City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 454: Skill Broken

Rynra Thorn

'They are coming,' I thought, sensing two mages, a warrior, a shaman, and an assassin coming toward me.

It is a combination, that I don't want to deal with. Especially when there is elder blood in the mix. It could make things really dangerous for me.

With the speed they are coming, I have a minute and a half at most.

If I killed him, I would engage against them. It will be challenging to kill them with my reserves, but I will manage.

I will also break the skill. 

The whole reason for it is to stop him from commanding the army. Once he is dead, I will be able to deal with the enemy, even with the diminished force.

I looked at giant blood, burned with every inch of his life.

There is not a single part of his body, that isn't burned by the lightning. Others in his place would have died, by a sheer amount of necrotic power in lightning alone.

He is standing, even when his very blood is burning.

I could see the crimson steam coming out of him as lightning ravaged his body.

I plan to do what I have never done before to kill him. It is not something I had before, but I need to try it.

It is the only way, I might be able to kill him.

So, I cast the spells; it is not a unique spell. I had been using it against him, but this time, I am casting it in higher quantity.

Diasas's Lightning X 4

I cast Diasas's Lightning one after another, with each cast covering me with more and more lightning.

It is not a common Grade IV spell. Which I could easily cast, over five times in sleep, but one of the most powerful spells I have in my arsenal.

By the time of the fourth cast, the blood had started to come out of my orifices because of the sheer pressure.

It also drained me of mana. I do not mind it as I did better than I had thought.

The pressure always pushes me further. It is why, I want to return to the island and take part in battles of the conquest rather than stay in this wasteland.

The four cast was beyond my imagination.

I didn't think I would be able to cast over three, seeing there are spells and skills active, but I did it four times.

This will increase the power of spells tremendously, as he will feel the power of the four spells together.

I couldn't help, but feel proud of this moment, and sure, the energy will die.

It is a big thing for me; something that will earn me a level. If I kill him and win the battle.

Getting two levels would be set in stone. Not to mention the prestige.

I will be able to go back to the island.

"Die!" I roared as I swung my sword at the elder- blood with everything I had.

He moved his halberd forward defensively, as he did hundreds of times.

One would not expect anyone in his condition to move, much less fight, but his halberd moved as fast as before as if he was suffering no injuries.


My sword clashed against his halberd and all the lightning covering me went to him.

It had covered him so fully, that he couldn't even be seen in it.



I screamed as I had never done.

Dark lightning had covered every part of me; it was so dense, that I could see anything.

It is drilling inside me; a bolt had even come into my mouth and singed.

Making my screams go hoars.

I had never thought I would experience something like this. Something that will burn my very blood.

Even the drops of elder blood that harvest the power are burning. Very few of them are resisting this lightning, which has begun to hit bones and internal organs.

If there wasn't elder blood. I wouldn't have been able to bear it, but this attack had brought even that elder blood to the limit.

I wanted to let it all go, but I didn't. I have to survive only for a minute; they will be here soon.

So, I held on and started to push the elder blood power actively against the lightning.

I never did that.

I did it with energy, but never with the power that brings out the energy, as it is very dangerous, but now, I had left with no choice.

At most, I will burn the elder blood power thoroughly in me, that it will completely disappear.

I will become a normal person again with levels and skills without restrictions, but it is dangerous. Barely anyone survives it.

There are very few over the years, who have lived to tell the tale.

I wouldn't have done that, if I had a choice.

If I didn't do it. It will burn my blood, destroy my internal organs, and shatter my bones, killing me effectively.

I don't want to die. I wouldn't have had any problem a year ago since I had lost everything, but not now.

So, I threw the elder blood power at the lightning, and it began to burn under the power, but some had started to shine brightly in bronze power and resisted it.

It surprised me but didn't have time to care as I harnessed more and more out of me and threw it at lightning.

Let it burn or shine brightly. These are the only choices it has.

Seconds passed, more burned, and more shone. At that same time, Jon and others came closer to me; they were now only seconds away instead of minutes.

So, I have to hold on till then.

They might be able to do something to her. This attack isn't without a prize, she is sucking energy, but unlike the river earlier, it is a stream.

She had sucked enough, that now she could barely do it.

Even in her current condition, she is still very dangerous.

I have kept my senses and skills focused on her every movement.

Seconds second passed and more and more of elder power burned, but more started to shine brightly and with passing seconds, they got brighter.

Still, with the way lightning is burning the elder-blood. It won't be enough to help me survive, but I am not going down without a fight and bringing out the power from the deepest part of me.

"It seemed like, even four Diasas's Lightning spells aren't enough, but they brought you close and now my sword will finish the job," she said and swung her sword at me once again.

This time, there was no lightning covering her sword, but I could feel that bone spell covering it. It is stronger than the lightning; if it touched me, I am dead.

I moved my halberd but found I didn't have such much as energy as before.

Still, I moved it forward, channeling every bit of desperation and will to live to move it forward.


I was doing that when something surprising happened.

A shield appeared in front of me, and then another, and then another.

Rip Rip Rip!

I felt joy, but it lasted for a moment only before I saw her sword tearing through the shields.

I am not surprised. She is really powerful; I do not have a single mage, that could contend against her, but there are several with potential, they just need time to grow.


Her blade tore through all three shields before clashing against my halberd, sending me back stumblingly, nearly sending the halberd out of my hands.


She moved forward to launch another attack. This time, I might not be able to dodge, when suddenly she stopped.


Ranya Throne

Clang Clang Clang!

I stopped the spells coming toward me with my sword.

They are here, all five of them with fury in their eyes. I wanted to kill the bastard seeing how close, I was to killing the elder blood, but I retreated.

I am nearly drained. I will not be able to fight them for longer and the elder blood looks like, he could still defend a few of my moves.

Seeing he had moved his halberd to respond to my attack. That doesn't mean is fine.

There is a good chance he will die.

"I hope you die, elder blood," I cursed and retreated.

I also broke my skill and began to command the horde. The losses are huge, but we have not lost the battle yet.

I will be keeping an eye on elder blood. If I sensed he was dead or out of fighting; I would launch my last offensive.

There is a still good chance, that will be able to win the battle.


"Stone!" I heard my dearest friend's voice as he appeared beside me.

"Don't touch me," I warned hoarsely, as the lighting was still moving around me.

"I am going to kill that bitch!" said Jon, with deep anger in his eyes. "Don't, you are not her match. Even in her weakened state, she can kill you in a minute," I said.

I want to do nothing more than to kill her, but I know, how powerful she is.

Even when she is drained. She can kill them.

As I waited for mages to arrive, I started to command the army. She had broken her skill, which meant the communication skills and spells could be used again.

The first thing, I did was evacuate the forces from the southern gate.

She will not retreat. Half of her horde is still standing, but I want to keep the door of retreat open for her.

I want nothing more than to kill her, but it's not possible. It is wise to let her have a chance to retreat, but to make that happen, I need to show her, that she can not win.

She can not wait till the reinforcement arrives. I will kill her horde, her powerhouses till she will have no choice but to retreat.

She understood that too and commanded her horde, while I had responded, commanding mine in kind.

Unlike before, we have an advantage now and I will exploit it to the fullest.

"Stone," said Shaun as he arrived with the Osward and rest.

"Jon, Osward, move east. Shaun, Kruabu go south, but stay clear of Rynra," I ordered while they watched in shock.

"Shaman, Kremi, I hope you deal with this bloody lightning," I said to the man before turning four.

"What are you all waiting for? Go!" I snapped.

They were hesitant for a second before moving. Acting fast is important; I need to strike her weakness as fast as I can when I have a chance.

There were still undead around me fighting, but my men could handle them.

A few seconds passed and Shaman Oris threw purple powder with herbs mix on me. immediately, I felt it having the effects, while casting more shamanic spells on me.

It is his area of expertise. It is a good thing; I had brought him here.

His spells begin to rapidly eat away the powerful lightning. Not only the one, that covered me outside, but also the one harming me inside.

At the end of the minute, all the lightning disappeared.

"Thank you, shaman," I said to the man gratefully, before I took out a small pouch, hidden under my armor.

It was painful to remove as the leather stuck to the skin, but I ranked it out and was relieved to see that the bottles were safe especially the green ones.

It is the only bottle of Grade IV essence healing potion we have in the city.

It was one of the rewards, Lord Silver had got as the host of new legacy.

There are Grade III essence healing potions in a pouch, but I need to heal my injuries fast, and seeing how grave they are, Grave IV is the best option.

A wrong move and the enemy will gain the chance to win, and I cannot let that happen.

I took it out and opened it, before taking a sip of it and then another after some thought.

Immediately, I felt turning it into a flood of energy and spread through my body.

Healing my injuries at a visible speed.

Within a second, charred skin began to fall down, and new pink flesh started to start to appear. The same is happening internally the damage to bones and internal organs healing.

As it heals, I begin to feel the heavy tiredness. It is not healing tiredness but from the elder blood.

It is compelling me to sleep.

I resisted and took a Grade III essence stamina potion and drank it all.

Minutes passed before, and finally, the power of potions disappeared.

On the surface, I seemed healed. The only sign there about my injury is the loss of my hair on my body and the paleness of my skin.

I am healed, but also not healed.

I don't know whether I will be able to recover from it. Nor do I have the energy to care right now. The only thing, I currently care about is the battle that I have to win.

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