City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 433: Preparations

Witch of Luminescent Legacy Lv. 28

Warrior 16

Warrior 17

{Skill Gained: …}

Soldier Lv. 10

{Class Change: Soldier – Officer}

Officer Lv. 11

Officer Lv. 12

{Skill Change: Soldier's Run - Officer's Run}

{Skill Gained: Rallying Cry}

Texts were waiting for me as I opened my eyes. Seeing, them, a smile appeared on my face.

My Soldier Class had advanced to Officer.

It upgraded my one skill and gave me another one. I would have liked to have an offensive skill, but Rallying Cry would be more useful, given my position.

I am not in a forest alone, fighting the monsters, but in the army.

I am an officer, with a people under my command. I need such skills to effectively lead them.

This time too, my main class, Wildlander Survivalist, didn't advance.

It only advanced once since I came to the city in the first battle. Likely because it was wildland to me; I had never been to the city, never fought against such people or undead.

Colonel Azalea said it would be harder for me to level up my main class.

Its advancement would be very slow. It's made for a different environment.

The only way, it would advance smoothly, is when it would merge with the secondary class.

However, that would bring different troubles for me.

The inheritance skills and future inheritance class might be affected by that.

I had gained those two skills because I had followed a similar path as my powerful ancestor. If I followed the path they had, I would gain more of their skills and even class.

The more I diverged from it; the lesser the probability would be for me to gain more.

There is even a chance, I might even lose the two inheritance skills I have.

I didn't think about it, nor did I care as much. The only, I know, is that I like it here. I love the friends I have made, and the colleagues I have.

The church, I go to weekly.

I don't want to be alone anymore. If I lose the skills, it will hurt me, and my strength will be reduced, but those things I could bear.

What I couldn't bear is to lose what I have here.

Sharp Cannoneer 23

{Skill Gained: ...}

Aquamancer of Brilliance Lv. 33

{Skill Gained: …}

Shaman Lv. 8

Shaman Lv. 9

{Skill Gained: …}

Valorous Lord Lv. 25

Valorous Lord Lv. 26

Valorous Lord Lv. 27


The text was in front of me as I opened my eyes. I had leveled up and three times, at that.

I am not surprised by it.

If I had my old Warrior Class, I might have.

It's hard to gain, three levels after crossing Lv. 20. It is especially true with Lord Class; the ruling classes are notoriously hard to advance.

That doesn't mean, they couldn't be advanced fast.

These three levels are rewards for the planning I did, and the efforts I had made in the past seven months, that resulted in the victory against the undead.

I am not talking about the strategy. Here, that was the army's department.

I am talking about the things; I did as the ruler of the city. Politics.

The officers and soldiers from the empire didn't reach the city automatically after they accepted Cardin's offer. The same with alchfire orbs; essence alone wasn't enough to get them.

Get them as fast as we got.

My contribution to the battle added to that.

These are not the only things.

There are also things, like running the city, which was not easy given its seven months ago.

It is one of the reasons why, ruling classes are so hard to level up.

They need so much, but they also provide so much.

I didn't get a skill, which is a little disappointing, and since it is a secondary class, there won't be any attribute points, but my power has increased, nonetheless.

The higher leveled Valorous Lord had increased the power of the class, skills, and attributes.

I could feel, my physical attributes getting stronger.

Valorous Lord gives greater weight to physical attributes than the Dealer of Desire, which is more focused on mental attributes.

I looked at the notification for a few seconds before pushing it away and turning to the clock.

It is a little over seven and a half; I had slept for two hours, but thanks to Caena's charm. I felt like I had a regular sleep of seven hours.

I activated Get Ready, before walking out of the room into my office.

"How is Port Midlet doing?" I asked. "Still engaged in the battle with the undead," she replied.

It made me feel relieved.

A lot of it depends upon him keeping the undead occupied. If the past two battles are any proof, he should be able to keep them engaged till the morning.

I nodded and walked out of the office with Zela and Ina filling me with the details.

Soon, I reached, the manor and saw Carla waiting there was for me.

"Ertis, call children for dinner," said Carla.

The old man nodded and walked away, while I walked with Carla toward the kitchen.

"You are doing it?" she asked softly, and I nodded.

She is one of the few people, I had discussed my plan for the Panar. Before the battle, it was just a plan, but now, it had become a reality.

"I wish you didn't. It's too dangerous. You might not return from it," she said, in a barely audible voice.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. They won't kill me; I am the host of legacy," I replied, to which she glared at me.

They didn't have to kill me. They could just capture me, and it will be all over. I hope it wouldn't and people would resist, but it would likely be.

I sighed and took her hands in mine.

"You know, I have to do this. If I didn't, the undead would keep attacking the city."

"Even if it is failed, it will send them and others a message," I replied to her.

There are other results between the victory and the route.

We won't want anything other than victory, but the result in between would also be enough to send the message we needed to.

It will also provide us with more time.

The time is what the city needs. In the past month, since the establishment opened, the city has grown rapidly.

At an even greater pace than its peak.

A growing city attracts more people. Earns more money and has the ability to finance an even bigger army.

"I only hope, that you will return safely to me," she said finally. "I promise, I will," I replied.

Soon, we reached the kitchen, and the children came not long after.

"Congratulations on your victory brother," said Heron and Josie in unison.

"Thank you, both of you," I replied.

The staff began to serve us dinner, while we talked. I kept the subject lite and focused on the children, about their school and other activities.

"There is something important, I need to talk to you both," I said to them as the dinner reached the end.

"What is it?" Heron asked.

"I am leaving the city for a few days," I informed them.

A surprise appeared on their faces hearing that. Since, they had come to the city; I had not left it, even for a day.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Panar," I replied, and surprised on his face turned to the shock. "Isn't it occupied by the undead?" he asked, to which I nodded.

"Are you going to attack it?" he asked. "Yes," I replied.

"I wish, I could come with you," he said, surprising me. Even Carla seemed surprised by his words.

He is mature for his age, even so, I had expected him to say something different. Even discourages me from going, but he wishes he could come with me.

Though he understood, he couldn't.

"Right now, you should focus on school and training," I replied.

"I hope, you will come back victorious, brother," he said. "I'll try," I replied and looked at Josie, who had been quiet.

"Don't go," she said with tears dripping down her eyes.

"I have to, dear sister, but I promise you, I will come back before you even know it," I replied to her.

The child didn't say anything. Just got off her chair and came to before hugging me.

"I will miss, you," she said. "I will miss you too, dear sister," I replied and petted her back gently.

The rest of the dinner went silently.

I talked to Carla and the children for a few minutes, before walking out of the mansion.

I would have loved to spend more time with them, but I have things to do. A lot of them, seeing I will be leaving with the army in a few hours.

The carriage stopped at the city hall, and I stepped out of it, before walking inside.

There are still some people in it, and they stopped and bowed. Even now, many don't have any idea what will happen in a few hours.

There is martial law across the city, a very few people could move around.

Even soldiers don't know what is going to happen. They are currently resting under; I hope they rest well because it will be the last rest before the battle.

"Lord Silver, Lord Janice is here," Jill informed. "Send him in, after a minute," I replied and walked.

I had already spotted the man. I had called him, for a meeting.


A minute later, a blond-haired man, who looked to be in his late forties, walked inside.

"Lord Silver," he greeted. "Please, take a seat, Lord Janice," I offered.

"Thank you, my lord," he replied.

"Congratulations, on your victory, my lord. I heard that you had wiped out a whole horde of undead," he congratulated.

"Thank you, for your kind words, Lord Janice," I replied before turning my expression serious.

I would have talked to a man more, but I don't have time.

"Have you brought it?" I asked directly. "Of course," the man replied and took out a blue scroll from his bag.

He was in Owlspring in the morning. I had called him, right after the battle ended. I thought the man would send someone with a scroll, but he came personally.

It isn't surprising when thinking about it, seeing what I am offering in exchange.

He placed it in front of me and took it in my hand. Feeling the power of class and skill attached to it.

It suppressed my class.

It's not because the host of it is high-level. He is not even Lv. 20, if intelligence is to be believed, but his class is high in the hierarchy.

Here, in this world where you are born has a much greater effect on one's destiny than on the earth.

The one who provided the scroll got such a powerful class just on the basis of birth.

I opened the scroll and read it. It's written exactly as I had asked for it; there is a not even word change. It seemed like, a threat of reducing price, had worked well.

"I hope, it is to your liking?" asked the man as I closed the scroll.

"It is," I replied with a smile.

At the same moment, Ina placed a wooden box in front of the man. The man opened the box and his eyes lit up seeing the content inside it.

"This is a half price; the half will be paid the next month," she said.

"Certainly," replied the man and walked out of the office, a few seconds later.

I looked at the scroll for which, I had paid a high price. It won't help me win Panar, but it will help a lot after.

I had asked for it weeks ago after I discussed various things with Stone.

I thought it would take me months or even years before I needed to use it, but if I succeeded, I would use it in days.

"Zela, ask for the secure connection from Meldhorn," I said.

A few minutes later, I was talking with the Prime Minister of Meldhorn.

The person right below Lord of Meldhorn.

I informed him of my plan to attack Panar. After him, it was Councilmember Yirstone of Oksall and the Foreign Secretary of Belnin.

Finally, it was a Lord of Owlspring.

It is important, that I will inform my unofficial allies about it. Given the help, they have provided and will continue to be providing.

After that, I contact the office of Princess Orlena.

I would have kept her on the list of people, I would contact, right before leaving, but she had provided instrumental help against the undead.

Her intervention in the sea against the undead, which might be due to merchants, had helped me tremendously.

If not for her, we wouldn't have been able to achieve such a victory today.

The response from all of them was measured. From Princess Orlena to merchants. They didn't discourage me from the attack but also didn't encourage me, either.

I think, the merchants have a plan for the city, but that plan will only come into motion after my defeat.

They have a plan not just for Greltheaven, but also Riverbell and Deepond.

They will let us do what we want, but the moment we fail. They will act.

I do not have proof, but I am pretty sure about it.

They will not let the second undead kingdom take root in their backyard. The one that could obstruct the lucrative trade they were having with the empire.

It is such a regret. They will do it after my defeat, not before it.

Till then, they will provide help with intelligence aid and a few other things.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the work in front of me.

I finished it quickly and walked out of the city hall. I went to barracks and then hospitals. By the time I returned to the city hall, it was ten.

It is time I inform the people of my plan.

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