City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 445: Fierce Clash

"Little lord, any interest in surrendering?" asked the tall man, whose name was Guilo Falls.

I didn't reply and kept looking at them.

"I guess, it's no," he said with a grin and came at me with a speed skill.

It's not a normal speed skill. It had made, his movements sort of ghostly, which made it hard to track.

Now, I am slightly regretting, removing the focus. I did it in favor of other skills, which I had thought would be more useful here.

Till now, I didn't get a chance to use it and I hope, I never do.

His movement is confusing, but I could see it.

My mental stats are high enough, that such skills couldn't confuse me; not to mention, that I had leveled up and had an actual battle experience.

It could be said that today I am in a much better position to fight an enemy like, him than I was yesterday.

I would have been fearful of such a skill yesterday, but today, I am not.

He stopped in front of me and attacked.

His attack was fast, with mist covering his sword, made me feel like, my head was spinning as I looked at it.

I didn't look away and instead swung my rapier in response, with the power of Blade of Gale.


Our swords clashed surprising, the tall man.

Forget his sword hitting me, I didn't even so much shake, which was surprising even to me.

It seemed like the level-up had given me a greater boost than I had thought.

I didn't have time to enjoy the surprise as I dashed to my left with the Blitz Steps.


I was able to dodge it, but an attack from Rolno Orac had torn my sleeve, with a blade of his saber, nearly touching my skin. 

Thankfully, it had only cut the sleeve, not the hand he was targeting.


I was feeling relieved when I saw another attack coming toward me from the front, by the tall man and his sword had already crossed half of the distance.

I reacted immediately, with a rapier whipping toward it without wasting any moment.

I could feel his attack was more powerful than the last. It is not only fast, but there is also weight to it.


I was right, I felt it the moment, my sword touched his and activated a quick parry, to divert the force.

That would have numbed my hand, at the least.

He tried to stop the parry and press ahead but didn't succeed.


It presented me with a golden opportunity to move at him and hack his neck, but I had to move to dodge the attack from the orc.


I cursed the orc as dashed left. If not for it; I would have a good chance to kill him.

The confidence surprised me, but it is the truth. There is a good chance I would have been able to kill him or at least injure him seriously.

The battle yesterday had given me the valuable experience of fighting the pre-Lv. 30.

I had sparred with them, hundreds of times, but I didn't have the confidence till yesterday.

Yesterday's battle had given me the confidence, and experience, to fight foes like these.

Now, I am not just fighting with the intention of surviving, but to kill.

The attack came from the front again, and I moved my rapier to deal with it while keeping an eye on the orc.


I clashed, parrying the attack once again, before moving on to dodge the attack.


I was a little slow at that and got the cut on my waist by the orc's saber. It's not deep enough, but deep enough, to draw out the blood.

I had just dodged the attack from the orc when a human attacked me again.

Clang Rip Clang!

I clashed against them every second.

They didn't want to give me even a moment of rest. I am constantly moving, my feet never staying in one place for more than a fraction of a second.

I am using my Speed Skill and passive skills to the best of their abilities.

I have trained to use them at maximum efficiency, and I am pleased with how I am doing, despite the cuts appearing on my body.


Another one appeared on my back, and a moment later, tears began to appear in my eyes.

It started to burn, like someone had filled it with kerosene and lighted it with the fire. It's really painful, that I want to scream.

The pain skill. It was the first time he had used it.


I bore the pain and defended against the attack, parrying it, when I noticed something surprising from the corner of my eyes.

I had been expecting the saber, but it was a shield coming at me, with an obvious intention of ramming it at me.

It is also fast. Fast as the saber he had been attacking me with.

I had experienced enough ramming from Garzong and others to understand, how bad it would be. If the shield rammed against me.

So, I moved to dodge the attack.

There is not a single thought in my mind to stop the shield with my rapier; that would be an utter mistake.

I dodged it, but he seemed to have expected it as he attacked me with the saber.

I reacted immediately and brought my rapier forward to defend against it.


My rapier clashed against his saber, giving me a shock in my arm despite parrying the attack.

The attack might not be fast, but it was filled with power.


I defended, but another came immediately, and I moved to dodge it, but the attack was fast, and it cut through my chest, right below the armor, giving me a bloody cut.

"You bleed," he said with a smile, and came at with the orc, while I moved to dodge, before defending against his second attack and dodging another of the orc's attacks.

Clang Rip Clang!

My blade clashed, and I dodged while getting cut on the back.

They are increasing and the pain; they give brings tears to my eyes.

I wanted to scream. Instead, I bore the pain and defended and dodged their attacks.

Their teamwork is good, and their capabilities and powers complement each other. It is likely why they have been sent to deal with me.

"You should surrender, Silver. It will only become more painful. If you keep fighting," said the orc and leaped toward me.

It is definitely a skill. Seeing with the grace and speed, he had leaped toward me.

I waited for a moment and crouched down, before moving right. Dodging his attack, before swinging my rapier forward to defend against the tall man's attack.

I will not surrender. If I had an intention of doing that; I wouldn't have resisted the undead at all.

"Not interested," I replied as I dodged another attack from the orc, which severed a few pieces of the tattered sleeve.

Minutes passed, and the fight continued.

Everyone is fighting. I don't know how they are doing; I am completely focused on the two enemies.

They are so powerful, that I didn't let myself get distracted, even for a moment. I cannot afford, to even look around for even a moment.


I got another cut on the back by the orc.

It is light like the most, but their numbers are piling up across my body and also the pain they are giving me.

I wanted to kill the bastard, but Orc wasn't the target, nor I could kill him with the tall man on my tail, who is attacking me constantly every second since the battle begins.

Their plan is good; they are attacking me constantly, not giving me even a single chance to attack.

I do not mind it, to be honest. I like such battles. I thrive in it.

A few more minutes passed, and we were still fighting. I could see the frustration and anger in their eyes, but they were experienced and kept it under control.

They had not expected this; they might have thought about the two of them together, it wouldn't take them more than a minute to finish me off, but it had been over ten minutes.

Though, it's also true, that I am bloodied and battered, while there is not a single injury on their body.


Another cut appeared on my leg as I dodged the saber of the Orc when the sword-tall man came at me as usual.

I moved my sword to defend against his attack, using Blade of Gale, which I had using since the start of the battle.


My sword clashed against his, and I parried with a quick parry as I did hundreds of times.

It is why, he already started moving, pulling back his sword for another attack, while the orc, attacked from behind.

The attack, I would dodge and then move my sword to defend against the attack of a tall man again, but I didn't do that.

Instead, I move forward like a bullet, without care for the attack of the Orc coming from behind.

A surprise flashed in the tall man's eyes, but he reacted fast by retreating and bringing his sword forward to stop me.


My sword clashed with his and could see a relief appeared in his slightly panicked eyes.

I grinned at him and pushed myself forward. This time, I held nothing back.

Immediately, my speed more than doubled, and appeared beside him with our shoulders touching and the sword locked.


He opened his mouth, looking at our locked sword, when his eyes widened and panicked, which had just disappeared, returned with a hundred times more intensity.

Rapier isn't the only weapon, I have. There is another one, that is moving toward him.

I sparred with Jim the most; the third of the sparring, I had done was with him. So, it is obvious, I would learn some tricks from the rogue.

The dagger reached him when I felt a defensive method activated on him.

It surprises me, not the defensive skill, but the one it belongs to.

It didn't belong to a tall man but to the orc.

That didn't stop my dagger, it flared with the power of enchantments, and I activated Sharpness on top of it, making the attack even more powerful.


It touched the tall man's neck and pierced inside despite the defensive skill, before tearing his neck apart with the power of Mauling Strike.

Killing the man.

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