toward the mines. They will weaken the explosion, and some won't explode at all.

Boom Boom Boom

Suddenly, the booming sound rang out. The cannons released the cannonballs.

"Their numbers are five times more than the last time," stated Wayne.

"Fucking merchants!" cursed Xander in response. The merchants had provided the weapons here as they did to the imperials to fight against us in the sea.

The battle at the sea had really been terrible.

The imperials were prepared. They not only had the weapons but also the powerhouses. There were a lot of mages on ships, that dealt with our attacks.

"Shields on," I ordered. "Use them economically," I added a moment later.

I know, I will win the battle, but I don't want to take the risks. They need to have mana to deal with energy and also the mischief of merchants.

I do not care little army coming toward me. I will crush it without a doubt.

What I am worried about is the bastard merchants. They scare me and here they might do something, seeing the Greltheaven control the major trade route.

Bang Bang Bang!

The cannonballs landed on the shields and a small surprise appeared on my face, seeing their power.

I thought they would start with common ones before moving to powerful ones. In the last two battles, they barely had any, but this time, they had started with it.

I tried to look at the weapons again, but they were hiding them with the skills and spells

"The enemy is really terrified. They are using powerful ammunition from the start," said Xander.

"It didn't matter. Our mages could defend against it," I replied. "They will need to be stronger than this, to strain our mages," he said, and I smiled.

Soon, we reached the field of mine. There are thousands of them.

I could use either spell to sweep through the undead. The undead are much cheaper.

"Spread!" I ordered, and the horde began to spread like a tide. Without care of the minefield, which covers a large area.

Bang Bang Bang!

The mine began to explode as the undead moved through them, while cannonballs rained on them from above.

A few of those cannonballs are hitting our forces. They didn't harm any people, only the undead.

I had expected the spells to come too. They had in the past two times, but not a single offensive spell had come toward us.

'The giant blood is smart,' I thought.

Soon, less than half a mile remained between us, and I could see and feel the army skills activated.

They are less effective here since 99% of our forces are made of the undead.

Still, every bit helps.

Finally, there are only four hundred meters remaining, between us.

"Envelope," I commanded.

Immediately, the order followed, and my forces moved to envelop the little army.

Yes, enveloping it fully; I would encircle it fully, before massacring it. There will be no escape, everybody will die with only a few exceptions.

They had brought on themselves. They have created a narrow way with mines everywhere.

The best option for them would have been to fight from the wall, which is considered a bad option against the undead. It would have delayed their defeat by a few hours.

What did they expect when coming at us like this? They should have known we would do this. I will do this; I am quite good at it.

I had even brought a few things with me. That had not been used in this region before by us. They will make help me end the battle quickly.

"Do you think, they will surrender in an hour?" asked Xander.

"Unlikely," I replied.

"I think, they will. I mean, look at their faces," said Xander.

They were scared, but not a single one tried to run away, like I had seen in many battles. The elder blood had trained them well.

"Xander, Wayne with me. We are going to finish off the elder flood first," I said to the two men beside me.

Usually, I fight alone, but in this battle, I will have Wayne and Xander with me. You can not underestimate the elder bloods and seeing, that I had never fought one, I rather not take a risk.

Wayne might have had a humiliating defeat, but he is powerful.

Strongest beside me in the army, who also had experience with the elder blood. I would be an idiot, not to use him, despite the distaste I feel for him.

"They are enveloping," said Major Kruabur, seeing the horde bending toward us from the edges. Forming a semicircle, which turned into a circle

Methum is doing what he does when he has a massive edge in numbers.

It is not a unique strategy among the undead. They are known to use it, with murderous efficiency.

They have slaughtered whole armies with this strategy. We want them to use it on us because, like them, we too have a plan.

It was extremely risky, but we did not have any other choice.

We could have fought from the wall, but that would have resulted in the victory of the undead. Here, we have at least some chance of victory.

They are moving, and at every step, the circle becomes more and more complete.

They are not caring about the mines, that are blasting undead or cannonballs coming from above.

They only want to surround us.


Ordered Stone and the army followed immediately. I felt relieved because it was important that the army stopped at this spot.

The army had followed the command, they were trained to do so despite the emotions they were feeling.

"Circle thorn formation,"

The second command came, and people moved, including me. T

The undead had their plan while we had ours.

The circle thorn formation put our most powerful forward as the thorns.

The complete circle will bear the pressure, but the thorns will be bearing the most.

I am not the thorn, but I am in the front.

This formation will be able to help us last longer as we will be able to change places, with those behind. Though, it is not the reason, we had chosen to use it.

Encircling is a great strategy, but it has its flaws, like the circle thorn formation we are using.

The undead enveloped us from all directions. Everywhere I looked, I saw the undead, coming toward us through the blasting mines.

Finally, they stopped when there was only a ten-meter distance between us.

Necromancer Methum, stepped forward with a big smile on his face.

"Your lord had made a grave mistake. We would have given you a quick, painless death, but now you will have a painful death."

"We will massacre you all, till not a single one of you survive," he said with a joy written all over his face.

"Kill them all!"

He roared, and the undead tide moved toward us from every direction.


"It's not common undead anymore," said someone behind me as she noticed the uncommon undead among, the tide.

Big zombies, huge skeletons. I had even spotted an animalist skeleton, at a distance from me.

However, the things that attacked my gaze were the cannons.

The undead had brought the freaking cannons with them. Fitted on the skeleton beasts.

Methum is confident because it is a large number of undead, he had brought, but also the powerhouses, uncommon undead, and weapons.

All these things combined will give him an absolute victory. If I had been in his place, I would have thought that too.

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