City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 441: Null Zone II

'Null Zon'

Stone's voice cut off before he could finish fully.

"Communication down," informed Shaun, I looked at others, and they nodded as well.

Wayne didn't lie, after all.

Rynra Throne activated 'Null Zone: Communication', covering the whole city, in it no communication spell or skill would work.

She had made us effectively blind.

Communication is one of the most important elements of the battle. With one skill, she cut it off.

'Null Zone,' skills are extremely rare. They came in all types.

Rynra Thrones 'Null Zone,' is a communication type, but there are also magic, spells, and skill type. There are even some specific types, like nulling offensive skills or spells.

It is powerful, but we didn't have much information other than its name and what it could do.

Wayne didn't inform us, how long its runtime is and how it could be broken. It would have helped if he had done that.

Still, Stone is expecting it to last for around three hours. As for breaking it, the most effective way would be killing the host of it or making her unconscious.

We could also try to make her deactivate it on her own, but no way in hell, that would happen.

I could see there was a faint panic in my people. Fear and uncertainty had filled their eyes.

Communication is important. Especially in city battles, which are chaotic.

The enemy could come from any side and any number. Without communication, it becomes harder to ask, for reinforcement or inform allies.

"Don't be intimidated. We had planned for this," I said to my company, with the Lord's Presence enveloping them.

It had become a powerful skill as my class reached Lv. 27. Powered by the charm at 20.

It had started affecting even those of Lv. 30.

My words eased the worries, and we moved forward.

The communication is down, but other skills are working well. Dangersence, Enemy Presence, and every other skill is working fine.

This will be our biggest advantage, a thing that will help us with this battle.

The null zone had affected us, but also the enemy. This means, just like us, they will not be able to communicate with each other as we could not.

Not to mention, the skills advantage had lessened with us having prior information regarding it.

That doesn't mean, we won't get wiped out if we are not careful and fight with everything we have.

"Yellow House, seven o'clock, has fifty-seven undead with three pillars and five civilians," said Lieutenant Krygis, before noting down the numbers on the wall.

We didn't move inside to attack, nor did we cast any other spell.

I could see many of my people want to go inside the house and deal with it, save the people inside, that are with the undead.

They didn't and instead moved forward with me.

They are not the only ones who want to save the people. I wanted to barge into the house and kill all the undead and pillars controlling them, but we couldn't.

It will be deviating from the strategy. It will make us lose, the battle.

We cannot lose the objective to save the few. We have to control our emotions to win this battle.

Enemy is prepared. It wants us to come at them.

Since we entered the city earlier, a few groups of undead had engaged with us.

Most of them had remained hidden.

We won't be going to them. We will only attack when they attack us and they will because after the leader has used the skill, they are on the timeline like us.

The two hordes may be coming for us, but skill is also running.

It is also safer for people if the undead attack us. They won't bring out the people out of houses. They will be a burden unless things become desperate for them.

A minute passed and another, no undead, attacked us. We continued moving through the area assigned to us.

Every unit, be platoon, company, or battalion, has an area assigned to it. We had to stay in our area and didn't have to move unless we needed to.

It is the most strategic battle we are fighting and, given the communication blockade, we won't know whether we are winning or not until the end.

A few units might defeat the undead, only to find, that the rest of the army have been defeated.

I pushed those thoughts away and moved on with the company.

I took a turn a moment, later and could see the company led by Captain Lor engaged with the undead, a couple of blocks away.

It is not the first battle we have seen. Many are visible, but there are more units like us, that are yet to fight.

I want to fight, but I will not hurry. I will move according to the plan Stone had decided.

Soon, over ten minutes passed and the undead had yet to attack us.

"The undead moved from the houses 55, 56, 61, and 64 and gathered at house 59," informed Lt. Ross.

I nodded and kept moving.

This is our advantage, people. Unlike the undead, where less than 5% of the army is living. Our whole army is living, which means every person has classes and skills.

Some of the skills are really useful in a battle like this.

These skills are what will give us the edge, that we require to win this battle.

We made a round of the area that had been assigned to use and calculated the number of undead in the area. There are a lot, but we would be able to deal with them.

Stone had divided units such, that every unit would have people with skills, that would aid in the battle, directly and indirectly.

It is so different from the other battles we had fought.

Even during the first battle, when we had brought the enemy into the city, we had fought against them head-on.

Here, it is a little different. More dangerous.

In this city, there is no legacy to aid me or protect me. In every battle in Greltheaven, I always had the support of the legacy.

I knew, I could run away and enter the range of Legacy, where I will be safe, with the spells, I could command through it.

Since the first battle, we have imprinted a massive number of spells on the legacy.

We didn't discriminate and imprint, that is considered the most useless or the most illegal.

We have prisoners, and we have made complete use of them. We have a list of undead spells imprinted on the legacy.

Now, another enemy is coming to attack the city.

I have enough confidence to know, that they will not be able to breach the city, but if they somehow did, they will bear the wrath of my legacy.

"My lord, the enemy had started to gather on the streets," informed Shaun.

"Be ready, they might attack us, this time," I said to my men.

For a few minutes, the undead are gathering into the houses from the little tunnels they have made around them and now they have started to come out of the street.

They first thought we would come at them. Like a few of our units did, before the skill, but it was a ploy.

"Their numbers have reached a thousand," said Shaun and a smile appeared on my face.

"To the enemy," I ordered and led the company toward the enemy.

Our plan is not to attack the enemy unless we are attacked, but that is when the enemy is hiding inside the houses with people and in small numbers.

When they are out in high numbers. They are open game.

This is a battle, after all, and we won't be winning it by just moving around.

It will be won by killing the enemy.

Soon we crossed the street and saw the enemy. The undead, filing the street, with many streams of it joining them from the different houses.


I roared, and the company moved toward the undead.

All of them had been waiting for it, and now, they got the chance, they were moving enemy battle spirit burning in their heart.

It is not just the battle spirit; they have burning in their hearts.

There is also hate and will liberate this city from the clutches of the undead.

They have killed two-thirds of the city, nearly a hundred thousand people. Turned them into undead, some being family members of people fighting with me.

Some of these undead might be them.

I could see the trepidation and fear in their heart, but also know, if they see the person they know. They will not break down, instead kill it and free them.

The skills activated one after another, covering me and the entire company.

However, their effect isn't as big as it used to be. My strength is increasing faster and unless the buffs are from someone of my level, it didn't affect me much.

That doesn't mean, I won't take the buff. I will take, every bit of them, no matter how small they are.

I may not have much experience, but even with a little, I have. I understood very well, how every bit of increase helps in the battle.

The enemy reacted immediately.

The pillars attacked with the spells, while the undead moved to envelop us. Coming from every alley and street around us.

The only direction they are not coming from is from back, but they are moving to close that off too.

The undead are needlessly worried. We have no intention to retreat, not until we wipe them out and we will, despite the disparity in the numbers.

I have two hundred and thirty-two people, while the enemy has over a thousand and more are gathering.

I am scared, but we had expected it.

It's not like, we are facing such odds for the first time. We had faced, even greater odds and came out winning.

This time, too, it will be no different.

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